Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2907 Closure of Han City

The huge wave of flame quickly disappeared towards the distance, calm.

A strange silence filled the air in an instant, and the gloomy murderous aura quickly disappeared.

"Haha, that's great!" After being stunned for a moment, Luo Yin couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This is the usual method used by the Seven Killing Pavilion in the Black Domain. They often drive this group of red doves to kill! Today they were all wiped out! Hahaha"

In the dark night, Luo Yin's hearty laughter sounded, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances and depression she had suffered these days.


Luo Yin's loud laughter was still in the air, and a big tree in the distance suddenly collapsed with a bang.

In the exposed woods, an astonishingly huge long snake is approaching at high speed.

Wherever it passed, the whole ground sank downward, revealing huge sunken marks.

The soil particles were flying, the dust was piled up, and the vegetation on the ground was spinning and sinking rapidly, and a powerful murderous aura rushed towards the face.

"The red dove was beaten, and the giant python came." As soon as Yuluan saw it, he knew that today's business was not over.

Hearing this, Lu Chen didn't move his eyebrows, and looked slightly obliquely.

In the dark night, the earth waves piled up, a huge torrent of murderous aura.

Just when Chase Lu was about to start, at the end of the distant sky, a beautiful firework flew up over the forest.

The corner of Yuluan's eyes, who had been careless all this time, saw the light black smoke, his complexion suddenly changed slightly, his eyes narrowed quickly, sharpness and coldness flashed across those bewitching eyes.

"Lu Chen, this is the Qisha Pavilion sending a signal to save people! Don't play, let's fight quickly!" Yu Luan said quickly to Lu Chen.


At this moment, the giant python lurking under the forest approached with a bang.

The forest under the feet of Lu Chen and the four of them suddenly began to collapse, the mud rolled and submerged, and the entire foot became empty.

Seeing this, Luo Yin's eyes flickered coldly, and he raised his wrist.

And at the moment when her wrist was slightly raised, Lu Chen suddenly stepped on the ground with one foot, and with a hard pause, a streak of magic energy shot into the ground fiercely.


An extremely dull impact sounded from the ground. The sound was as if some heavy object hit a protective cover such as a reinforced iron plate.

And just after this violent impact sounded, the rapidly flowing and sinking forest stopped suddenly.

The stop was only for a moment, and after that moment, the giant python approached from under the woods, suddenly hissed, broke through the ground, rose into the air, and rushed out from under the woods with a bang.

The whole body of this giant python was dark red, exuding a gloomy and terrifying light under the moonlight.

The body is almost as thick as a bucket, and the scales covering it are like steel armor, glowing with cold light, nearly 30 meters long.

The snake's head as big as a giant python pierced through the air, its eyes like copper bells contained absolute anger and murderous intent, and its scarlet tongue froze.

The oncoming stench was extremely poisonous.

What a ten-thousand-year-old python in the realm of a demon king!

The Seven Kills Pavilion really has enough capital!


Breaking through the air, the giant python opened its mouth wide, and with the venom in its mouth and the storm that engulfed it, with a flick of its head, it rushed towards Lu Chen and the others.

Lu Chen raised his head, looked at the giant python swooping in with its mouth wide open, a cold snort flashed across his face, he waved his hand directly, and a magic element barrier was formed naturally!


The giant python swooped down, with a terrific force, and made a heaven-shattering sound. Before it could attack the four of them, it was hit by the barrier in mid-air and flew back violently.

Luo Yin was taken aback for a moment, what a powerful cultivation base.

Quietly, it is like a barrier that isolates everything, even something as strong as a giant python can't even be shaken.

This Lu Chen's cultivation is truly inestimable!

Luo Yin blinked slightly, it seems that she really invited the wrong person today!

Luo Yin just had such a thought in her heart, and Lu Chen in front of her suddenly waved his sleeves and grabbed the giant python that was knocked flying by his magic yuan.

Immediately, the giant python at the fifth level of the demon king seemed to be pulled down out of thin air by an invisible force, struggling to bow his head towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen directly clasped the ferocious ancestor of the giant python with five fingers in the void, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold as he watched the giant python being pulled closer by him.

There was a flicker of coldness at the corner of his mouth, and Lu Chen's five fingers suddenly pinched into the void.


There was only a loud noise, and the head of the giant python was crushed by Dong Tianwang, and blood splashed in all directions in an instant, flying and falling in all directions.

The giant python screamed and fell backwards.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body was seen rolling, fighting, and writhing frantically in the forest.

Trees fell in the forest, dust was flying, and waves of soil were rolling around.

But from beginning to end, he couldn't pass through Lu Chen's magic element barrier.

Four people and one beast stood here, they were so close to the giant python, but they were as clean as ever, without any dust.

Seeing that the giant python was no longer struggling, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "I hate wasting time."

Yuluan nodded when he heard the words: "If we continue to grind with these people from Qisha Pavilion, I'm afraid it will delay the death of the old city lord. If we want to go back by wing boat, I'm afraid we have to wait for the new city lord to take the throne, which is troublesome .”

