Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2827 Yuan Hao who hides his strength

time goes by little by little

Finally, after Zheng Shan chopped the magic element tornado for 10 minutes, Lu Chen stood up from the lotus seat refreshed.

"Thank you, senior!" Lu Chen smiled slightly at Zheng Shan, waved his hands and put away the lotus seat, and the magic element tornado that could not be broken or scattered dissipated.

Zheng Shan was slashing down with a sword, and immediately lost ground. He jumped forward and was about to fall off the platform.He immediately turned over with a kite in the air, and then landed smoothly on the stage.

"Accepted!" Lu Chen nodded, without looking at Zheng Shan under the stage, he flew out of the tower gate on the sixth floor.

He didn't know that Zheng Shan behind him was looking at him, his eyes were full of darkness and viciousness, he thought: This time, Lu Chen has another reason to die!

However, even if Lu Chen knew, he wouldn't care.

Zheng Shan is really too young, and his methods of concealing people are naive.

Lu Chen knew that he hated himself more and more, but no matter what medicine he sold in his gourd, Lu Chen would not be afraid, if he had the guts, he would let it go.

"I surrender!"

As soon as Lu Chen stood by the door on the seventh floor, there was a clear voice.

I saw Na Wushuang walking towards him slowly, and said: "You are stronger than me now, I admit it. It's a waste of time to compare, I'd better go back to practice now."

"However, I'm not always admitting defeat." Wushuang said, "I will work hard to cultivate, half a month later, I will have a competition with you!"

Looking at the flames in his eyes, Lu Chen smiled: "Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Immediately, the two nodded to each other, looked at each other with a smile, and Lu Chen turned and walked to the eighth floor.

"Isn't it? Senior Wushuang just surrendered."

"He can't fight, hasn't he fought before?"

The students in the stands were bored and unable to complain.

It has never been encountered before, the top ten of the force value rankings, no, there are so many people in the top nine who give up to one guy.This Lu Chen is really powerful.

Chase Lu walked towards the eighth floor tower step by step, his thoughts were racing along the way.

Now, he seems to have just remembered that Yuan Hao is the only human race among the top nine masters.

"You finally came."

Yuan Hao on the trial stage looked at Lu Chen with burning eyes.

This is a human race, a human race that has climbed up the trial tower step by step and challenged the top nine for so many years.

Yuan Hao had a strange sense of sympathy, and said, "Come up, I won't hold back, but I won't hurt you either."

"Okay." Lu Chen looked at Yuan Hao and walked up to the training platform step by step, "I won't keep my hands, but I won't hurt you either. Senior, please give me more advice."

His magic energy and spirit had already been fully recovered in the lotus seat.

Now, he wants to really compete with the high-strength human race, which is a respect for this human senior.

The atmosphere was not as tense as when Chase Lu was fighting with others before. The battle between the two kicked off quietly.

Lu Chen slowly released his aura, faintly overpowering Yuan Hao.

Yuan Hao shook his head, and said: "I hope he has some skills, otherwise, the human race is indeed too incompetent."

Then he held a spear in his hand, laughed boldly, and said, "Go ahead and fight!"

"is it?"

Lu Chen smiled, and immediately he stepped out, and the majestic magic element swept away with a rolling pressure.

The peak of the Demon Phase Realm.

Lu Chen didn't hold back at all, and with one step, he showed all his strength.

Feeling the coercion of Lu Chen's magic element, Yuan Hao's complexion changed slightly.

"The peak of the demon phase, it is worthy of being able to come this far." Yuan Hao's eyes seemed to have ripples, and then a little bit of heat slowly surged up. He held the spear tightly, and then stomped on the ground .


The entire tower trembled violently at this moment, and a wave of equally majestic magic energy, like a storm, swept away with Yuan Hao as the center.

The magic phase is at the Great Consummation, and Yuan Hao is actually in this realm.

Well, they are almost the same realm.

Lu Chen operated the magic element, directly resisting the coercion of the magic element coming from Yuan Hao's body.

Their strength is not far behind, so, from the eyes of everyone, Lu Chen is not weaker than Yuan Hao!

"so amazing!"

Countless students exclaimed excitedly, with unconcealable admiration in their eyes.

Although both of them are at the same level, Chen Lu is younger than Yuan Hao after all, but his achievements are not weaker than Yuan Hao. When he reaches Yuan Hao's age, he will definitely far exceed Yuan Hao at this time!


Facing Lu Chen like this, even Yuan Hao nodded slightly, with appreciation in his eyes.

Yuan Hao's temperament is magnanimous, and it is extremely gratifying to see a human junior surpass him, besides sighing.

Lu Chen with such strength deserves to be treated with respect.

When the two majestic demonic elements collided, there seemed to be thunder.

Everyone watched this scene excitedly, it seemed that this scene was really going to be exciting!

These two are similar in strength, and obviously both have rich combat experience. With their respective hole cards, it is obviously not an easy matter to quickly decide the winner.

Yuan Hao nodded, then he took two steps back slowly, pointing a long spear across the wall of the tower, he said slowly: "You shoot first."

Yuan Hao was arrogant after all, so he didn't bother to take the initiative.

"Then thank you, Senior Yuan."

Lu Chen raised the Red Flame Knife, and the magic element poured into it frantically.

The Red Flame Knife is now an eighth-level middle-grade magic weapon, and it has a hidden function, which he has never used.

