Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2874 Yuluan

What is this token?

The key token of the ancient tomb!

Now, this key token is actually shining brightly here!It means that this is the tomb of classics!

that is really good!There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, hard work pays off!

Inexplicably fell into the tomb of classics!

It turns out that the key to the ancient tomb is used in this way!


For a moment, Lu Chen couldn't help but thanked himself for his good luck, saved someone, and casually fell on top of the classical tomb.Forget it, he was hunted down by someone, and he fell into the tomb of classics, and he even easily killed one of his enemies.

Moreover, he happened to be alone now, if he was still with Yuluan at this moment, it would be difficult for him to directly check the things in the ancient tomb.

All coincidences, almost luck, that will not work!

It seems that the things in this ancient tomb should be his own!

Lu Chen was ecstatic in his heart, reached out his hand to the head of the steps in front of him, and slapped hard.

"Boom." There was only a muffled sound.

In the underground palace outside, an extremely thick iron gate suddenly fell down, and the whole thing was blocked, forming a dead zone.

Lu Chen was a little dazed, he didn't know what was going on, but he waited for a long time, nothing happened on his side, and immediately walked forward.

This token key is obviously left to future generations by the classical.

With the key in hand, as long as Lu Chen follows the direction indicated, he will not encounter any danger.

The golden-clothed spirit clan who hadn't had time to leave in the underground palace immediately knew something was wrong when they heard the strange noise, and rushed towards the palace door like lightning.

However, the fine iron fell, and all the outlets in all directions were blocked tightly.

The lights were dim, and the rays of the shark bead flickered, making it extremely gloomy and cold.

Following the guidance of the key, Lu Chen walked up the stairs, and saw that there was a wall at the end of this place, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and knocked on a wall standing in front of him.

Immediately, the wall opened to reveal a door.

Lu Chen walked in slowly, and the entire underground palace below was completely displayed in his eyes.

The underground palace is now a mess. In the short time he walked up the steps, all the exquisite decorations and engravings in the underground palace were destroyed by the angry golden spirits.

The square iron gate made of fine iron has also printed a lot of traces.

A sneer flashed in his eyes, if this is really the tomb of classics.

I'm afraid that even if this spirit race dies, they won't be able to break through.

With a cold look in his eyes, Lu Chen looked down at the golden-clothed spirits who were crazily attacking the square iron gate, and asked directly: "I remembered, you insist on chasing us persistently, don't you? This is the ancient tomb ?”

Hearing Lu Chen's voice, the Jinyi Lingzu immediately turned and looked this way.

However, upon hearing Lu Chen's words, the Jinyi Lingzu couldn't help but change their expressions: "After all, you still came here for the classical tomb! I should have killed you with a sword just now!"

Under the light of the merman beads on the wall of the underground palace, following the clamor of the golden-clothed spirit clan, a ground slowly cracked under his feet.


Under the cracked ground, countless sharp knives that are spinning irregularly are slowly revealing their true colors.

The light of the knife was cold, and the sharp blade was glowing with coldness, which was purely poisonous.

Seeing this scene, the complexion of the Jinyi Lingzu changed instantly.

The cracks in the ground are getting bigger and bigger, merging towards the left and right sides, and there is less and less ground on which to stand under the underground palace.


Ten thousand revolving knives were spinning rapidly, the light of the knives mixed with the coldness, this originally gloomy underground palace became a mountain of hell knives.

"It seems that it's not you who want to kill me, but Gu Gu, who wants to kill you." Looking at this scene, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little chilly in his heart, he understood why people couldn't fly here.

If it could fly, this ancient tomb might be discovered and dug up early in the morning.

I don't know where it is located in the Warcraft Forest.

The Jinyi Lingzu raised their heads abruptly when they heard the words, and in the space above the underground palace in front of them, Lu Chen was standing on the stone wall with a cold face, looking down at him.

The Jinyi Lingzu raised their brows immediately, screamed, and flew the long sword in their hands horizontally, shooting towards Lu Chen above.

Lu Chen snorted slightly, and flicked his fingers lightly.

In an instant, I saw that arc-like lightning mixed with crimson flames, striking down at the golden-clothed spirit clan.

A flash of lightning was fine, and Chase Lu released countless lightning and flame balls one after another.

Seeing this, the Jin-clothed Spirit Clan below changed their complexions instantly, almost turning pale.

Seeing this, Lu Chen didn't want to continue reading. He saw the golden light of the key pointing at a wall brick, and only then did he realize that he had just hit the wrong key.Immediately slowly raised his hand and pressed on the stone wall.

The stone wall behind him was slowly closed without any gaps, and beside him, a new stone cave appeared.Lu Chen took the token key and walked in.

The faint merman bead shone with light, and the underground palace became more and more gloomy.

The wind blows over the mountains, layer upon layer gently.

I don't know where the wind comes from in this tight cave.

But Yuluan did see it, and also felt the cool wind blowing past her, blowing the layers of light veils in front of her.

In the exquisite bedroom ahead, silk gauzes of various colors are hanging, fluttering and flying with the cool wind.

Layers of shadows of veils form thousands of strands of veils, and under the light of the bright shark bead, rippling with thousands of styles.But it also outlines the coldness and gloom that makes people chill down the spine.

Yu Luan will not be like Lu Chen, first think that this place is some powerful residence.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Looking at the scene in front of him, Yu Luan looked cold and did not say a word.

