Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2906 Hancheng Coup

Thinking of this, the leader of the man in black increased his strength, and when Tao Jiang was fighting with all his strength, he suddenly shot a huge tail to wrap around Tao Jiang. At the same time, he held the sword in his right hand and turned his left hand into a claw. The left hand turned into a claw, with five-foot-long sharp nails shining on it, the moment the tail attacked Tao Jiang.His left hand also moved forward quickly, ready to scratch Tao Jiang's belly with one claw!

A hint of excitement flashed in the eyes of the man in black, okay, he's going to grab this girl's intestines and make her die in pain!

This sudden change was only a momentary thing. By the time Yu Luan realized something was wrong, the claws and nails of the leader of the man in black had already touched Tao Jiang's clothes!


Fen Tianjiu also saw this scene on the side, and immediately opened his mouth, and shot out a flame.

However, the flames are fast, and it will take time to shoot them out, but this claw has already torn through two layers of Tao Jiang's clothes!

Seeing that Tao Jiang was about to die, Lu Chen on the side turned the magic element directly without changing his face, and flicked his right hand.

An inconspicuous place on the man in black's body instantly grew into a flame, and then swallowed him whole!

Tao Jiang closed her eyes, only feeling a burst of burning heat. She opened her eyes and saw that the man in black turned into a pile of ashes almost instantly without saying a word.

His sword was also burnt to molten iron, only a black magic ring fell down, circling on the land among the mountains and forests.

Tao Jiang swallowed his saliva, master, master is really too powerful

Seeing this scene, the tiger-eared girl, Fen Tianjiu, and Yuluan were also stunned.


Only then did the flames from Fen Tianyu hit the place where the man in black was, and instantly incinerated the magic ring on the ground into nothingness.

"You..." Yuluan asked, "Did you tamper with the man in black before?"

Chase Lu nodded: "Well, I shot a flame at the moment he stood up before, but it just stayed on his body without triggering it."

"My God, master, your ability to control fire is really too strong!" Fen Tianjiu was also stunned by Lu Chen's move.

"Ah!" The tiger-eared girl cried out when she saw Fen Tianjiu speak suddenly.

World of Warcraft!It turned out to be the legendary talking monster!

The noisy Lu Chen frowned, he closed the fire tower, and then turned his gaze to the tiger-eared girl: "You said you are the daughter of the city lord of Zhonghan City?"

Seeing Lu Chen's sunlight, the girl hurriedly cupped her hands and said, "Thank you for your rescue. I am the daughter of the city lord of Zhonghan City, Luo Yin. I don't know what your benefactor's name is?"

"You're welcome, just call me Chase Lu." Chase Lu said with a smile, "It just so happens that we are going to Zhonghan City too, so I wonder if you can show us?"

"To Zhonghan City?" Hearing this, Luo Yin was also taken aback, and only after a while said pleasantly: "Then can you escort me back?"

Hearing Luo Yin's words, Yuluan couldn't help but smile, raised her slender Liu Yemei eyebrows, and asked, "We ask you to lead the way, so naturally we want to be together. Why do you still say escort or not?"

Hearing this, Luo Yin paused for a moment, and finally said: "Central Seoul is very critical now."

Luo Yin came slowly, it turned out that Luo Tian, ​​the city lord of Zhonghan City, was invited by the city lord of the neighboring city Wancheng some time ago to go to Dongjing to find the classical tomb.However, before Luo Tian was about to set off, he was suddenly assassinated and seriously injured.

From that day on, Wu Tang, the cousin who lived in Luo Yin's family for a long time, suddenly revealed his true nature, not only detaining the doctor who treated the city lord, but also asking Luo Yin to marry him.

Luo Yin naturally did not agree, she escaped from Zhonghan with great difficulty, and finally auctioned a high-level magic pill Jiuhuadan that has miraculous effects in treating serious injuries in the black domain, but she still couldn't find a way to return When they arrived in the city, they were ambushed outside.All the guards and subordinates brought out by Luo Yin were killed, and it was with great difficulty that she persisted until now.

After listening to Luo Yin's words, Lu Chen paused, and he asked, "What token do you have to prove that you are telling the truth?"

Luo Yin also frowned, pondered for a moment, seemed to think of something, and took out a token: "This is my identity token, as long as the city lord of each city takes the throne, he will engrave an identity token The same is true for the family of the city lord. Every year, the information on the token will be updated. This one is mine, and you can sense it by inputting your spiritual power!"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and immediately touched the token with mental power.

Sure enough, when the token and the spiritual force touched, an introduction about the identity information of the children of the city lord of China Han City appeared in front of Chen Lu in an instant, with Luo Yin's face clearly printed on it.

Lu Chen went through the content and nodded immediately: "I see."

Seeing Lu Chen nodding, Luo Yin stepped forward suddenly, grabbed Lu Chen's arm, and said excitedly: "Then, benefactor, please escort me back, and I will definitely give you all my treasure house!"

"Mr. Lu Chen, the Qisha Pavilion is coming in a menacing way. After I return to the city, I must have a hard time step by step. I don't know whether my father is alive or dead. I must go back to save him as soon as possible!" Looking at Lu Chen, Luo Yin's big eyes were full It's wet tears.

Hearing this, Lu Chen's face sank slightly, and he thought, the coup in Hancheng must have been very chaotic these two days.However, they must go to Central Seoul.As for the Qisha Pavilion, he and Yuluan are enemies. If he escorts the girl back to get the treasure house of a young city lord, it must be a good deal.Then, it must be a good deal to delay in China for two or three days.

