Go around the room.

"Back back a little." Lu Chen's hoarse voice came out suddenly, with never seriousness.

Yuluan shook his head, "No."

Seeing his good intentions, Lu Chen didn't appreciate her, so he couldn't help but smiled and shook his head slightly, found a long spear from his magic weapon, inserted it directly into the middle of the stone that was nothing unusual, and savagely Twist hard.

Kacha, Kacha, the sound of the wheel turning came slowly, Lu Chen took Yu Luan back two steps, and fixedly looked at the sinking stone wall.

The light, the brilliant light, is different from the gloomy, cold light in the coffin above. The stone wall sank only once, and the dazzling light penetrated directly into the dark space, just like the blazing sun radiating ten thousand feet of light, bringing The bright red and colorful colors flowed through the entire space as the stone wall slowly sank. Yuluan immediately grabbed Lu Chen tightly, his eyebrows and eyes full of surprise.

Gorgeous, indescribably gorgeous, in the colorful light, indescribably extravagant, what catches the eye is gorgeous, brilliantly indescribably luxurious and ingenious casting.

"Isn't the token pointing up?"

Yuluan was a little surprised: "Could it be possible to pass here?"

Lu Chen nodded slightly: "Just now, I saw a faint golden light pointing here, look."

He stretched out the gold medal in his hand, and sure enough, a strong golden light pointed upwards, and a slightly weaker golden light pointed directly at a stone here. It is not easy to be found.

"It seems that this is also an exit, but it should not be as easy to go as the one above."

Flowers, buildings, lakes, and palaces made of gold, as the stone walls slowly opened, appeared in front of Lu Chen and Yuluan.

The golden petals are as thin as wings, wrapped layer by layer, exactly the same as real flowers, some are in full bloom, some are in bud, some are dotted with white jade as dewdrops, lively and fragrant.

The objects displayed in the palace, one by one, are like the real palace, which is really irrefutable and beautiful.

"What's the situation? Could it be that this is the real big tomb?" Yuluan was a little surprised.

But judging from her experience, this is unlikely. After all, the place where the Spirit Race can be selected as a trial place should not be just like this, there should be more treasures.

Lu Chen shook his head: "Probably not."

Of course not, I'm afraid it's another one who confuses other people's eyes.

After seeing the door of space above, Chase Lu was full of longing for the real classical tomb.I'm afraid that the magic stones and magic treasures here are either sent to fool some outsiders, or they have other agencies.

So just facing the piles of treasures above, he didn't move at all, not even taking a magic stone.If you lose the big because of the small, it is not worthwhile.Lu Chen still has this kind of patience and willingness to give up.

"However, the things here, I think, whether it's the lotus here, or even any of the ornaments here, are actually magic weapons of the lower rank of the ninth rank!" The excitement in Yuluan's eyebrows and eyes was really uncontrollable. Look carefully, look carefully now, and suddenly I can't sit still.

She is the boss of the auction house, why haven't you seen it before?

Although she has little experience with this kind of aura exuding the coercion of a ninth-grade magic weapon, she has seen it before!

Eighth-rank magic weapons are almost extinct within the scope of the four realms, and now there is a palace made of a bunch of magic weapons here!

Who wouldn't be excited, who wouldn't be excited!

"Can't move!" Seeing Yuluan's excited face, Lu Chen said coldly, he was also excited about these things, but what about excitement, if he would die because of these things, or miss the real classical tomb, then That's the biggest fool.

But now it's not easy for him to say anything directly to Yuluan, so he had to give a warning.

"In this way, we are sure that there is no danger, so how about taking away the magic weapon and the magic stone on it?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Yuluan was startled suddenly. He didn't expect this Lu Chen to have such concentration, even this ninth-grade magic weapon couldn't attract his eyes?

What strength this boy has!With such a heart and such a pattern, Yuluan can imagine that this Lu Chen will have a boundless future!It is very likely that he will soar to the upper realm, and even have greater achievements!

Lu Chen couldn't help rubbing his brows, then turned his head and said, "This token doesn't indicate where we should come. Since you said it was a token key, I think that if there is a token key, it means that the owner of this place is I want someone to inherit his things. Well, what we are really looking for has not yet arrived. The treasures here are either illusions or organs. We might as well go and get the big ones first. If all the treasures and property here can be taken , after you go out, it’s not too late to come with a full preparation.”

Yuluan paused for a moment, her mind was shaken just now.

Facing this entire hall of perfect level nine low-level magical weapons, even if it were any big man, he would not be as calm as Lu Chen, and he is really a freak.

After all, even if Yuluan, as the director of Shaking Sky Auction, is in charge of the top material auction in the entire Dongjing, she has never seen so many level nine magic weapons at one time!Still perfect!

