World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 365 3 Flower Gathering

We immediately held our breath.

To be on the safe side, I deliberately turned Huangshanshu's cell phone to silent.

The beam of the flashlight is getting closer.

Four men came down under the moonlight, and they took flashlights and took a few photos around.

One of them stood still and started texting on his phone.


The screen of Huangshanshu's mobile phone in my hand lit up, and a message came over: "Old Huang, who are you?"

Do you want to go back to him?

I don't know how to return.

Simply do not return.

"This damned old Huang is still as timid as before. He probably took a bunch of non-local cooks here and left... What the hell is this tomb?"

"Brother, it's definitely that tomb!"

"How are you sure?!"

"Because there are no other tombs here!"

"Fuck off Nima!"


These guys are obviously Faqiu Tianguan, because they all have a copper seal hanging around their necks.

The bronze seal was first worn by officials under Cao Cao's command, with the words "blessed by heavenly officials, no taboos" printed on it. It is said that this thing can avoid ghosts and gods. Printed on the body.

Actually it doesn't work.

Figure a psychological comfort.

Here is a simple concept.

There is no sect in the tomb robbery business, only technical schools.

In other words.

Tomb robbers cannot be passed down from generation to generation like Shaolin and Wudang. After all, this is a job with the head in the crotch. It is easy to hang up or go in, and it will be broken within a few generations.

The so-called moving mountains, unloading mountains, and raising hills among the people in Jianghu are just using the techniques and rules of this field.

For example, if an ordinary farmer is engaged in tomb robbery, he thinks the bronze seal of Faqiu Tianguan is more handsome, and he hangs one on his body, and follows the rules of Faqiu Tianguan when robbing tombs, then he belongs to Faqiu Tianguan.

Another day he threw away the copper seal, got a few Taoist talismans, and burned a few rings of Taoist talismans around the tomb before robbing the tomb, and he can say that he is from the Taoist line of Qianshan.

Domestic tomb robbers are popular, and if the factions are distinguished according to the geographical location of the north and the south, the degree of recognition will be higher.

But no matter what genre it is, digging ghosts to make a fortune is the only purpose.

For example, in some novels, it is said that some sects go to the tomb to find beads, not to make a fortune, anyway, I have never seen it.

A hair Qiu Tianguan showed his knife and shouted loudly: "Brothers, don't be cowardly later!"

"If this order is completed, it can guarantee ten generations of wealth!"

When the others heard the words, they also lit up their knives one after another, and quickly entered through the entrance of the corridor.

Strictly speaking, today they are not robbing tombs at all, but robbing treasures.

For this reason, they don't need to detect the cemetery mechanism, find the entrance of the tomb, measure oxygen and other steps. In their eyes, we have already advanced, and it is king to go down the road we have walked and grab the piano directly.

It took less than 2 minutes for them to go in. It is estimated that they had not touched the main tomb before two sneaky people came up. One was in his fifties and the other was in his 20s.

Both of them were carrying cloth bags with gossip patterns on them, and a few sticks of long incense sticks were even exposed outside the bags.

Taoist moved to the mountain!

The tomb robbers of the Mountain-moving Taoists have their own characteristics. They act alone most of the time. Even in groups, they are basically father and son. They know some lightness skills and simple evil spells, and they respect corpses.

These two are like ghosts.

When they reached the entrance of the corridor, they made gestures to each other without saying a word, and they got in one after the other.

From their appearance to entering the tunnel, it took only tens of seconds.

Low-key action!

I predict that after the two mountain-moving Taoists go down, they will find a place to hide, and finally make a move to steal the treasure without anyone noticing.

Fatty Xiao wanted to speak.

Bian Wu covered his mouth.

Because someone came up again.

There were six people in this group, the leader was a man with inverted eyebrows, and the others were all big and thick men with rubber crossbows and bird guns on their backs.

"Grandma, the one who made the hill and the one who moved the mountain wanted to snatch things from us, it's so boring!"

"Yellow Mountain Rat is not a good bird, it actually ate three families! When he is caught, he will also be robbed of the money given to him by the other two families."

"Brother, when will you do it?"

"Now! Third child, give them some color and let them faint!"

Hearing this, the third man immediately took out the rubber crossbow on his back. The head of the crossbow was filled with balls like cow dung. He lit it with a lighter, stood at the entrance of the corridor, and fired ten crossbows into the tomb. .

Even though we were outside, we heard muffled noises coming from inside.

A crackling sound.

A puff of thick smoke suddenly came out of the entrance of the corridor.

Seeing this, he raised his eyebrows and laughed loudly: "Within ten seconds, if these two guys don't faint, I'm the loser!"

It seems that what was shot just now was a kind of smoke and fog bomb that can make people faint.

These people are obviously sold out.

The so-called bare goods are not tomb robbers in the traditional sense, who use force to rob the tomb robbers in broad daylight.

The things that the tomb robbers took out of the tomb were robbed, and they dared not report them to the public, so they could only swallow their anger.

Since they were doing business without capital, they were called bare.

Real tomb robbers hate and despise these birdmen very much.

There was one problem I couldn't figure out at the time.

This fake situation, the old manager will believe, is reasonable, because he has been looking for the piano in these places according to the real clues, and firmly believes in the existence of Jiao Weiqin. We are using the real clues in his hands in reverse.

But the three waves of tomb robbers in Mangshan never knew that there was Jiaoweiqin in Mangshan, so how could they not suspect him and came running so fast?

I once asked Bian Wu why.

Bian Wu rolled his eyes, and one sentence left me speechless.

"There are always fools who will be fooled!"

I think so.

Those who engage in fraud, no matter how simple the deception is, someone will always be fooled.

Bian Wu spread the news to the sea of ​​tomb robbers in Mang Mountain, and he had to catch a few stupid fish.

They belong to this ranks.

The naked man suddenly widened his eyes.

Because they saw smoke coming out of several thieves' holes outside the mound.

Turning his eyebrows upside down, he turned to ask the third child: "Go to Nima! Don't you check if there are any holes before you hit the cigarette?"

The third child replied: "Brother, you didn't say anything!"

The inverted eyebrows were furious: "What the hell are you talking about?! Have you finished shooting all the pods?"

The third child replied: "That's right, didn't you mean to make them dizzy!"

The muscles on the face with inverted eyebrows twitched: "Damn! Leaking around like this has no effect at all. Those smoke bombs are for nothing!"

Someone next to him asked: "Brother, why don't we block those robbery holes?"

With an upside-down eyebrow, he said, "Stop your uncle! It's so troublesome, just go down and fuck them!"

After speaking.

They all rushed down.

Onion, ginger, garlic and three flowers gather together!

It's just that the old manager's stuffed meat is mixed.

We can wrap the dumplings!

at this time.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated frighteningly.

This is from the three sunspots!

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