"It seems that the speed is going to be faster." Lu Chen glanced at the distance, his hand shook, and woke up the sleeping Fen Tianyu.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Everyone sat directly on the enlarged body of Fen Tianyu, let it carry it, and flew above the forest close to the forest. Didn't they mean that the Heiyu people could not fly?Alright, then let the Warcraft fly!

Everyone quickly moved towards the direction of Zhong Seoul.

With Fen Tianjiu's flight, there was no obstacle for the people along the way. I don't know if the speed of the four of them is too fast, or the strength is too strong so that the people on the road dare not make a move?

After flying for two days and two nights, everyone finally saw the location of Zhong Seoul.

Central Seoul, the transportation hub of the Black Territory, can be called the Golden City in the Black Territory.

The location of Central Seoul extends in all directions, and it doesn’t count whether it occupies the right time and place and the harmony of people. Under the city, there are many kinds of ores and crystals. The kind of wealth and strength is amazing.

Looking from a distance through the clouds, the undulating mountains envelop Zhonghan City, completely occupying the center of the black area.

The buildings in the city are prosperous and exquisite, and the golden light is brilliant. From a distance, it seems that it is all made of gold, a paradise on earth.

When Lu Chen saw this Chinese city of Seoul, this was the first thought that flashed through his mind.

Looking from a distance, the invincible wealth and exquisite Chinese city of Seoul are enchanting between heaven and earth.

However, Fen Tianjiu was asked to find a place to come down, but everyone felt that the closer they got, the less clear they could see.

Lu Chen and his party of four people and one beast walked towards Zhonghan City along the avenue outside the city.

Along the way, countless business travelers just parked on both sides of the avenue, and all kinds of goods were piled up everywhere, leaving almost nowhere for people to set foot.

There was anxiety on everyone's face, but there was nothing they could do.

At a glance, there are people everywhere, goods everywhere, and casualties everywhere.

Looting, this is an extremely common thing in the black domain.

But the most important reason is that Zhong Seoul is closed and no one is allowed to enter.

This regulation immediately cut off all the roads of countless business travelers, making the outside of the city almost like a city outside the city at this time, overcrowded.

Standing outside Zhonghan City, Lu Chen looked up at the white mist-filled space in front of him, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

The city could be seen clearly from a distance, but the closer one got closer, the less clear it became. Unexpectedly, outside the city gate, there was a white mist and nothing could be seen.

This Chinese city

"Central Seoul has a special protective shield." Luo Yin looked at the surprised Lu Chen, lowered his voice and said to Lu Chen, "This should be my cousin who opened the protective shield!"

The fundamental reason why Zhonghan City has been able to stand in the black area for so many years and cannot be invaded casually by forces is because of this special protective cover.

The special protective cover of Zhong Seoul is extremely mysterious.

Don't know what power it uses, but once it's closed, no one can get in or out.

With a smile, Yuluan also said: "I know, every city has this protective shield, it's very powerful, and it may not be able to open it even in the Transcending Tribulation Realm with all-powerful means."

At the same time, Yuluan stretched out his hand towards the white foggy space while talking.


Immediately, Yuluan's hand was bounced back abruptly.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly and said, "Then how do you get in?"

There is no guard in the middle of Seoul, even if you try to find a way, you can't find anyone to use.

"There is a way." Luo Yin bit his lip and said, "I can get in with this token, but once I get in, I'm afraid."

Her strength is too weak, and she is afraid that she will be discovered and destroyed as soon as she enters.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "So, it's best for me to go in?"

"Master!" Tao Jiang was a little worried, the coup in Seoul was too terrible, what if something happened to Master going in!

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and said directly to Luo Yin: "Give me your token and medicine, and you can stay with Yuluan, Taojiang and the others outside."

"Brother Lu Chen, thank you!" Luo Yin's eyes flashed with deep gratitude, and without further ado, he gave the identity token and Jiuhua Dan to Lu Chen, and then gave him a small crystal, "This crystal is the map of the City Lord's Mansion, and my father is in the main hall behind!"

"Okay, you guys wait here." Lu Chen nodded, took the token and stepped forward into the white space.

"Take care, be careful!" Yu Luan stepped back, and saw Lu Chen in front of her had entered the protective shield of Zhonghan City and disappeared in front of her.

Seeing this, Fen Tianjiu, who had been following Lu Chen closely, immediately followed, and the moment it entered, Fen Tianjiu, who had been sleeping in a daze, was ejected with a bang.

Looking at the sober Fen Tianyu, Yuluan couldn't help laughing and said: "You are really confused."

"Sister, Master is alone." Seeing Lu Chen went in, Tao Jiang was still a little worried.

Yuluan shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, Lu Chen can go in, he is a very powerful guy."

When Luo Yin on the side heard this, a trace of surprise still flashed in his eyes.


Because she must be worried that Lu Chen would go in alone, and she originally wanted to invite Yuluan to go in.

Such a peerless beauty with the realm of a demon king will surely be able to enter the city lord's mansion smoothly and wake up his father.Although Lu Chen is also very powerful, he is a man, and he is still a demon king, much lower than Yuluan.

However, after Lu Chen answered the words just now, she swallowed them all in her stomach.Just kidding, does she dare to tell Lu Chen and the others directly that she wants to invite Luo Yin in to perform a beauty trick?If she really said that, she might be beaten to death by Yu Luan

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