Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2862 Demon Killing Formation

Looking at the immobile bloody man lying on the ground, Lu Chen sneered: "How is it? Does this feel good?"


Xue Chi is terrified in his heart now, but he can't say a word!

How is this going?

This is where?

If he was in the Tribulation Transcending Realm and couldn't move because of the coercion of heaven and earth, why is this guy in the Demon Lord Realm not only fine, but also in such good spirits? !

He thought in horror that this might belong to Chase Lu's domain?

But how is this possible!

The domain method is the method of the legendary Demon Emperor. This Demon God Continent has not appeared for many years. Many people even regard it as an anecdote and don't really believe it.

How can Lu Chen, a fledgling demon king, know the methods of the demon emperor and have his own domain?

Looking at the shocked Xue Qi, Lu Chen snorted at the corner of his mouth.



With Lu Chen's snort, an arm-thick lightning bolt fell from the sky without warning, pierced the sky, and directly penetrated into Xue Qi's body, tearing his body apart!


Blood Chi was suddenly severely injured, not only was his body torn apart by the power of lightning, but even the magic essence and evil energy in his body were rapidly weakened by the power of justice contained in the lightning.

Sensing the change in the aura of the blood chinchilla, Lu Chen nodded. It seems that his idea is correct. The evil race really fears positive energy and laws just like the monster race.

So trying another idea?

Lu Chen closed his eyes, and the majestic spiritual force pushed his golden light of merit to slowly guide it to his hand, and then used his spiritual power to slowly compress and condense the golden light of merit into a small golden dagger.

Because there was no such attempt before, Chase Lu took a lot of effort to condense this time.

However, fortunately, the dagger was finally condensed successfully.

With a smile on the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, he looked at the palm-sized dagger in his hand that was emitting golden light, and his heart turned at will.

"call out!"

The golden dagger pierced directly into Xue Chi's back like a flying arrow.


Xue Chi was surging with qi and blood due to the tyrannical aura of the power of thunder and punishment, and his magic energy was turbulent. Suddenly, he felt a burst of fire rushing into his back, and rushed into his dantian without any hindrance!

Then, this fierce and sharp rocket began to scurry around his dantian like a mad rabbit. When his magic element encountered this "rocket", it immediately began to melt like ice and snow meeting a raging fire!

Xue Chi was terrified, he didn't care about the wound on his back, and immediately tried his best to run the magic yuan to protect his dantian.

Standing aside, Lu Chen watched coldly as Xue Chi closed his eyes and desperately went to protect his dantian, but he had a judgment on the usefulness of his golden light of merit in his heart.


Cai'er flew over from the sky, and landed beside Chen Lu lightly.

"Master, why don't you tell me every time you come back!" Cai'er looked at Lu Chen, her beautiful eyes sparkled, "I have another surprise to tell you!"

Lu Chen looked at Cai'er, his tense heart relaxed slightly, he smiled and said, "You are really my mascot, every time there is good news to tell."

Cai'er lowered her head a little shyly, seeing the gore on the ground who kept vomiting blood, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes: "Master, why are you this kind of evil clansman again?"

Lu Chen said helplessly: "I don't want to meet them either. Bringing them in, I think it's polluting Ling Tian's world."

"Uncle!" The little guy Zhu Yaotian didn't know where he went, and he got out of the ground under Lu Chen's feet, his head was covered with mud and gravel.

Lu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why do you and Cai'er come here every time I come back?"

Zhu Yaotian suddenly got out of the mud, shook his head and smiled and said, "Uncle! Daddy told me to protect you with Sister Cai'er and to study hard with you, so of course I'll be where you are !"

"Okay, then you guys give me a good look at this guy here, and by the way, torture me, who is chasing me behind the scenes, and everything about the evil race. I'll go out and come back later." Lu Chen Looking at Cai'er and Zhu Yaotian, he said, "I'm afraid that people outside won't be able to deal with those evil races."


After giving orders, Lu Chen walked out of Lingtian World in a flash.

"Devil-killing array!"

Seeing Xue Chi and Lu Chen disappear together, one of the evil clan shouted, and immediately, an extremely terrifying and powerful force erupted from him!


All the evil clansmen retreated about ten meters together, and then they stood in a strange square formation, each of them was as straight as a gun, and all their skins were transformed into the color of copper at this moment.Even all parts of his body were slowly expanding, and there was a palpitating creaking sound as the muscles stretched.

In just a few dozen seconds, the bodies of these Xie Clan people were raised by half a foot, looking like giants one by one, but anyone could clearly feel that under that body, there was a surge of power at this moment. What a terrible power!

Then they formed a strange phalanx, and before the Talisman Alliance could react, suddenly, their phalanx exploded with terrifying energy fluctuations, and immediately, a sharp and ear-piercing howling sound came from it.

"The Demon Killing Formation! It's actually the Demon Killing Formation of the evil race! Back! Everyone, retreat!" The old man who led the rescue of Lu Chen was roaring angrily.

The people behind the old man looked horrified. They haven't seen such an expression on the face of the Supreme Elder for a long time. Even the Supreme Elder is afraid, so this is not a simple matter. I am afraid that the power of this formation is really has the ability to destroy heaven and earth

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Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Just as everyone retreated rapidly, the indescribably terrifying energy storm swept across the sky at an astonishing speed, and then, the entire forest was torn open a crack, the depth and width of which were still Expanding rapidly!


