Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2853 Transcending Tribulation Realm Warcraft

"Is this a fantasy?"

The people around saw that Chase Lu just took a step forward, and everyone in the Ming Academy started fighting on the spot, and they couldn't help but stare blankly.

Among them, some well-informed people immediately recognized that they were trapped in an illusion, and they were greatly shocked. After all, people in the realm of ten demon kings were also trapped in an illusion!

That's right, since these people rushed towards Lu Chen, he has started to weave illusions.

Now, these people thought they were all fighting against Chase Lu, but they were actually fighting against someone they imagined.


The smoke of a group of people fighting against each other filled the air.

Lu Chen, Zhu's family, and people from Ksitigarbha College all watched quietly.

"What are you doing!" A woman in red descended from the sky. She held a long whip, and forcibly split the illusion, awakening everyone!

Lu Chen's eyes froze, this woman has a lot of background.It's actually the third floor of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm!

The people around were also in an uproar, all quietly watching the woman's movements.

"Who are you, and why did you hurt me, a student of Yiming Academy?"

The face of the woman in red was extremely bright, as if she was a night pearl that suddenly appeared in the dark night.

Lu Chen paused and sneered, "Who are we? You don't have eyes to see?"


Lu Chen's words directly attracted the woman's gaze.

She is the elder Huo Luan of Yiming Academy, she has always helped her relatives but not her faults, and she is very protective of her shortcomings.

"Okay." Lu Chen's words greatly aroused Huo Luan's anger. For a long time, no one dared to hurt her students like this, dared to speak to her like this!


A fire dragon with a thick arm suddenly shot out from Huo Luan's hand, without a single sound or warning, it just rushed straight at Lu Chen!

"Dare to talk to me like that, go to hell!"

"I'll go" Lu Chen was surprised when he saw the woman start fighting without saying a word, and hurriedly stepped down to avoid the fire dragon's attack.


Unexpectedly, this fire dragon was as intelligent as a real dragon. After being moved away by Lu Chen, not only did it not dissipate, but it also turned a corner in the air, and rushed straight towards Lu Chen.

It's a bit interesting. Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and stepped directly on his feet. The magic element wrapped around his legs in an instant, and then he quickly faded back.

While retreating, Lu Chen summoned the Red Flame Knife, aimed at the fire dragon and slashed at it.


The huge fire snake came out from the red flame knife, and soon the snake and the knife energy merged into one, and rushed forward to face the fire dragon.

"Hmph." Seeing this, Huo Luan sneered disdainfully.Just relying on this, I also want to break her fire dragon, what a trick



The thoughts in Huo Luan's mind were interrupted by the huge explosion sound from the two flames. The fire dragon was actually swallowed by the fire snake, and then exploded together!

how can that be!

She can clearly see that Lu Chen is just a guy in the Demon King period, how could he be able to fight directly with her in the Tribulation Realm!

The people around were also stunned for a moment. They had seen the woman's state and Lu Chen's state just now. They thought that the man would be directly beaten to death just now, or he would be left alone, but they didn't expect , these two people can still fight a tie?

How can this be?


Lu Chen smiled slightly, and directly released the coercion of the demon soul at the woman in red: "Why, do you want to bully the big? You want to fight and let the horses go. Who doesn't have any means to save their lives?"

The woman in red swayed under the direct pressure of this huge coercion, and almost knelt down.

She was horrified that this young man actually had such a powerful method, not to mention being able to directly confront her in the Tribulation Transcending Realm, and it was almost impossible for her to resist.

However, after this, Huo Luan also planned to turn off the flame temporarily.

The young man's background is unknown, and his methods are unknown. If he fights recklessly, it will not do them any good.

"Okay, then tell me, who are you? Why do you bully my students from Yiming Academy?"

Huo Luan put away the long sword and looked at Lu Chen.

The two sides gathered together and confronted each other.

"I bully them?"

Lu Chen couldn't help sneering: "Are you blind? Is this your camp? We are here in a good way, and we will bully you to come here?"

"It's obvious that you are arrogant here, disturbing our rest!" Mo Yili, the one who spoke at the beginning, stepped forward and pointed at Lu Chen, "The people from Dizang College haven't said anything yet, what are you, you actually came out ?”

"Why do you say that our Yiming Academy is a dog?" Mo Yili stepped forward, raising his angry eyes.

The few students who were so angry and bloody just said coldly: "Who do you think you are? How dare you offend our Yiming Academy by letting other people do it!"


Lu Chen glanced at them with a sneer, and said, "Tell me, who am I?"

"He is Chen Lu from our Ksitigarbha College!"

The students of Dizang College said in unison.

Yuan Hao took a step forward, and said with a sneer: "If you want to make trouble, you have to figure it out. Is our Dizang College you can bully at will? I don't know if we came here early in the morning? Don't you have a brain when you go out?"

"That's right, the Ksitigarbha Academy belongs to Dongjing, and we came here early in the morning."

"You Yiming Academy, why are you so nervous, you came here looking for trouble!"

"Pay our bills!"

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The people watching the play gathered together and shouted.

"What Yiming Academy, are you still talking nonsense here?"

"That's right, is this camp still occupied? It's a first-come-first-served basis. The Dizang Academy and the Zhu family are the first to come. That's not how you find faults!"

