World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 197 Don't care about the future

When Lu Cenyin heard this, her beautiful eyes widened, and she asked, "The Lu family is short of money, goods, and people, how can you help?"

I said: "I guess you used the Lu family's house and land to obtain a high-value loan from the bank. The money can be temporarily supported for a period of time, and there is a time difference. But if there is no supply of goods during this period, the business cannot be done quickly." If the credit is not repaid, it will collapse completely. In the final analysis, it is actually a shortage of goods.”

Lu Cenyin nodded, and replied: "Yes! I would like to eat goods from other antique shops, but they are all waiting to see the jokes of the Lu family, and no one is willing to sell them."


Without goods, there is no store.

A lot of goods and good goods are the foundation of the survival of antique shops.

Even if it is an antique shop in other places that does not know the situation of the Lu family, they will not go out.

Unless the price is super high, but the Lu family can't afford it.

I said, "I know how to get it at a low price."

Lu Cenyin frowned slightly: "Where did you get it? I don't make fakes!"

I said: "If you don't make fakes, there are two ways you can go."

"First, Wei Feng has just opened up a big empty pot to clean up the tomb robbers in several nearby provinces. Don't underestimate these tomb robbers, they have a lot of goods. All the dirty ones will be confiscated. Except for a few Except for transactions that cannot be traded and circulated, those that can be traded will be entrusted to auction, and the money will go to the treasury. You communicate with several auction houses in Jinling in advance, and all the low costs can be eaten."

"Secondly, there was a large batch of goods from Huangmen in Jinling, which was eaten by Ma Ping. She is in a hurry to deal with it now, and most of them have already gone to the port channel. The port channel usually handles this kind of dirty goods in a low-key manner. The price is definitely far below the market, and you send people to eat them all."

"Things that have passed through the auction house are clean and innocent, and there is no need to worry about the future. With these two batches of goods as the base, plus the private collection of you and the Lu family uncles, at least [-]% to [-]% of the Lu family's inventory can be restored, and there will be no turning over again. It's not Lu Cenyin."

After hearing this, Lu Cenyin was dumbfounded.

After half an hour.

She said: "This is a life-saving straw! Where did you get the news?"

I replied: "Don't worry about where I got the news. Now you can even promise to your partner when you can supply the goods. Walking on two legs together, it is estimated that after a month, those shop assistants downstairs will not have time to sleep anymore, they will be too busy Hit your heels."

Lu Cenyin's face was flushed with excitement, and she walked around the room, muttering, "That's great, this is really great..."

Then, she turned her head and said to me: "I'm sure!"

"Are you sure about what?" I asked.

Dimples appeared on Lu Cenyin's face, and his eyebrows were charming: "You are the rescuer sent by the monkey!"

I said nothing.

Lu Cenyin quickly picked up the office landline, made several calls, and arranged everything.

When Lu Cenyin got to work, he acted resolutely, without dragging his feet, and was very personable.

This seems to be two completely different people from her treatment of feelings.

After finishing the phone call, Lu Cenyin let out a long sigh of relief, clasped his hands together, closed his beautiful eyes slightly, and his face was full of excitement.

Although I can't bear to interrupt her mood at the moment, I still want to tell her about the life and death contract.

I said: "I am not only a rescuer, but also a swordsman."

Lu Cenyin opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

I told Lu Cenyin about signing the life and death contract with Suo Mingmen.

the end.

I said to her: "Lu Xiaoxin will appear soon, of course she must be dying soon. Because if she is not dead, then I will be soon."

"In this regard, you have always been like an indecisive child who chooses toys. But this time you have no choice but to watch from the sidelines."

"No matter what the final result is, I hope you can bear it."

These words are very cruel, but I have to make it clear.

For this matter, Lu Cenyin has always been an ostrich with her head buried in the sand, unwilling to face it.

But when a bad result is bound to come, it's better to tell her the cruel truth in advance.

Lu Cenyin's previously relieved expression disappeared completely, as if a black cloud suddenly hit her heart, her face was extremely gloomy, she stared at me blankly, without saying a word.

The two of us still couldn't get past that step.

Previously, it was because of my parents' enmity that I dared not.

Later, because of Lu Xiaoxin, I couldn't bear it.

Forcing her to choose between Lu Xiaoxin and me is inhumane.

All words seemed pale and feeble.

I get up and leave.

But when he was about to reach the door, Lu Cenyin said, "Su Chen."

I turn around.

