The two walked out of the cafe.

When Wu Bin and others saw us coming out, they hurriedly prepared to drive.

However, Lu Xiaoxin called Wu Bin to a halt, and said to him in a cold voice, "Wu Bin, your bonus for this month is gone!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Bin replied with a smile, "Understood!"

Lu Xiaoxin ran back in his red sedan.

Wu Bin drove me off.

In the car, I asked Wu Bin: "You were deducted from the bonus by the boss, why are you not unhappy at all?"

Wu Bin replied: "Mr. Su, our eldest lady has always been ruthless. She has always only added bonuses, and never really deducted them. Even if she really deducted them, we are willing to follow her."

I asked, "Why?"

Wu Bin explained: "Miss is really kind! For example, my daughter-in-law was seriously ill and was hospitalized last year, and the family was very difficult. I wanted to advance the next year's salary and bonus in advance, so I went to ask Miss. The eldest lady said that the salary and bonus cannot be paid in advance, this is a rule, otherwise the whole Yingqing Pavilion will be messed up."

"In desperation, I scraped together everything, but the money was still not enough, and I was about to sell the house, but the hospital suddenly called me and told me that the eldest lady had already paid all the money in advance, using her own money , and specially invited the best doctor.”

Remember the website m.9biquge.

"I went to thank the eldest lady, but she said that Yingqing Pavilion is not a charity organization, but she and we are brothers and sisters, you are welcome. I am not afraid of Mr. Su's jokes. I am a big man. After I go out, I hide in a place and cry. .”

After hearing about it.

I have a new understanding of Lu Cenyin.

This girl steers and governs the army, with iron fist and warmth coexisting.

The Lu family would be blind if they didn't choose Lu Cenyin as the head.

Back at the rental house, I asked Wu Bin to wait in the yard for a while.

After arriving in the room, I took a hammer and cracked the screen of the box TV, and then moved down.

Seeing this, Wu Bin was puzzled: "Mr. Su, you are..."

I replied: "Your eldest lady came here last time and smashed my TV. She paid for it in the cafe just now. But she told me to give her the old TV. I won't let me take any advantage. You must send it to her. Hand, or she will go crazy."

Wu Bin smiled and replied, "Okay."

I told Lu Cenyin in the coffee shop that the Ming Xuande three-year incense burner will be sent to her at that time. Presumably with her brain, she will be able to guess what is in the broken TV.

About four to ten minutes after Wu Bin left, Lu Cenyin called.

"You are too courageous, and the peerless heavy weapon was sent over like a waste product!"

"Have you seen it?"

"I've seen it... I can't find any flaws. This seems to be a real incense burner made in Xuande three years ago! Do you need to send it to the authoritative department for testing? There are trustworthy people in it, and the news will not be leaked."

"Do you trust the instruments in their hands, or their vision?"


The reason for asking this.

Because the so-called authoritative department testing is nothing more than some old scholars with basic knowledge, using carbon fourteen and other identification methods to date antiques.

Briefly explain carbon fourteen detection.

Some people think that the detection method of carbon fourteen can cover the whole world.

This is actually a big misunderstanding.

If this is the case, all the appraisers can be laid off.

The so-called carbon fourteen detection, that is, radiocarbon dating method, uses carbon fourteen widely existing in nature to measure the age of organic matter and carry out dating.

Organic matter refers specifically to animals and plants.

This method should be very limited in the antique world.For one thing, most antique bronzes, ceramics, gold and silver are inorganic substances, and carbon fourteen is almost useless.Secondly, the greatest value of antiques lies in inheritance, and Carbon Fourteen can only be passed down from generation to generation, but cannot be passed down continuously.Thirdly, C[-] requires a certain amount of specimens, if the amount of specimens cannot be reached, or the specimens are contaminated, there will be large errors in the detection.

For this reason, Carbon [-] has a certain effect on woodware in miscellaneous items, some calligraphy, painting and silk paper, and remains in ancient tombs, but it has great limitations on other things.

For the dating of inorganic substances, magnetic dating technology was used in the next few years, but it is still immature and will not be described in detail.

I said to Lu Cenyin: "You can keep it safe for me."

Lu Cenyin replied, "That's fine, I'll pick you up at 08:30 tomorrow, so get up early."

I replied: "OK."

the next morning.

Lu Cenyin came downstairs very punctually and rang the horn a few times.

I put on that suit and go downstairs.

Lu Cenyin was dressed very gracefully today, with an ancient style bun, a slim long skirt, and an ancient jade pendant hanging around her neck with brick earrings. She looked delicate and beautiful, like a fairy descending to earth.

I can't help but feel a little dazed.

Lu Cenyin gave me the driving seat, frowned and rubbed his heels: "It's really uncomfortable to drive in a dress and high heels, so you can drive."

Seeing that I didn't respond, she gave me a blank look: "You don't need to pay such a long attention salute, just drive quickly."

I got in the car and said, "You look more attractive today than when you were stretched in silk pajamas."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin's pretty face flushed slightly, staring at SpongeBob SquarePants who was shaking his head on the windshield, and muttered in a very low voice: "That's because I didn't let go to stretch..."

I turned around and asked, "What did you say?"

Lu Cenyin replied: "It's nothing, concentrate on driving!"

The car does not drive to Yingqing Pavilion, nor to Sifangzhai, but to the suburbs.

The Lu family has an old ancestral house in the suburbs.

A big house in the late Qing Dynasty.

Usually no one lives in it, so we specially hired cleaning aunts and housekeepers to manage the yard and maintain the yang energy of the house.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Lu family will go to worship their ancestors.

As for the ceremony of lighting the sky lanterns for the ancestors, all the Lu family members will gather here, including some juniors who are studying abroad or a few who are not engaged in the antique business, they will all come back.

After more than an hour, they came to the big parking lot in front of the Lu family's ancestral house.

The first time I saw so many luxury cars parked in the same place at the same time.

In comparison, Lu Cenyin's red coupe was very low-key.

We just got out of the car.

Uncle Wang has already walked over quickly with a dozen people, with a very anxious expression on his face: "Miss, Mr. Su, I have to report something immediately."

Since then.

Uncle Wang turned around and told the others to back off first.

Lu Cenyin asked, "What's wrong?"

Uncle Wang replied in a low voice: "Second Miss came early, her boyfriend turned out to be Lu Fei's new apprentice."

Not only Lu Cenyin was dumbfounded, but I was also dumbfounded.

Lu Feifeng is Lu Cenyin's uncle.

He is not only the host of the sky lantern lighting ceremony, but also the examiner.

According to Uncle Wang's previous secret investigation, Lu Feifeng's new apprentice is Yang Lin, who has just graduated from university, and his major is human resource management.

Lu Cenyin frowned, "How could this be?!"

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