Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2951 Understanding the Rule Stone

Chapter 950 Comprehending the Rule Stone

Lu Chen smiled slightly: "I saw so many messy people from all walks of life went to the auction today, I thought, since there is a man behind the scenes who has been trying to attack Ksitigarbha College and your Wushuang City, I can't help but mess up the water." It’s a little muddy. As long as my rule stone is still there, even if there is only one chance to comprehend it, those people will not let me go. Not only that, they will not let go of those who are also staring at me!"

"Dog bites dog?" Yu Qingyang asked.

"Yeah!" Lu Chen said: "So, the people behind the scenes don't have time to find us when they place orders. Instead, we can take the opportunity to let people search the people behind it slowly! At the same time, there will be more time."

"But" a devil frowned and said, "This move of yours is really too risky!"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows: "It's a little risky for me to do this, but if I don't do it, the current situation will be even more dangerous."

"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, someone knocked on the door.

"Lu Chen, it's me." It turned out that it was Yuluan who came.

A demon king stepped forward and opened the door.

"Lu Chen, why did you go directly to the second floor to find me? Wouldn't it be better if the manager called me? Well now, you have offended the master of the dead background!" Yuluan said with a frown.

Hearing this, Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and directly told her all the things he encountered after returning to Dongjing.

"What? You actually went directly to Dizang College to trouble you?"


Lu Chen said: "The people behind the scenes obviously want to mess up the Demon God Continent. If the Lord of the Northern Territory really comes, I have a way to make him not trouble me for the time being. Even if there is no way, he has to force it , I will not be afraid either. You know that I always know what I do. "

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Yuluan had no choice but to nod silently.

"So, my first task now is to ask you to lend me some manpower. I will go to the city lord to borrow some later to protect the Ksitigarbha College. Then I will settle Yu Qingyang and the others. You are in Dongjing. Just help me take care of them. Just wait until her brother comes. I also have to go to the tomb of the classics to save the elders of our academy."

Yu Luan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Even if it's impossible."


"When you rescued me before, I had a group of men by my side, you? Remember?"

Lu Chen nodded.

"They didn't die at the time, but they also entered the classical tomb later, and there was no news. This time, I will also go in and rescue them."

"What?" Yu Qingyang hurriedly asked after hearing Yuluan's voice, "You mean, you want me to be left alone in Dongjing?"

I don't know why, when he heard that Lu Chen was about to leave, Yu Qingyang's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he asked extremely nervously: "Are you really going to abandon me? No, I want to go to the Classic Tomb too!"

"How can you go?" Lu Chen said, "It's very dangerous there."

"Yes, it's very dangerous there, but what if I run into someone behind the scenes while I'm waiting here for my brother?"

"If my brother and I want to go to the Classical Tomb together, isn't it just as dangerous? Why don't we go in with you first!"

Lu Chen was speechless. It seemed quite reasonable to say this, not to mention anything else, even if Yu Qingyang was by his side, he must have a way to ensure her safety.

Several people discussed for a long time, and finally, in view of Yu Qingyang's strong request, Lu Chen had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​settling Yu Qingyang, and agreed to go on the road with her.

The two demon kings looked at each other helplessly, and sighed: "The girl is not allowed to stay!"

"However, before leaving this Tianyin Pavilion, Lu Chen, you should fuse the rule stone. If you can understand the rules, you can fuse the rules, so as not to have long nights and dreams. Mo Yuan's Burning Fire Art is known as the most powerful attack power Rules, let those people see and see!" Yu Qingyang glanced at Lu Chen and said again.

Lu Chen smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Okay, then please ask Yuluan to help me arrange people to go to the Dizang Academy to guard. I will understand the rules here, and then you two will also understand once. If you can improve your strength as much as possible , is the best!"


After hearing Lu Chen's words, everyone in the room was shocked.

Yuluan slightly parted her red lips and said in surprise, "Are you really planning to use it for me once?"

"Brother Lu Chen, you still want to give it to me?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen smiled slightly: "I think, at this juncture, of course, the higher the strength, the better. You are all my friends. I naturally hope that everyone can improve their strength. Everyone's demon soul is different. The strength is also different, I believe that the remaining times are enough for me to fully comprehend. As for what you can comprehend, it depends on your fate."

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Yu Qingyang's black eyes flashed with an unusually bright light, just like the stars in the sky, so beautiful that it is unimaginable.

"Lu Chen, I think the luckiest thing in my life is that I met you. Do you know that although my friend died because of me, the way he looked at me before he died was still so gentle. I blamed myself and couldn't understand, but now I understand a little bit." Yu Qingyang pondered, and said softly: "Just relying on your words of belief, I can do anything for you, even if you want my life."

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Forget it, I don't want your life. You should rest for a while. After I fuse the rule stone, it will be your turn."

Yu Qingyang nodded and said, "Okay, I'll protect you here."

