Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2826 Cheating

"Secretary?" Lu Chen was taken aback.

"My God, what's the situation?" The behavior of the two on stage made the surrounding spectators dumbfounded.

"This Lu Chen is too shameless! Through the competition, he first hugged the goddess Yulan, and now he hugged the goddess Wan'er!"

"That's right, before he said he wasn't interested in the goddess Wan'er, he really wanted to get her!"

"Bah! What kind of thing is he, actually hugging my goddess!"

"Competition and flirting are enough!"

"What are they talking about? I really want to know!"

Just hug, hug for so long!Everyone in the audience was jealous, scratching their ears and cheeks, and even some extremely excited eyes were about to bleed!I can't wait to roll up my sleeves and fight Lu Chen now!

Especially the boys in the senior year, their complexions are so gloomy that they can almost drip.

"Yes!" Shen Wan'er smiled at Lu Chen, rubbing her little head against his chest, "I'll wait for Lu Chen's brother to ask me out!"

Lu Chen was tickled, and then realized that he had been holding Shen Wan'er and talking, her perfect body was attached to him, it was really soft and soft

He quickly let go of Shen Wan'er, and said: "Okay, then it's settled. After the competition, I'll go find you."

Suddenly being released from the hug, I felt a little lost.

However, after hearing Lu Chen's words, Shen Wan'er nodded and smiled with satisfaction.She knew that Brother Lu Chen would definitely agree to her starting from the point of improving her cultivation base and combat effectiveness.

"Brother Lu Chen, be careful when you fight Zheng Shan and Liu Yan later. Zheng Shan's temperament is indeed a bit annoying, but it is enough to stand out in a place where geniuses gather like Dizang College. That means he is practicing Talent. Absolutely has terrifying attainments." Shen Wan'er finally reminded softly, "As for Liu Yan, his temper is a bit hard to say. The most important thing is that he comes from the Dark Clan. I'm afraid the talent and ability of this Clan is much more than mine. You must be careful."

"En." Lu Chen nodded slightly, then Zheng Shan is indeed a villain in a certain sense, and Liu Yan's overall strength is indeed not as good as him.However, this did not make him feel disdainful and contemptuous of these two people.

Just like the previous ones, the geniuses of each race have excellent abilities and cultivation.

If he wasn't Lu Chen, it would simply be a person at the peak of the demon phase who met them.I'm afraid they won't be able to reach this level at all, or even if they reach this level, they will be defeated by Shen Wan'er.

What Master Chu Yu said was absolutely correct. Human races may not be able to beat other races, even if their realm is much higher.They are really much better than the human race, and their starting point is too high.

Although Lu Chen is not a native human in the Demon God Continent, he has lived so many lives, and in each life, he was a human race at the beginning.

He is a part of the human race, no matter which world he is in, no matter what time he is in.

He is absolutely obliged to help revitalize the human race. This is his mission and human nature.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen nodded and said: "Thank you, I will be careful. Wait for me, I will find you when the competition is over."

"Okay!" Shen Wan'er raised her eyebrows and smiled: "It's a deal!"

After finishing speaking, she touched her feet and flew to the audience, saying, "I lost!"

Surrounding audience: ""

So, what were they talking about just now?

You were fighting to the death before, but with such a hug and a word, the goddess gave up!Lu Chen is really a little boy!I hope the seniors above can fix Lu Chen well, it is best to hit him with a blue nose and a swollen face so that his mother doesn't even know him!

Lu Chen took all those gazes into his eyes, and immediately smiled helplessly. It seems that he underestimated Shen Wan'er's popularity in Dizang College.However, he ignored everyone's opinions and turned directly to the fifth floor.

On the fifth floor, Du Ziang.

Lu Chen was a little surprised when he came up, because Du Ziang was sitting on the steps decadently.

Seeing him coming, Du Ziang raised his head, smiled gently and apologetically: "Brother Lu, are you here?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows: "What are you?"

Du Ziang shook his head with a wry smile: "I don't intend to compete, I admit defeat. I just want to say a few words with you."


"I hope you don't take my offense too seriously." Du Ziang said, "I was too arrogant before, and I was really ignorant."

Lu Chen smiled knowingly, turned around and walked towards the stairs with his hands behind his back, nodded as he walked, and said, "Everyone makes mistakes, there are no such things."

Hearing this, Du Ziang smiled in relief, looked at Lu Chen's back, and shouted directly to the outside of the tower: "I admit defeat!"

"I'll go, take the initiative to admit defeat?"

"The owner of the Douwu Pavilion actually took the initiative to admit defeat to Lu Chen? Am I too dreamy?"

"This is too worthless!"

"Admit defeat! Actually admit defeat!"

"Then the rumor that the master of the Douwu Pavilion was defeated by Lu Chen is true?"

"Whatever, I want to quit Dou Martial Pavilion!"


Walking down the steps step by step, everyone's discussions filled their ears, but Du Ziang smiled disdainfully.What do these guys know?Du Youran saw it with his own eyes, Lu Chen, he is an existence that even the Lord of Buluo City can't please.

Isn't it courting death if you continue to offend such a person?It is a great blessing that Du Ziang can curry favor with Lu Chen now.

