Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2854 Sneak Attack

There were enthusiastic cheers all around:

"It's ridiculous, at this age, you can really fight against monsters in the Tribulation Realm!"

"I can't tell, this kid is not bad!"

"Come on, kill that Transcending Tribulation Realm monster!"

It is always exciting to see people defeating such a powerful monster, and the shouts made people's eardrums ache.

Just when people were in high spirits, Lu Chen did another thing that stunned people and angered everyone.

I saw Lu Chen humming coldly, and a cold light burst out of his dark eyes.

Facing the angry pounce of the flying lion again, Lu Chen tapped his toes on the ground lightly, his feet lifted off the ground, his slender figure drew a beautiful arc in the air, and a circle of looming red flame knives lined up beside him Appeared, gathered in one place in the blink of an eye, pointing the sword tip at the flying lion.

After Lu Chen yelled "Go!" lightly, he shot out like a fish with a sharp and terrifying crimson light!

At the same time, Lu Chen's demon soul immediately suppressed the flying lion, making it dare not move even in the air.

The outstanding figure of the young man standing proudly in the air was imprinted in the eyes of tens of thousands of people. He was elegant, cold, and handsome. At this moment, the hearts of many girls couldn't restrain themselves from beating wildly. Even some women began to feel red-eyed.

"Oh my God, how handsome!" A girl murmured while clutching her chest.

I have to say that Lu Chen's move of Chiyan Saber is really cool.

To deal with the monsters that crossed the Tribulation Realm, Lu Chen condensed the magic energy on the surface of the red flame knife, making the sharpness of the red flame knife to the extreme. In front of the lion, a huge knife net was intertwined, and the speed was astonishingly fast!

"Aw!" The flying lion felt the heavy pressure brought by the demon soul, and wanted to turn around and run away in fear, but it was useless. Firstly, there was an enchantment, and secondly, there was a huge coercion from the demon soul, so it couldn't move at all. move.

Lu Chen sneered, looking at the crowd of Yiming Academy below and those guys hiding in the dark and coveting Jizo Academy.

Immediately, he turned the knife as he wished, and the flesh and blood flew all over the place. The air of the knife was like a meat grinder, cutting off the flesh and skin of the flying lion as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

The flying knives shuttled back and forth were extremely cold, as if they didn't have the slightest human emotion, but in the blink of an eye, everyone looked up, and the flying lion had become an empty skeleton!

The broken limbs and the bloody skeleton surrounded by the barrier in mid-air made the audience completely silent and shocked. The girls who were still excited just now turned pale, and they covered their mouths and turned their eyes away. Dare to watch, some male students who haven't seen much terror can't help but spit it out with a loud "Wow!"

Bloody, violent, brutal!

Originally, there were many adventurers here, and some of them relied on obtaining magic pills from magical beasts for a living.But even if so many people defeated and killed these monsters, they didn't cut the monsters into a skeleton like Chase Lu. He is still unique in doing so!

"What a ruthless means!"

Many people took a deep breath, and their scalps became numb. He can cut a monster into a skeleton without changing his face, and he can also cut a person into a skeleton. Just think about it! People are cut into a bloody skeleton in an instant, right?

What a creepy thing!

Moreover, the young man still had a cold and unmoved expression on his face at this time. Obviously, this method was nothing to him, it was a mentality that could only be produced after countless fights.

If it was the first time for an ordinary student to see blood, his legs would have been weak and his face would have turned pale.

The entire camp was completely silent, and for a while, there was only the sound of the breeze blowing through the clothes.

Lu Chen stared coldly at the astonished Huo Luan.

"This, this, how is this possible!"

Mo Yili's whole body trembled on the spot, and he swallowed with difficulty, his eyes were straightened and dull.

When they came back to their senses, the people present who had lamented the vicious tactics just remembered the realm of the monster flying lion, and all of them opened their mouths wide, as if they could stuff a big watermelon into it.

A young man who seemed to be only in his 20s jumped up and down in one fell swoop and killed the Transcending Tribulation Realm monster!Is there anything more terrifying than him in this world?

"Damn! Not human!"



When everyone was yelling, Lu Chen had already raised his hand with a grim expression.

Lu Chen's actions were done in one go. In fact, it only took a minute or two. The battle ended almost instantly!

Huo Luan was also stunned, she never expected that this boy could kill the flying lion directly!

This is the sixth-floor flying lion of the Transcending Tribulation Realm passed down from her grandfather!

Lu Chen floated in the air, staring at her coldly.

"How, now, are you convinced by Yiming Academy?"

Huo Luan frowned, secretly hating.Dizang Academy, actually has such a strong strength?Even a single student can easily defeat the Transcending Tribulation Realm!

No, such a powerful person cannot let him survive

However, even though her thoughts turned sharply, Huo Luan remained expressionless. She smiled at Lu Chen and said, "Okay, in this way, you win."

Lu Chen frowned. This woman still had a calm expression when her monster was tortured like this. She really shouldn't be underestimated.

"Okay, if that's the case, it will be considered that I, Yiming Academy, lost today."

Huo Luan smiled slightly, gracefully.Flying directly into mid-air, he made a gesture to close the barrier.

