World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 174 Kaibao

Seeing my face suddenly changed, Hu Sanmiao and Xiao Zhu asked me what was wrong.

With the picture in my hand, I turned my head and said to Xiaozhu: "Xiaozhu, you stay here first, I'm going out to find something, and I'll be right back!"

Regardless of their extremely surprised expressions, I turned around and went out, stopped a car, and rushed to Wei Feng's unit.

When I arrived at Wei Feng's unit, I rushed into Wei Feng's office quickly.

Wei Feng was discussing the case with several colleagues. When he saw me coming, he stopped what he was doing, followed me out of the door, and asked, "It's rare to see you in such a hurry. What's the matter?"

I asked: "I remember giving you a small ancient key when I cleaned out the items in Baoguxuan store last time, remember?"

Wei Feng replied: "I have an impression."

"Where's the key?" I asked.

Wei Feng said, "In the warehouse."

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart and asked him to take me to find him quickly.

Wei Feng asked me to wait a while, went in to find a colleague to get a key to the warehouse, and took me to the backyard.

There is an office building in the backyard. The first floor is a place for temporary detention of suspects, and the upper floor is a warehouse.

Opening the warehouse door, Wei Feng found a paper bag in the corner of a row of cabinets with a serial number written on it, and handed it to me.

I took the paper bag, opened it, took out the small Luban key, unfolded the picture in my hand, put it on the table, and placed the key directly on the picture.

Completely coincident!

The key in the picture is exactly the same as the real thing, just as it was drawn.

Wei Feng was very curious, and asked with a frown, "Who drew this picture? It's tens of thousands of times better than the pictures drawn by experts from our technical support unit."

I didn't answer directly, and asked: "Do me a favor, immediately apply for this key to be retrieved from the warehouse involved in the case, I need it urgently!"

Hearing this, Wei Feng smiled and said, "Don't bother, just take it away!"

"This item is not considered an item involved in the case. We also showed it to Boss Zuo at the time, and he said that it was not Bao Guxuan's item at all."

"The small key is the lost item you picked up at the time. There is a key but no lock, it has no value, and the owner can't be found, so we just threw it in the warehouse."

I replied: "Thank you!"

The two went out, and as we were leaving, I asked, "Is there any news about Lu Xiaoxin?"

Wei Feng's tiger eyes were extremely stern, and he shook his head: "Sorry, there is no feedback yet. If you give me a little more time, you won't be able to catch her. I'm sorry for Fatty, and I'm sorry for this outfit!"

I took the key, turned back to Suolong Lane, and took out the key to show Hu Sansecond.

Hu Sanmiao held the key and stared at it for only a few seconds, his expression was filled with surprise, and he immediately turned his head and ordered Xiao Zhu to fetch a basin of clean water.

Xiao Zhu fetched a basin of clear water.

Hu Sanshou threw the key directly into the clear water basin.

Unexpected things happen.

This little key neither sinks nor floats, and it hangs in the middle of the water in a daze.

Seeing this, Hu Sansiao suddenly became incoherent: "This... Xiao Su, where did you get this Luban key?!"

I replied: "I found it when I was cleaning out the sundries at home. Master Hu, is this the key to open the small hole in the mechanism?"

Hu Sanshou nodded solemnly: "That's right, this is the Luban key that opened the small hole in the mechanism! Not only the structure is exactly the same as I drew, but it can also hang in the water all the time. It is only made of special metal proportions." The state of the flexible key!"

"It's really wonderful! I thought I could surpass nature's craftsmanship, but the skill level of the mechanism forged by the senior is beyond my generation's level, and my generation's level is beyond my own!"

I noticed Hu Sanmiao's choice of words.

He used "predecessors" instead of "ancient people".

Although the meaning is similar, there are subtle differences.

The age is long, generally referred to as the ancients.

The age is not too long, so Fang called him senior.

I asked: "From Lord Hu's point of view, when was this Luban key cast?"

