Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2926 Su 3

"This is the wing boat."

Luo Tian said with a smile, "I have already arranged the best cabins for my friends."

"Brother Lu, you must come back quickly!"

Luo Yin originally wanted to call Lu Chen, but when he saw many people around him, he changed his name.

Yuluan smiled slightly: "He will definitely come back, don't worry."

Not far from the wing boat, a man was slowly landing with the wing boat.

The man was wearing a black long gown, and he was very well dressed.

But no one dared to ignore his existence at will, because there were extremely terrifying energy fluctuations faintly coming from his body.

When he got close, Lu Chen could see the man's appearance clearly. His facial features were carved like a knife, his eyes were as sharp as a sharp blade, and he carried a sword on his back. His whole body was full of a strong sense of war honed from years of fighting. meaning.

"Su Thirteen! The eighth-ranked superpower in the Black Domain!"

"Today's escort for this wing boat line is Su Shisan!"

"what? What?

Su Shisan?

Let me see!From my birth to now, I have never seen the top ten demon kings in the black domain rankings! "

Before Lu Chen had time to think about it, people's astonishing whispers started to ring out one after another.

Luo Tian smiled and nodded, and said, "That's right, the escorts I hired are all top [-] on the ranking list."

The sensational crowd cast their hot eyes on Su Shisan and Lu Chen and his party, the master of the black field leaderboard, the city lord of Zhonghan City and his daughter!How can this be compared with ordinary cats and dogs?

Such a big man, they may not be able to see it up close with their own eyes once in half their lives!Most of the people were staring at Su Shisan, and only a small number of people knew that the city lord of Zhonghan City was coming, so they stared here.

However, without waiting for these people to look at anything more, they saw Su Shisan in the sky suddenly flying towards the crowd.

"God! Su Shisan flew over!"

"Is Su Shisan going to beat someone!"

"Maybe there will be another fight! Run!"

When the crowd saw Su Shisan's actions, there was another commotion, and they retreated far away at a high speed.

Unexpectedly, Su Shisan landed directly in front of a group of people who didn't retreat at all, and knelt down on one knee facing them!His move immediately shocked the crowd! "I read that right, what is he doing!"

? "Who are these people? Why did Su Shisan kneel down!"

?Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded. Only a small number of people knew why.

However, before they could explain, Su Shisan spoke first: "Su Shisan, I have met the city lord!"

"Wow..." Su Shisan's words were especially loud in the silent crowd, causing an uproar in an instant.

"My God, I'm not mistaken! That's the city lord!"

"Is it the Lord Luo of our Zhonghan City?"

Everyone couldn't believe that this scene was real.

? "Well, get up! Thank you for your hard work."

Lord Luo nodded.

Lu Chen looked at the young Su Shisan, his eyes lit up slightly, taking advantage of this person's eighth place in the black domain ranking list, how about his strength?

He thought that Luo Tian was here anyway, so he suddenly wanted to compete with this guy.

Lu Chen thought so, so he did it.

He made an instant attack, attacking Su Shisan with his powerful magic energy.

Su Shisan was about to exchange pleasantries with Luo Tian, ​​when suddenly an incomparably thick and powerful magic element attacked.

"Good guy!"

Taking a closer look, Su Shisan was startled!It turned out to be someone around the city lord who made the move, and it seemed that they wanted to make gestures with him.

"Young people nowadays are more courageous than each other. They really don't know what to do!"

Cursing his lips, Su Shisan was speechless. The arrogance of a strong man at the peak of the Demon King realm made him disdain to kill such a weak guy, or compete with such a weak person.

Su Shisan had a honest personality and didn't want to take Lu Chen's life, so he just flicked his fingers casually and released a burst of fierce energy.

"I don't want to fight with you, you'd better back down!"

Just when Su Shisan thought that his blow could repel the future, he saw a scene that surprised him!The young shadow suddenly swept away, directly avoiding Su Shisan's blow, and then his figure flashed in the air like a thunderbolt, and gave Su Shisan another palm! "what?

This young man is just a demon king, but he actually has the speed of a demon king?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to avoid my blow? "

Su Shisan's eyes widened slightly, and he was very surprised at Lu Chen's strength in his heart, but his face sank, and he shouted in a cold voice: "You don't know how to hit a rock with an egg, but don't blame me for being rude!"

"Okay, okay, stop fighting."

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen laughed, "I just wanted to make a joke with you."

Just now, he has already probed Su Shisan's bottom, there is no need to really fight.

"Hahaha" Luo Tian followed suit and laughed, "Little friend, you just like to joke!"

Seeing Su Shisan's serious face, Luo Tian smiled and said: "San Shisan, this is my friend Lu Chen, he just likes to joke a little bit, don't mind.

This time, the little friend will also take the wing boat.

Please take care of me on the way. "

It turned out to be such Meng Lang's character. Looking at Lu Chen, Su Shisan frowned when he heard this, a few rays of light flashed in his eyes, and replied respectfully: "Don't worry, City Lord, Shisan will definitely do his best."

Seeing that Su Shisan's face softened a lot, Lu Chen smiled embarrassedly, cupped his hands and said: "Respect the hero, I can't help but play around, say hello, Brother Su, please forgive me!"

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

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After finishing speaking, Lu Chen pointed to the people around him and introduced them one by one: "This is my friend, Yuluan.