But looking at her actions, Lu Chen couldn't help but be secretly vigilant.


At this moment, the monstrous demonic energy swept out of Huo Luan's body like heavy waves.

The majestic and powerful magic element is like an ocean sweeping, bringing a roaring sound, and the oppression of the magic element is even more pervasive, almost covering the world.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Everyone's complexion changed slightly at this time, and the oppression of the magic element made them feel that their bodies had become much heavier.

"What are you doing! Surprise attack!"

"Despicable! Broken promises!"

The people from the Zhu family below and the Dizang College reacted and shouted immediately.


Huoluan in the sky blocked that side of the enchantment with the magic element, and sneered: "I have an agreement, as long as the monster is defeated, the Dizang Academy will win, and today will be the end of the story!"

"But, I didn't tell you to kill my monster!"

"And, it's still torture!"

"My ancestral monster has been tortured and killed by you without saying a word! Now, this is a personal grudge between me and you, regardless of Yiming College or Dizang College!"

At this time, Huo Luan's eyes were red and his expression was agitated, which made him look like the sad look that a master who lost a magical beast should have.

Looking at Huo Luan who suddenly attacked and blocked the barrier, Lu Chen's expression also changed.

This woman is really smart, she blocked the enchantment, so he couldn't use the demon soul to suppress her directly for a while.

However, only this trick is not enough!

Lu Chen closed his eyes, and the magic energy in his whole body was running rapidly, ready to find the weak barrier and start to break through.

"Just figure it out! Don't even think about it!"

Huo Luan sensed the changes in the barrier, and immediately her pretty face turned cold, and the magic energy running all over her body began to release flames towards the inside of the barrier!

"Red Lotus Karmic Fire!"


As soon as Huo Luan's words fell, monstrous red flames gushed out of her body continuously, like the surging water of a river flowing in the direction of Lu Chen!

Then the flames gathered into a sea, surrounded Chase Lu and the entire barrier, and began to burn!

"I go!"

The first second they saw the flame appear, some people in the camp released their magic weapons to protect their bodies in horror.

Someone screamed in shock: "Yehuo! It's actually an orthodox magic fire!"

"My God, this woman is of the blood of an ancient demon! She actually has magic fire!"

"It's over, it's over, everyone run! If this magic fire leaks a drop, this place will be over!"

"The magic fire that burns everything! This guy can't die anymore!"

Karma fire is the unique fire of the demon race. It is fueled by the emotions and desires of all living beings. It can burn all day long and cannot be extinguished!

Originally, with the problems of the Dao of Heaven, the power of this magic fire is not as good as before. However, the magic fire is a magic fire after all, and it is one of the powers bestowed by the Dao of Heaven. How can it not be powerful?

Boundless flames, with a terrifying aura of burning everything

Everyone around couldn't help but tremble a little.

The students of Ksitigarbha College were all in place for a moment, my God, can Lu Chen still live?

Yuan Hao, Wu Shuang and the others jumped up from the spot, and hurried to find the elders. The matter has developed to this point, without the elders coming, I'm afraid they can't be kind!

Only Zheng Shan and Liu Yan, who were at the end of the crowd, looked at this scene without panic or panic, with smiles of unknown meaning on their faces.

If Lu Chen could kill himself here today, it would save them a lot of trouble and trouble, which is really great.

As long as Lu Chen dies, all troubles can be gone from now on.

Lu Chen, who was thought to be dead by everyone, was also troubled by staying in the enchantment at the moment.

Originally, Lu Chen was not very afraid of fire, because his red flame knife itself could resist fire.


This karmic fire can indeed incinerate all objects. Now he feels that not only the barrier is being roasted, but also his demon soul and demon essence that are released from the body are also being burned fiercely!

He tried to release the flame of the Red Flame Knife, trying to guide the karmic fire away, but it was of no use.

Even the flame of the Red Flame Knife was swallowed up by this karmic fire!

But it's strange to say that even though the fire of karma burns everywhere, as long as he keeps still and doesn't release his demon soul and demon essence while it's scorching hot, he actually feels comfortable and at ease.

How is this going?

Lu Chen simply closed his eyes, and followed his own feeling to find the reason for this strangeness.

"Have courage."

For Huo Luan, as long as the karmic fire burns, she can sense everything inside.

As for Lu Chen's actions at this time, she naturally knew it clearly. Immediately, there was a cold arc on the corner of her mouth, and then her eyes turned cold, and she didn't see any action from him. In a flash, it appeared above the sea of ​​flames.It turned into a slash of light, and with a bang, it slashed down angrily.

Yehuo naturally wouldn't burn Huo Luan's demonic essence, and she expected that Lu Chen would die under her own demonic essence.

Lu Chen sensed this sharp blow with killing intent, and immediately as soon as the monster-slaying Dafa was activated, the flames and lightning in his body collided with the light-slashing!


To Huo Luan's surprise, not only did Lu Chen not die, this blow also defeated the Moyuan Guangzhan, which contained the eighth level of Huo Luan.


After one blow, the enchantment closed again.

However, Lu Chen sensed that something had changed when he just performed the Demon Slaying Dafa.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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