Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2875 Xuan Bing

"bang bang bang"

The sword light flashed, but the veil was not broken, and what came was the sound of iron objects colliding with each other, faintly carrying sparks.

The face of the green-clothed spirit clan changed drastically.

As the breeze blows, silk curtains of various colors are flying, so light that there is no weight at all.

The green-clothed spirit clan was horrified, and they moved faster and faster.

"bang bang"

There was only the continuous sound of iron clashing, and the veil was spinning faster and faster.

In the end, the veil almost disappeared in a flash, and the connected gaps and traces could no longer be seen.

Covering from all directions, front, back, left, and right, above the head and under the feet, densely packed =.

The veil was getting faster and faster, and the green-clothed spirits were wrapped in it, and what they saw was almost dazzled.

It was too fast, so fast that his concentration was almost dizzy.

"bang bang bang"

The speed of the impact from the veil became faster and faster, and the sound of iron hammering rang out continuously in the palace.

However, after more than ten minutes, the various, soft and weightless veils seemed to be as heavy as a thousand catties, as strong as fine steel.The green-clothed spirit clan's powerful swords can't do anything about them.

In the end, these veils rotated faster and faster, and began to squeeze inward, like making rice dumplings, wrapping the green-clothed spirits inside.Every time it rotates, the veil shrinks inward.With such a fast pace, the encircling circles of various colors are getting smaller and smaller, leaving less and less space for the green-clothed spirits inside.

The sound of banging and crashing inside the veil, mixed with screams, roared wildly.The green-clothed spirits had a premonition of danger and were desperate.

Outside, Yuluan stood coldly outside the sphere that wrapped the spirits in green, looking at everything in front of him.

The gauze inside is woven from the divine silk left by the divine silkworm from the upper realm. It is usually soft, but it can also be used in battle, making it invulnerable.Once the mechanism is triggered, it can break stones and divide gold. Even if it is a ninth-level top-grade magic weapon, it cannot be easily cut off. How could the green-clothed spirits be able to deal with it with a single sword.

Seeing the Qingsha getting more and more encircled, Yuluan lowered his eyebrows slightly.


The surrounded spirit clan in green howled out, that sharp voice was like the howl of a dying beast, full of penetrating power.

Yu Luan raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at the veil that was already encircled by the veil, which was almost as wide as two people.

The howling of the beast was chilling.

With five fingers clasped slightly, a bright sword swiped out from Yuluan's sleeve.

She didn't even blink, and with a sword in her horizontal hand, she pierced deeply into the encased green-clothed spirit clan.

The blood spurted out in an instant, and there was no breath inside.

Slowly pulling out the long sword in his hand, Yuluan was not looking at the wrapped person.

Rather than being crushed to death, it is better to give him a good time.

All kinds of colors are flying, and the curtains are gloomy.

Yuluan left along the direction, and after a while, the veil flying all over the sky slowly stopped turning, and then began to circle back towards the place where she should exist.

The breeze died down slowly, and the palace was still a palace, nothing unusual.

South, this direction is guarded by Suzaku, the wind helps the fire, and the veterinarian actually hides the wind direction here.

With the breeze blowing and the veil fluttering, Yuluan walked slowly towards the outside of the hall step by step.

I don't know how long he walked in the underground palace, but Yuluan came to another palace.

The dim light flickered in the mausoleum, and the exquisite palace took on an increasingly gloomy feeling.

"East." Letting go of the counting fingers in his hand, Yu Luan looked at the magnificent palace in front of him, which was as beautiful as the moon and extremely magnificent.

If her calculation is correct, this place should be the east side of the entire mausoleum.

Four large white jade pillars towered majestically, and four blue dragons hovered above them, so vivid that they almost broke the pillars and flew away.

Entering the palace slowly, Yu Luan walked cautiously.In the east, the green dragon belongs to water, so there must be water hidden in this side, so it is the best policy to be careful.

Walking and walking, Yuluan's slender figure walked slowly in the palace.

The palace looks grand on the outside, but the inside is like the streets and alleys, full of narrow passages, which looks quite strange.

Yuluan walked slowly, frowning slightly.

Why is there no one chasing after you?

She had just been inspired by the last palace, and felt that she should take advantage of the terrain of this place and her own advantages to temporarily kill a few spirits, and then go looking for Chase Lu.

Therefore, she intentionally revealed her whereabouts just now, but it was strange that no one followed after walking so slowly.

With a slight twitch between his eyebrows, Yuluan shook his hand.

That being the case, it's okay to meet Lu Chen and talk first.

Just as she was thinking this way, there was a sudden sound of wind in her ears, and someone shot from the front, so fast that Yuluan almost suspected that she was running for her life.


According to her calculations, those people should not appear in front of her. Could it be Lu Chen who came?

Yuluan's pace was slightly quick at the moment, and he turned around the corner in front of him in one step.

Their eyes met, they looked at each other, and the two almost collided.

It turned out to be the oldest spirit clan man in white clothes, Yuluan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and with a backhand, he slashed at the elder spirit tribe man.

At the same moment, the old man of the Spirit Race didn't react too slowly. Seeing Yuluan in front of him, the big knife in his hand almost turned like the wind, and swept down towards Yuluan like a torrential rain.

It seemed that Yuluan was going to be wiped out in just a few moves.

Seeing this, Yu Luan snorted coldly.

Right now, the soft sword in her hand was spinning, the magic element was spinning, and it was directly wrapped around the big sword of the spirit clan elder.

For a while, only the sound of bang bang bang bang was heard.

In the entire corridor, you can't see you coming and going, you can't see the sharpness of the sword, you can only see a flash of swords and swords flying, and two figures spinning in the air.