She just remembered that this magic scroll of life and death usually teleports people, and it will choose the nearest dangerous place to teleport people in.

Now she doesn't have to look, she can locate the place in front of her.

It must be a hidden place of trial or hidden treasure in the Warcraft Forest, and it was first discovered by the Spirit Race people, otherwise they would not have chased them down.

The purpose is to prevent them from leaking secrets.

Slowly stretching out his hand to rub the center of his eyebrows, a trace of coldness flashed across Yuluan's brows.

There are crises everywhere here, and she and Lu Chen fell down in a daze.

Looking at the overlapping veils flying in front of him, Yu Luan's face was very cold, now that he and Lu Chen have separated, it may not be easy if they want to reunite.

Now, Chase Lu may have to face the pursuit of those Spirit Race people.

And I will always face the lingering Spirit Race people.Yuluan's face was heavy, and his breath was colder than the wind blowing from nowhere.

Glancing coldly at the palace in front of him, Yuluan counted quickly with his fingers.

B fire, B gold

Yuluan is also one of the owners of Shaking Sky Auction House, and he knows not only many things, but also miscellaneous.

She also knows how to do calculations like the witch clan.


With a finger pause, Yuluan glanced at the veil palace in front of him, took out the magic weapon to determine the direction, and immediately walked forward.

Listening and walking in the cave, counting and counting, Yuluan slowly avoided the search of several spirit clans and got closer and closer to Lu Chen's position.

However, the light veils are piled up, and the cool breeze is blowing. There is no feeling of coolness, but an endless chill in the bottom of the heart, and the hair on the back stands on end.

Yu Luan walked more and more slowly, step by step, his breath became slower and slower, almost blending with the breath of the cave.


In this suffocating cold silence, a sudden movement broke through the air, shattering the silence on this side.

A green-clothed spirit tribe shot towards him like a shooting star, and the veil slightly lifted, Yuluan walking in the middle was directly exposed to the eyes of the green-clothed spirit tribe.

Dressed in a light pink dress, the whole person is picturesque.

The green-clothed spirit clan's eyebrows darkened, and he stabbed at Yu Luan who was in the gauze tent with a single stroke of his sword.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, anyone who breaks into this place will be killed without mercy.

Yuluan didn't have any expression on his face, and watched coldly as the sword shot towards her as fast as lightning.

As soon as he turned his toes, his figure disappeared behind the sky-filled veil behind him.


With a sword across the sky, the veil was cut in half by the green-clothed spirit clan's sword, and it fluttered down.

The light gauze falls, but there is no Yuluan behind.

Seeing this step, the green-clothed spirit clan stood still in the light gauze tent, the sword light in their hands surged like a poisonous snake.

Yuluan smiled slightly in the dark.She recognized it, this person was the guy who attacked Lu Chen first.Then, just play with him.

At the moment, Yuluan Lian moved lightly, and her footsteps were light and broken, vaguely.

Accompanied by the sound of wind and flowing veil, it is almost unreal.

However, the ear power of the green-clothed spirits is naturally different, he immediately slashed the hilt of the sword in his hand, and killed the place where the sound came out, with a ferocious murderous aura, incomparably incomparable.

A sword shattered the flying veil, and the fragments flew down in all directions accompanied by the sword energy of the green-clothed spirit clan.

No one, still no sign of Yuluan.

The green-clothed spirit clan frowned, no matter how high her cultivation was, she would never be able to fly here, and it was impossible to catch such a trace of avoidance.

A gust of cool wind blows, and the veils of various colors dance lightly.

In the midst of this light dance, Yuluan stood coldly in a pale pink dress on the first floor of the palace.

There was a colder light in those beautiful eyes.

The green-clothed spirit clan glanced at her figure, and immediately backhanded a sword, and at the same time perched on her body.

Yuluan put his hands behind his back, but he didn't move when he saw this.

The veil around me is flying and rippling.


An extremely crisp collision sound suddenly sounded, shattering the dead silence of the hall.

The green-clothed spirit clan slashed at the veil flying in front of Yuluan with a sword.

The sonorous sound, like the clashing of iron objects, was eerily emanating from the soft and forceless gauze.

The green-clothed spirit clan was taken aback for a moment, the right hand holding the sharp sword was slightly numb, as if the sword had been chopped on a boulder just now, his arm was slightly numb due to the shock.

Behind Qingsha, Yuluan put his hands behind his back and didn't move at all.

How is this going?

Before the green-clothed spirits figured it out, Yuluan's figure flickered, and he was instantly submerged in the light gauze curtain.

The green-clothed spirits only felt that the figure in front of them flickered and disappeared, and the speed was comparable to that of a ghost.

He immediately frowned, no, this place is wrong.

The green-clothed spirit clan took a step forward and flew towards the direction where Yuluan disappeared.

However, he took only one step, and the light gauze curtains around it suddenly started to spin.

Sisi fluttered, and in an instant, it seemed that the entire palace began to rotate.

The green-clothed spirit clan was startled, seeing the veil in front of him from slow to fast, spinning round and round around him, his back was as cold as ice.

Feeling the extraordinary speed and tenacity of these veils, the eyes of the green-clothed spirits instantly became serious.

He directly operated the magic element, and slashed at the veil with a few swords.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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