Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2841 Token Key

Jiang He, who was on the side, looked cloudy and uncertain at this moment. Although he was not seriously injured, he felt a sense of suffocation in his internal organs at this time. Earlier, he let Lu Chen attack. It was fine at first, but later, it made him feel To the pain.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious, Jiang He gritted his teeth, pretended to be nonchalant, and asked, "Should I hand over the ring?"

Lu Chen reached out and touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, and sneered, "Impossible!"

"Okay!" Jiang He snorted coldly, he knew that Lu Chen must be injured, but he didn't dare to be careless, and shouted at the six people who were still lying on the ground pretending to be dead: "Hurry up, otherwise, I will kill you all! "


The six people immediately jumped up from the ground. Since Lu Chen was suppressed, their demon souls gradually recovered, but they didn't want to be his enemy, so they wanted to pretend to be stunned for the purpose of not offending anyone. over the conflict between the two.

However, now that Jiang He had become ruthless, it was obvious that he wanted the other party's life, and he threatened their family, so they didn't dare to pretend to be stupid.

"Kill him!" Jiang He's voice was unusually cold.

The six people looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and felt ruthless in their hearts. Immediately, the six rushed out at the same time.

Although Lu Chen's background may be extraordinary, if he and the others don't do something, then he will be wiped out as Jiang He said before long.

However, if they do it, there is still a glimmer of life, so they can only fight!

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, looked at the few people rushing, and smiled coldly.

Jiang He stood aside with a sinister smile, the six of them teamed up to deal with a suppressed and injured low-level person, wouldn't there be any surprises?

Thinking of this, Jiang He couldn't help but patted his butt leisurely, and sat down on the ground without caring about his image.

It's just that, before his butt was hot, Lu Chen's action made him sweat coldly from fright.

I saw Chase Lu move his feet and go straight to grab a person's arm, and then the person disappeared!

He himself has disappeared!


Lu Chen, who entered Lingtian's world, let out a roar, his face flushed like a piece of red-hot iron, and from a distance, he looked like a raging god of war.


There was boundless thunder in the sky, and dark clouds suddenly gathered.

Between the sky and the earth, Fengyun came towards Lu Chen's direction, and then thunders as thick as buckets struck directly on the tower above Lu Chen's head!



Lu Chen's mind is connected to the Lingtian world, now, how loud the thunder is, how much his anger is!

The person who was dragged in by Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, then thought it was an illusion, and was about to continue to do it, but was knocked away by the little Suzaku who rushed over.

Then he was directly oppressed by the coercion of Little Suzaku, the devil emperor, lying on the ground, unable to move a single finger.


After an unknown amount of time, another thunderbolt strikes down.

The level [-] magic weapon above Lu Chen's head dimmed and fell down.

Lu Chen picked up the tower, took out the lotus seat on the spot with a gloomy face, and began to recover.

After another period of time passed, Lu Chen fully recovered from his injuries, and then he stood up, his face black as carbon.

Just now, he felt a deep crisis.

Yes, this time he can still rely on Lingtian World to come back. What if he becomes the same as when he just crossed over, without any support, and Lingtian World cannot be opened?

Therefore, he must be strong, in any aspect, in every place, he must be strong.

In this way, he will have more chances to live well!

He was careless today, the demon soul suppressed everything except Jiang He.It almost fell into his hands!

A thought came out of Lingtian World, and Lu Chen saw that Jiang He was still guarding here with his men.

It's just that Cheng Fei has already left now, and he doesn't know where he went.

When Lu Chen appeared suddenly, Jiang He was startled.

He guessed that it was impossible for Lu Chen to disappear suddenly under his nose, and it was very likely that there would be some secret method to temporarily hide himself, but he didn't expect it to be true, and he appeared out of thin air again.

Looking at Jiang He and the other men.

As soon as Lu Chen's demon soul came out, he locked everyone directly.

Then his body violently mobilized, like a beast in ancient times, and with an invincible momentum, he rushed towards the six people.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

This time, Lu Chen didn't use the Red Flame Knife, he just bullied himself in, opened and closed his fists, and swept away five of his subordinates.

Those five people didn't even have time to resist, they were swept away.

Then, Lu Chen stared at Jiang He with red eyes and said coldly, "It's your turn!"

Jiang He's heart trembled fiercely, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his body began to back up involuntarily.

"Don't you want my life?"

"Don't you want my ring?"

With murderous intent all over his body, Lu Chen approached Jiang He step by step.

Jiang He bit his lip with hatred on his face, he was different from Cheng Fei, Cheng Fei could beg for mercy for his life, but he couldn't.

"You want my life, but you don't want to live!" Jiang He frowned suddenly, and then, a sense of determination flashed by.

The next moment, Jiang He took a deep breath, wrapped his Moyuan and shouted fiercely: "The key token for entering the Classical Tomb in advance is on the person in front of me!"



