The big bus brother was concentrating on running away, when he heard a voice, he slammed on the brakes, looked up at me, his face twitched violently in fright, and cursed, "Oh shit!"

He sat down on the ground.

My appearance, in the darkness of night, might indeed be a little scary.

But Brother Big Bus is indeed an old quack who has been around for many years. He glanced at the shadow under the moonlight and immediately realized that I was not a dirty thing.

There was a self-made medicine bag tied inside the clothes!

I kind of understand why he escaped after being caught.

He must have used this move against Wei Feng as well.

Wei Feng let him go because he was worried about the safety of so many people in the tunnel.

Brother Big Bus glanced back at the person who was chasing down the hill several hundred meters away, and said anxiously: "You f*ck get out of here, or I'll blow you up!"

Instead of retreating, I advanced and strode towards him.

When Big Brother saw this, he was about to go crazy, and while striding back, he yelled: "You are crazy, this is a medicine bag, it will kill you!"

Of course my buddy does.

But in such an open place, he has a chance to escape, so he will definitely not catch fire.

Moreover, I don't have to worry about other people being threatened by him.

I took the cigarette butt out of my mouth, blew on the flame, and said, "Yes, I'll light it for you!"

Brother Big Bus was stunned, with a face full of confusion and anger, and cursed: "Idiot!"

He quickly closed his clothes and started to run to the right.

Too fast!

No wonder he was able to throw the pursuers so far!

The stone in my hand quickly hit his ankle.

Brother Big Bus wailed and fell to the ground, but he quickly got up again, limping and running wildly forward.

I stepped forward a few times, knocked him to the ground with a whip leg, grabbed his collar abruptly, took off the medicine bag on his body in two or three strokes, removed the lead wire, and threw it into the nearby pool .

Big Bus broke down and struggled desperately.


He screamed again.

I dislocated the ankle of his left leg and said to him, "Run with Tan legs, they are coming after you!"

Brother Big Bus has gone completely crazy: "Crazy, crazy... who the hell are you..."

I replied, "I am the ghost in the tomb!"

After speaking.

I jumped down and quickly disappeared into the night.

When he was walking, he squinted and saw that the big bus brother wanted to pick up his dislocated ankle, but he couldn't do it. He turned around and saw that the man had already caught up, so he could only wail and dance on the single piece. Legs, looking extremely panicked and aggrieved, bouncing forward.

Tan's legs have become spring legs!

Soon, the people chasing after him threw him to the ground.

After coming down from the mountain, I washed my face by the stream, and went directly to the hotel in the town that Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu had agreed upon.

When we reached the second floor of the hotel, Hu Sansiao and Bian Wu arrived earlier than me.

When Fatty Xiao saw me coming in, he said with a smile, "Su Zi, you said that if Old Wei knew you were involved, would he be so angry that his blood would splatter three feet?"

I replied: "No, I did him a great favor in the tomb of Song Dynasty. I just caught a big fish and gave it to him."

Since then.

I told the story of tossing the big bus on the mountain.

After they finished listening, they all laughed.

Xiaozhu said: "Brother, you are really bad!"

Bian Wu said: "Brother Su, the limelight is not good recently, I have to go out to avoid it, so as not to squint Shazi, I will contact you when the time comes."

"Today's matter didn't go according to our original plan, but it feels more enjoyable than expected, hahaha!"

The laughter didn't stop.

Bian Wu went out like a civet cat, and disappeared quickly.

I thought.

After this matter is over, Brother Big Bus will sit in prison.

But I didn't expect that soon I would meet Big Bus again.

After dawn.

We took a taxi back to Sioux City.

the next day.

Xiao Zhu ran to Suolong Lane to learn miscellaneous skills from Hu Sanmiao.

Fatty Xiao took Xiao Bo to the hospital for stomach problems.

I went to Yingqing Pavilion.

The purpose of going was to communicate with Lu Cenyin in advance.

I haven't told her about signing a life-and-death contract with Suo Mingmen.

No matter what she thinks about her perverted sister, Lu Xiaoxin, a fish, must be slaughtered after I catch it.

Because if she doesn't die, I will die.

Now that Lu Xiaoxin's photo appeared, I had a premonition that she would be brought out of the water soon.

At that time, Lu Cenyin will face a very difficult choice.

When I came to the entrance of Yingqing Pavilion, I found that although the shop had been redecorated as it was before the fire, the door was deserted, there were very few antiques on the counter, and the clerk inside was even dozing off.

I went straight up to the second floor.

Before knocking on the door, he heard Lu Cenyin's voice on the phone inside.

"Mr. Wang, we are out of stock for the time being. Can you wait for a while for what you want?"

"...I'm really sorry, there was a fire in the shop some time ago, and we also want to fulfill the contract..."

"Okay, I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate next time, thank you."

I knocked on the door.

Lu Cenyin said, "Come in."

After entering, Lu Cenyin saw me and pouted, looking like a wronged little woman.

I asked, "Are you in trouble?"

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin sighed, and replied: "The market in Jinling is not big. The previous business model of Yingqing Pavilion was that after receiving the goods, the goods were distributed throughout the country. Because we never sell fakes, our reputation has always been very good. , so there are more than a hundred distribution partners."

"But because of the previous fire, not only the new products requested by the partners could not be provided, but also the items that had been ordered could not be delivered, so we had to refund the deposit and pay compensation."

"There is no new source of goods, no income, and the compensation and operating costs on the other end are spent every day. I have already kept them privately in my home and used them all to make up for the deficit of the Lu family.

I asked, "Where are the uncles of the Lu family's private possessions? This is a time when we are going through difficulties together. Do they have any indication?"

Lu Cenyin replied: "Don't mention it, they not only don't help, but even ask for monthly dividends according to the original ratio."

"But I won't let them do what they want, and stipulate that before the eighth of next month, they will either withdraw their shares, or buy more shares, and it is impossible to pay dividends during a loss period. After these words came out, they were all blown up."

"According to my judgment, they will definitely not withdraw their shares, and they will be forced to take out their private collection in the end. It's hard to say how useful it will be. If the Lu family can't completely turn around by then, they will really have to start from Jinling Antiques. Disappeared."

I laughed and said, "It's equivalent to saying that Patriarch Lu Cenyin has become the bereaved person of a century-old antique family."

When Lu Cenyin heard this, she gave me a blank look: "You're still laughing!"

I said, "I laugh because I can save the Lu family."

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