This is my apprentice, Tao Jiang.

As for this, it is my Warcraft.

We have to go back by wing boat this time, along the way, Brother Su! "

"I've seen Brother Su!"

Tao Jiang hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

Yuluan also nodded slightly.

Seeing Yuluan's beautiful face, Su Shisan couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Immediately, the last bit of anger in his heart disappeared, and he nodded lightly: "Hello."

"Brother Su!"

Luo Yin took a step ahead and said with a smile, "My brother Lu and sister Yuluan are entrusted to you, please take care of them for me!"

Seeing that Luo Yin also came out to speak, Su Shisan smiled even more on his heroic face. He patted Lu Chen's shoulder with his broad palm and said, "Since the city lord and the eldest lady have both spoken, they are their own people." , naturally also my Su Shisan's brother, how are you, my brother!"

Lu Chen was sweating profusely after being photographed by him. He didn't expect that Su Shisan was really enthusiastic enough, and he called him a brother in a few words.

However, Lu Chenchen still replied with a faint smile: "Brother Su, hello!"

"Hahaha" City Lord Luotian couldn't help laughing when he saw this, "Well, young people are easy to mingle with each other."

Lu Chen's calm and calm attitude towards the city lord and himself immediately aroused the favor of the bold Su Shisan. He clapped his hands and put his arms around Lu Chen's shoulders and laughed: "Okay! Now those young people, It’s hard to find someone as interesting as you when you hear that I’m a master of the black field leaderboards!”

Seeing that the two had a happy conversation, Luo Tian nodded: "Okay, my friend, I can only send you here, be careful along the way!"

Lu Chen said cheerfully: "Thank you, City Lord."

Yu Luan also bid farewell to Luo Tian and Luo Yin.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of Luo Tian and Luo Yin, Su Shisan walked upstairs to Lu Chen and walked towards the wing boat together, shoulder to shoulder and back.

"My God, is this the end?"

"Am I right?

The city lord said he was here to send this person off? "

"This person is a human race, and Zhonghancheng was also rescued by the human race. Do you think this guy is the person mentioned in the magic smell crystal?"

"Damn it, if it's true, I think he won't run away after making a lot of money, but hang around people." "You guys are far away. The most important thing is that this person was actually sent by the city lord of Zhonghan City himself!"

Countless cultivators watched this scene, and said with great emotion, they couldn't help but worship this human race deeply in their hearts!Yuluan touched Tao Jiang's hair helplessly, and said, "Master, you really know how to communicate.

Women can coax, men can chat.

Let's go. "

Under the stupefied and admiring gaze of a large group of people in the distance, Lu Chen, Yu Luan and the others took Fen Tianjiu into the wing boat and walked along the main entrance of the wing boat, and Lu Chen saw an extremely spacious In the hall, all kinds of precious jade materials decorate the interior of the wing boat beautifully but not vulgar.

This hall is four to five hundred square meters in size, empty and wide, and some tables and chairs are set up here and there in a circular arrangement.

In the center of the hall, there is a field with guardrails, which is specially used for resolving grievances and exchanging ideas inside the wing boat. Except there, no conflicts are allowed in other places.

Such a room surprised Lu Chen very much, and such a hall is only a small part of the wing boat.

There are three decks on this huge wing boat, regular cabin, premium cabin and deluxe cabin.

The lowest level is the ordinary cabin, with ten similar wide halls, where people from all walks of life gather together, and then there are thirty bunk rooms, each bunk can accommodate twenty people.

The middle floor is a high-quality cabin, with a separate room for individuals, but the room is quite small, there is nothing to enjoy, and there are no generous cultivation materials for some strong people to settle down.

In the luxury cabin on the upper floor, the single room is extremely spacious, and more than a dozen people will not feel crowded in the room, and the layout and facilities of the room are more pleasing to the eye.

The most important thing is that this deluxe cabin also has a special formation to gather the energy of the world. It is much faster to practice in it than outside. Even if it is not used for cultivation, it will make people feel very comfortable, but usually only people at the level of the devil king can get tickets.

And Lu Chen was naturally arranged by Luo Tian to the best room in the luxury cabin. Not only that, Yuluan and Tao Jiang also had a room each.

Lu Chen was worried about Tao Jiang, first took the key given by Su Shisan, went to her room to check, and then left Fen Tianji there to let him protect Tao Jiang well.

Then Lu Chen escorted Yuluan to the room, and then he went to his own room next to Yuluan with peace of mind.

Looking at the various luxurious facilities in the luxury cabin, Lu Chen couldn't help but lament how good the rights of the city lord are.

However, the rights of the city lord are good, and Lu Chen cannot be greedy.

When a person comes to the room, it is very easy to think too much.

When Chase Lu walked into the room, he couldn't help but think of his hometown.

I can't help but miss my relatives far away. I don't know if my son is doing well now, how my wives are doing, and I don't know, when I can go back, they will welcome me to shake my head gently. Lu Chen settled down, he knew that it was useless to think about those things at the moment, he might as well think about how to practice the well extraction, only by practicing quickly can he ascend as soon as possible and return to his hometown!Changing his thoughts, Lu Chen immediately recalled the scene where he just fought against Su Shisan.

Although at that time he only dodged Su Shisan's attack and didn't really fight him, Lu Chen had a very clear consciousness. He seemed to have suddenly realized something just now.

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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