World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 168 What a quack

As soon as this word comes out.

Even though Hu Sanmiao's mind had been polished to be as smooth as jade and as calm as water, his face still changed abruptly, and he stopped and said, "Little brother, you must not show yourself!"

I'm not trying to be brave.

Judging from the analysis just now.

The purpose of the old man in the heart of the lake to set the rules must be to grind Hu's mind for three seconds on purpose!

If you want to sharpen your mind for three seconds, the old man in the heart of the lake will definitely make the three planers exactly the same, without leaving any hints or flaws.Because, once there is something that can be identified, and you meet a top expert, and let someone identify it, it will be considered a complete failure to grind your mind.

The old man in the heart of the lake deliberately asked an unsolvable question, so that people could not identify it, so as to force Hu Sanshou to plan wood by himself.

But unsolvable questions are not without answers.

Just like a student exam, there are usually only two answers to unsolvable questions.

All answers are yes.

Any answer given is wrong.

It's impossible to be all wrong. The old man in the center of the lake is not that boring. Before he died, he specially made up a fake title to deceive people. This is not the style of the older generation of entertainers.


The answer can only be all yes!

I bet the three planing knives all have the words "Old Man in the Heart of the Lake" inside their blades!

The older generation of master masters of antiques especially like to temper and test their apprentices through this kind of false and real means!

This is actually the same as the blind man's feeling the elephant test question mentioned above.

To put it bluntly, just two words, play with people!

I replied decisively: "No regrets, let's plan!"

When Hu Sanmiao heard this, the muscles on his old face twitched, he stared at me for a while, and opened his mouth to persuade me.

I turned my finger and pointed to an extremely weird iron ring lock hanging under the iron rod on the side: "This iron ring lock should be specially used to lock the hands of the appraiser before digging, because he is worried that the appraiser will repent and fail to fulfill his promise. Bar?"

Hu Sansou nodded: "That's right."

I said, "Master Hu, success or failure depends on God's will."

"If I lose, you can just take the trick, and Su Chen will not be considered a leader if he snorts!"

"If I succeed, please unlock the mechanism for me!"

After I finished speaking, I took the initiative to put my hands in the iron ring lock.

Seeing this, Hu Sanmiao's gaze suddenly became extremely stern: "What a quack!"

"I'm just saying this to you. Even if you fail the appraisal, the old man will invalidate your trick. But as long as the old man is here, he will pay for the rest of your life!"

"If the identification is successful, the old man will be at his disposal for the rest of his life!"

It's been ten years.

It was the first time that someone dared to let him dig so decisively.

He also took a deep breath.

Hu Sansiao walked over, clapped his hands on the iron ring lock, and made two "clicks", and the iron ring lock locked my hands tightly.

It is completely impossible to escape from the lock made by people who play tricks.

Hu Sanshao turned around and picked up an extremely sharp ax from the corner of the wall, and walked slowly to the three yellow pear planers, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.


He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly: "Open!"

The sharp ax is like a sword, coming quickly.

A crisp sound.

The yellow rosewood in the middle was split in half by an axe, and the iron knife in the middle fell off with a clang.

With trembling hands, Hu Sanmiao picked up the iron knife and looked at it. He suddenly said "Wow", and he fell limply on the ground and fell into the cloud-like pile of wood shavings. He seemed to have fainted from the stimulation.

I was speechless for a while.

You should unlock the iron ring lock for me before I faint.

The sun was shining brightly, spilling into the yard and shining on the shining iron knife.

In the middle of the iron knife, there are several lower characters engraved: Old Man in the Heart of the Lake.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

There is an element of luck in this.

If I hadn't noticed that there was something wrong with Hu Sanmiao's leg, and he suddenly told me the allusion, I wouldn't have dared to think about it at all.

But more importantly, I bet!

I believe that other appraisers may have thought about this, but they didn't hear Hu Sanmiao's words and didn't have the courage to gamble. They didn't dare to let Hu Sanmiao lock their hands and let him dig .

Hu Sanmiao was dizzy due to the momentary stimulation.

It won't be long before I wake up.

I am not in a hurry.

Close your eyes slightly, tilt your head up, and enjoy the sunshine.

At the beginning, what Sister Jiuer said was the truth among truths.

After half an hour.

Hu Sanmiao woke up leisurely, sitting stupidly among the shavings, his expression still in a dazed state.

Until he turned his head and saw me and said, "Oops!"

He tremblingly got up from the ground and hurried over to unlock the lock for me.

After opening the lock, I was rubbing my wrist, but Hu Sanshou fell down and bowed. I hurriedly pulled him up: "Master Hu, you're welcome!"

Hu Sanmiao was overwhelmed with excitement, his eyes were flushed, and his chest heaved up and down: "Ten years, ten years... I finally met Master's title!"

"Little brother, you are truly a strange person in the world!"

"From now on, as long as the little brother needs it, the old man will stand on the back of the horse, follow the leader, and let him be at his disposal!"

I replied: "Master Hu is out of touch! There is something in front of me, and I really need Master Hu's help."

After Hu Sanmiao heard it, he raised his hand and patted his thigh: "Look at me, I'm almost confused...Brother, please sit down, let me see what mechanism it is."

We sat down again at the tea table.

Hu Sans eyes were full of heat.

This is the first time since the old man in the heart of the lake passed away, he took action to solve the mechanism for others, and he is probably more excited and nervous than me.

I took out the photo and handed it to him.

Hu Sanmiao looked at those photos repeatedly, frowning for a while, and saying "huh" and "strange" from his mouth.

I suddenly felt nervous for no reason.

I thought this would be a relatively common mechanism lock, but judging from Hu Sanmiao's current expression, it seemed that it was still very difficult.

Hu Sanmiao's ability is not built, he is known as the world's organ, and can be broken in three seconds.

But now almost half an hour has passed!

Hu Sanshou let out a long sigh of relief and closed the photos.

I asked, "Master Hu, how are you doing?"

Hu Sansao said: "It can be broken!"

A stone fell to the ground in my heart.

Hu Sanshou said, "But it will take time."

"How long will it take?" I asked.

Hu Sanshou picked up his finger and calculated it: "This is the Luban keyhole. You have found the right person to find me. The old man's ancestor learned Luban's technique."

"Lubanshu is known as 'a lack of one'. If it is replaced by someone else, it will be unbreakable until death. But I can draw a lock picture according to the shape of the hole. Within a day, the lock picture can be completed."

I was overjoyed: "Thank you Hu Ye!"

Hu Sansuo heard the words, but gave up: "It's too early to say. Although the picture can be made, there are problems in making the key according to the picture. From the picture, the keyhole should be made of cork. If you are not afraid of damaging the keyhole Cork, and keys made of gold, silver, iron, and copper can unlock the lock, and it can be done within a few days."

"However, if you are worried about damaging the cork next to the hole, you need to forge a special flexible key according to a certain metal ratio. I know this recipe. But I can't guarantee the success of the experiment. Several years of trials have failed."

"This matter mainly depends on how the little brother chooses, but no matter what choice you make, as long as the old man is here, he will definitely forge the key according to your requirements!"

I suddenly felt dizzy.

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