Reining his mind a little, Yuluan turned his head slightly and looked at Lu Chen, couldn't help but smiled slightly, and said to Lu Chen: "Okay, then I will listen to you."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Under the dim light, her smile is like a face that is as crystal clear as jade, like a crescent moon giving birth to a dizzy halo, with a gorgeous appearance, a quiet appearance, a gentle posture, a charming language, and a delicate and tactful manner.

Moreover, Yuluan was rarely so obedient, and Lu Chen couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"cough cough"

Lu Chen coughed twice, then looked at the place indicated by the token.

Yu Luan, on the other hand, saw Lu Chen standing side by side side by side. In this place where there are organs everywhere, it is better to stay close at every step.

However, Yuluan's eyes still scanned everything in the palace, the ninth-grade magic weapon!

Even if you can't take it now, at least you can take a few more glances!

But when her gaze swept to a certain place in the coffin, her pupils suddenly widened unnaturally!

"The Tomb of the Classics, what are you kidding? How could it be the Tomb of the Classics?" Yuluan groped and inadvertently glanced at the engravings on the coffin, and suddenly exclaimed in shock.

Lu Chen's expression changed immediately when he heard the words, and he opened his eyes wide and said, "Isn't it, this is the tomb of classics?"

In order to pretend to be real, he fully showed his surprise, he simply took a step forward, and jumped in front of Yuluan to look at the coffin.

After all, Yuluan is a very intelligent woman, if she sees her face, she may be able to judge something through subtle expressions.

However, Lu Chen actually thought too much at the moment.

Yuluan didn't bother to look at him at the moment, she was also in a state of shock.

Shaking Sky Auction House only got a rough idea of ​​the news about the Classical Tomb, but it was accidentally leaked out.As a result, all forces from the four realms joined the forest of monsters to search for them, plus the Spirit Race people they met this time.The Spirit Race has always lived in the Middle Realm, and they rarely come to Dongjing.I'm afraid that this time, many forces in the middle of the world have received news and come to look for the classical tomb!

The peerless prodigy, Classic, not only has a high cultivation base, but also created the biological essence "Classic" that will be praised later.Moreover, this person also left a lot of valuable knowledge and treasures that will benefit future generations.

His tomb has attracted worldwide attention.

Who would have thought that everyone searched seriously, but they couldn't find any, but they were teleported to the most dangerous place by the Qisha Pavilion, and they were teleported to the ancient tomb!

No wonder those Spirit Race people tried their best to kill them, just to prevent them from leaking the news.

But the one named Xuanyu really doesn't know that this is the tomb of classics?

Forget it, whether it is or not, anyway, he is now in Lu Chen's hands, everything is easy to talk about.

It is more serious to find the inheritance in the tomb. Thinking of this, Yuluan frowned tightly, and began to calculate the location. This place should not be the real classical tomb.

According to her calculations, there was nothing underneath.Could it be that the Classical Tomb is only this small, and there are only so many things?

For ordinary people, this tomb is big enough, and they can't walk through it for days and nights.

However, Yuluan firmly believed that the classical tomb could not be so big, otherwise, it would be too crude.

Lu Chen is right, this is not a real classic tomb, it is very likely that what is here is a blindfold.

Looking at everything in the tomb, Yuluan's eyes twitched a few times, glanced at the coffin beside him, and murmured: "Using so many ninth-grade magic weapons as a blindfold, and so many ingenious mechanisms , and this place can actually reduce our magic power and make us unable to fly. It is really a classic tomb, it is really a big deal."

Lu Chen nodded: "Let's not delay now, the most important thing is to quickly find the real classical tomb."

"Okay, let's go." Yuluan was about to nod her head, when Lu Chen suddenly interrupted her with a wave of his hand, a murderous look flashed in her eyes, she listened to something, and stopped immediately.

The sound of footsteps, chaotic but orderly, came clearly from above, and Lu Chen and Yuluan were taken aback for a moment.

Besides those few spirit races, are there other people here?Or, are there more Eldar coming in?

Yuluan glanced at Lu Chen immediately, and Lu Chen leaned against the bedside of the magic ivory, frowned and said softly: "No, it seems to be just one person's footsteps."

"Damn, where did those two people go? When I find them, I will definitely peel off their skins and chop them into meat paste!" A low voice came suddenly, but it was clear that Lu Chen and the two did not reveal a word Hearing it in his ears, Yuluan frowned suddenly, and subconsciously grabbed Lu Chen tightly.

"Dog, this time, if I didn't have the protective spirit teleportation array, I would really have died in that corridor." The hoarse voice was full of endless resentment, "But Xuanwan and those guys are all Those who don’t carry the phantom array, don’t know what’s going on now.”

"Spiritual formation?" Lu Chen suddenly understood when he turned his eyebrows. It turned out that among the several spirit clans, only he brought a teleportation formation, and opened it immediately, so he escaped.There must have been another Spirit Race who hadn't come and escaped and died in the corridor just now, so he is the only one left now.Just now, I was really careless.If they had known earlier, they should have observed that the two Eldar were completely dead and walking.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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