World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 191: Guniu Mountain

I asked the driver to go to Wei Feng's office immediately.

Although it's late at night, Wei Feng is a workaholic. He doesn't have a family, so he basically lives and eats in the institute.

Once we got there, we walked straight in.

I saw that Wei Feng's office was still brightly lit, and Wei Feng was leaning over a drawing with several colleagues, explaining something while drawing with a pen.

I have good eyesight, so I glanced at it briefly. The drawing on the picture seems to be the point of deployment and arrest, and the target in the middle is replaced by an official hat.

His work is secret, so I don't want to read it again, and I don't want to disturb him, so I didn't say anything.

But Wei Feng looked up and saw us coming, he quickly put away the picture, waved his hands to let all the colleagues disperse, and walked out.

"It's late at night, why are you here?"

"There are important clues that must be provided."

"Lu Xiaoxin's?!"

I nodded.

Hearing this, Wei Feng's tiger's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly let us in, closed the office door, and said, "In terms of the devil's capital, we haven't found any trace of that car, and there are no other valuable clues. Go by yourself!"

This is normal.

Around 2000, the Skynet project hadn’t been fully completed. Except for some important traffic nodes with high-definition cameras, there were no high-definition cameras in many places.They still have various other things on their hands. It is impossible for them to be like Ma Ping or the people under the vulture whistle, staring at this matter every day, and it is reasonable to find no clues.

However, if there are clues and provided to them, the analysis methods they have mastered are not comparable to those of Ma Ping and Vulture Whistle.

I said, "I've seen pictures of her haunting."

Wei Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words: "That's great! Bring the photo!"

I shook my head: "My friend took it, it's not convenient to carry, it's already burned."

Wei Feng was taken aback: "What's the use of that?"

I said: "The characteristics are all printed in my mind, you go and call a trusted portrait expert."

Wei Feng was dubious, but he still took his mobile phone and made a call.

A few minutes later, an old man with thick eyes and sleepy eyes came over.

He yawned: "Captain Wei, what's going on at night?"

Wei Feng introduced to me with a smile: "The most powerful quick-drawing expert in Jinling, Lu Liang, known as the 'Magic Brush Lu Liang', has a loose personality, loves to drink and sleep, and often violates small disciplines. He was taken in."

Lu Liang rolled his eyes, and replied, "Nonsense! It's because I don't want to do it with them!"

We found a studio.

According to my memory, Lu Liang started to make a quick sketch with a pencil.

This guy is not a magic pen, but whenever I tell the appearance, he can immediately judge the structure and appearance, and draw it in two or three strokes. When I see inconsistencies, I will make slight corrections.

I thought this matter would take at least one night, but it actually took less than two hours.

The three pictures stand out impressively.

It's just a replica of the photo.

Wei Feng was very excited, and praised: "What is most lacking in the 21st century is talent!"

Lu Liang lost his pen, but looked dull, and replied: "Don't praise me! Compliment your friend, and another word, genius! He can memorize as clearly as a computer, as long as anyone with a little drawing skills Humans can be drawn. For the first time, my old Lu feels like a tool man!"

I replied: "Thank you!"

Lu Liang gave up and said, "Don't thank you! Next time you come, ask Xiao Wei to find someone else. I won't do anything that is not technical!"

Wei Feng said: "It's so good! Go to bed quickly!"

After Lu Liang left.

Wei Feng looked at those photos with excitement on his face: "With these few photos, together with the database and analysis experts in Shanghai, at least we can pinpoint her recent activity area."

I asked, "What concept?"

Wei Feng explained: "That is to say, before fishing for fish in the big water, I didn't know the location of the fish at all, but now I can delineate the small water area where the fish appeared. If she has swum, there must be traces. If there are traces, we can follow them." This clue was pulled out."

This is a major breakthrough!

I have a plan in mind.

Wait until Wei Feng circles the location.

I will tell the vulture whistle the location and let them circle the fish.

At this point, the method of the vulture whistle is obviously more vicious and faster.

Ma Ping, Wei Feng, and Vulture Whistle, three large nets, conduct progressively layer by layer, if you don't believe her, she can still escape!

Saying goodbye to Wei Feng, we returned home.

Early the next morning, Fatty Xiao had already rented a van. After picking us up, he went to the hotel to pick up Bian Wu, and finally picked up Hu Sansiao at Suolongxiang.

After seeing Fatty Xiao, Hu Sansiao was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Little Fatty, it's you."

Fatty Xiao smiled and said: "Master Hu, I said at the time that you will turn on the switch for me one day, isn't it here!"

Hu Sansecond replied: "You little burden army! At that time, your broken thing looked like a fake Late Qing dragon pattern lock. You wanted to use my name to deceive foreigners and ruin my reputation!"

Fatty Xiao said: "Old man, your reputation as a big weirdo in the market is not very good."

Hearing this, Xiaozhu quit and said, "Brother Xiao, you are not allowed to speak of my master like that!"

Fatty Xiao smiled and shut up.

A group of five people headed towards Guniu Mountain.

It was already evening when we arrived at Guniu Mountain.

Big Bus is going to open the stone at [-]:[-]:[-] am on the [-]th, and we must enter the tomb in advance.

The troops are divided into two groups.

Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu waited for the bus to arrive at the bottom of the mountain. After they went up the mountain, they lit a fire.

I, Bian Wu, and Hu Sansiao took tools and entered the tomb.

It took more than an hour to go up the mountain to find the Song tomb, and the specific process is not listed.

The location of this Song tomb is very secret.

In the middle of the gap between the two mountains, there is a small stream in front, a big rock in the back, and long thatch and trees in front of the tomb.

Because of the torrential rain some time ago, the rainwater and mudstones washed away the thatch and trees, exposing the entrance of the tomb.

I asked, "Old Five, who was the first to know about this tomb?"

Bian Wu replied: "Two mountain-moving Taoists in Dan City, they were the first to discover it. But although the mountain-moving Taoists are very good at finding dragons and tapping acupoints, it's not so interesting to enter the tomb. The tomb, the news just leaked."

I still feel a little out of the ordinary.

Where exactly is it abnormal, I can't say.

But people have already come, and this tomb must be entered.

The entrance of the tomb collapsed, revealing a corridor.

The three of us quickly entered the corridor.

The corridor is built according to the natural rocks on both sides, half natural and half artificial.

Among the three, Bian Wu was specialized in underground work. I used to go to the grave with Sister Jiu'er, but Hu Sanshao rarely went to the cemetery.

Ten minutes later, he walked through the corridor and came to the incomparably huge self-stone.

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