Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2861 Golem


The whole forest couldn't help shaking twice.

Wherever the long whip passed, everything turned into nothingness and was swallowed by the monstrous waves of blood.

Lu Chen's pupils constricted, and he watched this scene in panic, enveloped by an aura of extinction, as if the next moment would be the end of the world.

I haven't felt this way for a long time

Seeing the next moment, he was about to die on the spot.

Lu Chen gritted his teeth, and was about to hide in Lingtian World to avoid this fatal blow.


"call out!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, and a white light flashed, and the air suddenly fell silent.


A loud noise almost shook the entire forest, followed by a huge energy ripple in the air, so powerful that it almost knocked down several big trees.

Everyone couldn't help but froze for a moment, and their movements also froze for a moment.


Under the horrified eyes of the leader of the evil clan, this huge energy smashed into the body of a certain evil clan, and exploded, and that evil clan member also immediately turned into blood and fell from the air.

Lu Chen regained his senses from the shock, turned around and retreated a foot away, and the majestic magic essence and thick magic soul immediately enveloped his whole body.

At this time, he looked around and realized, he knew that at the critical moment of life and death, it was an old man who helped him block the attack.

Lu Chen paused, the old man's outfit seemed a bit familiar, and his aura was like that of the third floor of the Tribulation Realm.For a while, Lu Chen couldn't remember who this person was. Behind the old man were more than 20 masters who had crossed the Tribulation Realm in half a step, holding various talismans and magic weapons in their hands at the moment.

Looking at it now, the whip in the hands of the leader of the Xie tribe has long been torn apart.

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, the talisman that just exploded is really powerful, it is so heaven-defying, it can actually fight against a master who has crossed the Tribulation Realm.

With a sudden change of thought, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Lu Chen suddenly thought of a certain possibility. Could it be that this old man belongs to the Fulu Alliance?

Demons have always attached great importance to alchemy, and most of them do not have advanced talismans and formations.The old man's breath was under the evil clansman, and the strength of the people around him was not very high, but he could have such a heaven-defying talisman with him. Apart from the talisman alliance, Lu Chen really couldn't think of who it would be for a while.

"It seems that I really have a destiny with the Fuyu Alliance." Lu Chen said to himself, only in this way can it make sense, and then he stared around vigilantly.

"You dare to meddle in my business!"

The leader of the evil clan had a cold light burst out of his eyes, he suddenly turned around, and a giant palm condensed with demonic essence ruthlessly slapped the group of comers.

"Today's matter is the grievance between us and Lu Chen. If anyone intervenes, he will be an enemy of our evil clan and will never die!" The leader of the evil clan suddenly turned his head and looked at the strong men who had just arrived, with a cold voice drank.

Looking at the cruel leader of the evil clan, the eyes of those strong men who surrounded here were also flickering, however, the old man in the lead had a resolute face and did not waver.

"The evil dog thief!"

The old man let out a loud shout, and then a crystal talisman in his hand turned into a sky-splitting sword, stabbing down at the crowd of evil clansmen overwhelmingly.

"Boy over there! Come here!"

The calling sounded in his ears pulled Chen Lu out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw that everyone behind the old man looked at him and shouted, "Come here!"

Lu Chen frowned, then stepped on his feet, and walked over to the old man.


Facing the sharp swords all over the sky, the leader of the evil clan did not move at all. A tyrannical magic element energy spread from his body and turned into a defensive shield. Even though those sharp swords stabbed at him, there was no way to penetrate the shield at all.

"Okay! You dare to block my way, you will die! I will refine you into my magic banner!" The leader of the evil clan took out a black banner from his arms with a fierce expression. It was made of some unknown material. The whole body of the flag was pitch black, exuding an extremely evil smell.

Lu Chen frowned, and subconsciously mobilized his golden body.

"What an evil race, with such a lineup, wouldn't it be a joke to come to encircle and suppress a little guy who has only achieved a little success in the Demon Lord Realm?" The old man smiled kindly, but his eyes were as cold as ice.

"Young man, don't be afraid." The old man turned his head and said to Lu Chen, "Everyone can kill this evil clansman, let's fight together!"

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Okay! Then leave the rest to you, old man, and leave the leader to me!"


"Little guy, what are you talking about?"

"Is this guy crazy? He actually said such crazy things to the leader! He said he would defeat the leader of the evil clan!"

"It's crazy, he doesn't even have a finger of the enemy!"

"That's right, he forgot that he was rescued by us just now!"



As soon as Lu Chen's words fell, not only the crowd behind the old man were stunned, but the leader of the evil clan here also laughed angrily: "Okay, you brazen Lu Chen, it's up to you? I'll let you half your body , you will never be able to beat me! This time, not only will I catch you, I will crush your bones inch by inch, drink your blood bit by bit, and drain your demon soul bit by bit! "

"Hmph! So much nonsense!"

Lu Chen didn't bother to distinguish anything from these people, so he stomped the ground with his feet, and a large amount of gravel was blown up, and then under the control of his mental power, it turned into a rain of stones and smashed directly at the evil people.

Of course, this kind of offensive is obviously just a test, so the next moment, Lu Chen raised his hand quickly, and the magic energy surged, turning into a sharp sword, carrying a terrible strong wind, and slammed fiercely at the leader of the evil clan. Boomed past.

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"Hey! You are really crazy!"

The people behind him didn't expect Lu Chen to be so nervous, and they really dared to rush directly!Immediately, they also circulated the magic yuan, and rushed towards the Xie clansmen together.