Some guys who ran late, or whose cultivation level was a bit poor, were just gently swept into their bodies by the berserk energy, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. In addition to the flesh and blood, the meridians in the body were also broken inch by inch!

Seeing this, everyone retreated desperately.

However, seeing this, those Xie Clan people also accelerated the speed of forming seals on their hands.

Although these people reacted quickly and were fast, so they escaped unharmed, not all of them were so lucky. There were quite a few people who could not run because they were injured. Almost in an instant, they were Torn apart into nothingness.

Accompanied by several earth-shattering explosions, these people were seriously injured in an instant.

The old man and the people behind him stared at the phalanx formed by the evil people with dull eyes, and there was no sound for a while.After all, they just walked through the door of hell.

"What is this? Demon Slayer Formation? How can it be so powerful!" A person next to the old man let out a deep breath and said with lingering fear.

The old man shook his head and said: "Everyone, don't take it lightly. This is a very powerful demon-slaying formation. It is a legendary evil formation that has been lost for tens of thousands of years, but I don't know when these guys were restored."

A guy with buffalo horns suddenly remembered something, and was shocked and said:

"It's actually a demon-slaying formation! I remembered, didn't it mean that this formation was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago!"

Seeing the expression on the buffalo's horns, it's clear that this big formation is quite famous.

"Devil Demon Formation, this formation was created by a powerful Xie Clan back then. To form this formation, more than five Xie Clan people are needed to form the formation. Except for the people who form the formation, the rest Everyone within the range of the formation will be torn apart and turned into energy. Whether it is a demon soul or a body, it will be swallowed and absorbed by the formation in the end. In this way, not only the enemy will be killed, but the people who form the formation will have greater strength. It will be promoted. Because this formation is too bloody and cruel, and because it was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago when the evil race was being hunted down, no one thought that there are still evil people who can use this formation today Law."

When the old man saw the surprise and doubt on the faces of the crowd, he paused for a moment before speaking out.

"What! There is such a formation in the world!"

"The evil clansmen have indeed committed countless crimes!"

"Haha, you meddling guys! We didn't think we could replenish energy recently, but we didn't expect you to come to our door! It's just a group of guys who can draw with us by relying on talismans. Now, we send you Swallow it, wait for the boss to pack up that Lu Chen and come back, there will be a big reward!"

The formation in mid-air was filled with a bloody light, but there was a crazy laugh coming from the bloody light.

That's right, these evil people only thought that the disappearance of Lu Chen and the Xue Chi was because the Xue Chi had learned some new tricks and deliberately brought Lu Chen to the secret supernatural space.Originally, the blood scorpion was clamoring all day long to study the ancient legends, the means by which the devil emperor can tear open space.Maybe it's real now?

As for whether it was Lu Chen who cheated and took the blood away-just kidding, this is absolutely impossible!These evil races are

I didn't think about it at all, that Lu Chen is just a mouse with some means and background, no matter how powerful he is, he can't compare to an evil clan who has crossed the sixth floor of the Tribulation Realm!

Everyone looked at the vast and majestic energy that made people tremble, and they were a little unsteady for a while, and asked one after another:

"Elder! What can we do?"


"Withdraw!" The old man shook his beard, and simply took out dozens of purple jade charms that he had kept for a long time, and said, "Although this evil formation is vicious and powerful, the formation cannot be changed at will. Let's go separately. If you encounter evil If the clan stops us, let's go together, and there must be no casualties!"


"call out!"

As soon as the old man's words fell, the two charms in his hand flew out.


The two talismans hit the beam of light of the Demon Slaying Formation, and they were immediately aroused by the old man, making a loud noise.

Suddenly receiving such a vast energy attack, the faces of several evil people who were bound to win suddenly turned pale and trembled.

"Open the big formation, seal the space!"

There was also the sound of angry roaring suddenly in the big formation, and immediately, the beam of light exploded without warning, and a wave of destructive shock waves suddenly shot up into the sky, and then quickly blocked the space ten feet away. go.

"The evil people want to surround us with this large formation!"

"Guys, fight with it"

The old man wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and a look of ferocity appeared on his face. He bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, directly onto the talisman in his hand.Then he distributed the other talismans in his hand to everyone, asking them to do the same.

This is his life-saving trick. His real name is a talisman. Using it once will consume three layers of his efforts, but the power is unimaginable!


Seeing the action of the old man spraying the blood, the expressions of the others changed slightly. Finally, they gritted their teeth fiercely, and also spewed out a mouthful of blood containing majestic energy, and shot it into the talismans in their hands.


Talismans of various colors suddenly shot out from everyone's hands, and went straight to the center of the formation!

"Boom boom boom!"

A sound that resounded through the world accompanied by an explosion of energy that shattered a big tree, finally showed a little gratified smile on the old man's face: "Okay, this time, using the Purple Jade Magic Talisman of Life, even if you are in the Tribulation Realm Peak, I am sure to get rid of it! I guess this gang of evil races will be sealed!"

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

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