Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2805 Bamboo Spirit's Birthday

As the referee's voice fell, Lu Chen smiled slightly, and under the eyes of everyone, he stood up slowly, tapped the stands with his toes, and fell lightly towards the square.

After Lu Chen entered the field, a blue figure flashed across the square in an instant like a whirlwind, and his body tumbled into the field and fell into the field.

Looking at the man with blue hair and blue clothes, Lu Chen was surprised.

It is actually a plant family.

"This battle should be able to make Lu Chen do his best. Wushuang, but I may not be able to defeat the opponent." Looking at the two people in the field faintly, the corner of Zheng Shan's mouth curled up in the corner A sneer.

"Are you Lu Chen?" When Lu Chen looked at the young man in blue, the latter also looked at him.

"Yeah." Seeing this guy's gentle expression, Lu Chen nodded slightly.

"I heard that you defeated Du Ziang?"


"Okay, I appreciate you very much, but I want to defeat you!" Wushuang smiled proudly at Lu Chen, "But don't worry, I won't seriously hurt you. I hope you will try your best to fight me."

"Uh" Hearing this, Lu Chen was dumbfounded.This is really a gentle practice madman.

"In that case, thank you very much." Lu Chen smiled lightly.

"Let's start!" Wushuang moved his ankle and made a preparatory action.

After the sound, Lu Chen didn't move. He quietly observed Wushuang's actions. To be honest, he hadn't fought against the Plant Clan yet, which was really novel.

After Wushuang's sound fell, he turned the magic element directly, and countless roots sprouted from somewhere on his body, and they rushed directly at Lu Chen!

"I'll go! It's this trick again!"


There were a few people in the stands who knew about Wushuang, and they were instantly excited.

Wushuang's most famous move is this. The vines and roots can instantly surround the enemy, and then suck the opponent's magic energy that was circulating out of the body in one breath, and at the same time create a certain illusion.

In the entire Ksitigarbha Academy, there are not many existences who can withstand his trick!Now Chase Lu is doomed!

Lu Chen stood quietly, feeling the vines and roots flying around, and remained motionless.

He didn't run the magic element, nor did he make a move.

But he didn't see any hallucinations either.

The people in the audience just saw that Lu Chen was wrapped in roots and remained motionless, and they only thought that Lu Chen had finally fallen into someone else's hands.

As everyone knows, Lu Chen just stood there for a few minutes, but Wushuang was in a hurry. He didn't feel any energy fluctuations. What's going on?

Just when everyone was speculating, Lu Chen suddenly moved.

He directly took out the Red Flame Knife, and then the magic element burst out at the Red Flame Knife in an instant. Finally, he turned the whole knife into a ball of fiery red, and the fiery red light burned all the branches, leaves and vines!

Lu Chen exposed his whole body, and everyone just saw a ball of flame standing on the stage!

The strange thing is that Wushuang didn't move at all. The two people in the field were completely isolated from the noise of the outside world at this time.

"what's going on?"

A light wind blew across the square, and it was unusually quiet here.

Suddenly, in an instant, everyone only felt that their eyes were blurred, and two lights and shadows flashed loudly, and then the gold and iron symphony and sparks flashed from the center of the field.

Most of the people above the stands could only see two fuzzy shadows in the arena, hear the sound of tearing the air, and then see the stone slabs in the arena that were shattered due to the collision and cracked continuously.

Time passed gradually, and the two people in the arena fought evenly.

"Huh" let out a long breath, Lu Chen touched his sweat, "Not bad, very cool."

Just now, in order to find out the routines of the plant clan, Lu Chen deliberately suppressed himself, and fought with his physical strength, which was really hearty.

"However, that's the end of it, too much time has been wasted." Lu Chen smiled slightly, the magic element was poured into the red flame knife, and it stabbed out directly. The hot temperature cut through the air, and even brought There was a faint burnt smell.

"Ding" the long sword fell to the ground, and Lu Chen flew up and kicked Wushuang's abdomen directly. He used skillful force for this kick, but it would only knock people into the air without serious injuries.

On the huge square, there is no sound

Because everyone has seen that Chase Lu actually kicked Wushuang, No. 3 in the ranking of force value.


As Wushuang's voice and shadow fell to the ground, many people in the college raised their unique admiration and admiration for Lu Chen.

"This game, Lu Chen wins!" At this time, a loud voice came from the referee's seat again.


As the referee's voice fell, there was an overwhelming cheer from the stands!

The name of Lu Chen, perhaps from the start of this battle, must also start to spread throughout the academy, until now, those doubts about Shen Wan'er's vision have just begun to disappear!

Chase Lu is indeed a real battle to become famous!

Hearing the resounding cheers from the surrounding stands, Lu Chen nodded to Wushuang: "Accept."

Watched by countless fiery eyes, Lu Chen slowly walked down the square and returned to Chu Yu's side.

"Good boy, that's not bad!" Chu Yu laughed, looking completely like a kind master.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and said, "That's right, like a teacher, there must be an apprentice."

"How did you break the level of his plant family's instinctive talent?" Chu Yu asked a little surprised, "That kid's move is incredible, and many mentors have fallen. This is the powerful talent of the plant family, so They are a race more noble than humans."

Lu Chen frowned and thought for a while, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Maybe it's because my demon soul is a little stronger?"

