World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 118 Copy homework

Uncle Wang shook his head: "I don't know. I'm wondering if Yang Lin is a top expert invited from other places. The second lady deliberately put a fog to confuse us before?"

I replied: "There are not so many top experts. Yang Lin is just a puppet. He came to open the exam and I closed the exam."

When Uncle Wang heard this, he was immediately anxious: "Mr. Su, are you sure this time?"

I thought about it for a while, and then asked, "What did you do when you couldn't do the exam before?"

Uncle Wang was taken aback for a moment, and replied angrily, "Hand in the blank paper!"

I almost fainted.

Handing in blank papers is not a good student.

I said: "You are too honest, there is a classmate who can get full marks sitting next to you, why don't you copy his answers?"

That's exactly what I thought at the time.

But it turns out that Lu Xiaoxin and the others are really ruthless, they only copied one question, and they won't let me copy any more, and they almost broke my writing hand.

Lu Cenyin comforted me softly: "It's okay, just do your best."

There are some fifteen or sixteen-year-old Lu family juniors in the compound, dressed in very western style.

They saw us and came over to say hello, overjoyed.

"Sister Cen Yin, you look so beautiful today."

"Is this your boyfriend, what's his name?"

"I seem to have heard from the second master before that his name is Su Chen, right? He is much more handsome than the little boy brought by sister Xiaoxin!"

"That's right, that little white face still smells of perfume, which is disgusting."


Lu Cenyin's popularity is so good everywhere.

She smiled and blamed them: "Little devils, don't talk nonsense!"

After speaking.

Lu Cenyin held my arm affectionately, and said shyly, "Honey, let's go in."

The Lu family's ancestral house is very large.

In addition to the large ancestral hall in the middle, there are many side rooms on both sides, and there is a large garden on the right hand side. In the garden, there are corridors, pavilions, rockeries and flowing water, exuding charm and elegance.

The entire Lu family's ancestral house covers an area of ​​two or three acres.

According to Lu Cenyin, the ancestor of the Lu family used to run a grain shop, and later there was a far-sighted ancestor who was an apprentice in a pawn shop.After he finished his studies, he thought that selling grain would only keep him fed and clothed for a lifetime, and making antiques would keep him safe for ten lifetimes, so he transferred the grain shop and began to rely on his eyesight to make fortunes, gradually developed and expanded, and finally became an unstoppable antique in Jinling. big family.

Fan Li, the ancestor of antiques, once said that grain and cloth are very profitable, traditional Chinese medicine pawnshops are profitable [-] percent, and antique calligraphy and paintings are profitable.

The Lu family can also be regarded as a model of profit-seeking antiques and success.

The ancestral hall is very festive.

Red couplet stickers with happy words.

Lanterns hang and burn incense.

In the ancestral hall, there are more than a dozen Eight Immortals tables with tea and snacks on the tables. Many Lu family members are drinking tea and chatting lively. Their gestures show the temperament of antique Jianghu people.

Jinling Antique Banlu House.

This statement is not false.

After they saw us coming in, apart from greeting Lu Cenyin with a smile, their eyes were mainly on me.

Many people must have heard my name, but when they saw me for the first time, their expressions were full of curiosity.

For the first time, I was treated as the focus of the audience, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

But Lu Zhijie and Uncle Lu's family were nowhere to be seen inside.

Uncle Wang explained to us that Lu's parents and elders were all discussing the next sky lantern lighting ceremony in the inner room.

Instead, I saw Lu Xiaoxin.

She was still wearing headphones, eyes closed, shaking her head slightly, as if no one was listening to the music.

Sitting next to Lu Xiaoxin was a young man with a greasy face and a somewhat restrained expression.

Presumably this is Lu Feifeng's new apprentice Yang Lin.

But Lu Xiaoxin and Yang Lin were far apart, and there was no communication between them, not even their eyes.

This couple is definitely not real.

Seeing this, Lu Cenyin took the initiative to take me over to say hello.

She smiled and said, "Xiaoxin, why don't you introduce the person next to me?"

Although the big and small Huadans of the Lu family are not compatible, it is impossible to refute them openly in front of so many clansmen.

Lu Xiaoxin took off one of the earphones, and without looking at Lu Cenyin, two words popped out of his mouth: "Yang Lin."

Hearing this, Yang Lin wanted to get up and shake hands with us, but in a blink of an eye he saw Lu Xiaoxin staring at him coldly, so he had to sit down again.

Lu Cenyin pulled me and introduced to them: "This is..."

Lu Xiaoxin raised his hand and stopped him: "No need to introduce, sister, you found a silver-like wax gun head, your eyes are really poisonous!"

That's pretty insulting.

Lu Cenyin's pretty face changed: "Xiaoxin, you can be rude to me, but please respect Su Chen!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoxin took off the earphone in the other ear, picked up a banana on the table, peeled it, and looked at it with a sneer.

Since then.

She put the banana on the chair, put a tablecloth on it, and sat on it.

The bananas rotted immediately.

The corner of Lu Xiaoxin's mouth turned up: "The silver-like wax gun head is really useless!"

After speaking.

She swung the chair, stretched herself, and turned to go to the bathroom.

With this woman's behavior, she pressed my dignity to the ground and rubbed it crazily, and also pressed Lu Cenyin's dignity to the ground and rubbed it crazily.

Lu Cenyin was really angry: "Xiaoxin!"

I grabbed her.

no need.

Tongue attack, can only splash disgusting droplets.

Fatal fights will vomit blood.

I will make Lu Xiaoxin vomit blood later.

I took Lu Cenyin back to my seat.

After sitting down, Lu Cenyin's eyes were red with guilt, and she whispered, "Su Chen, I'm sorry..."

I replied, "I don't blame the room for mosquito bites."

Lu Cenyin said, "But I let you in this room."

I smiled and took a sip of tea without saying a word.

In fact, the purpose of coming to the Lu family's ancestral house was not entirely to help Lu Cenyin.

Old man Hua smashed the street lamp and pushed Lu Cenyin into my arms.

most likely.

He wanted to completely bind Lu Cenyin and me together.

As for what the purpose of the bundle is, I don't know.

Since you don't know, just take a boat along the river and take a look at the scenery along the way and on the other side.

Sit for a while.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the side door.

Turn around.

Three men in their 60s and [-]s wearing Tang suits came out pushing a wheelchair.

There was a person sitting in the wheelchair, leaning back on the chair, with his eyes closed, and beside the chair was an infusion pole with drip bottles hanging on it.

no doubt.

The person in the wheelchair is Lu Zhijie, the current head of the Lu family.And the three men in Tang suits who walk steadily and imposingly in the back are two uncles and one uncle of the Lu family's Huadan.

When Lu Cenyin and Lu Xiaoxin saw Lu Zhijie and the others coming out, they immediately got up from their seats.

Both wanted to walk over.

But Lu Xiaoxin saw that Lu Cenyin passed by first, shook his neck, continued to put on the earphones, and sat down to listen to music.

After Lu Cenyin passed by, he half squatted on the ground and called Dad a few words with great concern.

But Lu Zhijie didn't respond.

Seeing this, Lu Cenyin's beautiful eyes were filled with surprise, she got up and asked, "Uncle, what happened to my dad today?"

Lu Fei, whose hair was a little gray, replied, "Big girl, Zhijie took a sedative and fell asleep."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin parted her lips slightly, and said, "Uncle, my father takes sedatives every three days. He just took the sedative the day before yesterday, so he should take it the day after tomorrow. Why do we need to take it today?"

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