This sound was like dropping a bomb into the calm sea, stirring up thousands of waves, and half of the Demonic Beast Forest was boiling at this moment!

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Lu Chen was also shocked, but he didn't know what the key was. He thought Jiang He was setting him up, so without thinking, he punched Jiang He to death on the spot.

Lu Chen knew that he couldn't stay here for long, so he took Jiang He's space ring away and left immediately.

Not far away, a man yelled at the people around him: "Did you hear that? Someone got the token key that can enter the Classical Tomb in advance!"

"Of course I heard it, and I also know that the Tomb of Classics is usually opened at a specific time. If you get the token key, you can enter the Tomb of Classics in advance. Before everyone enters the Tomb of Classics, you can Get the treasure in it!"

"Who is that person?"

"How do I know, I just heard the shout, I was the first to go, and there was nothing. That man ran too fast!"

"Hey, why doesn't this yelling guy just say his name?"

"Go, you grab something and report your name? Is it okay if people don't know?"

"For such a big matter, you have to report to the elders first!"

The same conversation was going on in the entire World of Warcraft forest at this time, and the appearance of the token key made everyone crazy.

For a while, everyone was looking for the identity of the person who disappeared in front of Jiang He.

Not long after, someone found Cheng Fei.

"I'm really not the last person to appear in front of him, I left long ago!" Cheng Fei said helplessly, "I left yesterday, why are you talking about this with me!"

Finally, annoyed by the question, Cheng Fei said: "I just went back to check, except for one bodyguard, everyone else and Young Master Jiang He died there, obviously that person did it!"

"You ask me why?"

Cheng Fei laughed angrily: "You came to me for this key token, and you still ask me why? Why don't people do it without killing people and stealing goods?"

Invisibly, Cheng Fei protected Lu Chen very well.

In fact, Cheng Fei occasionally thought that it might be Lu Chen who did it, but thinking about it from another angle, Lu Chen ran away after being teased by Jiang He that day, maybe he went to heal his injuries.Where is the time for this?

It must have been the bodyguard who turned back and forth!

And if you say that, isn't your responsibility even smaller?

Otherwise, if Lu Chen really killed the young city lord, if the city lord knew that it was caused by himself, wouldn't he have to take Cheng Fei's skin off?

So, vaguely, Cheng Fei intentionally or unintentionally kept this matter a secret.

Lu Chen was hiding in a cave at this time. In front of him, there were a lot of things, such as top-grade magic stones, snacks, and magic pills piled up in a mess.

These are all the things of Cheng Fei's magic bag in his ring.

That Jiang He insisted on wanting his own ring was really weird.

The only thing Jiang He can be sure of is that he took Cheng Fei's things.

But what's the key here?

Also, token key?

Finally, Chase Lu turned over and saw a small sign that said "Treasury", and couldn't help being speechless. This was clearly a piece of Cheng Fei's private property.

Damn it, Jiang He didn't say it was a token key, a key that could enter the Classical Tomb in advance, it's really ridiculous.


A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Lu Chen's mind, is the token key the one he got in the cave?

Lu Chen took it out and looked at it. On the small gold token, on the edge, the word "classical" was faintly engraved in extremely small size!

The heart couldn't help tightening for a while, and Lu Chen exclaimed: "It seems that the token key Jiang He wanted was actually obtained by me!"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, thinking, then Jiang He must have misunderstood that Cheng Fei got the token key, so he was reluctant to part with him, and he did not expect to lose his life in the end

Luck!Great luck!Lu Chen knew that he was lucky and got the token key by accident, so that no one can enter at will, except himself!

As long as I entered the Classical Tomb in advance, the most precious treasure in it must be obtained by myself!

However, Lu Chen also knows one thing very well. Although the tomb of classical tombs is attractive, his current strength is still too low. It is still unknown whether he can obtain the treasure smoothly.

"We must improve our strength quickly!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind.

When the time comes, he will go to have a look inside ahead of time. If possible, he will take the treasure first, and contact the Zhu family and Dizang College to go with the rest.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen smiled, put away the things on the ground, patted the dust on his butt, and walked out of the cave.

That day, when Chase Lu walked cautiously in the Warcraft Forest, not wanting to be discovered,

He watched a group of people pass by him without looking for him.

"Where did that kid hide?" A young officer led a group of people, walking aimlessly.

"That's right! It's about to come out, I'll kill you right away, go back and deal with business!"

Lu Chen wiped his sweat secretly, but was chased by the army.He is indeed the son of the city lord.

However, just as Chase Lu watched them coming, another team appeared, led by a middle-aged man, all dressed in gorgeous long gowns, giving one a very extravagant feeling.

"Captain Cheng, did you find anything?" The middle-aged man who led the team stopped and asked.

The officer leading the team shook his head and said: "Brother Fang Shi, that kid seems to have drilled a hole, and there is no trace of it!"

"Oh! Then look for it! This kid must not be let go!" The middle-aged man who led the team shook his head and walked away.

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