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"Lu Chen."

When Lu Chen and Chu Yu were talking, a familiar female voice came from behind.

Lu Chen turned his head to take a look, and didn't know when Zhu Xin came over.

"I'm going to find you after a while." Lu Chen looked at her and smiled slightly.

Zhu Xin looked directly at Chu Yu and said, "Elder, can I borrow your apprentice for a while?"

"Yes, yes, of course." Chu Yu nodded with a smile, "The exam is over, you young people, go and relax!"

Zhu Xin's ears turned red quietly, and she nodded directly to Lu Chen: "Okay, I've asked for leave for you, come with me!"

So, in full view, everyone saw Lu Chen being taken away in advance by a peerless beauty.

"Damn it!" Zheng Shan clenched his fists, "You wait for me! No matter what, I will definitely get you tomorrow! Show you!"

Walking out of the square with Zhu Xin, the surging shouts in my ears gradually dissipated.

Zhu Xin looked at Lu Chen and smiled: "You have been doing well recently."

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "It's okay."

"It's not just okay, I think you will soon win the hearts of all the girls in the academy!" Zhu Xin sneered, "You have forgotten about Zhu Ling and the others right now?"

"Huh?" Lu Chen was taken aback, "What happened to Zhu Ling and the others?"

"Do you have to have an accident to come to you?" Zhu Xin glared at him, and then said, "Zhu Ling's birthday is tonight. Are you going?"

"Ah?" Lu Chen was dumbfounded, "Birthday?"

"Yes, we have a banquet tonight. I'm here to invite you on behalf of Zhu Ling." Zhu Xin rolled her eyes, "I came yesterday, but I didn't see you. Yes, you seem to have a date with Yuanhua for dinner." went?"

"What, no?" Looking at Zhu Xin's sharp eyes, Lu Chen gave a wry smile, and directly recounted what happened yesterday, and said by the way, "If someone comes to your place to talk about it in the future, you should remember to explain that it is a member of the Spirit Race." Bought Folian."

Zhu Xin laughed dumbly and said: "The power of the city lord is so vast, he can even dig out something in the impenetrable Shaking Sky Auction. It seems that the Zhu family must take good precautions."

Then, Zhu Xin said: "Okay, let's go together and prepare to attend the birthday party of that girl Zhu Ling."


Lu Chen was stunned: "No, I didn't prepare anything in a hurry."

That's right, he has sold all nine pieces of eighth-grade magic weapons now, so how can there be any decent things as gifts?

Zhu Xin looked at his embarrassed look, and chuckled: "You still have some snacks, so you can buy a gift. Well, then I will accompany you to the city to have a look."

The two went to the prosperous Buluo city together, and they discussed what to give as they walked.

"Don't you girls like jewelry?" Lu Chen asked puzzled.

"No, that girl Zhu Ling is too picky, she may not like the jewelry outside." Zhu Xin shook her head.

"That's a good-looking dress. Zhu Ling seems to love beauty. If you like something later, you can buy two by the way." Lu Chen clapped his hands.

Zhu Xin raised her eyebrows, but before she had time to answer, something happened ahead of her!

I saw a person suddenly rushing out in front of me, directly snatching the child from the arms of a walking woman.

Lu Chen was taken aback, would there be children in the Demon God Continent?

Everyone on the street was stunned, this child snatcher was exuding a three-layer demon pressure!

No, when will there be such a person who dares to snatch children on the street in Buluocheng?

Everyone was still in a daze, but Lu Chen came to his senses!

Fucking traffickers!

With a frown, Lu Chen moved his feet, and he flew in front of the trafficker.

"Go to hell!" Lu Chen directly crushed the human traffickers with demon souls!

"Ah!" The trafficker let go, the child fell off, and then he kept rolling on the ground. '

Now, in his eyes, Lu Chen is as terrifying as a demon god descending into the world, and he feels that his soul is about to be completely annihilated!

"Bao'er!" The child's mother finally caught up, and Lu Chen's eyes lit up when she saw that the lady's skin was better than snow, her face was as white as jade, and her face was as bright as a flower. It made her look like a beautiful girl.

"Thank you benefactor! Thank you benefactor!" The woman thanked Lu Chen so much that she wished she could just kneel down and kowtow.

Lu Chen stopped her, but looked at the traffickers on the ground and couldn't help frowning.

No, there seems to be something wrong with this human trafficker. He gave Lu Chen a feeling similar to that of the evil race.

Lu Chen touched his chin and said to the woman, "You're welcome, do you recognize this guy?"

The woman looked at the human trafficker on the ground with hatred, shook her head and said, "I don't know him."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Okay, then leave him to me, okay?"

"Okay! Of course you can!" The woman nodded repeatedly.

Lu Chen asked Zhu Xin, "Do you have any magic bags for living people?"

Zhu Xin was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

Lu Chen said: "Your big family must have this, let me use it. This guy is a bit wrong, like a fellow who injured you in the forest!"

"Okay." Zhuxin heard Lu Chen say this, and immediately felt pain in her heart. The evil race is the vicious existence second only to monsters in the Demon God Continent. When they encounter it, they are naturally obliged to eliminate it.

Declining the woman's thanks, the two settled the matter, and then went on to buy gifts together.

In a flash, it swayed into the night.

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