Shaking his head, Du Ziang walked straight out of the square, and decided to go back to the dormitory to sleep, and then he would call all the students of Douwu Pavilion to hold a meeting to study how to get Lu Chen into the pavilion.This will help build a long-term relationship.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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On this side, Lu Chen turned around and went up to the sixth floor.


Just as Lu Chen put his foot down at the door, a Moyuanhua sword slashed at his foot!

Lu Chen didn't froze at this sudden attack, but the audience in the audience didn't react, but the atmosphere suddenly boiled at this moment!

"Junior Lu Chen, this is a reminder, we will have a competition later, I hope you will be merciful, just click it!"

Seeing Lu Chen avoiding him lightly, a trace of unwillingness flashed across Zheng Shan's eyes, and he said in an extremely gentle manner.

Lu Chen raised his eyes and looked at Zheng Shan. He was standing in the center of the competition stage, with a relaxed posture and a light tone. It seemed that he really wanted Lu Chen to show mercy to him. It was just a small joke.

Lu Chen smiled noncommittally, but there was not much smile in his black eyes, he said slowly: "Okay, let's start."

When Lu Chen's deep voice spread in the battle arena, everyone could feel that the air on the battle arena in the tower seemed to freeze at this moment, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Zheng Shan looked at the handsome young man in front of him, his expression fluctuated slightly, but that expression still looked extremely gentle, harmless to humans and animals.

He nodded slightly, and the slender palm in the sleeve slowly slipped out, and at the same time, his sword was revealed: "Student, don't be angry, we are also rivals in love anyway. Anyway, my joke is not too much. However, I really don't want to be your enemy anymore, and it will be considered a fair competition in the future. I was wrong before, so we don't want to turn our faces in the future."

Zheng Shan seemed to really surrender because he was afraid of Lu Chen's strength and background.

"Okay, then please help me, senior." Lu Chen nodded slightly, and he closed his eyes lightly. Immediately, everyone suddenly felt that the devilish energy in this world suddenly became disordered. , an astonishing wave of magic energy, as if attracted by some kind of attraction, crazily rushed towards the sixth floor where Lu Chen was located.

In the trial tower and on the competition stage, it seemed that a hurricane was blowing around Chase Lu, but the hurricane was a beam of light condensed by the magic energy of heaven and earth, which set him off as majestic as a god.


"So handsome!"

"This is wonderful! Big move! Big move!"

This movement immediately excited a group of students, and many of them forgot their disdain and anger towards Chase Lu just now, and instead focused on observing the battle.

Zheng Shan didn't realize Lu Chen's meaning for a while, and he was a little puzzled and said: Help?What help?

"Go!" Lu Chen fell to the ground with a sound, and the huge tornado whirlwind crushed Zheng Shan away, so fast that it almost left an afterimage.

Zheng Shan drew out his sword and slashed at the whirlwind.

On the other hand, Lu Chen took out one at a leisurely pace—a lotus seat?Then sat on it.

what's the situation? !

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, and several elders and mentors were also taken aback by Lu Chen's sudden action.

On the contrary, the First Elder and the Fourth Elder frowned, looked at Chu Yu together and said, "You apprentice, you are really capable, to be able to obtain such a classic tomb."

"And he's so clever, he actually thought of fighting here while meditating on the spot. It's not a violation of the regulations, but he has recovered his fighting power."

Chu Yu didn't answer, he looked at the lotus seat that Lu Chen took out, his eyes were shining, how could he hear what others were saying?

What a boy, it's amazing, you even managed to get this kind of classical tomb!

Others don't know it, but he has seen it from the old man of the alchemy department, the root of the magic lotus!

Can quickly restore and enhance people's magic element!

Zheng Shan struggled with the Moyuan whirlwind, and at the same time glanced angrily at Lu Chen who was cultivating on the lotus seat with his eyes closed. His cultivation level was indeed not as high as Lu Chen. It's an opponent, but Lu Chen still wants to do it directly!Not giving him a chance to show his strength at all, this is to admit that he is not as good as Lu Chen in front of everyone in this way!

Well, this Chase Lu actually used this method to deal with himself, he simply looked down on him!

Very good!

Anyway, I didn't intend to let Chase Lu live, so let him jump around for two days. The plan is already halfway through, and Chase Lu will be completely finished soon!

At that time, I must break this Chase Lu's bones bit by bit, I don't believe he can still harden up!

Zheng Shan was thinking about the big plan in the future, and he didn't plan to fight Lu Chen with real swords and guns right now.

Therefore, he seriously cut down the Moyuan tornado in front of him, and let Lu Chen rest on the lotus seat. The two of them looked like it was a convention, and Zheng Shan helped Lu Chen cover his cultivation.

Everyone was dumbfounded by this situation for a moment, what are they doing?Pants are off, you show me this?

What about the big move just now?

Isn't it going to be a fierce battle?

Now a magic element tornado that is pretending to be serious, with soft strength, and can never finish chopping.

One is on the lotus seat, practicing?

Does this mean that it does not violate the rules prohibiting meditation during the trial period?

This is totally cheating!

They couldn't help wondering, didn't Zheng Shan hear that he liked the goddess Wan'er so much, and that he and Lu Chen had always been rivals in love?Now actually—to help cover up and cheat?

What are you doing!

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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