Yuluan's beautiful eyes also twinkled slightly, and in the end he didn't say anything, and went straight out to send staff to the Ksitigarbha College.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The remaining two demon kings and two brothers naturally knew how to read words and expressions. The second "young master" cared so much about Chase Lu, so of course they couldn't stay as "light bulbs". They both smiled and quietly exited the room to wait outside.

Sitting cross-legged, Chase Lu focused his attention on the attack rule stone.

The crystal-clear fiery red rule stone exudes a faint luster and a vaguely hot breath, and the energy of the devil soul contained in it makes Lu Chen feel domineering and majestic.

Lu Chen directly locked the rule stone with his mental power, and then tried to wrap it with the power of the demon soul.


When the spiritual force touched the flaming rule stone, a layer of red light suddenly appeared on the surface of the rule stone, and then the red light slowly melted.

The energy of the demon soul like liquid rest was slowly sucked into the demon soul by Lu Chen without any barriers.

Lu Chen closed his eyes, and he felt that the red energy gradually gathered in his mind.

Then a red figure appeared in my mind!

Lu Chen took a closer look. This man was wearing a crimson robe embroidered with auspicious clouds, a brown gold crown inlaid with rubies on his head, and a black embroidered gold girdle around his waist. , handsome and extraordinary.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, before he could speak, the figure in his mind spoke.

"What a powerful force!"

"Young man, your demon soul is really powerful!"

Lu Chen was a little dazed, could this guy be the legendary Mo Yuan?

"Yes, I am the legendary Mo Yuan." As if the red figure could see through Lu Chen's mind, he said directly, "Okay, since you can see my demon soul, then you are not only a powerful demon soul To be a promising and talented person is also a person who is very close to me. In this case, then I wish you to understand all my rules of burning the sky, and then become stronger and stronger, and you can reach the middle stage sooner. Come find me!"

After the figure finished speaking, there was a flash, and it completely disappeared in Lu Chen's mind.

Then, the place where the figure disappeared turned into a burst of red light, "Whew!", and rushed towards Lu Chen.

These red lights pierced into Lu Chen's mind at once, so some special move trajectories and tactic words appeared in front of Lu Chen. The secret of fire was displayed, and at the same time, the red energy in the demon soul was also decreasing little by little.

Hearing what Mo Yuan said, Lu Chen knew that the secret must be kept, but the image might not appear for the second time. This is the best opportunity to comprehend it, so he hurriedly calmed down and comprehended it wholeheartedly.

Yu Qingyang stood quietly beside Lu Chen, his eyes swept over Lu Chen who was unguarded against her, his eyes became warmer and softer.

Time passed minute by minute in this quiet practice, and the image repeated the formula of Burning Heaven Fire over and over again, but Lu Chen didn't dare to miss it at all.

Because he always felt that although it was the same Burning Flame cast, he seemed to understand something every time he watched it, and the rules became a little more profound. There is more to understand.

This is a mysterious state that is difficult to describe, and it is also the time when he truly comprehends the attack rules. The key to the trajectory of the Burning Flame allows him to display the rules at will, but if he cannot truly comprehend the attack rules, his power is limited.

This is why the strong who comprehend the rules by themselves are generally stronger than those who fuse the rules. Only by knowing what is it and why is it so can become a top powerhouse.

It took a whole night for the illusory images in front of Lu Chen to slowly dissipate. Although he still felt a little unfulfilled, the energy of his demon soul had already been exhausted—this was the most rule he could comprehend.

The stronger the power of the demon soul, the more it can comprehend.

One night was not long, but with the guidance of that illusory figure, Lu Chen felt that he had already started to understand the rules of fire between heaven and earth, which is the benefit of the rule stone.

Using the rule stone is indeed much faster than slowly comprehending it on your own, but it still takes a long time to deepen your understanding and use.

But this time, it was also because Chase Lu had mastered the rules of the Fire of Law before.The fire that burns the sky and the fire of law are both fire energy from the heaven and the earth.

Chase Lu could feel that if he could completely integrate these two rules, there would be unexpected effects!


Lu Chen let out a long breath, and slowly opened his eyes. Yu Qingyang, who was standing quietly beside him, turned his head, their eyes met, and they both smiled.

"Lu Chen, how is it? Have you fully understood it?" Yu Qingyang asked impatiently.

Lu Chen stood up with a faint smile, and stretched his waist: "How can it be so fast, fully comprehend the rules, it takes time to accumulate, and the experience that others have accumulated for tens of thousands of years, did you just learn it?"

Lu Chen glanced around, feeling a little strange, and asked, "Where is Yuluan? Hasn't she come back yet?"

"No, Sister Yuluan came back before, and then she saw that you were still comprehending, so she said to help you borrow some people from the city lord and send them to the Dizang College."

There was a trace of warmth in his heart, and Lu Chen smiled slightly: "I see."

"Okay, now it's your turn." Lu Chen stood up and put the rule stone in Yu Qingyang's hand, "Release your magic soul power, gently wrap the rule stone, then close your eyes slowly It's good to understand."

Facing such a gentle and careful Lu Chen, Yu Qingyang's heart couldn't help but twitch, and he smiled softly: "Okay."

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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