"How much money do you have?" Lu Chen smiled indifferently, but his heart was moved. It seems that this time it was a bit of an unexpected harvest, "What treasures do you have in your house?"

Cheng Fei immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "My family is from the southern region, have you heard of the Bihai Chamber of Commerce?"

He took out a storage bag from his arms, and Lu Chen snatched it away.

Lu Chen took a look and found that it was a storage bag. Without thinking about it, he stuffed it directly into the ring, and said, "Really? That is indeed very rich."

Cheng Fei opened his mouth: "Yes yes yes, don't be angry with me, I am obsessed with ghosts, and I will never dare in the future. If you go to the southern border, you are welcome to come to my house to play at any time! I will definitely give you something you like. treasure!"

"Really?" Lu Chen glanced at him, and Cheng Fei immediately handed over a small token, a silver token, small and exquisite.

Lu Chen clapped his hands, then smiled and said: "Not bad, very good, get out!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen strode away.

"Wait, the person who hit me in the southern border wants to leave like this?"

Suddenly, behind Chen Lu, a cold voice came out, and then a 37-year-old man walked out slowly.

Behind him, followed by five or six middle-aged people, each of these people had gloomy faces, and there was a tragic murderous intent circulating in their bodies, and their strengths were also around the peak of the Demon King.

Lu Chen paused, looked at this man, he was dressed very gorgeously, he looked like an ordinary person, but this is not important, the important thing is that the man has the above triangular shaped eyes, giving people a vicious and sinister look The feeling is unforgettable.

"Young City Master, all this is a misunderstanding!" Before Lu Chen had time to speak, Cheng Fei who fell on the ground got up suddenly and said.

The person who came was Jiang He, the young lord of Stan City in the southern border.

"Useless stuff!" Jiang He glanced at Cheng Fei, pushed him away, took a few steps forward, and said to Lu Chen lightly: "It depends on the owner to beat a dog. Tell yourself, why don't you use it?" manage?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, this man is really domineering.

Cheng Fei didn't care about it, he wanted to stand out, but the power represented by the young master of a city was absolutely terrifying, and it was beyond the reach of ordinary people.Domineering is also normal.

However, if you want to bow your head based on this alone, then you don't need to practice in the future.

At that moment, Lu Chen raised his head, looked into Jiang He's gaze, and said, "I won't offend if people don't offend me. If your subordinates provoke me for no reason, I will naturally fight back!"

"I don't care who provokes who, I just know that even if you hit my dog ​​in the southern border, that would be disrespectful to me!" Jiang He waved his hand with a calm expression on his face. In his heart, he didn't care about Lu Chen at all. Take it to heart.

"Oh? Really?" Lu Chen couldn't help laughing, "Then, what do you want to do?"

"Handing over your ring is compensation!" Jiang He boasted.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes, whoever's ring doesn't have his wealth and life in it, this person is simply crazy.

"Impossible!" Chase Lu flatly refused!

When Jiang He heard Lu Chen's words, his face darkened instantly, a faint murderous intent spread out, his triangular eyes narrowed, like a poisonous snake about to strike.

With a gloomy face, Jiang He waved his hands to stop the middle-aged men behind him from rushing forward: "I'll give you one last chance to hand over your ring!"

Lu Chen smiled lightly: "Really? If you have the ability, you can get it!"

Jiang Heyin nodded with a smile, and said coldly, "Okay, then I'll take your life too!"

"Young City Master! Don't!" Cheng Fei stomped his feet impatiently, but Jiang He ignored him at all.

Jiang He gestured, and the six middle-aged men behind him rushed out and shot directly at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took a step forward, and a sturdy aura suddenly dissipated.

Most of these people are at the first level of the Demon King Realm, and Lu Chen didn't bother to use the Red Flame Saber, and he could directly crush the opponent to death with the power of the Demon Soul.

As soon as the powerful demon soul was released, all creatures with demon souls within a radius of [-] li, except for Jiang He, prostrated themselves on the ground, unable to move.

The six middle-aged men under Jiang He's command were all the same, and fell to the ground in an instant, unable to move.

"Useless trash!" Jiang He sullenly, saw that all his subordinates had collapsed, and felt angry for a while.

Seeing the fear in the eyes of several people, Lu Chen immediately jumped up and shouted: "Regret now? It's too late!"

With a sweep of fist strength, two of those who couldn't move were hit immediately, and their bodies flew upside down for a long distance.

While the others were terrified, they couldn't help but gasp. This seemingly young boy's strength is so frightening. It seems that this person is afraid that the backstage is not easy!

However, they did not dare to surrender at this time, after all, the forces behind Jiang He were not something they could afford.Just bite your mouth, not daring to move, not daring to make a sound.

"What are you doing, get up for me, hurry up!"

Looking at the men who were supposed to charge towards Lu Chen, Jiang He roared in incomparable anger.

However, no matter how much Jiang He roared, these subordinates remained motionless!

Lu Chen walked towards Jiang He little by little with killing intent.

"What are you going to do?"

Looking at Lu Chen, Jiang He felt extremely fearful in his heart. He could tell that several of his subordinates were caused by Lu Chen. His strength is too strong!

Jiang He was sweating profusely all over his body, and kept stepping back, feeling Lu Chen's killing intent.

Jiang He tremblingly said, "You, you, you can't kill me!"

Of course, he is not a fool. Several people under his command can see that Lu Chen's background is not simple, so he naturally guessed it.

