World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 200 Cloisonne Gourd Pair Lock

That night, Xiaozhu had already returned from Hu Sanmiao's place and brought me a box.

When I opened the box, I was shocked.

This is a pair of cloisonne gourd locks!

Locks originated in China. Among the cultural relics unearthed from the Yangshao Culture, the earliest wooden locks in the world were found.

In the historical documents of the Zhou Dynasty, there are already very clear records about locks and keys, which proves that locks were already popular among the people in that era.During the Han Dynasty, metal locks, namely bronze locks, began to appear.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were various types, materials and techniques of locks, reaching their peak.

But no matter what kind of lock it is, it is made of gold, silver, copper, iron, wood and other materials.

However, there is a kind of lock known as "the king of locks" - the cloisonne gourd lock invented in the Ming Dynasty.

This lock is made of cloisonné.

Cloisonne is also known as copper body filigree enamel. The carcass is made of high-purity red copper, and the filigree is slender red copper wire with a width of [-] to [-] mm. The external glaze is bright enamel.

Due to the extremely complicated craftsmanship, bright and dazzling color, and exquisite carving of cloisonne, bottles, plates, bowls, stoves, round boxes, incense and other objects made of this material are all sought after by the antique business, and the high price Outrageous.

The paired gourd locks made of cloisonne are really rare in the world.

More importantly.

The pair of cloisonné gourd locks provided by Hu Sanmiao is a natural pair, with bright blue color, perfect carving, bursting with precious energy, engraved with a Chinese character "longevity" on the top, and decorated with patterns of copper coins on the bottom, implying that happiness and longevity are in pairs.

Cloisonne gourd pair lock with the word "Shou" only appeared in history as a precious gift when the emperors and generals of the Ming and Qing Dynasties celebrated their birthdays.

In other words.

If something is true, it will definitely be a treasure in the family of emperors and generals.

Xiaozhu said to me: "Master said that he spent nearly 20 years in making this pair of cloisonne gourd locks during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty completely according to ancient recipes, materials and techniques. The world can see that it is an imitation, only Three people."

I asked, "Which three people?"

Xiaozhu replied: "One is the old man Huxin, the master, the other is the master, and the other..."

I asked, "Who is the other one?"

Xiao Zhu's cheeks flushed immediately: "Me."

I immediately laughed.

Xiaozhu looked very embarrassed, and hurriedly stopped and explained: "Brother, don't laugh at me! In fact, I don't understand anything, it's just because the master told me how to identify it as a fake."

I replied: "Don't say it first, let's see if I can become the fourth person."

After speaking.

I picked up this pair of cloisonne gourd locks and watched Mosuo repeatedly, but the more I looked at it, the more shocked I was.

Because it is almost perfect in terms of shape, material, decoration, coloring, coating, and even the senses of hands and eyes.

I even used my tongue for the first time.

There are actually subtle differences in tongue feel between antiques and imitations.

This difference is inexplicable and inexplicable.

Just as people often say that genuine products have precious light, while imitation products have glamorous light. This kind of light can be judged entirely by experience. If someone wants to tell the difference specifically, no one can tell for sure.

But unfortunately, even with my own tongue, I still can't feel any difference.

Hu Sanmiao is indeed a miscellaneous master!

I said: "Ancient recipes, ancient materials, and ancient methods. From the actual situation, this is a real cloisonne gourd pair lock."

"If you want to identify the imitation, it can only be that your master made some special tiny marks inside the lock."

"I'm convinced this time, and I really can't become the fourth person."

When Xiaozhu heard this, her beautiful eyes widened, she was dumbfounded.

I asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiaozhu said: "Brother, you have become the fourth person!"

"Master said that to identify this pair of cloisonné gourd locks imitating the reign of Shenzong, you have to smash it, and there will be a few inscriptions of my master 'Jinlinghu three seconds' inside."

I was dumbfounded.


If these words were not added, everyone in the world would think that this is a real lock from the reign of Shenzong.

But if the words of modern people are added, this is an absolute imitation.

Because modern people make it, it is definitely not an antique.

Even if things are exactly the same!

But when appraising antiques, if there is no trace of imitation on the outside of the thing, who will smash the rare treasures in the world?

I shook my head: "I'm not the fourth person at all."

"The reason why I was able to tell that your master put a mark on the lock just now is because I know it is indeed a counterfeit product, and I understand your teacher's style of leaving words in institutions. If I don't know, I won't Think about it."

"Even if I think about it, I don't have the guts to smash the ancient locks to distinguish the current characters."

With this thing, I will definitely let Miscellaneous Hades father and daughter come to see me on their own initiative!

Xiaozhu collected the things.

the next day.

Me, Fatty Xiao and Xiaozhu got on the bus to Shanghai.

After arriving in Shanghai, I found a hotel to stay in Sanmiaoqian Antique Street.

Xiaozhu still didn't quite understand me getting a fake product to catch miscellaneous items. Hell and his daughter pouted and asked us to explain, otherwise she would always feel like a silly girl.

Fatty Xiao said: "Su Zi plans to gamble with Miscellaneous Hades father and daughter!"

He was right.

I do want to gamble.

As I said before, gambling is a form of door-to-door provocation by Antique Jianghu.

A gambler in the rivers and lakes, holding an imitation in his hand, went to the antique shop to challenge, betting on the eyesight of the appraiser in the shop.

For the eyesight of the antique business, there is a saying that "it is better to break the old than to break the new".

It means that it is not a skill to be able to see the genuine product, but it is a real skill to be able to identify the imitation product.

This is the basis for antique shops to gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes.

The gamblers in the rivers and lakes put the imitation on the counter of the antique shop, and let the shop appraiser tell the truth about the imitation.

If you can't tell, it proves that the appraiser in the shop has poor eyesight.

In a shop, if the appraiser's eyesight is not good, it proves that the probability of the appraiser being punched is very high, and there must be a lot of fakes in the shop, and people will think that the shop is not credible.

Reputation is the most important thing in the antique business.

This is tantamount to being smashed by others.

If an antique shop accepts a fight and loses the fight, the other party will put forward conditions, whether it is antiques, money or services in the shop, the antique shop must agree.If the antique shop wins the fight, the person who comes to the door must also accept the punishment conditions proposed by the shop.

I just want to use this way of gambling in the rivers and lakes to turn the Tongyue antique shop opened by Yan Xiaoyue upside down.

In the end, I found out the Miscellaneous Hades who has never been out of the mountain, and asked him to do things according to my conditions.

Some people will say, what if people don't take over the fight?

Almost impossible!

This thing is like opening a martial arts gym. Others have already come to kick the gym, and they dare not fight when the gym is closed. It proves that the martial arts hall is not only weak, but also a big coward. How to enroll?

This matter is placed in the antique business.

To win a battle and lose art is to be smashed by others. The strength is not good, but the courage is commendable.

If you don't pick up the fight, you will smash your own signboard, and you will lose face to grandma's house.

After listening to our explanation, Xiaozhu suddenly realized, and said, "This plan is great!"

That night, we had a good rest.

the next morning.

The three went straight to Tongyue Antiques.

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