World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 201 Worshiping Wealth and Honor

The Sanmiaoqian Street Antique Market in Shanghai is far less famous in the industry than Panjiayuan in Kyoto and Shenyang Road in Jinmen.

Some people may say that there is actually no serious antique market in Shanghai.

But in fact this is a prejudice.

After all, Shanghai is the most economically developed city in the country. Although its antique market is not too large, it cannot stand up to the large number of locations, miscellaneous categories, and frequent transactions.In fact, if you add all these antique markets in Shanghai together, you will never lose to the above two in terms of market share or the value of traded treasures.

Sanmiaoqian Street Antique Market is one of the larger ones.

There are antique shops on both sides of the street. There are street stalls in front of the shops. Baggage soldiers, land gangs, and even many people dressed as farmers in northern Jiangsu are wandering in the middle, selling things everywhere, which is very lively.

None of these peasant-looking people are real farmers.

Either a tomb robber, or a liar.

Tongyue Antique Shop is located in the middle of the antique market in front of Sanmiao. The shop is relatively large, and there are two glaring stone lions standing at the door.

A pair of woodcut and gilt couplets on both sides of the gate: "Look at the fine works of the world, and welcome the elegant guests from the north and the south to clear their hearts."

In a place like Shanghai where every inch of land is expensive, having such a large shop is enough to prove Yan Xiaoyue's financial strength.

I walked straight into the shop with Xiaozhu.

Fatty Xiao stayed outside.

The categories in the store are relatively complete, but most of them are miscellaneous.

It is not known whether there are works by Yan Wang among these miscellaneous antiques.

There were three shopkeepers in the shop. Seeing us coming in, one of the shopkeepers took the initiative to ask, "Both of you, do you want to buy the goods or cut the love?"

Xiaozhu replied: "None."

Hearing the words, the treasurer was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Who are those two?"

Xiaozhu smiled sweetly, and asked playfully, "Guess?"

The secretary shook his head and replied: "I can't guess with my eyesight. If the two of you have other matters, please sit next to us and have a cup of tea. Let's chat for a while."

The quality of the shopkeeper of Yan Xiaoyue's store is not bad.

I glanced at the shrine in front of the welcoming wall inside the store.

A stick of long fine incense is inserted on the shrine, and a portrait of Fan Li is enshrined.

Fan Li is recognized as the patriarch of the antique business. He first proposed that grain and cloth would be [-]% profitable, traditional Chinese medicine pawnshops would be profitable [-]% and antique calligraphy and painting would be [-]% profitable.

I turned my head and gestured to Xiaozhu.

Xiao Zhu nodded, strode to the shrine, lit a stick of incense for Fan Li's portrait, stuck it in, and paid respects.

Since then.

Her actions left several treasurers stunned.

Xiao Zhu took out the stick of incense that was originally inserted in the shop from the incense burner, and kept the one she had just inserted, turned around and walked to the door of the shop, stuck the incense in the gap between the floor tiles at the door, and bowed outside again. Two prayers.

This is the rule of gambling in the old rivers and lakes, which is called "worshiping riches and honors outside Hong Kong".

Incense represents the inheritance and fortune of an antique shop.

Replace the burning incense in the store and move it outside, and insert the burning incense lit by outsiders on the shrine, which means to challenge the inheritance in the store and compete for the wealth and honor in the store.

Of course, some antique shops do not have shrines.

People who come to gamble will often place the imitation products used for gambling next to the most expensive treasures in the shop, which is called "foreign treasures compete for superiority", which also means a strong provocation.

At this time, Fatty Xiao shouted very appropriately from outside: "Don't miss it when you pass by, it is a mistake if you miss it! All the old and young men who pass by come and take a look, take a look!"

"My boss is in a good mood today, and he came to Tongyue Antique Shop to fight for treasures!"

"Grandpa, turn the walnuts in your hands firmly first, quickly move a small bench, sit down and eat melon seeds to watch the fun!"

I just want more people.

Only with a large number of people can the Tongyue antique signboard be smashed to achieve the purpose of public humiliation.

Only in this way, Yan Xiaoyue, the boss behind Tongyue Antiques, and even Miscellaneous Hades will come to the rescue.

Fatty Xiao yelled so loudly that those who set up stalls, strolled around the streets, and carried burdens in front were immediately mobilized.After a while, they all gathered around the entrance of Tongyue Antique Shop, smiling and waiting to see the excitement.

Those who play antiques know what gambling is all about.

Play small, fight for money and things.

Play big, fight people and fight their lives.

This is much more exciting than watching a movie.

The three shopkeepers in the store looked at each other with surprised expressions.

The shopkeeper who greeted us just now was obviously the head of these shopkeepers. He quickly strode out from the counter, glanced at the incense sticks outside, and looked us up and down.

This man's eyes are very poisonous, and he can tell at a glance that I am the head of the three of them. He frowned and asked me: "Sir, are you here to gamble?"

Fatty Xiao sneered, and replied, "That's not nonsense! My girl has brought all of your gods to worship. It's not for gambling. Could it be that she is still sworn to you in Taoyuan?"

When the people around heard the words, they burst into laughter.

The secretary's face became quite ugly, and he ignored Fatty Xiao, and continued to ask me with an extremely cool expression: "Sir, do you know the status of Tongyue Antique Shop in this street?"

This is hitting me.

It means that I should quickly withdraw the incense and get out of here in despair.

There is a strong sense of superiority that the Buddha is aloof, and he resolutely does not play with the little miscellaneous monsters.

I didn't say a word, and continued to put on an unfathomable posture of a great god.

Fatty Xiao teased: "What is the status of chicken feathers? Even if you are the Buddha Lord, you have to smell the urine of my grandson monkey to know if you have the ability to suppress your buddies under Wuzhi Mountain! Everyone thinks it?!"

The group of spectators laughed and said yes.

Some people don't think it's a big deal at all.

"Xiao Wu, are you afraid to fight?"

"Tongyue Antique Shop is the card face in front of the Three Temples. These masters look like outsiders at first glance. Don't embarrass us!"

"Hurry up and continue, Boss Xiaoyue is coming back to see you and dare not fight, because of her violent temper, she must not fire you!"

"That's right, hurry up!"


Speech is noisy.

A fiery atmosphere.

Xiao Wu heard the words of the audience, his face was extremely embarrassed, and he said to us: "Wait a moment!"

After speaking.

He quickly entered the store, picked up the handset of the landline, and started calling.

I don't know who to call.

But Xiao Wu is just a treasurer.

The order of civil positions in an antique shop is manager, shopkeeper, imperial envoy, and treasurer.

I guessed that he must have called his immediate superior, the imperial servant in the store, for instructions.

After the phone call.

Xiao Wu came out, pulled out the incense stuck in the crack of the shop door, and extinguished it, then went in and pulled out the incense that Xiaozhu had inserted in the shrine, and it also went out.

Feng Xiang takes over.

Whoever wins the fight, whose incense can continue to be lit.

Xiao Wu said to us: "Take the fight!"

There was a burst of applause at the scene.

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