He Yuluan looked at each other, and the two of them listened intently to the movement above.

The sound of footsteps was chaotic and orderly, and it was heard clearly, without looking at it, it was known that the Spirit Race was injured.

"Damn it, where is this place? Why can't you get out after you come in!" The voice of the spirit tribe above who was desperate and suppressing anxiety suddenly came, and then there was a sound of ding ding dong dong.

Lu Chen suddenly felt something was wrong, so he turned to Yu Luan, who was frowning tightly, the voice was from the coffin above, that guy obviously broke into the upper place by mistake, but how could the voice come here ?

"It's an expansion device." Yuluan regained his strength, the look of surprise in his eyebrows and eyes was so strong that he couldn't help it.

Seeing Lu Chen looking at him and her, Yuluan paused for a moment and thought: "Does the funnel know? All the voices above here are conveyed through a special channel. We can hear his words, but he can't hear us. That's it in a nutshell."

Lu Chen frowned, he really didn't know much about this kind of knowledge.

"Forget it, I took the things here first and said that these high-grade magic stones are also good things, so let's continue to look for them slowly." As soon as Yuluan finished speaking, the voice of the spirit clan above suddenly rang out.

Yu Luan's eyebrows darkened immediately, and Lu Chen hurriedly said: "It's nothing, if we kill him, the things will still be ours.


Before Yu Luan could speak, there was a loud noise suddenly, Yu Luan frowned immediately, while Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and said nothing.


Suddenly there was a sharp explosion, and Lu Chen and Yuluan immediately covered their ears tightly. Such a huge explosion sounded like it was ringing in the ears.

Shake, shake briefly.

Damn it, the guy above touched the mechanism, it seems to be a mechanism that can explode!

Yuluan's expression changed immediately, the normal tomb chambers are linked one by one, and if any link is bombed, everything will collapse accordingly.

Hearing the slight noise after the explosion, Lu Chen was the most calm, and immediately turned his head to look at the place where the noise was made, his brows and eyes were icy cold, and he said quickly in a deep voice: "Go, if you don't want to die, find a way out quickly. "

Yuluan heard that Lu Chen's voice was different, so he couldn't help but look up at Lu Chen's eyes, and the two of them suddenly felt aroused. At this moment, they didn't know what mechanism the shock just hit, and there were a bunch of people from all corners. Sand poured in quickly from the hole the size of a fist, and in an instant, a layer of sand had been laid on the entire ground of the palace.

Fine white, smooth, without any other impurities, the white sand pours down like water, I don’t know that after years of storage, it has not changed at all, it is still fine, clean, and still smells dry, and the clouds are light and breezy flow down.

Silence, at this time, Lu Chen, Qu Yuluan, no one spoke, the rustling sound became louder and louder, the white sand had reached his knees, and Lu Chen's face became paler and paler, but when he followed the token to find the way, There was not even a slight tremor in the footsteps. At this moment, there was only composure, only composure.

Moreover, there are tokens, I believe there will be no big things.

After turning around, I finally found that the faint golden light of the token was pointing at the spiritual hall.

Lu Chen frowned, and directly circulated the magic energy all over his body, and slammed his palm at the spiritual hall.


After the sound, the coffin did not move at all.

Yuluan frowned immediately, and looked directly at Lu Chen.

Then the two of them turned their magic energy towards the spiritual hall at the same time, and blasted them away with one palm.

There was only a burst of clicking, clicking, and the dull sound of the wheels suddenly sounded, and the coffin gradually sank under the full efforts of the two of them.

In the northeast direction of the room, the stone wall decorated as the starry sky in the palace slowly descended, and with the force of Qi Mo and others pressing down, there was already a jerky sound of wheels.

I don’t know if it’s intentional or it’s too old, but the pulley that drives this mechanism is extremely heavy, slow, and cumbersome, and finally opened to a height that can accommodate a person turning over, while the white sand below is getting faster and faster, as if Even more flexible, it crazily poured inward.

Lu Chen looked at the height of the drop, hugged Yuluan and lifted it up, then moved the magic yuan under his feet a little harder, and brought Yuluan to the stone wall in an instant, passing the level in one fell swoop.

However, although Yuluan and Lu Chen passed the stone wall, her two feet were suddenly buried by the sand outside the stone wall, but in an instant, the sinking of the sand produced a strange attraction, and Yuluan's whole body was shaking. sinking.

"Climb up." Lu Chen held Yu Luan with one hand, and summoned the fire tower that he used before with the other, and placed it under the stone wall as a support, so that the stone wall could not be pressed down for a while, and then Lu Chen grabbed Yu Luan without saying a word Luan lifted his arm up.

Without moving, Yuluan who was tightly surrounded by sand could not move at all, Yuluan let out a muffled snort, she was about to be pulled out of joint, Lu Chen grabbed Yuluan frantically, and pulled up desperately.

This place is really weird, even if he exhausted all the magic energy in his body, he could only pry the sand a little bit.I really don't know what is under there, what is the sand, it is so heavy.

I don't know where the strength came from, Lu Chen gritted his teeth fiercely, and kicked on the stone wall. His whole body and the stone wall were already in line. He hugged Yuluan's jade-like legs with both hands, and screamed with all his strength. Vigorously upward force.

Finally, Yuluan felt a sudden looseness under his feet, and his whole body was pulled up a step by Lu Chen's sudden and violent pull.

