Chapter 950 Putting Bait


Looking at Lu Chen who stepped on Jian Dan, everyone was dumbfounded, watching all this in a daze, and couldn't believe their eyes!

how can that be!

An ordinary-looking young man actually cut the talisman made by the Lord of the Northern Territory in half with one move, and even defeated Jian Dan directly, stepping on his feet!

How is this possible!

That was a talisman made by the Lord of the Northern Territory, and it couldn't withstand Lu Chen's blow?

It was like a major earthquake, completely changing their world view!

Don't talk about them, even those big bosses who are powerful in the four realms will not believe what happened here!

This is appalling!

"I actually underestimated him?" Yuluan on the side was also a little surprised. She always knew that Lu Chen was powerful, but she never thought that Lu Chen could break the talisman of the realm master with one move, and even defeated his personal disciple. !

"How can Lu Chen's strength be so terrifying!" Yu Qingyang also looked at Lu Chen in front of him in surprise, and sighed softly after a long time. ? As for the two demon kings behind her, they are completely stunned now!

After Wu Mei reacted, she immediately shouted at Chase Lu.

"Go away, what are you, how dare you step on Master Jian Dan!"

"Get out of the way!" The onlookers came to their senses and yelled at Lu Chen.

"Come on, save Master Jian Dan!" The bearded man next to Wu Mei felt that this was an opportunity to please Jian Dan.

So he yelled at the crowd of onlookers, and rushed straight to Lu Chen.

But it's a pity that when the strong man rushed to Lu Chen's side, he suddenly realized that although everyone followed him and spoke impassionedly, no one rushed over.


There was a sneer at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and then he suddenly lifted his right foot that was stepping on Jian Shan, and kicked the strong man out with one kick.


The strong man flew seven or eight meters, hit the wall heavily, and then fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and coughed violently.

Seeing this scene, those who had moved their minds to deal with Chase Lu just now, but didn't step forward, felt very lucky.

And the rest of the onlookers, seeing Lu Chen looking over coldly, took a few steps back involuntarily.

"Don't come here!"

Those onlookers have long lost their previous arrogance and domineering, and now looking at Lu Chen, everyone's eyes can't help showing fear and consternation!

"You wanted to break my arm just now?" Ignoring those people, Lu Chen lowered his head and asked coldly to Jian Dan at his feet.

"You... what are you going to do?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Jian Dan trembled all over, and said very nervously and fearfully:

"Boy, I warn you, I am the disciple of the Lord of the Northern Territory and his nephew, so don't mess around."

"Otherwise, my uncle won't spare you, and you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen did not show the fear that Jian Dan imagined, but raised his eyebrows coldly: "Threatening me? I hate others threatening me the most!"

"Okay, just now I just wanted to abolish one of your arms, now, hehe"

An astonishing chill appeared on Lu Chen's face, and he said in a cold voice: "Don't take both!"

"Don't act recklessly, Master Jian Dan is the disciple of the Northern Realm Master who is number one in the Four Realms. If you touch Master Jian Dan, the Northern Realm Master will definitely not let you go."

"I don't know what kind of technique you used to break the talisman of the Lord of the Northern Realm, but false moves are no match for strength! Besides, the Lord of the Northern Realm is a strong man in the Tribulation Realm, with a noble status, not someone like you, Can be offended!"

Although they are very afraid of Chase Lu, those onlookers can't let Chase Lu just cripple Jian Dan's arm. If so, they will not be able to bear the blame from the leader of the Northern Territory!So they mustered up their courage and shouted loudly.

"Ahem, if you dare to touch Master Jian Dan today, you will be finished!"? Yue Ji, who had been silent all this time, also spoke.

Even Wu Mei said threateningly: "If you really do this, then your life will be over!"

"Yes, if you touch me, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow! Not only me, but also the guys behind you! Anyone who has anything to do with you will be wiped out by the Nine Clans! Believe it or not! "

After being reminded by everyone, Jian Dan continued to add that he was already relieved at the moment, and did not believe that Chase Lu dared to touch him.

After all, his identity and background are here. If Chase Lu dared to touch him after knowing these things, then he and his family and friends must not want to live anymore!

"Oh? Really?" Chase Lu's question came from Jian Dan's back, as if he was thinking about it seriously.

"How about it, be scared, let me go!" Jian Dan thought Lu Chen was scared, so he said triumphantly, "Then kneel down and kowtow to apologize! I will forgive you!"

Lu Chen lowered his head and didn't speak for a long time.

"Hahaha, did you hear me, kid, let me go!"

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't answer, at this moment, Jian Tan only thought that Lu Chen was guilty and scared, so he became more confident, and ordered arrogantly and domineeringly!


Hearing this, Lu Chen's eyes opened suddenly, and a cold glow shot out from inside, as if the Lord of the Devil Prison had descended.

"Hahaha boy, aren't you amazing? Didn't you underestimate my uncle, the Lord of the Northern Territory? Now you have the ability to depose me, otherwise, you are not a man!"

On the ground, Jian Dan didn't have a trace of fear, instead he was complacent and laughed out loud!