In this invisible shadow of swords and swords, the exquisite wooden carvings around them shattered like powder and sprinkled in all directions.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and it cooperates with the gusts of wind, causing echoes to overlap in the narrow passage.


With a sweep of the sword, Yu Luan frowned slightly, cutting off the frenzied attack of the old man of the Spirit Race.

what sound?This should not be the wind caused by their swords.

His hands kept moving, but his ears pricked up, Yuluan listened intently.

"Boom boom boom"

This sound is a bit dull, a bit thick, like the sound of water but not like the sound of water, and it is not the sound of wind blowing. What is it?

As Yu Luan was frowning, the saber gesture of the spirit clan elder on the opposite side became more and more crazy, and it seemed that he was going to fight Yu Luan desperately.

Although Yuluan thought it was normal for the two of them to fight desperately when they met, Yuluan frowned a little because of the hysterical feeling that this spirit clan elder would die if he didn't defeat her.


With a dodge, the old man of the Spirit Race slashed to the ground with a knife, and the bluestone surface immediately cracked a hole the size of a palm, and meandered away.

With such a fierce attack, he will not hesitate to consume all the magic energy.

Yuluan frowned, what is the spirit clan elder doing?

The dull voice of "Boom" got closer, and it became more real in my ears, as if something was approaching.

Yu Luan's heart shuddered for a moment, and he backhanded the quick sword, the attack in his hand became fiercer, but his ears stood up sharply.

This thing came very quickly, with the sound of crackling and crisp condensation in the middle, which was so small that it could almost be ignored.

A trace of extremely cold breath came from the passage in the distance, and there was a light white smoke, rolling and swarming.

The old man of the Spirit Race, his subordinates became more and more crazy, carrying a sharp sword light and domineering power all over his body, he blasted towards Yu Luan as fast as lightning.


Taking advantage of the gap, Yuluan caught sight of wisps of flying white smoke coming out of the passageway in the distance.

After a brief moment of doubt, Yuluan's face changed drastically. The mechanism hidden under the Dongfang Qinglong was not water, but black ice.

This kind of profound ice is only found in the extreme north of the Demon God Continent. It is like water and ice, and can freeze everything. Even if it is a great power to cross the Tribulation Realm, if you are not careful, you may die!

Now, this mysterious ice is coming with a surging posture that covers everything.

Wherever it passed, the exquisite walls and magnificent carvings were immediately frozen into ice crystals, and the ice water passed by, freezing everything.


Yuluan glanced at him and cursed angrily.

The old man of the Spirit Race must have activated the mechanism of the Azure Dragon Hall somehow, released the monstrous black ice water, and ran into her again when he was running for his life.

So, now the old man wanted to escape and kill her, that's why he was so crazy.

Gritting his jade teeth tightly, Yuluan's head almost smoked for a moment.

Without even thinking about it, Yuluan turned around and ran away as he swung his sword to separate the old man's attack.

She is not afraid of the old man of the Spirit Race, but she doesn't have the ability to deal with this mysterious ice.

Seeing Yu Luan, the old man of the Spirit Tribe turned around and ran away, making a mistake and followed Yu Luan as well.

At the same time, his expression was ferocious, and he rushed forward without fear of death. The knife that shone with a sharp luster made people dare not ignore it.

Their purpose was to kill Yuluan and Lu Chen, the two people who broke in here, and it was rare to meet her alone at this time, so no matter what state they were in, they would kill her.

Only by killing her can the location of this ancient tomb be known to the Spirit Race, otherwise, the news will spread all over the sky!

What is the classical tomb? It is countless treasures, monstrous wealth and cultivation!

Except for the Spirit Race, no one can think of it!

snort! "

At such a moment, Yu Luan's eyes flashed, and immediately a shadow suddenly swept out of his magic bag, and then collided fiercely with the old man of the Spirit Race.


When he saw the shadow clearly, a look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the old man of the Spirit Race, but before the astonishment spread, the ferocious attack of the puppet was like a storm!


The ferocious attack bombarded the elder spirit clan's body with great precision, and then the latter's body shot down backwards.

The golem's fierce attacks poured all over the spirit clan's body, but Yuluan's brows slowly frowned.

The alley here is narrow, winding and extremely difficult to walk.

The puppet was collected by Lu Chen and placed here with her, and he entrusted her to find someone who knows how to make a puppet in the future to help repair it.

Now it is used here, but it is not easy to get it back.Otherwise, even if she took a step forward, the old man of the Spirit Race behind her was extremely powerful, so how could she escape easily.

Forget it, it will be a big deal to supply Lu Chen with a good puppet in the future, Yuluan just tapped his feet and quickly swept out.

Xuan Bing, who came roaring from behind, came faster and more violently in the fight between the elders of the Spirit Race.

Hoarfrost passed by, and icy water roared in, filling the entire narrow passage, freezing everything that could be frozen.Crystal clear, with flashes of blue light.

"Bang." The old man of the Spirit Race and the puppet sword intersected, and sparks burst out.

However, it couldn't resist the white mist that had risen, and the biting cold completely engulfed Mars.


Yuluan rushed out quickly, and the roar of Bingjing became more and more intense in his ears.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw behind the old man of the Spirit Tribe, there was only ice water ten feet away, Yu Luan's face was covered with a thin layer of ice, his coldness was astonishing, he looked around directly, looking for a chance to escape.She knew that whether it was a place of trial or a place of treasure, it would definitely give someone a chance to escape.

Seeing Yuluan fleeing quickly, the frenzied face of the Elder Clan elder became even crazier.

The sound of intersecting with the puppet's sword suddenly rang out.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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