World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 190 You Are Too Brave

When Hu Sanshou saw this, his expression became a little anxious.

"You girl, I won't let you plan wood!"

"Come and learn if you have time. If you don't have time, you don't have to come. There is no requirement for how much you can learn."

"You just have to say yes, okay?"

The tone was already pleading.

Like a gluttonous child begging a playmate for a candy.

Xiaozhu heard this, and asked with big eyes: "Is it true that you don't need to plan wood for ten years? Old man, you must mean what you say!"

Hu Sanshou frowned and replied: "Then why doesn't it count? It definitely counts!"

Xiaozhu laughed and said: "As long as you don't ask me to plan wood every day, it's fine, old man, how should I learn from my teacher?"

When Hu Sanmiao heard it, he was so happy that he almost jumped up from the ground, and hurriedly replied: "No need! Our tradition of 'lack of one' has always been that the master looks for the apprentice, and only monks let the apprentice look for the master. That set... how about you, offer me a cup of tea and call me master, and our master-student relationship will be established!"

This is true.

Not only the descendants of Luban, but all the sects produced in China are basically masters looking for apprentices.

For example, in Taoism, when the master sees a person with extraordinary talents and bones, if he wants to accept him as a disciple, he will test him secretly over and over again.If the person refuses, the master will give the magic weapon many times, solve the trouble, and pass on the skills secretly until the person agrees.

In foreign Buddhism, the disciples usually pay homage to the master before the master is willing to accept it.

Hearing this, Xiaozhu's face became serious, poured a cup of tea, held it in both hands, got up respectfully, took two steps back, put the teacup over his forehead, and brought the tea forward.

"Master, please drink tea!"

With a solemn expression, Hu Sanmiao took the teacup and drank it down.

Seeing this, Xiaozhu knelt down and worshiped.

Hu Sanshuang hurriedly got up from the seat, pulled up Xiaozhu, and said excitedly: "If you don't come to this set of nonsense, the ceremony is already done, hehe."

Xiao Zhu sweetly called out: "Master!"

Hu Sanmiao's old face was full of complacency, his eyes were full of kindness, and he agreed.

Got it!

From now on, for antiques and miscellaneous items, Xiaozhu can hold up the sky for me.

I said, "Congratulations to Mr. Hu for being an excellent student!"

Hu Sanmiao was overjoyed, and clasped his fists to me, with an expression of great gratitude: "Xiao Su, you are really a noble man! Not only did you untie the rope that bound the old man's hands and feet for ten years, but you also gave me a good apprentice. The old man didn't know what to do in his life." thank you!"

I replied: "No need to meet outside, see you on the [-]th."

Hu Sansiao said, "See you on the [-]th!"

The two of us got up and left Suolong Lane.

After coming out, the lights are already on.

Xiaozhu said: "I really like Mr. Hu, but the apprenticeship is actually to learn miscellaneous things, so that I can help my brother!"

I replied, "You should change your name to Master!"

"And, from now on, obey the teacher's order and serve the teacher like a father!"

Xiao Zhu replied with a smile: "Understood, brother."

While on the road, I suddenly received a call from Ma Ping, who asked me to meet at the West Freight Yard.

We asked the driver to turn around and rushed to the West Freight Yard.

Outside the large warehouse where Pei Xinghai was taught a lesson last time, there were several large trucks parked, and they seemed to be consigning goods.

Xiaozhu was waiting outside, and I went into the warehouse.

After entering, I saw Ma Ping walking around in the warehouse with a tangled face.

Her condition is very rare.

"Sister Ping, what do you want me to do?" I asked.

Ma Ping turned her head, her eyes were burning: "Brother, you are too brave!"


Ma Ping continued: "There are twelve halls in Suo Mingmen, Hall Master Wen is the top three hall masters, known as the 'White Faced Corpse King'."

"It's fine for you to enter the Furong Manor and enter the battle. Not only did Hall Master Wen and more than a dozen dead men from the Furong Manor be sent to the hospital, but you also blatantly signed a life and death contract, calling for the lives of their benefactors, and demanding the second life gate." Ten fingers! This is a shocking shame for them!"

"The Golden Buddha who was mediating for me above received a notification from Suo Mingmen. Suo Mingmen said that although you did act according to the rules of the world, if you fail to complete the life and death contract, they will make you pay back a hundredfold!"

Repay a hundredfold.

But it's not just as simple as taking my head.

Maybe they tortured me physically and psychologically so that life would be worse than death, and then they would tear me into pieces.

But this result was expected.

I replied, "I'm causing trouble for Sister Ping."

Ma Ping said: "I asked you to come here, not to incriminate the teacher. Suo Mingmen hacked and killed your friend. According to my understanding of your character and ability, you will definitely turn this knife and ax shop upside down. It is not surprising that this happened. , I mainly want to tell you two things."

"First, according to Suomingmen's rules, there is one and only one time to repay the benefactor. Last time they repaid Lu Xiaoxin, and they had nothing to do with her, but now you have humiliated Suomingmen. If you have murderous intentions, you will definitely not be allowed to complete the life-and-death contract, and will make an exception to activate the patron protection plan again!"

"Secondly, the golden Buddha above has already ordered me to die, and he is determined not to let me get involved in the matter of you and Suo Mingmen. I promised you to find Lu Xiaoxin before, but now I can't do it. My sister was forced to do nothing. I have to pause. But I have to tell you the clues I have so far, if the time drags on, the clues will not only be useless, but may even be silenced."

Ma Ping has done everything she can!

I nodded: "OK!"

Ma Ping took out a few photos and confessed: "If you see it, you will burn it!"

The photos are evidence. Ma Ping can't offend the golden Buddha above, so she must destroy the evidence immediately and completely detach herself from this incident, which is completely understandable.

The three photos were all of Lu Xiaoxin.

The shot is rather blurry.

One was taken at a station with a lot of people, one was taken at the entrance of the hotel, and the other was taken outdoors at night, as if it was still in a cemetery.

It's too late to analyze.

I engraved all three photos in my mind and burned them with a lighter.

Ma Ping said: "The three photos were all taken in Shanghai. She is like a cunning fox, and she can't find a fixed location at all. You should quickly follow the clues and find other ways to find her."

After speaking, Ma Ping patted me on the shoulder.

it is more than words.

Although the information is messy, these three photos are already a big help.

Words of thanks are superfluous.

I turn and leave.

Ma Ping said: "Brother, take care!"

I turned around and asked with a smile, "Sister Ping, how many large trucks are in front of the warehouse, are you taking goods recently?"

Ma Ping was taken aback, and replied: "To tell the truth, a batch of dirty goods left by the old Huangmen, the wind has been tight recently, so they must be disposed of quickly."

I nodded, and after leaving the warehouse, I took a taxi.

Xiaozhu asked the driver to take us home.

I corrected: "Don't go home yet!"

Xiao Zhu was taken aback: "Brother, where are you going?"

I replied, "See you Wei Feng!"

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