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"Come on, if you are capable... ah!"

Jian Dan's high-spirited voice stopped abruptly and turned into a scream like a pig being killed.


Lu Chen stepped on Jian Shan's other arm hard.

"It's the first time I've seen such a request in so many years. It's really cheap." With a bloodthirsty smile on Lu Chen's face, he shook his head slowly and said with great emotion.

"Ah!" Jian Dan lost his arrogance a long time ago, and fell to the ground screaming.

He never expected that after knowing his identity clearly, Lu Chen would dare to do it.

"Don't come here, I was wrong!"


"Hehe, is that so?" Chase Lu looked at Jian Chan, and slowly released his demonic power, and he controlled this power to only envelop Jian Chan alone.

At this moment, Jian Tan felt like falling from the devil prison to the eighteenth floor devil prison in an instant!

He couldn't help trembling all over, looking at Lu Chen who was like a demon god descending into the world, at this moment, even the severe pain in his arm was overwhelmed by fear!


This guy actually felt to him at this moment, as if he was more terrifying than his uncle's strength!

The devil has come!

The real demon god came to the world!

Looking at Jian Dan with trembling teeth, Lu Chen said slowly: "Since you threatened my nine clans, I'm here to tell you today, if you dare to touch a hair of my friends and family members, I will destroy your clan! If you don’t believe it! Then I’ll demonstrate it to you another day!”

Hearing what Lu Chen said slowly, Jian Dan didn't know whether it was in unbearable pain or excessive fear, but he rolled his eyes and passed out!

But those onlookers just saw this scene, their faces changed completely, and they didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

Looking at Lu Chen, they felt as if they had seen a devil!

A desperate devil!

It's too scary to actually dare to do anything to the nephew and disciple of the leader of the Northern Territory, the pinnacle of the Tribulation Transcending Realm!

This is definitely a big event that shakes the world!

Seeing Jian Dan fainted, Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, instead of looking at the old fried dough sticks around, he turned his head and returned to Yu Luan's side.

"Let's go?"


Yuluan nodded helplessly, this guy is so reckless, I don't know if he is stupid and bold, or if he really has the bottom line.

Yuluan whispered to Lu Chen through voice transmission: "This is Tianyin Pavilion after all, you go to the third floor and wait for me first, I will send someone to come up and deal with Jianane."

"it is good."

Lu Chen nodded, and then led the stunned Yu Qingyang to the third floor.


When Lu Chen stepped on the carpet on the third floor, the countless onlookers in the box on the second floor fled, desperate!

Things are too big today, they are afraid of being involved!If you don't escape at this time, it's over!

Until entering the top private room, Yu Qingyang was still in a dream.

Oh my god, that Jian Dan can be said to be half a step of the peak of a demon king. Such a person was actually wiped out by Lu Chen with one move,? At the same time, there was also the talisman of the Lord of the Northern Territory!

When did Chase Lu become so powerful?

He is obviously a demon king at the first level!He is still a first-level demon king who has not survived the three or nine calamities!

Why can he leapfrog so much and directly defeat the peak half-step demon king!

This is incredible!

"Lu Chen" At this moment, Yu Qingyang who was on the side wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lu Chen.

"Everyone has their own life-saving magic weapon, and so do I. You just need to know that I will always be your best friend, and I will not harm you." Lu Chen looked at Yu Qingyang and said.

After finishing speaking, he also looked at the two demon kings beside Yu Qingyang, and said: "Besides, I have never hidden it from you. If I really wanted to hurt you, I had many opportunities to harm you before."

"No!" Yu Qingyang interrupted Lu Chen: "I'm not worried about this, I want to ask this!"

"Lu Chen." Yu Qingyang reached out and took off his hood, revealing a stunning face, a pair of beautiful eyes looked straight at Lu Chen, full of anxiety and worry: "Lu Chen, I am worried that you will leapfrog all of a sudden." Can your body withstand so many battles? You know, no matter what the secret method is, it is harmful to the body!"

"If that's the case, I hope you don't use this secret technique lightly!"

Hearing what Yu Qingyang said, Lu Chen was speechless for a moment.

She actually wanted to say this, didn't this girl feel that his strength was unfathomable and dangerous at the first time, but was she worried about her own safety?

An inexplicable warmth welled up in his heart, and Lu Chen choked up for a while.

After a while, Lu Chen said slowly: "I'm fine, there are many secret methods in the world, and I'm not an idiot, why would I use the one that hurts the body? Besides, that guy just now is not worth my using the secret method that hurts the body."

"Hmph!" Yu Qingyang was completely relieved when he heard nothing happened.

She turned to say: "You know that group of people have bad intentions, why bother to go in? Just now you stopped us from doing anything, let me tell you, you have to beat that guy half to death!"

"Hey" Lu Chen rubbed his nose, looked at the two demon kings and asked, "Have the two demon kings ever caught fish?"

"Huh?" Yu Qingyang was confused.

The two demon kings, who had gone from shock to numbness, had a flash of inspiration at this moment, and said in unison: "You deliberately put bait!"

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