Junior Pharmacist

Comprehend the rules

"What happened to that feeling just now?"

Closing his eyes, Lu Chen carefully searched for the feeling at that time. Since the time had not passed for a long time, he soon felt a strange enlightenment rising slowly in the altar.

The battle trajectory of the two just now reappeared in front of his eyes over and over again, and the footwork trajectory that Lu Chen inadvertently displayed also made him feel extremely unspeakable.

That feeling is extremely hazy, and it won't be cleared up in a while, but Lu Chen knows that this kind of perception will definitely help her improve her strength, and it seems to be the key for him to break through the realm of the devil.

Time passed slowly in Lu Chen's cultivation comprehension. After a long time, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes.

He felt that the demon essence, cultivation level, and demon soul in his body hadn't changed much, but he suddenly found that everything in front of him seemed to be much brighter, his eyes and ears were suddenly much sharper, and some extremely fine textures could be seen very clearly. An extremely comfortable feeling, I don't know if this practice has worked.

Looking out the window, Chase Lu was surprised to find that the wing boat had already started flying. Looking down, Zhonghan City had become a land the size of a soybean.

There will be three or nine calamities to be promoted to the realm of the devil king.

One must understand the rules of the field in order to be successfully promoted to the Demon King.

But how can this kind of domain rules be so easy to comprehend?

Once you understand it, you can be regarded as a master in the realm of the devil king.

This kind of realm comprehension is actually a thorough understanding of a certain rule, and then finds a way to break this rule or use this rule, completely relying on manipulating the rule to attract the energy of the world to attack, rather than relying solely on personal strength.

The energy in the heaven and the earth is inexhaustible, and one's personal power is so weak, one can imagine with one's toes, who will win when the two collide.

How many people in the world can truly integrate the comprehension of rules into the demon soul?

Lu Chen was distressed when the hatch suddenly opened, and Su Shisan's resolute face with a faint smile appeared in his vision.

"Brother, I'm bored squatting in the room! Shall we play a game of chess?"

Su Shisan complained, strode over, and sat down beside Lu Chen boldly.

However, seeing Lu Chen's face, he smiled and asked: "You seem a little confused, is it an obstacle in cultivation?

Speak up and listen, maybe I can give you some advice. "

Lu Chen liked this man's straightforwardness very much. Hearing what he said, his eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for being an idiot. With such an experienced master by his side, what was he still thinking about?

Su Shisan is the eighth strongest person in the black domain ranking, and he is also a real human being. Naturally, he can ask him for advice on his cultivation experience! "Brother Thirteen, you are right, I am in trouble."

Lu Chen raised his head and smiled slightly, and sighed: "I'm about to be promoted to the Demon King, but now I'm stuck in a bottleneck state, and I don't know how to overcome this slow state."

"Advanced Demon King?"

Glancing at the faint smile on Lu Chenjun's face, Su Shisan's eyes moved slightly: "So I'm worried about this! Now there are two ways, first, you should understand the domain well, and second, suddenly someone will help you open up the meridians The shackles inside, when the time comes, if you upgrade a little bit of magic power, you can immediately upgrade the half-step demon king first, so that it will be much easier for you to upgrade the demon king in the future."

Su Shisan is very loyal, and will definitely spare no effort to help the friends he likes. This Lu Chen is magnanimous, and he is also an existence that the city lord of China Han City values. It is definitely beneficial to make friends with him.

"How about I help you?"

Su Shisan looked at Lu Chen with a smile.

Lu Chen knew that Su Shisan regarded him as a friend by saying this, so a smile could not help but rise from the corner of his lips.

Although this Su Shisan has an appetite for him, but the time of acquaintance is still short, it is impossible to associate with him unsuspectingly.

Opening up the meridians is a very private matter, if he moves a little at that time, it will be over.

And Lu Chen shook his head: "Brother Thirteen, you still have to protect the safety of the real wing boat, and if I can comprehend it once and be promoted to the devil king, it will definitely be more beneficial to my strength.

All the way to practice, I still don't want to take shortcuts. "

Su Shisan didn't expect that Lu Chen would refuse. He was stunned for a moment, seeing the persistent faint smile on Lu Chen's stern face, he was inexplicably shocked.

Yes, all the way to practice, only a firm Dao heart is the most important.

He was close to Lu Chen, including wanting to help him, mostly out of the favor of the city lord.

But now, he is really looking at Lu Chen squarely. Although the half-step demon king is only half a level higher than the demon king's Dzogchen realm, for ordinary people, it is already a world of difference.

Almost no one would refuse such a big temptation, but Lu Chen persisted.

Looking at Lu Chen's firm black eyes, the emotion of admiration in Su Shisan's heart boiled uncontrollably.

"This son must not be in the pool!"

Surprised by Lu Chen's tough state of mind, Su Shisan couldn't help sighing secretly.

Speaking of this, Su Shisan suddenly remembered something, raised his eyebrows and said, "By the way, Chase Lu, I showed a lot of energy to you today, how did you dodge it at that time?