"Who is disturbing the people? Do you really think this is your southern border? Who do the bullies want to bully?"

Wan Dao's contemptuous eyes almost made Mo Yili, Huo Luan and others have the illusion of being Ling Chi. Most of the people staying here are from Dong Jing's side, because Dong Jing was the first to know the news, come on The earliest, and naturally the closest to the central camp.Since they are all Dongjing's, they are naturally more oriented towards Ksitigarbha College.

"Even so." Huo Luan glanced at Lu Chen, snorted, and sneered proudly, "Just because you are from Dizang College, do you have the right to mock and insult Yiming College?"

"Really? It looks like you're still not convinced?" As soon as Lu Chen heard the voice, he knew that this woman would not give up easily, and there was bound to be a fierce battle.

"Okay!" Lu Chen simply flew into the air and scolded, "Since you are not convinced, then come to fight! If you lose, shut your mouths honestly and don't beep me here!"

"This is the last battle! In case you say that I, Dizang College, is bullying Yiming College, let's go together!"

The loud shout echoed in the mountains, surprisingly arrogant and domineering, with arrogance!

Chase Lu was already the focus of everyone's attention, so drinking it like this will naturally make people more excited.

The countless strong men here at the Ksitigarbha Academy yelled frantically, cheering for Lu Chen!

At this moment, Chase Lu, who has created too many miracles, seems to be omnipotent in the hearts of these students. Even if he boasted that he would fight with one enemy, there are even strong men who have crossed the tribulation state, Ji Zang No one in the academy thought it was wrong.

There were passionate applause all over the mountains and plains, only to see Yiming Academy and others dumbfounded.

"Okay" Huo Luan almost laughed angrily. When Lu Chen said this, even if Yiming Academy really wanted to swarm him, his reputation would be ruined in the entire Demon God Continent from now on.

It has been a long time since no one refuted her words like this, and no one dared to say these words to Yiming Academy like this.

Today, if she didn't skin this little bastard, she wouldn't be called Huo Luan!

Under the eyes of everyone, Huo Luan slowly took out a magic bag, and said to Lu Chen and the students of Dizang College: "Okay, since there will be a battle today, I won't bully you, as long as you win my bodyguard Beast, even if you win."

After finishing speaking, she flew into the air, released a huge flying lion in the air, and then arranged the enchantment casually, saying: "If you have the ability, come here!"

A gigantic flying lion roared ferociously, it turned out to be a sixth-level tribulation-crossing beast!

Following the sudden appearance of the flying lion, the cheers around it also turned into shouts of surprise and confusion.

"My God, did I read it wrong! This is a flying lion from the Tribulation Realm!"

Everyone exploded the pot.

"What are you doing? It's just a fight, do you want this person to die! This is a flying lion, a guy who is more powerful than ordinary monsters!"

"That's right, this flying lion is capable of leapfrogging to fight. Now, this fellow is in a terrible situation!"

The students of Dizang College were full of confidence, but now this unprecedented situation made everyone dumbfounded.

This kind of Tribulation Transcending Realm is still a magic beast flying lion on the sixth floor of Tribulation Transcending Realm, let alone a student in the senior year, even an ordinary instructor would not be able to beat it!

At the moment, three students including Yuan Hao and Wushuang said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, don't go!"

"Brother Lu Chen, you can't promise her!" Zhu Ling was also stunned seeing this scene.

"Oh my god, it's too late!" Amidst the exclamation, Lu Chen had already stepped into the barrier.


As soon as Lu Chen stepped in, the flying lion had already come to the front of Lu Chen, leaped over, and grabbed the black-robed boy head-on with its shiny claws!

But Lu Chen seemed to be frightened and stupid, not daring to move?

"I'm going, such a pustule?"

The people around were also surprised. They said so coquettishly, but they were frightened just by meeting each other, and they didn't dare to move?

Zhu Ling's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted on the spot

But before she really fainted, an accident happened.

The black-robed young man who was originally indifferent and outstanding, as if he was frightened by the monsters in the Tribulation Realm, suddenly moved his body, stepped out of a strange angle, and the sole of his foot bounced off the ground. With a sound of "Shua!", he turned from midair He got up, leaped high into the air like lightning, and stepped on the flying lion's forehead fiercely by the way!


The flying lion yelled in pain, "Bang!" With a sound, it slammed into the barrier with a gust of wind, and the shocking sound seemed to shake the ground down. This kick looked light but it was really hard to match. De Feishi's forehead hurts, and his head is a little dizzy.

The loud bang of the smashing made the entire arena fall into silence!

"Huh?" Yuan Hao, who was about to quickly summon the elders, stopped, and looked at the handsome young man in a black robe flying up in surprise. The sudden change caught them off guard.

"This Lu Chen can really fight against the existence of Transcending Tribulation Realm by himself?" A man next to him asked.

"I don't know about this, but he is obviously just a person in the realm of the devil!"

Others were surprised, but they didn't know that Yuan Hao was even more shocked than them. Lu Chen was originally someone who could still fight with him, but now, Lu Chen has grown into an existence that even he can't match in a short period of time!

Kicking the Transcending Tribulation Realm monster away with one kick, this

At this time, the crowd with staring eyes woke up like a dream, and eager cheers and applause came like a billowing tide!

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