World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 167 Unsolvable Problem

This thing is really scary enough.

Hu Sanmiao is not the only person in the world who can understand the mechanism, no matter how famous he is in the world, no one will put his own eyes on it in order to understand the mechanism.

Like this kind of old Jianghu rules, others dare not easily violate them, and no one knows that Hu Sanmiao has any special means to destroy other people's tricks.But if you make a mistake, they will definitely have the ability to let you stay.

I took a sip of tea and thought about it.

Either I have [-]% confidence to identify it, or don't even look at the three Bing Huanghua avocado planer.

After reading it, if you dare not dig it out, you will be humiliating yourself.

No appraiser in the world dares to be sure that his eyesight can see through the world's treasures.

Sister Jiu'er can't do it either.

Today is considered a white trip.

I was just about to say goodbye.

But Hu Sanmiao stopped me, and looked at his watch: "Young man, don't rush to make a decision. If you have nothing to do, drink tea with the old man for half an hour. Those who can bear the heart."

After speaking, he took the tea pot from the tea table, turned around and entered the room.

When he came out, he held three cans of tea in his hand, and said to me: "Dahongpao, Mingqian fried green, and blue bricks are all treasured by the old man. Which one do you want to drink?"

I remembered that Lu Cenyin liked to drink green brick tea, so I replied, "Blue brick."

Hu Sansiao heard the words, nodded, and started to soak green bricks.

The two of us drank tea and chatted one after another.

Hu Sanmiao spoke like a wise elder. Even when he talked about such a scary thing as picking someone's tricks, he gave people a sense of gentleness.

However, during the chat, I found that he rubbed his right leg from time to time, frowning slightly.

There was chatter all over the place, so I asked, "May I ask you, Mr. Hu, is there any hidden disease in your right leg?"

Hu Sansiao was taken aback when he heard the words, took a sip of tea, and asked, "How did you judge?"

I said, "When Mr. Hu walks, although his steps are consistent, the sound of his right foot hitting the ground is obviously heavier."

Hu Sansao asked: "Just because of this?"

I shook my head: "Of course not, I can't judge based on this. But just now I saw Mr. Hu shaving wood chips. Generally speaking, whether it's a cook or a carpenter, they usually use their left leg to exert strength. This is caused by the influence of gravity in the northern hemisphere."

"It has been like this for many years, the strength of the left leg has become thicker, the muscles and bones have become stronger, and the center of gravity of the ground is also concentrated on the left leg. The sound of the left leg will definitely be heavier than the right leg, but Master Hu does the opposite. Prove that Master Hu's right leg is a prosthesis."

Hu Sanshao laughed for the first time.

He gave me a thumbs up: "Exceeding ordinary people's hearing, extremely detailed observation, and accurate judgment."

After speaking.

He rolled up the bottom of his right trousers.

There's nothing wrong with prosthetics.

But it's not the kind of rubber prosthesis in the hospital, but made of willow wood, with a movable mechanism in the middle, which looks very flexible, almost no different from ordinary people.

The ingenuity of craftsmanship is jaw-dropping.

Hu Sanshao put down his trouser legs and started talking.

"This prosthesis was made for me by my master. It has been with me for ten years, and you are the first to see it."

"Hey... ten years ago, I was in my forties, and I was well-versed in crafts. I felt that I was better than my master, and that I was better than blue. I opened the mechanism and unlocked it for people everywhere, and I was famous in the world. I was called 'Hu Sansiao'. At that time, I thought that all the organs of the world would be destroyed by me, and my mentality was arrogant and supercilious."

"Master's admonition to me was completely useless. Until one day, I fell into someone else's way, and one of my legs was forcibly removed. Fortunately, I escaped with my life and crawled back. When the master saw it, he shook his head and sighed. I got a prosthetic."

"From then on, until the death of my master, he didn't say a word to me except that he told me that only the name inside the yellow flower oil pear planer could be exposed again. This matter has been a constant pain in the old man's heart. It's a one has solved it until now."

It turned out to be the case.

But suddenly a flash of inspiration came to my mind.

Antiques are not playing with antiques, but playing with people.

This sentence popped up again.

Hu Sanmiao was famous in the world back then, but he was taught such a painful lesson. Before he died, the old man in Huxin set such a rule for him that he could not solve the mechanism for others for ten years. Could it be because the old man in Huxin was worried that he would still Will something happen again, deliberately grinding his mind?

Wood shavings are shavings.

The rules established by the old man in the heart of the lake are not framed by organs, but by Hu Sansiao.

Judging from Hu Sanmiao's mentality of being able to sharpen the needle with an iron rod, even if he tries to solve the mechanism for others at this time, the same thing as before will not happen, and the plan is considered a success.

If this guess is correct, then the three yellow flowers and pear wood planers next to it must not be verified by conventional identification methods.

Seeing that I was silent, Hu Sanmiao said, "Little brother, I have drunk the tea and talked about the old man's business. The old man is very happy today."

"But if you want me to solve the mechanism, the teacher's order must not be violated, and the rules must be obeyed."

"The old man suggested that you should hire someone else."

I replied, "Master Hu, let me take a look at those three planers first."

Hu Sanshao nodded: "It's okay to plan, but you must not dig, otherwise, the old man will find it very difficult to do."

He was worried that if I made a mistake, he would come and cancel my trick.

I replied: "Thank you Hu Ye for the reminder!"

After speaking.

I went directly to the three-handled huanghuayouli wood plane, picked up the plane, and watched it carefully.

The three wood planers are made of the same material, heavy in the hand, round and shiny, and there is no difference between the planer body, handle and knife handle.

Looking at the blade below, it is exactly the same.

I even placed it on a flat place and compared the heights of the handles of the three yellow-flowered avocado wood planers. Although they have been repeatedly planed for ten years, because they are used so evenly every day for three seconds, the height of the handles is also the same. There is no difference.

These are three planers that are completely indistinguishable by conventional identification methods.

It can be said.

If you don't open the plane knife, it is almost impossible for the world's appraisers to identify which knife body has the words "Huxin old man" hidden in it with the naked eye.

This is an unsolvable problem.


I suddenly realized.

Hu Sanmiao asked from the side: "Little brother, do you see the clue?"

I replied, "I see."

Hu Sanmiao didn't show any surprise at my words, but asked indifferently: "Which one is true?"

The reason why he showed such a calm expression was that many people must have said that they could see it before, and explained a lot of reasons for the appraisal, but in the end no one dared to use a planer to verify it.

In Hu Sanmiao's heart, he thought I was the same as them.

I replied, "The plane knife in the middle is real."

Hu Sanmiao raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "Oh?"

I opened my mouth and said, "Please undergo surgery to verify!"

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