World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 158 Cruel

Hear this.

I stood there for a long while, grief and indignation repeatedly intertwined in my heart.

"Your sister Xu disagrees, so let's keep it for now."

Came to the river alone.

Looking at the Yangtze River rushing eastward, I was silent for a long time.

I thought that I was exhaustive, knowing the situation, breaking the situation, and making the situation, enough to run amok in the rivers and lakes.

But now I realize that since the moment I stepped into the gambling stall, I have actually become a boat sailing alone in the waves. The boat is in the middle of the boat, the wind and waves are blinding my eyes, I can't recognize things, and I can't grasp the direction of sailing at all.


On top of predicting these things, I made what I thought was the most appropriate arrangement.

But the unexpected variable completely broke all this.

I asked Lu Cenyin to concentrate on staying where she was, to protect her treasure, but she couldn't resist her feelings for Lu Xiaoxin, so she left the Lu family.Fatty Xiao was asked to change the time and place of the transaction, but he couldn't resist his arrogance of foreign films, so he went alone.Let Xu Qing leave with Xiaozhu, but she couldn't resist her filial piety to that bastard father, and in the end she was killed by her blood relatives.

This is tantamount to saying.

I arranged every chess piece, thinking that I was flying around and running amok, but I didn't expect that there was a strong magnet under the chessboard, which stuck to the chess pieces, causing them to be ruthlessly swallowed by the opponent one by one.

This magnet is the weakness of the people around him.

Lu Xiaoxin took advantage of these weaknesses to the extreme.

A sense of serious frustration lingers inside.

I think of sister Jiu'er.

In the past, whenever I failed, she would usher in a cruel and inhuman punishment, which was enough to make me sober again and not make mistakes again.

But Jianghu is not an exam, and if you fail, there is no chance to do it again.

The Lu family was gone, Xiao Lan's finger was broken, and Xu Qing left.

Nothing can be undone.


Lu Xiaoxin's ultimate move has been used up!

According to Suo Mingmen's rules, they will only repay the benefactor once and only once!

Lu Xiaoxin should be very clear about my reaction to this matter.

Now whether it is Wei Feng or Ma Ping, the whole world is frantically looking for her.

She has become a panicked dog after a successful sneak attack, she has no choice but to hide and hide.

I made up my mind.

At the end of the world, if you don't kill Lu Xiaoxin with your hands, you will never be a human being in this life!

I leaned against the river, dipped my face in the water repeatedly, roared loudly, and frantically stimulated my nerves.


It's already dawn.

A red sun curls up from the east.

I look up from the water.

Everything is still going on!


Drive to Xinyuan Manor.

Uncle Wang just sent a message.

Seventy to eighty percent of the Lu family's antiques were lost in the fire.

That night, Lu Cenyin held an emergency meeting with a sallow face, and only said one sentence to resign as the head of the Lu family, and then went to Xinyuan Manor without looking back.

so far.

The door was closed tightly.

Uncle Wang has been guarding the door, but there is no answer when he knocks on the door, and no one answers the phone.

The external protection of Xinyuan Manor is extremely strict. If you want to break in and take a look, there is no other way but to call the fire department to cut the doors and windows.

Uncle Wang was very worried that something might happen to Lu Cenyin inside, so he told me to hurry over.

Coincidentally, I will do one of the two things that Xu Qing told me, for her first.

Come to Xinyuan Manor.

Uncle Wang was standing at the gate anxiously. When he saw me, he quickly walked over to greet me: "Mr. Su, will Miss..."

I replied firmly: "She won't!"

I rang the doorbell, and said to the video surveillance next to the gate, "Cen Yin, open the door!"

After ten seconds.

The door opened automatically.

Seeing this, Uncle Wang was completely relieved and left consciously.

Lu Cenyin was embracing her hands, sitting on the sofa in a daze, her eyes were red and swollen.

I sat next to her.

After half an hour.

I said coldly: "Last night, Xu Qing died and Xiao Lan broke two fingers. Lu Xiaoxin asked someone to do it."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin turned to look at me with a shocked expression.

A state where a person who was hit to the bottom of the valley has suffered repeated heavy blows again.

I continued: "Before Xu Qing died, let me apologize to you on her behalf. She wants to tell you that there is nothing between me and her."

As soon as this word comes out.

Lu Cenyin completely collapsed, trembling all over, covered her face with her hands, and cried loudly, "How could Xiaoxin do could she do this..."

I said, "I will kill her, you need to prepare your mind well in advance."

According to the century-old Lu family's death rules, no matter what major mistakes the clansmen have, they can only be eliminated by the Lu family themselves. If outsiders eliminate her, they will become the Lu family's deadly enemies.

But once I made up my mind, Lu Xiaoxin would definitely die by my hands.

Lu Cenyin knew this very well.

At that time, there will be an insurmountable moat between me and her.

This is why I asked her to carry out psychological construction in advance.

Lu Cenyin kept crying.

I sat for a while and said, "I've finished talking, I'm leaving."

Lu Cenyin grabbed my hand, stared at me coldly with red and swollen eyes, and said in great pain: "You haven't killed her yet, have you?!"

"Now we're not dead enemies, are we?!"

"I dare to imitate Xiaoxin and completely abandon the Lu family for you, don't you believe me?!"

Rhetorical questions like a cannonball.

Every sentence hits my heart.


Lu Cenyin can give up everything for the love in her heart.

She loves the Lu family and her sister.

But at this moment, these rhetorical questions she threw out have elevated me to a more important and irreplaceable position than them.

It was a hopeless tear for her.

I feel that I am too cruel to Lu Cenyin!

But I don't have a choice.

Looking at the face that was originally lively and pretty, but now desperate and sad.

I said, "I'm sorry."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin hugged me, leaned her head tightly on my shoulder, and kept sobbing.

I don't know how long it will be.

Her mood finally stabilized completely, she let me go slowly, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Lu Cenyin came out after washing her face, and said with a strong nasal voice: "I proposed last night to resign as the head of the Lu family, but all my uncles disagree."

They are not old foxes if they agree.

As a result, the Lu family's family property is now completely ruined, and it is a complete mess. In the face of everyone talking about eating, whoever picks up will be a stick.Secondly, they have seen Lu Xiaoxin's extremely cruel methods. The head of the Lu family is equivalent to giving away the head, and they don't want to die yet.

I replied: "The purpose of your raising this matter is not to resign the head of the Lu family."

Lu Cenyin replied: "Yes! Since they dare not accept it, I will propose next step that I can continue to be the head of the family, but I must take over the management and disposal of the Lu family's personnel, finances, and remaining treasures, and take full control model."

I asked, "Including the big copper cabinet?"

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