Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2804 The Uninvited Guest

The study room on the third floor is almost full of people!

Seeing that everyone who took the materials was in a hurry, Lu Chen couldn't help sighing, this disciple of Ksitigarbha College is really a study fanatic!

In the end, Chase Lu managed to see several empty study rooms in a study room area marked "Advanced".

"Advanced?" Chase Lu was very curious. How come there is no such advanced area on the lower two floors of Xueshu Pavilion?The study rooms below are all the same!

It doesn't matter, as long as there is a place, I have an appointment with Zhu Xin to go to the Shaking Sky Auction in the afternoon, so I can't waste time!Lu Chen raised his footsteps and walked straight to the advanced study room area

Sweeping across the doors of these advanced study rooms, Chase Lu quickly found an empty room he saw, gently pushed the door open to enter, and then closed the door tightly behind it.

Entering the study room, Chase Lu inserted the gold and bronze plaque at the interface, then closed the door tightly, and then began to look around.

The biggest difference between this study room and the two floors below is that the decoration faintly reveals luxury, and the inner wall is actually made of Qiankun stone, which contains the magic energy between heaven and earth, and the tables, chairs, and beds placed in the room are all well used. Made of high-quality materials, it has the effect of appease the demon soul.

"The treatment in the advanced study room on the third floor is indeed better than the two floors above." Lu Chen sighed in admiration in his heart, and then directly put down the materials he had chosen in the middle of the room.

What should I refine first?

With an idea in his heart, Lu Chen took out his red flame knife, and then looked at the giant python magic pill he got in the forest with burning eyes.

As soon as the magic pill was taken out, he faintly wanted to fly towards the Chiyan Saber, and the Chiyan Saber also faintly hummed.

Could it be that these two things are destined?

Taking a few deep breaths, Lu Chen clenched his teeth, okay, let's refine these two first!

Lu Chen picked up the two objects and officially started refining the magic weapon.

The difference is that the two magical weapons to be refined this time, just collided with each other, and they started to work crazily.

This kind of high-speed and crazy operation even brought the magic essence in Lu Chen's body to vibrate faintly!

Lu Chen knotted his hands, and slowly closed his eyes. After nearly ten minutes of adaptation, he finally entered the state of formal refining.

It's just that Chase Lu didn't know when he closed his eyes.There was a sudden fluctuation in the study room, strands of flame-like energy condensed out of thin air from the magic pill flying above his head, and finally even condensed into strands of fiery red energy with some substance

These substantive energies roared and circled above Chase Lu's head, and finally, as if they had received some kind of traction, they crazily hit into Chase Lu's body and the red flame knife.

Time passed little by little, in the spacious study room, Lu Chen's eyes were closed tightly, the magic pill on his head had long since disappeared, only a red flame knife vibrated slightly in the air.

Finally, the Red Flame Knife stopped vibrating and slowly landed on the ground.

Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, opened his hand, and the red flame knife flew into his hand automatically.

Feeling the surging energy in the red flame knife, Lu Chen's eyes brightened, and his quality actually increased!Today, this Red Flame Knife is a top-grade eighth grade!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Chen's mind, and he immediately began to refine the materials he brought.

Inspiration, whether it is a scholar or a monk, is a lifelong need. Anyone who wants to achieve outstanding results in a certain industry must have inspiration. It will give people a kind of trembling comfort that emanates from the depths of the soul. Turn people into fish that swim happily in this knowledge.

Lu Chen maintained this beautiful state of refining for a whole morning, and two low-level eighth-grade magic weapons were lying quietly beside him.

If someone sees this scene, they will be deeply shocked, this is an eighth-grade magic weapon, not jelly beans!There is actually someone who can refine two things in half a day!It's like a bible!

Normally, someone who can refine two eighth-grade magic weapons in half a year, no, in one year is quite remarkable!

However, Chase Lu is very dissatisfied with his speed. Others are others. He has lived tens of thousands of lives and experienced the existence of countless worlds. He knows that he can perform better!

Because, he has a devil soul that surpasses the devil emperor!

Just when Lu Chen was about to go all out to continue refining, the calm was broken by someone.

While Chase Lu was concentrating on refining, a group of people suddenly broke into the advanced study room area on the third floor.

The leader of this group is a woman in a long pink dress. The woman looks quite beautiful, with a melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and picturesque eyebrows, which make others feel pleasing to the eye.However, if Lu Chen was here, he would definitely recognize it. This is the woman who accused him that day, Du Youran.

Lu Chen didn't know why Du Youran came here, but it didn't prevent them from having a conflict.

The reason is - in fact, Du Youran couldn't get down after being wronged yesterday, so she was taken to the study room on the third floor after being comforted by her cousin.

Then today, in order to reward his followers, Du Youran specially asked his cousin to give him multiple tokens to come here together.

And the study room where Lu Chen was located was the room Du Youran had chosen yesterday.

She said: "If you don't choose well and can't fix it, anyone can break in in the future. What should I do if I encounter a pervert like Lu Chen again?"

So a group of people came towards Lu Chen mightily.