At the same time, Lu Chen's demon soul and golden light of merit were all run by him at this moment, wrapped around his body.

It was difficult to deal with the leader of the evil clan before. The main reason is that the evil clan has too many masters of the tribulation realm this time. Although Lu Chen is powerful, it is impossible to deal with so many masters of the tribulation realm at once. .Therefore, he was somewhat stretched and threatened.

This time - Lu Chen looked at the crowd swarming up behind him, and smiled at the leader of the evil clan.Immediately, he directly pressed the leader of the evil clan with his demon soul.



An unprecedented sense of suffocation and tremendous coercion instantly enveloped the leader of the evil clan. He felt as if he was in hell in an instant and saw the legendary demon god. Trembling and frightened, he fell directly from mid-air in an instant.


Lu Chen directly followed the whistling, his whole body was spinning, the air exploded, and the air exploded one after another, blasting the ground so that the mud flew up, and huge potholes appeared one after another.

The leader of the evil clan on the ground let out a muffled groan, and his legs, which were directly shaken off by Lu Chen's punch, were like blades, piercing the ground several feet deep.

But in the face of such a regretful coming and irresistible coercion, the leader of the evil clan, as if he felt no pain, directly pulled his feet from the ground, staring at Lu Chen with empty eyes.

Yes, his whole body is trembling, and the demon soul is afraid, but he will not admit defeat, because he is the strongest genius of the younger generation of the evil race, he has been in the past, and he will be in the future!He won't just lose to a nameless lowly human race!

The leader of the evil clan yelled, and took out a blood-colored puppet the size of a palm from his arms with blood dripping from his mouth.

Lu Chen's eyelids twitched, looking at the blood-colored puppet, two words could not help appearing in his mind: "Demon Puppet!"

The magic puppet is a very dark and evil technique that was once recorded in the classics and mastered by the evil people.To put it simply, the golem's devil soul is refined from the fetal devil soul in the pregnant woman's belly, and the golem's body is refined from the bones and blood of at least 64 powerful bodies at the peak of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.The viciousness of the methods is unbearable to hear, and the power of the golem after refining is even more comparable to the level of the devil emperor, specifically the level of the devil emperor realm, which varies with the methods and materials of the refiner. difference.

This is an absolutely obedient puppet developed by the Xie Clan people in order to strengthen their own power and ensure their own safety.Because this puppet is no longer a living person, even if its strength reaches the level of a devil emperor, it will not be recognized by the incomplete way of heaven.

However, hasn't this puppet disappeared for nearly ten thousand years?Now it will be in this person's hands!

"Lu Chen ha ha." Xue Chi looked at Lu Chen, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, "Go to hell!"

As soon as the words fell, he desperately urged his own magic energy, and poured it into the body of the puppet like crazy!

Looking at the bloody man with a cold face, and hearing his harsh words, Lu Chen's pupils also shrank suddenly.

Lu Chen's expression changed a little as he looked at the bloody man whose whole body was churning and stirring the energy of heaven and earth, and there was a surge in his heart. He really never expected that this guy would actually have a golem!Once it is displayed, I am afraid that this world will be shaken!A devil at the level of a devil emperor cannot be tolerated by the Devil God Continent.And although the devil emperor level puppet will not pose a threat to the heaven and earth in terms of breath, their combat power will still cause irreversible damage to the heaven and earth!

No, if this kind of battle breaks out here, it will only speed up the destruction of the heavenly way, and it will be even more distant in the foreseeable future for him to ascend!

Lu Chen's eyes sharpened, and he made up his mind.

"Boy, when I was fighting and practicing on this continent, you didn't know where to drink milk! With your trivial tricks, do you want to defeat me like this! It's impossible!"

Xue Qi stared at Lu Chen, sneered, and he suddenly accelerated the operation of the magic energy in his whole body!

Looking at his movements, Lu Chen's face also became extremely dignified. With a move of his mind, the mighty power of the demon soul surged out, and immediately he rushed towards the blood chirp like a whirlwind.

"I won't let you have a chance to fight back!"

This time, all the power of Lu Chen's demon soul was concentrated by him, and he poured out all his strength at the blood beast!


Seeing this, the blood scorpion couldn't help but snorted coldly, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and with a touch of his fingertips, a powerful demon energy was condensed into a sharp sword by him, aiming at the spinning Lu Chen!


Just as the blood was attacking the killer, Lu Chen stepped on the ground suddenly, his figure turned into a bolt of lightning, dodged his sharp sword, palmed like a knife, and grabbed his left hand fiercely.


After a cry of exclamation, the fighting Xie Clan members and a group of members of the Talisman Alliance were surprised to find that the arrogant lunatic and the leader of the Xie Clan just disappeared out of thin air!

Xue Chi didn't expect that he was about to condense the magic energy with his backhand and cut through Lu Chen's throat. In the next second, he saw a blur in front of his eyes, and then the land of fallen leaves under his feet turned into soft grass, and he couldn't control himself Kneeling directly on the ground, unable to stand up!

Just when he was running the magic element body protection all over his body and preparing to urge the puppet in his hand, he felt an irreversible and powerful will of heaven descending on him.

Xue Chi's breathing slowly became rapid, and then his face turned red, and the blood vessels on his face emerged.A long-lost feeling of suffocation made him slowly feel the taste of death.This time, not to mention fighting with will, his whole body was trembling from the demon soul to the physical body, and he couldn't move a finger at all!

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