through hardships.

We have finally reached this most critical moment.

Not only am I eager to know what the Lu family's secret is, Lu Cenyin is also eager to know.

When I opened the lid of the bean mechanism outside, my hand holding the Luban spoon even trembled a little.

It's a state of mind that hasn't been there in years.

I took a few deep breaths, closed my eyes, and tried to ease my emotions, but found that it didn't work at all.

The restlessness, apprehension and uneasiness in his heart, like a scourge in his body, devoured and hit him repeatedly.

Seeing this, Lu Cenyin gently grabbed my hand, stared at me for a while, and said softly, "Don't worry, and don't run away."

This sentence is what I said to Lu Cenyin when we went to arrest Shopkeeper Song in the storm that night, when Lu Cenyin was on the verge of breaking down.

Her eyes are as soft as water, like a cool breeze blowing in the air, instantly dissipating the restlessness in my heart.

Lu Cenyin should be more scared than me, but at this moment she seems braver than me.

She is a very special woman.

Often as delicate as a delicate flower.

Often tough as a rock.

I calmed down, and gently screwed the Luban key into the keyhole inside, and twisted it slightly to the side.

Hear a crisp sound of "click".

Landlord Lao Cai's fat hand grabbing the mouth of the bag loosened automatically, and the rice bag separated from his hand in an instant, shaking slightly on Landlord Lao Cai's shoulder.

Amazing mechanism!

I carefully took the rice bag from the landlord Lao Cai's shoulder.

The mouth of the pocket is black and faint.

The whole rice bag is hollow.

Lu Cenyin had already brought a high-gloss flashlight and shone it into the rice bag.

Inside the rice bag is a piece of curled satin, nothing else.

We looked at each other.

The Lu family's most precious treasure in the world is actually a piece of silk?

I took the tweezers next to me and picked out the silk from the rice bag.

Lu Cenyin used a high-gloss flashlight to search inside the rice bag several times, then shook her head at me, indicating that there was indeed nothing else.

A piece of silk that is only about the size of a primary school student's homework paper is good in texture, but it is too ordinary in terms of embroidery and color. Jinling silk market can be found everywhere.

We slowly unfolded the silk cloth, as if we could hear each other's rapid breathing and heartbeat.

There are words in it.


A few lines of cursive poems, the font is extremely powerful and vast, full of sorrow and hatred, intertwined with horrific blood, and a murderous aura hits the face.

"The families of the four monarchs from the south to the north, guard the Buddha beads together to protect China. For thousands of years, the unicorn has its head and tail, and the century-old family has no words for flowers."

The inscription is: "Xin Wei Nianqiu, September fourteenth at three o'clock in the morning, Zhijie weeping blood book."

The room was silent.

It's as if you can hear the sound of a needle falling.

I'm silent since seeing the thread about the death of my parents for the first time.

"Buddha beads" - my parents died because they went to the Western Regions to find Buddha beads.

"Xin Wei Nianqiu" - that is, ninety-one years in the Gregorian calendar, they left at the beginning of the year, and it happened to be autumn when they died.

Lu Zhijie wrote this blood poem ten years ago.

Also this year.

He was poisoned by Shopkeeper Song and completely became demented.

Lu Cenyin was also silent, her expression was extremely shocked, and she seemed to be thinking.

After half an hour.

We actually looked up at the same time, and said in unison again: "What did you think of?!"

I said to Lu Cenyin, "You speak first."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin nodded, "I can only understand the third line of the poem. The Wanzai Qilin has the head and the tail. The Wanzai Qilin is actually a Qilin jade pendant handed down by the Lu family. It has always been the head of the family. Wearing it on the body symbolizes the position of the head of the family."

"As far as I know, ten years ago, my father did go on a long trip to the Western Regions! But no one in the Lu family knew what he was going to do. But after he came back, the unicorn jade pendant on his body was Never see you again."