Her eyes were flushed, and she tried her best to suppress her emotions, and said in a trembling voice: "Not only do I have no choice, I don't even have to guess the result."

"Xiaoxin is definitely not your opponent, even ten of them can't deal with you, she is dead this time!"

"But she is my younger sister. I watched her grow up. No matter what mistakes she made, I will forgive her and tolerate her."

"If you kill Xiaoxin, I will definitely hate you, and I will hate you for the rest of my life! I can't stop hating, no matter how much I like you!"

When I saw her saying this, she was trembling all over, tears were rolling in her eyes, she looked sad and determined, and her heart ached for a while.

He walked over and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.


Lu Cenyin grabbed the hem of my clothes, shrugged her shoulders, was sobbing, and said in a low voice, "Don't be sorry now, and I don't want to hear it in the future."

After half an hour.

Lu Cenyin raised her head and asked very seriously: "But do you like me? Right now, I don't want to worry about the future!"

Immediately there was infinite tenderness and throbbing in my heart.

She is so brave.

No matter what happens in the future.

Even if we become enemies facing each other by then, at least not now!

Now, I want to do what I have to do with this girl!

I picked her up and started tearing her clothes like a crazy hungry wolf.

Lu Cenyin groaned softly, paralyzed in my arms, her hands were scratching like a kitten, she actively and enthusiastically responded to me, panting and said: "...I think it's been a long time..."

At that moment.

I suddenly thought of a question: "...Let me see if Uncle Wang is here."

After speaking.

I hugged her to the desk and pressed the surveillance camera next to the desk.

Surveillance cameras can see the lobby and stairs.

There was no abnormality in the hall for the time being, but a person ran up the stairs.

It was Uncle Wang.

I almost broke down.

Lu Cenyin was ashamed and angry, her pretty face flushed, she turned to the surveillance camera and said, "Uncle Wang, what are you doing here?!"

"I'm in a hurry right now, so hurry up!"

Uncle Wang was running up, when he heard the sound from the ceiling camera, he was stunned.

He stood on the stairs and said to the camera on the ceiling: "Miss, Mr. Hu, Mr. Fei and others from Ningxian County came here in a rage, saying that we broke the contract and smashed the store!"

Switched the camera screen.

Sure enough, seven or eight people rushed into the hall of Yingqing Pavilion.When Lu Cenyin heard this, her beautiful eyes widened, and she asked, "The Lu family is short of money, goods, and people, how can you help?"

I said: "I guess you used the Lu family's house and land to obtain a high-value loan from the bank. The money can be temporarily supported for a period of time, and there is a time difference. But if there is no supply of goods during this period, the business cannot be done quickly." If the credit is not repaid, it will collapse completely. In the final analysis, it is actually a shortage of goods.”

Lu Cenyin nodded, and replied: "Yes! I would like to eat goods from other antique shops, but they are all waiting to see the jokes of the Lu family, and no one is willing to sell them."


Without goods, there is no store.

A lot of goods and good goods are the foundation of the survival of antique shops.

Even if it is an antique shop in other places that does not know the situation of the Lu family, they will not go out.

Unless the price is super high, but the Lu family can't afford it.

I said, "I know how to get it at a low price."

Lu Cenyin frowned slightly: "Where did you get it? I don't make fakes!"

I said: "If you don't make fakes, there are two ways you can go."

"First, Wei Feng has just opened up a big empty pot to clean up the tomb robbers in several nearby provinces. Don't underestimate these tomb robbers, they have a lot of goods. All the dirty ones will be confiscated. Except for a few Except for transactions that cannot be traded and circulated, those that can be traded will be entrusted to auction, and the money will go to the treasury. You communicate with several auction houses in Jinling in advance, and all the low costs can be eaten."

"Secondly, there was a large batch of goods from Huangmen in Jinling, which was eaten by Ma Ping. She is in a hurry to deal with it now, and most of them have already gone to the port channel. The port channel usually handles this kind of dirty goods in a low-key manner. The price is definitely far below the market, and you send people to eat them all."

"Things that have passed through the auction house are clean and innocent, and there is no need to worry about the future. With these two batches of goods as the base, plus the private collection of you and the Lu family uncles, at least [-]% to [-]% of the Lu family's inventory can be restored, and there will be no turning over again. It's not Lu Cenyin."

After hearing this, Lu Cenyin was dumbfounded.

After half an hour.

She said: "This is a life-saving straw! Where did you get the news?"

