Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2785 Apprenticeship to Chu Yu——Chapter 2786 Flying half-step demon king

On the second floor of Shaking Sky Auction, in a box.

"Hmph. This idiot, I'm afraid he doesn't even know the origin of Prince Tantai, so he's lying in front of him."

A man with fox ears sneered.

Leaving aside the title of prince of the orc clan, Tantai Yuyang has a violent temper and perverse personality, and he doesn't want to offend him.

And if you dare to slap their orcs in the face, you really deserve to die.

"What is this nonsense!"

A thin old man with gray beard and hair suddenly knocked open the door of the box, with a childlike look of joy on his face, he shouted: "This man is really good-natured, I like it!"

Seeing this old man, the fox's ears immediately folded obediently, stood up hastily, and said, "Elder, why did you come in person? Don't you always dislike this kind of place?"

The old man said with a smile: "I'm still worried about you guys being here. It's about the demon spirit. Of course I'm going to do it myself! I didn't expect to see a good show down here!"

Fox's ears froze for a moment, remembering that this elder had the most rebellious temper, and he always admired the strange and arrogant students in the college, so he shut up and nodded repeatedly in agreement.

If Lu Chen knew about this scene, he would definitely be very happy.

Because this old man is the craziest person in Ksitigarbha Academy that he has been looking for, Chu Yu who is also known as the madman in Dongjing.

Chu Yu was the only descendant of the guardian of the total inheritance that Wang Wukui said.

For so many years, I have been sticking to Dongjing Ksitigarbha College, waiting for the right person to open the inheritance treasure and lead the human race to the peak.

The reason why Lu Chen acted arrogantly this time was because he had enough capital, secondly, his temper, and thirdly, it was to attract Chu Yu's attention.

No way, Chu Yu is a good guardian, but Lu Chen can't find him casually.

Chu Yu holds a high position in the Ksitigarbha Academy, and he himself has been obsessed with cultivating and studying formations for many years, never caring about worldly affairs.

Lu Chen couldn't just rush to the Ksitigarbha Academy and ask the great elder of the Ksitigarbha Academy to meet him by name, right?

In that case, I'm afraid someone else would take care of him before he saw Chu Yu.

Therefore, Wang Wukui confessed that, as far as he knew, Chu Yu had two major weaknesses, one was formation and the other was character.

For an old man who is obsessed with formations, has an arrogant temperament, and appreciates arrogant people the most, if he knows that suddenly there is a genius with the same arrogant formations as him, will he like it very much?

This is the key.

Therefore, as soon as Lu Chen came here, he first inquired about the best ninth-level monsters, intending to attract Chu Yu's attention from the refining of top-level formations.At the same time, he has been accumulating energy to shape his image as a madman.

It's just that he didn't know that the demon spirit was also the material Chu Yu had been looking for.Now Chu Yu also came to Shaking Sky Auction for the sake of Demon Spirit, and because of this, he really noticed him.

Because of the initial dispute, the atmosphere in the auction venue has always been low.

However, with the finale of the seventh-level demon spirit, this atmosphere was finally broken.

Except for a few people who knew in advance that there would be a seventh-level demon spirit auction, most people did not expect to be lucky enough to see the seventh-level demon spirit appearing in the world today!

With the formation of demon spirits, if it can be refined by the guardian demon soul, it is a living formation, which not only multiplies the power by a thousand times, but also protects the Lord very much!

In another sense, formations with five or more monsters can be regarded as the master's life-saving talisman!

Everyone was gearing up, ready to grab a shot.

In Lu Chen's dark eyes, there was also some anticipation.

"The reserve price is 3000 million top-grade magic stones, and the auction begins!"

"Thirty-five million top-grade magic stones!"

"4000 million top-grade magic stones!"

"I will offer 200 million magic stones!"


"Hmph, I am determined to win, I will offer 5000 million!"

In just a few breaths, the price of the monster soared, and at least a dozen people participated in the bidding.

Listening to these quotations, Chase Lu was not in a hurry to make a bid. Those who are in a hurry to make a bid now probably won't be able to bid successfully in the end.

"Hmph, I offered 5000 million, who wants to grab it from me?" Tantai Yuyang's cold voice came out again from his box.

He himself is mainly studying talismans, so he doesn't have much need for seventh-level demon spirits, but he doesn't need it, which doesn't mean the family doesn't need it.