Lu Chen's eyes flashed suddenly, he grabbed Yuluan tightly and said in a deep voice, "Hold it."

Yuluan watched Baisha spread out quickly, and suddenly couldn't speak in a hurry, felt a slight movement, and immediately nodded fiercely, his eyes were absolutely firm and fearless.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Feeling the sand under him being rippling away, Yu Luan held down the stone wall with one palm, and Luan grabbed Lu Chen's arm at the same time, using all his strength to climb up.

Finally, with this strong force, Yuluan rushed out directly.

Lu Chen immediately jumped over quickly, and directly received the fire tower that was used as a support.


The stone wall fell hard.

Seeing Yuluan coming out, Lu Chen felt relieved, hugged her and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Yuluan felt that Lu Chen held him tightly, and the strength from that arm made her feel very comfortable inexplicably, not the kind of comfort that escaped danger, but an indescribable comfort.

Feeling Yuluan's body trembling constantly, it was involuntary fear, which caused such uncontrollable body trembling, and under an unknowing mood, he couldn't help holding Lu Chen tightly.

Such a strange emotion. Yuluan is not a flower in a greenhouse. She herself has experienced such things for many times, and she has walked on the edge of life and death for many times. To her, life and death are just a piece of paper. The distance, the front is life, the opposite is death, it is so thin that it is not even a millimeter, and it has already made her unable to feel any other emotions.

But now this warm embrace, this strange and familiar Chase Lu, made her feel a burst of warmth, warmth, yes, never-before-seen warmth, never-so-comfortable.

At the moment just now, Yuluan felt that the fear and anxiety in Lu Chen's eyes were genuinely concerned about her life and death.Yuluan can't say what kind of feeling this is, but at this moment, there is a little more warmth in her heart, it is the warmth of the heart, in the cold world, there is such a little warm place.

Looking down at the head in front of him, Lu Chen couldn't help but reached out and stroked Yu Luan's hair, and said lightly: "It's okay, what are you afraid of." There was a little coldness and indifference in the light words, but neither of them noticed it.

In fact, Lu Chen couldn't calm down at the moment, because he hadn't felt so powerless for a long time.Whether it's cultivation base, demon essence, demon soul, or spiritual power, in this strange tomb, in this strange place, none of them seem to have any effect.

The most important thing is the physical strength and wisdom of the person himself.

It seems that this is the most important thing and the most original thing.

Just now he felt defeated and powerless for a moment, but at that moment just now, Lu Chen realized that no matter whether it is a token key or a person's own strength, there will be a certain period of time. one day.

Sometimes, the most important thing is wisdom and persistence.

It seemed that he had realized something, but Lu Chen didn't make a sound.

Slightly stabilizing his emotions, Lu Chen raised his head and took a step back, stood on the ground and glanced up and down Yuluan, there was nothing wrong, there was no missing leg or foot, and his spirit immediately relaxed.

However, Yuluan clutched his abdomen, bent down, and gasped violently, the pain, the soft abdomen was rubbed against the stone, pulled off like this, the painful internal organs seemed to be displaced.

Lu Chen's eyes froze immediately, he hugged Yu Luan, and quickly uncovered Lu Chen's clothes, Yu Luan didn't even have the time to react.

The white jade-like skin on the back is bruised and tinged with bright red, and the skin of the entire abdomen is oozing bright red, not much, but it makes people look shocking.

Yuluan finally came to his senses at this time, grabbed Lu Chen's hand and gritted his teeth, "What are you doing! Don't touch me!"

It was only then that Lu Chen realized what he had done, turned around quickly, and then took out a magic pill to Yu Luan: "You take it."

A slight blush flew over Yuluanyu's face, she gave Lu Chen a hard look, and then took the magic pill.

The two didn't say much at the moment, and walked forward quickly according to the guidance of the token key.

Quickly meandering through the passage, following the guidance of the token key, seeing that there was no passage along the way, Chase Lu walked out of the road with a few taps, allowing them to rush out unimpeded all the way.

Just when they turned a corner, they suddenly heard clear footsteps, Lu Chen and Yuluan paused at the same time, that spirit clansman was so lucky that he was not dead yet.

"Bastard, what the hell is it? Where did Xuan Wan and the others go?" Anxious and rude curses came from across the wall.

Lu Chen and Yuluan looked at each other, and they hid on both sides of the passage.


The sound of footsteps came, coming quickly.

The one who survived was the Tsing Yi Spirit Race man, now his face is livid, his hair is disheveled, his clothes are torn, and he looks very embarrassed.

But the murderous aura and resentment that soared into the sky also formed a corresponding accumulation, superimposed on top of each other.

Taking advantage of him not noticing, Lu Chen didn't make a sound, only frantically killing

Seeing this, Yuluan just let out a cold snort, and immediately moved forward with a soft sword in his hand.

"It's you!" The Tsing Yi Spirit Clan was caught off guard, but they reacted very quickly. Immediately, they blocked Lu Chen with their long swords, and followed up with a whip to block Yu Luan's attack.

A sword, a knife, a whip and a sword intersect, and sparks bloom immediately.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a sound of weapons clashing in the tomb.

Although the cultivation base of the Tsing Yi Spirit Race is very high, it is also compressed to the third level of the demon king here. Now that Yu Luan and Lu Chen are teaming up, he can't bully Yu Luan at all no matter how angry he is, ferocious or not Or any one of Chase Lu's body.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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