Lu Chen looked at Yuluan, exchanged glances with her, then nodded and said: "Okay, then it's settled, we will escort you back to see your father."

The night wind is cool, and a full moon hangs in the sky.

The cold light shone from the sky, a group of people were still on their way, and there was also a monster walking with them.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Didn't you find anything before your cousin's coup?"

Yuluan asked with some surprise.

Luo Yin shook his head: "No, he is an extremely cunning fox clansman. I didn't expect that all his thoughts would be used on our family."

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, no matter how many lives he lived, this kind of power dispute is always inevitable.He was about to pat Fen Tianjiu who was sleeping and walking with his eyes closed, and wanted to sit on his back, but he didn't expect Fen Tianjiu to stop suddenly.

"Roar!" Fen Tianyu let out a low growl, and opened his eyes, "There is a problem!"

"I didn't feel it." Yuluan quickly glanced around, and said calmly.

Luo Yin also frowned. The orcs were naturally sensitive, but they didn't feel anything wrong.

And just before her words fell, an earthy voice suddenly sounded in the peaceful woods.

This earthy sound is like the gust of wind blowing on the water, flying from all directions.

The wind stirred the forest, and in an instant, in the vast and peaceful forest, murderous intent rushed towards his face.

Lu Chen's eyes were fixed on the trembling forest, where something was flying fast.

"Someone ambushing?" Luo Yin asked.


Yu Luan nodded, since Seoul can become the transportation hub of the Black Territory, it is absolutely impossible to be murderous on this road, otherwise, how could some merchants pass by, and how did Luo Yin escape to the Black Territory safely?

Now that the situation is so menacing, and the murderous aura is almost covering the entire forest, someone must have done something on purpose, so this road is destined to be unsafe.

"Whether it's your cousin or other forces around you, they wouldn't want to see you go back to save the old city lord safe and sound?" Yuluan smiled, and immediately leaned on Fen Tianjiu's body, "Lu Chen , I'm tired, you can do it."

Lu Chen smiled, and suddenly waved his sleeve robe towards the rustling woods.


In an instant, a large leaf was smashed by the thunder of the law and flew around.

There are dense red figures in the sky, and they are flying towards here quickly

"Chijiu." Seeing this low cry, Luo Yin's face suddenly changed slightly.

Chijiu is a high-level monster raised by the Seven Killing Pavilion. It always likes to drink human blood, and its strength is in groups and extremely poisonous.

As soon as they smell the smell of blood and the smell of living things, they will scramble to come, tens of thousands, densely packed.Never leave without gnawing off the last drop of bone and blood of the other party.It is one of the most sensational monsters in the Demon God Continent.

But at this moment, the entire forest is covered in black and dense red doves, and it is boundless as far as the eye can see, and there is no end in sight.

Such a large scale, even if a few of them can fly, it is estimated that none of them can fly in such a formation.

"The capital is not small." Yuluan glanced at it, and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth.

"This beast can't see blood, so it can't be bitten by it." Luo Yin looked at Yu Luan as if he wanted Lu Chen to deal with it alone, and looked at Lu Chen worriedly.

"Master, we..." Tao Jiang's eyebrows were deep.

Chase Lu is very powerful, but facing the overwhelming Chijiu, how can Chase Lu protect them and himself well by himself?If anything, they're all over!

Lu Chen smiled: "You guys rest well, everything is up to me."

After the words fell, Lu Chen glanced at the red doves who were coming fast, and suddenly turned his wrist upwards.


Hearing a muffled sound, Lu Chen suddenly shot out a few lines of fire from his hand, and flew towards Chijiuhong who rushed to the front.

Red flashes, as fast as lightning.Quick Tao Jiang, Luo Yin didn't see anything clearly.

With the flash of crimson red, dozens of red doves were instantly reduced to ashes in mid-air.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's fingertips trembled slightly, and another ray of flame flew out.

At this point, Lu Chen patted his hands lightly, and slowly wrapped them in his sleeves, not moving anymore.

"Is this the end for you?" Seeing this, Luo Yin appeared with magic essence in one hand and filled with medicine powder in the other. Seeing this, the corners of his mouth twitched and looked at Lu Chen, "Aren't you going to let out such a powerful flame? Burn to death They!"

what is this?

Pop out a ray of flame to illuminate those red doves?Today, it seems that their road ahead is not easy.

"It's over." Lu Chen put his hands in his sleeves and nodded lightly upon hearing the words.

When Luo Yin heard it, his expression fluctuated.It seems that relying on him is still unreliable.Outsiders who don't know Chijiu can't understand the horror of this kind of thing, and they despise these things so much.

"Huh?" Luo Yin was about to say something, when he suddenly gasped in surprise.

She found that the light in the corner of her eyes suddenly brightened, and when she looked closely, it turned out that the small fingertip-sized flame that was emitted by Lu Chen grew suddenly in mid-air, and it grew in the wind!

The moment they spoke, the flame turned into a super fire dragon that was more than ten feet long, roaring and circling in the air, and devoured it directly at the boundless red dove!


Only a loud noise was heard, and the endlessly densely packed red doves in the sky were burned into a fire that soared into the sky, and then they were directly burned and annihilated!

The darkness in the sky originally caused by the boundless red doves was like that at high tide, the waves receded from their direction, replaced by a clear starry sky that had been burned by the fire.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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