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With a vigorous wave of Lu Chen, a red flame knife rushed out from the blade, condensed into a huge flame python in mid-air, and rushed towards Yuan Hao with a roar.


Chu Yu's eyes as deep as the starry sky suddenly fluctuated slightly, and he stared at the figure of Lu Chen in the tower with some surprise. Beside him, several elders were also surprised.


Chu Yu's eyes became a little brighter, and he smiled lightly, "Lu Chen actually has an eighth-level middle-grade magic weapon, good guy, it's really amazing!"

When his voice just fell, in that tower, another giant pyrotechnic python was condensed at an astonishing speed.

The latter caught up with the giant python in front, and the two merged into one, and its body doubled and skyrocketed. In just a few breaths, it had grown into a two-foot-long giant python!

Yuan Hao's expression changed, and he stared at Lu Chen in amazement. He didn't expect that Lu Chen had such a powerful magic weapon!

"call out!"

With a move of Yuan Hao's spear, he displayed his unique skills: "Ask the heavens!"

The spear trembled unceasingly, and gradually condensed into a sharp aura that soared into the sky. Around him, hundreds of demonic energy shot up into the sky, and then quickly merged into the air. Formed in the sky.

A series of incomparably complicated rays of magic energy were quickly outlined, and then faintly, as if above the sky, a huge incomparably huge array of magic energy was formed, a powerful wave of magic energy rippled out.

"This is"

Chu Yu's eyes widened in astonishment, "This Yuan Hao actually realized the trick of integrating the exercises and formations into one!"

As the magic yuan light array slowly rotated, it exuded a shocking power.As soon as the howling giant python arrived under the magic formation, it was subdued by the coercion emitted by the magic formation, and then slowly consumed the giant python's demon energy.

Looking at the formed magic circle, Lu Chen was also a little surprised.Unexpectedly, it was the first time he had seen such a style of play.

Originally, it was not allowed to use formations to assist in this martial arts competition, and the purpose was to test the cultivation base. I didn't expect to be able to innovate such a move!

"This is my innovative trick, you try it." Yuan Hao also said slowly at this time, smiled lightly, and said, "What do you think?"

Hearing the words, Lu Chen smiled slightly. He shook his palm, and then waved his arm. The sword energy of the red flame knife rushed out, and the overwhelming magic light swept out, and then it was directly in the countless horrified eyes. In the gaze, quickly condensed and formed.

That kind of magic element fluctuation is not weaker than that array's coercion.

A bigger scarlet flame python hovered over the two of them, looking at the magic circle above as if with wisdom.The temperature in the whole world seems to have risen, and the ground he is on has also become extremely dry

Yuan Hao stared at the two behemoths above the sky, his expression that had always been indifferent finally became dignified little by little.

The two giants confronted each other, and the terrifying magic element fluctuations gathered together, and even the whole space became a little distorted.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Chen suddenly formed seals with his hands, urging the red flame snake above the sky to move.


With Lu Chen's urging, the two huge magic element formations immediately started to work, and amazing magic elements were emitted in waves.

Then, between the collisions, a terrifying wave emanated out.

Chi Chi.

During the movement of the Red Flame Demon Snake, almost this space was going to be burned!


Yuan Hao's eyes were filled with flames, and his palms were slowly clenched.

"Senior, please enlighten me!"

With a solemn expression, Lu Chen stretched out his slender fingers and tapped in the air. Wherever the fingertips landed, the empty space seemed to be rippled.

The long snake screamed, and its huge body shone with an indestructible flame.


The moment his fingertips were tapped, the jumping flames rushed out suddenly, crossing the sky as fast as lightning, and then fiercely charged towards Yuan Hao below under the countless tense eyes.

Under the gaze of countless gazes, Yuan Hao's face was also slightly dignified. He looked at the terrifying attack that was sweeping him, and he clenched his hands together suddenly, only to see a long spear being danced vigorously by him, forming a circular shape. The shield, withstood the swooping flames.


Gradually, as Yuan Hao kept waving, a vortex gradually appeared in the space.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, with a huge suction, it seems to be connected to another space, directly sucking the flames in!

And the giant flame python in the sky gradually began to deform under this huge attraction, as if it was about to be sucked into the vortex!

Lu Chen frowned, this Yuan Hao still has such a trick, it really is out of the ordinary, just like Shen Wan'er's battle, the methods are endless.

Something's wrong. He clearly failed to Liu Yan just now. Could it be that Yuan Hao was hiding his strength just then?

With this in mind, Lu Chen didn't hold back his hands, and directly operated the Dao Foundation, and the majestic magic energy was continuously input into the Red Flame Saber.

call out!

The giant python entrenched in the room, was supplemented by two flames, and without any hesitation, it directly bombarded down mercilessly.


The huge python directly bumped into Yuan Hao's vortex.

At the moment of the impact, there was a muffled sound that made everyone's hearts tremble, and then everyone saw a huge magic element shock wave sweeping away, and on the ground of the test platform, cracks were cracked rapidly. spread out.

Lu Chen looked at the sweeping shock wave, and he was prepared to activate the magic element immediately. When the figure emerged, he appeared a few meters away, avoiding the shock wave.

Avoiding that kind of impact, Lu Chen's eyes were also looking at the figure in the middle of the shock wave with great dignity, not knowing what kind of result his offensive would cause.

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