"I was very impressed. The day my father came back from the Western Regions was the night of September [-]th in the ninth year of the lunar calendar, but the next morning, he suddenly became seriously ill and has been in a coma until a few days ago. Only then did I realize that Shopkeeper Song did it."

This is a major family change.

Lu Cenyin will never remember the date wrong.

Lu Zhijie really went to the Western Regions!

The matter is very clear.

Lu Zhijie and my parents went to the Western Regions in the same year and at the same time, and it is very likely that they went to find the legendary Buddha Dzi at the same time.

As a result, my parents were killed and Lu Zhijie was poisoned.

On the night of September [-]th, Lu Zhijie returned to the Lu family from the Western Regions.

At three o'clock in the morning on September [-]th, Lu Zhijie wrote this bloody poem and hid it in the treasure of the Lu family.

On the morning of September [-]th, shopkeeper Song poisoned Lu Zhijie, and he completely shut up.

I said: "Judging from these things, my parents and your father both went to the Western Regions in [-] and learned the secret of the Buddha Dzi Bead. Because of this, my parents were killed. Although your father was not killed, but The first task that the old manager gave Shopkeeper Song was to poison your father and make him shut up completely."

"Before he was poisoned, your father must have felt the crisis. So, the night before, he deliberately wrote such an extremely cryptic poem, and hid the clues in the Lu family's most precious treasure that no one can see."

The families of the four monarchs in the south, the north, and the north guard the Buddha beads together to protect China.For thousands of years, the unicorn is the head and the tail, and the century-old family is silent.

This is tantamount to saying.

We have already deciphered the second and third sentences of the blood poem.

But what do the first and fourth sentences mean?

I stood up, looked out of the window, held the fake bully in my hand, and kept rubbing it.

After a few minutes.

I asked, "On the night of September [-]th, after your father returned home from the Western Regions, did he meet anyone else?"

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin suddenly stood up from the sofa, her breathing was extremely rapid, her pretty face flushed red.

I frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Cenyin said tremblingly: "I seem to have solved the fourth line of the poem...he saw me and the deaf mother!"

I asked, "Who?!"

Lu Cenyin said: "Deaf mother! After my mother passed away, my father found many women, but the deaf mother was his favorite woman besides my mother. She was very beautiful and very similar to my mother. But She was born deaf and couldn't speak, but she had a good personality, was very considerate to my father, and liked me very much."

"On the night of September [-]th, after my father came back from the Western Regions, he went directly to the deaf mother's room. The next day, my father was poisoned, and the deaf mother took care of him for a while. But those nasty uncles said that my father was too womanly. Too much, the deaf mother is deaf and dumb, which ruined the image of the Lu family and drove her away. I have feelings for the deaf mother, and I cried for a long time because of it."

"The last line of the poem, the hundred-year-old family does not speak flowers, could it refer to the deaf mother?! Because she can't speak!"

My brain is buzzing.

Lu Zhijie had time to write blood poems, but in fact, he also had time to write down the journey to the Western Regions on paper and put it in the treasure of Lu's family.

But he didn't do it because it's not safe!

Lu Zhijie must have felt deep fear, so he deliberately hid the clues in the blood poem. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance that someone breaks the statue, they must not know what "Silence Flower" means.

There are too many women in Lu Zhijie, and the deaf mother is just an inconspicuous one among them. No one would target a deaf-mute woman ten years ago.

Only close relatives like Lu Cenyin know who Lu Zhijie met on the last night and which woman he likes the most in his heart, and can unlock the meaning of "a century-old family does not talk about flowers"!

Leave clues to loved ones.

Leave the fog to others.

This is an extremely clever method.


I boldly guess that Lu Zhijie must have told the deaf mother about going to the Western Regions!

Although she can't hear, there are many ways to tell her, letters, recordings, sign language...

Only after finding the deaf mother can the complete poem of blood be solved and the secrets of the year completely revealed!

This is an extremely important breakthrough!

I asked anxiously, "Where is the deaf mother now?!"

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