I replied: "Don't worry about where I got the news. Now you can even promise to your partner when you can supply the goods. Walking on two legs together, it is estimated that after a month, those shop assistants downstairs will not have time to sleep anymore, they will be too busy Hit your heels."

Lu Cenyin's face was flushed with excitement, and she walked around the room, muttering, "That's great, this is really great..."

Then, she turned her head and said to me: "I'm sure!"

"Are you sure about what?" I asked.

Dimples appeared on Lu Cenyin's face, and his eyebrows were charming: "You are the rescuer sent by the monkey!"

I said nothing.

Lu Cenyin quickly picked up the office landline, made several calls, and arranged everything.

When Lu Cenyin got to work, he acted resolutely, without dragging his feet, and was very personable.

This seems to be two completely different people from her treatment of feelings.

After finishing the phone call, Lu Cenyin let out a long sigh of relief, clasped his hands together, closed his beautiful eyes slightly, and his face was full of excitement.

Although I can't bear to interrupt her mood at the moment, I still want to tell her about the life and death contract.

I said: "I am not only a rescuer, but also a swordsman."

Lu Cenyin opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

I told Lu Cenyin about signing the life and death contract with Suo Mingmen.

the end.

I said to her: "Lu Xiaoxin will appear soon, of course she must be dying soon. Because if she is not dead, then I will be soon."

"In this regard, you have always been like an indecisive child who chooses toys. But this time you have no choice but to watch from the sidelines."

"No matter what the final result is, I hope you can bear it."

These words are very cruel, but I have to make it clear.

For this matter, Lu Cenyin has always been an ostrich with her head buried in the sand, unwilling to face it.

But when a bad result is bound to come, it's better to tell her the cruel truth in advance.

Lu Cenyin's previously relieved expression disappeared completely, as if a black cloud suddenly hit her heart, her face was extremely gloomy, she stared at me blankly, without saying a word.

The two of us still couldn't get past that step.

Previously, it was because of my parents' enmity that I dared not.

Later, because of Lu Xiaoxin, I couldn't bear it.

Forcing her to choose between Lu Xiaoxin and me is inhumane.

All words seemed pale and feeble.

I get up and leave.

But when he was about to reach the door, Lu Cenyin said, "Su Chen."

I turn around.

Her eyes were flushed, and she tried her best to suppress her emotions, and said in a trembling voice: "Not only do I have no choice, I don't even have to guess the result."

"Xiaoxin is definitely not your opponent, even ten of them can't deal with you, she is dead this time!"

"But she is my younger sister. I watched her grow up. No matter what mistakes she made, I will forgive her and tolerate her."

"If you kill Xiaoxin, I will definitely hate you, and I will hate you for the rest of my life! I can't stop hating, no matter how much I like you!"

When I saw her saying this, she was trembling all over, tears were rolling in her eyes, she looked sad and determined, and her heart ached for a while.

He walked over and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.


Lu Cenyin grabbed the hem of my clothes, shrugged her shoulders, was sobbing, and said in a low voice, "Don't be sorry now, and I don't want to hear it in the future."

After half an hour.

Lu Cenyin raised her head and asked very seriously: "But do you like me? Right now, I don't want to worry about the future!"

Immediately there was infinite tenderness and throbbing in my heart.

She is so brave.

No matter what happens in the future.

Even if we become enemies facing each other by then, at least not now!

Now, I want to do what I have to do with this girl!

I picked her up and started tearing her clothes like a crazy hungry wolf.

Lu Cenyin groaned softly, paralyzed in my arms, her hands were scratching like a kitten, she actively and enthusiastically responded to me, panting and said: "...I think it's been a long time..."

At that moment.

I suddenly thought of a question: "...Let me see if Uncle Wang is here."

After speaking.

I hugged her to the desk and pressed the surveillance camera next to the desk.

Surveillance cameras can see the lobby and stairs.

There was no abnormality in the hall for the time being, but a person ran up the stairs.

It was Uncle Wang.

I almost broke down.

Lu Cenyin was ashamed and angry, her pretty face flushed, she turned to the surveillance camera and said, "Uncle Wang, what are you doing here?!"

"I'm in a hurry right now, so hurry up!"

Uncle Wang was running up, when he heard the sound from the ceiling camera, he was stunned.

He stood on the stairs and said to the camera on the ceiling: "Miss, Mr. Hu, Mr. Fei and others from Ningxian County came here in a rage, saying that we broke the contract and smashed the store!"

Switched the camera screen.

Sure enough, seven or eight people rushed into the hall of Yingqing Pavilion.

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