World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 157 No Regrets

I told Wei Feng the ins and outs of the three incidents of electrician wiring arson, foreigners setting up a plot to hack people, and escaping in a car accident in the rain.

After hearing this, Wei Feng frowned and said, "I'll file the case right away!"

"But to be honest, based on my many years of experience in handling cases, it can be said that there are almost zero clues. The electrician must be a fake, the foreigner has already escaped, and the license plate of the accident must be fake."

"It seems that the most valuable clue you found is that the person who contacted Old Man Xu by text message must have used a temporary number with an unused ID card, and the card has definitely been discarded now."

"But no matter what, even if it's not for work, even if it's for Xiao Lan, I will catch her anywhere in the world!"

Speaking of this, Wei Feng raised his sword eyebrows with an extremely stern expression.

I actually know all of this.

But what I want is Wei Feng's attitude!

In terms of finding someone, they have more means than me. Once they find out about Lu Xiaoxin, I must know it immediately.

At that time, I will definitely visit Lu Xiaoxin in person.

I handed Old Man Xu's mobile phone to Wei Feng.

Wei Feng dialed the phone number of the person who contacted Old Man Xu by text message.

Sure enough, it is turned off.

I asked, "Old man Xu, do you want to arrest him now?"

Wei Feng shook his head and replied: "Although we all know that he is the middleman, first of all he didn't know about it, he didn't participate in any planning, he just told others the address. Second, there is no evidence to prove that this car accident has anything to do with this There is no way to catch him because of the text message contacts."

Can't catch the best!

I nodded and replied, "Okay!"

Wei Feng said goodbye to me.

When he got into the car, I said to him: "Brother, you have failed in educating old man Xu."

Hearing this, Wei Feng smiled wryly: "The methods are restricted to death, sometimes, I really want to take off this clothes and become a knight."

He is a man with a strong sense of justice.

I replied, "There is a chance."

After Wei Feng left.

I sent a message to Ma Ping.

Ask her to mobilize all the forces in Shanghai and Jinling to help find Lu Xiaoxin. If this matter is accomplished, Su Chen is willing to let his brains die.

Ma Ping answered very simply: "OK!"

Go back to the door of the operating room.

Xiaozhu has been staring at old man Xu with both eyes.

The old man Xu was terrified, he didn't dare to make a move, he shrank in the corner, his body trembling.

The operation is still going on.

Xiao Jing closed her eyes nervously.

The electronic clock on the wall was beating silently every minute, and the air was terrifyingly quiet.

Ten minutes passed.

There was a sudden sound of extremely panicked footsteps in the operating room.

Immediately afterwards, several doctors ran out with blood on their surgical gowns.

"The patient's bleeding cannot be stopped!"

"Which one of you is Su Chen, come in quickly, the patient has something to tell him!"

"Be fast, or you won't be able to say it!"

My brain suddenly buzzed, and I ran into the operating room with my feet up.

Xiao Zhu and Xiao Jing wanted to follow in, I turned my head and said, "Stay at the door!"

Xiaozhu reacted immediately, grabbed Xiaojing's hand, and stayed outside with a pale face.

After I rushed in, I saw the blood on Xu Qing's body was continuously flowing out, his mouth was still spilling milk like a baby's, the blood was spilling out, his body was shaking, and several doctors were all standing by the side, looking helpless.

"Why don't you help?! Why?!"

Several doctors looked at each other.

One of the doctors said: "Family, please calm down, we have tried everything..."

When I heard this, my emotions collapsed in an instant, and I yelled at them: "Impossible! She can't die! Find a way for me, hurry up!"

"Little brother..."

Xu Qing spoke with great difficulty on the operating table.

I quickly turned around, bent down in front of the hospital bed, held Xu Qing's hand tightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Sister, don't be will be fine, I will transfer you to another hospital right now, Quan Jinling please good doctor..."

Xu Qing's mouth was still bleeding, she grabbed my hand forcefully, and shook her head sadly: "No."

"It's good that you stay with my sister, I'm a little scared..."

My tears suddenly fell like the bank of a bank, and I couldn't stop it anymore, and fell down in a puff.

A bloody hand reached out and wiped the tears on my cheeks very gently.

"Silly boy... don't cry."

"Thank you, sister. After getting to know you, I feel like I was rescued from the river by you. At last, my sister no longer acts like a ghost, but can be a human again... The time is short, but my sister is really happy."

"If you have a house, you can shelter from the rain, if you have a restaurant, you can have enough food. With you... and also with thoughts, my sister is already satisfied, and I have no regrets."

I grabbed her hand gently stroking my face, barely speaking: "Sister, I'm sorry, don't say any more..."

A mouthful of blood poured out of Xu Qing's mouth again.

"Can you promise my sister two things?"

"You say, I agree."

"There is some income in the restaurant. You use my share to hire a nanny to take care of my father. Let him eat and drink. He won't live long... He has improved. After he goes down, he shouldn't be here anymore. Hit me. My sister doesn't need the 100 million you gave me, you take it back, and there will be many places for you to use the money in the future."

My heart is pierced.

Xu Qing didn't know at all.

Her death was caused by old man Xu.

Before she was about to die, she still missed her bastard father.

"what happened?"

"I promise."

"Another thing...Miss Lu family, I have never apologized to her face to face, you must say this for me...You guys have to be good."

"I promise."

Xu Qing smiled.

The smile of a child who is satisfied and at ease after receiving a certificate.

"That sister is gone..."

Xu Qing smiled peacefully, looked at me tenderly, retracted her hand in my palm, she wanted to pull it out, but I held her tightly.

She slowly closed her eyes and dropped her hands.

Seeing this, all the doctors began to bow to Xu Qing.

Xiaozhu and Xiaojing came in.

Two people cried into tears.

Only Old Man Xu, an old bastard, just looked outside the operating room door, then retracted.

Although he is very afraid of us, he will not go now.

Because, Xu Qing died, this old bastard must still be thinking about the money she left behind.

I try my best to calm my emotions.

Sadness and hatred are engraved in my heart at the same time.

Xu Qing was sent to the morgue.

The blood on her body was cleaned up, as if she had fallen asleep peacefully before.


I am not in the mood to stay in the hospital any longer.

Everything about Xu Qing's funeral is left to Xiaozhu.

Seeing me leaving, Xiaozhu chased me out.

I asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiaozhu: "..."

I replied: "My mind is messed up, go take a breath, you don't have to worry."

Xiaozhu nodded when he heard the words: "Okay... Is old man Xu following the original plan?"

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