Hu Sanshao thought for a while and replied: "Luban's skills have been passed down for a long time, but the appearance of metal flexible keys first appeared in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, because until then, there was relatively mature casting technology, and the collection of metal materials was relatively complete. .This Luban spoon, judging from its external shape, is no earlier than the late Qing Dynasty."

I suppressed the shock in my heart.

[-]% sure!

The ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Xianwen, was from the late Qing Dynasty.

Master Huiyun was also from the late Qing Dynasty.

The agar statue of the landlord Lao Cai carrying a bag of rice was also carved at that time, and the Luban key was naturally cast at the same time.

I picked up the key and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hu. Now that the key has been found, there is no need for Mr. Hu to bother casting it."

When Hu Sansiao heard the words, he showed a very apologetic expression, and let it go: "I didn't help, thank you."

I smiled and replied: "I have helped a lot. If Master Hu hadn't drawn the picture, I wouldn't have dared to open the switch even with this Luban key in my hand."

Hu Sans replied: "The itching is unstoppable. I stopped halfway through the work. I can't get up or down."

I said: "Maybe after a while, I will trouble Master Hu to relieve your itching."

Hu Sanmiao smiled and said, "Just say a word, and the old man will rush to you!"

Saying goodbye to Mr. Hu, Xiaozhu sent me out.

At the door, Xiao Zhu asked me with wide eyes: "Brother, shall I continue to stay here?"

I replied: "I will come back after cooking for Master Hu for two more days."

Now, the key has been found, and when I opened the landlord Lao Cai carrying the rice bag statue mechanism, the old manager failed completely.

It doesn't make any sense for him to continue to trouble Mr. Hu again.

This is different from the nature of old man Hua. Apart from being able to grasp the buddhist hand, old man Hua also mastered many core secrets. The old manager must kill him.

Xiao Zhu was very happy when he heard this, and nodded.

Hu Sanmiao said inside: "Little girl, come and see if the soup in the jar is almost dry?!"

Xiao Zhu stuck out his tongue playfully at me, and ran back quickly.

I rushed to Xinyuan Manor.

On the way, I thought about a question over and over in my mind.

The statue of the landlord Lao Cai carrying a rice bag is the treasure of the Lu family, and only the owner of the Lu family is eligible to see it.

This Luban key must have been in the hands of the head of the Lu family, Lu Zhijie.

But it appeared in Baoguxuan's store for no reason, which only shows that it must have been spread from within the Lu family.

I suddenly thought of the list of people who participated in the appraisal during the case handling.

Only shopkeeper Song participated in the appraisal!

He is the inner ghost who has been lurking in the Lu family. The last task assigned to him by the old manager is to seize the treasure of the Lu family.

But as a shopkeeper of Yingqing Pavilion, normally speaking, he would not know what the Lu family's treasure is.

From Shopkeeper Song's statement before he died, it was obvious that he knew what the treasure was.

I boldly speculate that after ten years of groping, shopkeeper Song actually obtained this Luban key secretly, but he never told the old manager. Instead, he passed the last appraisal and deliberately gave the Luban key to me.

Giving it to me is equivalent to giving it to Lu Cenyin.

Lu Xiaoxin belonged to the old manager. Even if she won the position of Patriarch in the end, without the Luban key, she would not be able to open the organ of the treasure of the Lu family, and the old manager would not be able to obtain the contents of the treasure.

Shopkeeper Song's purpose for doing this is no longer known.


Is this the last pardon from an old shopkeeper to Lu Cenyin?

Of course, everything is just speculation.

Shopkeeper Song's death is not a pity.

But I have to admit that he is not a fool completely at the mercy of the old manager, nor is he an inhuman cold-blooded killer!

When I arrived at Xinyuan Manor, Lu Cenyin was already waiting for me in the living room.

On the table is the naive statue of the landowner Lao Cai carrying a rice bag.

From the eyes of each other, we saw excitement and apprehension.

The two looked at each other for a while, and then said something in unison.

"Open the treasure!"

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