Surrounded by stars in the center, Du Youran had a sweet and peaceful smile on her cheek, hum, what is Lu Chen, but a clown.Even Elder Chu Yu's disciple is just an ordinary student, can he bring himself to this advanced study room like his cousin?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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A clown dares to say that he doesn't like himself, what rubbish!

Thinking of this, Du Youran glanced lightly at the men who stopped because of her, seeing the male students who were dodging left and right under his sight, she smiled lightly, feeling that her self-confidence had increased a lot few.

Lu Chen is just a blind trash, that's why he doesn't like her.

She led a group of people straight through the high-level area, and immediately stopped in a room in the middle.

Looking at the closed door, Du Youran couldn't help but startled, what's going on?Someone actually occupied your room?

Didn't my cousin say that all the senior students have been notified of this room, and no one will come except myself?

"Hehe, leisurely, is this the exclusive room you mentioned?" Behind the woman, a man looked at the closed door with a smile on his face, which would be a good way for him to show off his merits in front of the beauty. Chance.

Du Youran smiled faintly: "Yeah, unexpectedly, it was occupied by someone again."

Seeing the lonely smile on the beauty's face, the man frowned, nodded with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I said, from now on, wherever you go, I will protect you, and don't let you have the kind of thing that happened yesterday." Things. It’s that Chase Lu, when I find him, he must be repaired and repaired!”

"That's right! You Ran, don't be afraid, we will be there wherever you go in the future, don't worry about a wretched man like Lu Chen appearing!"

A group of admirers responded quickly.

Then, the man who spoke first walked slowly into the closed study room, and slammed his clenched iron fist heavily on the door. Immediately, the crisp sound of gold and iron resounded through the entire third floor.

The sound lasted for a few minutes, but there was still no movement from the closed door.

Du Youran's black eyebrows frowned slightly, and the man's face sank slightly, he directly circulated the magic element, aimed at the gate and punched it down!


Huge energy slowly overflowed in through the door, and Chase Lu, who was concentrating on refining the magic weapon, felt the slow energy shock in the room, and a sense of reversal immediately filled his heart.

After the man outside the door punched, he was about to punch again. Just as he swung his fist, the door that had been closed all this time was suddenly opened.


Seeing that the door finally opened, the man snorted coldly, took a few steps back, and stared at the study room with malicious eyes.

After some tossing just now, most of the study rooms in this advanced area opened their doors.

With the opening of the door, all eyes in this area were quickly projected over.

Lu Chen walked out of the study room with a gloomy expression, and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"It's you?" The man squinted at Lu Chen, and said, "Yesterday, you were the one who bullied Youran?"

"Okay! It's you again! How dare you deny it!" The moment Du Youran saw Lu Chen clearly, she immediately called out, "Yesterday I peeked at you in the study room, and you still use this trick today, don't you! "

The shrill female voice gave Lu Chen a headache. He had been hurt a little bit by someone knocking on the door just now.

"To shut up!"

Lu Chen said with a cold face.

"Lu Chen, if you don't apologize to me, I'll sue the dean directly!" Du Youran came back to her senses and screamed sharply, "I don't believe Elder Chu Yu can protect you forever!"

Hearing Du Youran's words, Lu Chen frowned tightly: "Take medicine if you are sick, don't bother me!"

After finishing speaking, he was going to enter the study room to practice and calm down the internal injury just now.

"Stop!" Du Youran scolded, "You were here all the time, and you occupied my study room all the time, and even peeked at me yesterday! How dare you say it wasn't a deliberate plan!"

Only then did Lu Chen stop, knocked on his forehead and sorted it out. After a while, he pointed to the study room and said, "I understand. You said this is your study room? Yesterday's study room was also yours. ?”

Lu Chen laughed suddenly as if telling a joke: "Could it be that the academy built this study room for you alone?"

"I came to the study room first yesterday. I don't know what method you used to sneak in. Today I came early in the morning, and you actually said that I was plotting against you? Why? Because of your ugly ingenuity?" Lu Chen mocked The words made all the people watching the excitement startled.

"My God, did he say You Ran is ugly?"

"Did I hear you right, there are still people scolding Youran!"

Du Youran's face turned livid, and she was trembling with anger, this Lu Chen dared to mock her like this!Just because his master is Chu Yu?He didn't know that his cousin was the master of the Academy's Dou Martial Pavilion!

"Don't think that with better skills and a higher background, you can do whatever you want?"

Du Youran said to Lu Chen with a vicious expression: "I tell you, trash! My cousin is Du Ziang, the master of the Douwu Pavilion of the Dizang College. He is a real master, and it will take no effort to beat you!"

Du Youran is even more proud of her cousin because her cousin is her biggest support and pride in school.

There are many masters and top talents in Dizang Academy, but when they mention Du Ziang, they are all in awe.

Du Ziang and the son of the lord of Buluo City are close friends, and his contacts are all over the nobles in Buluo City.

And the most amazing thing about him is that his cultivation is already at the peak of the demon state at a young age, and he is now No. 5 in the academy's martial arts ranking list!

"If your cousin covers you indiscriminately, in my opinion, he is just a waste."

Lu Chen replied coldly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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