At your speed at that time, ordinary demon kings are far behind you in Dzogchen, but you can start from this aspect. "

"I just tried it, but I haven't been able to make any progress."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, then remembered, and quickly asked: "Brother Thirteen, I also feel a little sleepy when it comes to this, in fact, with the help of some secret methods, my speed is indeed comparable to that of a demon king.

That blow of yours was something I should have been unable to dodge.

Unexpectedly, when you were there, I suddenly had a very strange feeling, as if I could see through your attack trajectory, and then I dodged away at the nick of time. What is this, brother thirteen, do you know? ? "

Su Shisan listened carefully to his narration, trying to find out some problems, but his eyes widened in Lu Chen's calm and cool voice, and finally he couldn't help but jumped out of the chair stand up! "You, what did you say?

Can you feel the speed rule? "

His expression is extremely weird now, looking at Lu Chen as if looking at a monster! "Speed ​​rules?

what is that? "

Lu Chen blinked suspiciously.

"You do not know?"

Su Shisan just yelled, then nodded suddenly: "That's right, you are still a demon king Dzogchen, how do you know the speed rule, in fact, the speed rule is" Under Su Shisan's introduction, Lu Chen also gradually Knowing the so-called speed rules, it was an eye-opener.

The speed rule can only be comprehended by a master who has experienced nine or nine calamities in the realm of the devil.

This rule is invisible and intangible, but it can be used in battle.

It is a kind of thing that is similar to the tricks of kung fu, and only the devil king who understands the rules of speed can be regarded as a master among the devil kings.

The use of this kind of rule is actually to thoroughly understand a certain rule, and then find a way to break this rule or use this rule, manipulate the rule to attract the energy of the world to attack, the energy in the world is inexhaustible inexhaustible.

This is the reason why the real devil-level masters are so powerful.

Lu Chen suddenly realized that some of the demon kings and masters of the Tribulation Realm he had encountered before, he directly used the demon soul to crush them, and those who were directly suppressed by them could not move around, that's why those guys couldn't use these tricks Come.

As for Na Luo Wantian, if Lu Chen hadn't had Gu Gu's help, he would really have fallen this time.

Lu Chen sighed and nodded, "No wonder the Demon King is so powerful. He understands the rules of speed. It seems that this is the direction of my future practice."

"It's just that, logically speaking, it is not at the level of a demon king, and the demon soul is not strong enough, so it is impossible to comprehend the speed rules. But what you just said clearly means that you have comprehended the speed rules. How can you be so strong?"

It took a while for Su Shisan to calm down.

"Uh, this..." Chase Lu was about to say something, but was stopped by Su Shisan's hand.

"Needless to say, who hasn't ordered secrets and hole cards yet?"

Lu Chen touched his nose and smiled.

Su Shisan stood up and said, "Okay, I have to go on patrol, you, practice obediently.

I think that you usually have a similar situation with regard to the rules. You think about it carefully, then integrate yourself into the rules and try to comprehend them.

If it can be done, the energy of heaven and earth will catalyze the transformation of the magic element in your body to become more pure. "

After Su Shisan's guidance on the speed rules, Lu Chen's comprehension just had a direction. In the previous battle with Su Shisan, his jump was just an accident after all, and he didn't really master the speed rules. Speed ​​rules,? Chase Lu can only be regarded as a little contact, and he knows a little bit, but he doesn't even get started.

However, when Lu Chen was thinking, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind. He suddenly remembered that when he was saving Yuluan, and when he was in the Classical Tomb, he kept controlling the burning range of the magic fire of law and degree.

To some extent, this should also be regarded as an application of the domain, right?

boom!As if something had opened the valve, Chase Lu suddenly felt that he had touched the door of the method to comprehend the laws of the domain.

Slightly narrowing his black eyes, Lu Chen sat down cross-legged on the bed, first familiarized himself with the heart method of killing monsters, and then slowly sank his consciousness into the realm of inner vision.

The veins of the limbs are still so clear, the crystal dark green magic elements are flowing, interweaving into a big net, and the meridians are completely filled.

Lu Chen found that the magic element almost filled the entire dantian.

Lu Chen began to slowly run the Demon Slaying Dafa. With a move of his mind, the circulation of internal organs stagnated slightly.

Under Lu Chen's control, strands of pure energy gathered towards the dantian like a tide.

As soon as the kung fu is running, it forms a crazy vortex with the dantian as the center. It doesn't need Lu Chen to be distracted to compress them, they all revolve around the meridian at high speed, and the magic yuan rushes violently as soon as it enters the meridian stand up.

Then the magic element mixed with the energy of heaven and earth, and began to slowly release the crimson magic flame.

Following Chen Lu's mind, the demonic flame slowly exited his body through his meridians.

Lu Chen could sense a finger-sized magic flame with the magic element, which had appeared on his palm.

Then he separated a ray of mind, gradually approached the magic flame, and then slowly merged into it.

Gradually, he became the magic flame, and the magic flame was him.

Then, at the same time, Lu Chen divided his mind to sense the majestic magic energy in his body, imagined that he was controlling these magic energy, and slowly felt the space around him. After an unknown amount of time, Lu Chen finally touched a threshold.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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