However, it was impossible for him to let Lu Chen go. He didn't want to deal with Lu Chen because he had dealt with Cheng Fei. It was so simple for him to stand out for Cheng Fei.

Whether it's Cheng Fei or anyone else, bullshit doesn't count in his heart, even if he dies, he doesn't care, what he cares about is the news his father sent him just now!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Cheng Fei got something by accident, a very important thing!The key to open the ancient tomb!

Just now they saw that Cheng Fei's storage bag was taken by Lu Chen, so that thing must be in Lu Chen's hands, this is the real reason why Jiang He shot Lu Chen!

Cheng Fei's thing must be obtained, it is related to the key to be able to enter the tomb of classics alone in advance!

Such a thing, for anyone, has an irresistible temptation!

Jiang He's own strength is not weak, at the peak of the Demon Lord.

Seeing Lu Chen walking step by step now, my heart skipped a beat, and the last scruples in my heart about Lu Chen's background completely dissipated at this moment!

As for the treasure in Lu Chen's hands that can enter the Classical Tomb in advance, Jiang He is determined to get it, even if he kills Lu Chen, he will not hesitate!Even if there is a terrifying force behind him, he will not hesitate!

"Give me death!"

Jiang He's fear turned into murderous intent in a blink of an eye, murderous intent flashed across his eyes, his body jumped up suddenly, and with a sudden push with both hands, a powerful force rushed towards Lu Chen.

I saw a huge tower protruding from his hand, gradually getting bigger, and then completely covering Chase Lu.

A huge coercion emanated from the tower, directly suppressing Lu Chen's power of the demon soul!

This is actually a ninth-level magic weapon!

Only a ninth-level magic weapon can affect the magic soul!

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that Lu Chen was suppressed, Jiang He directly used his magic power to charge towards him!

Immediately, Lu Chen didn't dare to push himself too hard, he used his feet hard, and jumped to the side, avoiding Jiang He's attack.

Lu Chen didn't even think about it, so he dodged Jiang He's attack, turned around, and slashed forward with the Chiyan Saber!

At this time, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and went all out. He knew very well that he had always used the devil soul as the last card, and he completely forgot that if one day he lost this advantage, what else could he do?

Now, although his demon soul power is still very strong, and it can be displayed at the level of a demon king, which is enough to take down Jiang He, but he still dare not be careless.

If Jiang He had just used this tower as soon as he came up, then now he really has no other cards to make a move except Lingtian World!

He shouldn't always rely on Demon Soul and Ling Tian World!

The real hard power is the guarantee of survival!


Seeing that after Lu Chen was suppressed, he was only in the demon state, Jiang He let out a soft drink, his eyes sparkling. At this time, he had already launched a murderous intention, and he didn't intend to hold back at all. The first move was a killer move!

"Eagle Claw Bloody Hand!"

Jiang He circulated the magic energy in his body, and with a sway of his body, he turned into a phantom and rushed towards Lu Chen. At the same time, his hands formed claws, and in the air, they turned into claws, tearing the air, and grabbed Lu Chen. dust.

"Bang! Bang! Bang"

Lu Chen's fist collided directly with the claw shadow, making a burst of crisp sound, like the sound of metal and iron, deafening.

The shadow of the claws in the air dissipated, and Lu Chen's body could not help but fly upside down, and the tower on his head also flew away.

Jiang He's strength was really terrifying. Although he had neutralized the opponent's attack just now, he was injured by the attack that contained the magic element.

Jiang He was also secretly startled at this time, he had already gone all out just now, although it could not be said to be his strongest attack, but the general Demon Phase Realm would not be able to defuse his attack head-on.

It seems that this person is indeed not simple!It is very humanly possible to defuse one's own attack with physical attack alone.

However, this also made him more determined to take Lu Chen's life!

Although Jiang He is arrogant, he is neither stupid nor stupid. Offending a person with such a background, the consequences are unpredictable, but he solved the opponent silently and silently. Even if the people behind him want to make trouble, I can't find it on myself either.

"Give me death!"

Jiang He's body flew up suddenly, his hands suddenly formed into fists, and his fists vibrated in the air, like two giant hammers, with unparalleled momentum!

Faced with this awe-inspiring killing intent, Lu Chen also launched at this time, the red flame knife made a bold move, and a giant python flame shot up into the sky, majestic and majestic like a dragon.



Lu Chen and Jiang He collided and rushed towards each other, like two fierce beasts, attacking each other frantically!

However, Jiang He was a master of the Demon Lord Realm, and every punch he threw was like a hammer, and Lu Chen suffered some internal injuries to some extent.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lu Chen's face was pale, blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth, he was injured!

Forcibly resisting Jiang He's attack, he still couldn't hold back!With his physical body and demonic energy alone, he still couldn't resist the existence of the peak demon king!

"No! I can't lose!"

Lu Chen roared fiercely, his eyes were like bull's eyes, and a fierce aura suddenly dispersed.

You can't lose yourself!


At this time, Lu Chen seemed to be desperate for his life. He swung his fists frantically, and he did every punch with all his strength without any hesitation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, Lu Chen was already injured all over. He just confronted Jiang He in a head-to-head manner. There was no fancy at all. Every punch made him feel as if he was hit by a hammer, causing him unbearable pain.

After this continuous confrontation, at this time, Lu Chen only felt pain all over his body and stared at his eyes, especially when he stopped fighting suddenly and his body was relaxed, it made him feel weak and crumbling.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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