And today he was humiliated, he must get this finale auction item!

After quoting this price, the scene suddenly fell silent, as if no one really dared to snatch it from him.

Tantai Yuyang also raised his head triumphantly, his tyrannical mood calmed down a little, and he cast a sinister look at the box next door,

Then prepare to speak.

"One hundred and sixty million!"

An old voice resounded throughout the Shaking Sky Auction.

The scene was quiet, and suddenly there was a gasp of air, today is an evil day, and someone is still bidding with Tantai Yuyang!

One must know that Tantai Yuyang will really be denied by his relatives after a while under the quilt!

After Tantai Yuyang was stunned for a moment, his entire face was distorted.

There are still people who dare to fight against him!Don't you all want to live?

Like a raging lion, he jumped up with both feet and kicked his own stool into pieces.

"Prince, it's Elder Chu of Dizang College."

Before Tantai Yuyang was completely furious, his vulture subordinates immediately stepped forward and said: "I just reported that Elder Chu is going to refine an advanced formation."

"Is that old human thing?" Tantai Yuyang took a breath, suppressed his anger, stared at his subordinates with a gloomy face and said, "I don't care what he wants to refine, even if I bought this thing today and gave it to him Anything is fine, in front of these people, I can only bid for this demon spirit, no one else can!"

"Prince, this Elder Chu's temper"

"He has a temper, and I still have a temper!"

Tantai Yuyang waved his hand and grabbed his subordinate's neck directly, and said with a little force: "It's just an old waste of the human race, hiding in the Dizang Academy every day to practice formations! Is his face comparable to mine?! Go ! Warn them not to bid, I can buy it and reward him!"

"Yes Yes!"

The subordinate was thrown to the ground mercilessly by him, and rolled out of the box like hell.

"Two hundred million!" Tantai Yuyang's vicious voice penetrated the entire lobby.

Chase Lu, who hadn't spoken for a while, finally continued softly: "1000 million to [-] million."

"Brother Lu Chen, I really didn't realize that you are so rich!" Zhu Ling looked at him excitedly. It's not like she hasn't been to such occasions before, but she has never seen anyone make such an offer. These are all high-grade demons. Stone!Her annual pocket money is only 1000 million top-grade magic stones.

"5000 million and [-] million!" The old voice sounded again, with a touch of excitement.

Tantai Yuyang wished he could set the Shaking Sky Auction House on fire, but he couldn't, even if he was Prince Dongjing of the orc race, he couldn't move this huge monster. It was said that behind it was the mysterious middle-level force.

Gritting his teeth, he rationally told Tantai Yuyang that he should give up bidding.Even at this price, it is enough to buy a level nine monster.

However, if he gave up now, wouldn't it mean that he lost to the race?

Moreover, there is the lowly human race next door mixing in.

"Two hundred and eighty million!" Wei Wei took a breath, and Tantai Yuyang continued to bid.

Lu Chen rubbed his nose, crazy, just crazy enough.

He said directly: "Three hundred million!"

"If you don't have money, don't bid! Be careful, you will die a miserable death!" Tantai Yuyang absolutely didn't believe that Lu Chen could take out so many magic stones, even the Zhu family might not be able to take out so many magic stones for a while.

"You don't need to worry about that." Lu Chen shook his head lightly.

The two sisters Zhuqing and Zhuling sitting beside Lu Chen couldn't help holding their breath slightly.

Especially Zhu Ling, she looked at Lu Chen, and her heart was beating.Chase Lu's bid was too scary. If she didn't know the details of Chase Lu, they were indeed not from the same family, so she would have intervened a long time ago.

Zhu Qingmei's eyes moved slightly. In the auction, the price cannot be paid casually. If the bid is successful but cannot be paid, the end will be very miserable.

"Damn it!" Tantai Yuyang clenched his fists, and the floor of the whole room was cracked.

He can't continue to quote endlessly. Although he is a prince of the orc clan, he is not a king. If he continues like this, he can't say what he will face when he goes back.

Hateful human beings!

Shameful human!

Under Tantai Yuyang's fury, he decided to kill Lu Chen after the auction was over, and use his blood to wash away his lost face!

That's right, just kill him later and take all his things. When the time comes, the face will come back, and the treasures will all be his!

Tantai Yuyang's thoughts changed sharply, he temporarily suppressed his overwhelming anger, and kept silent.

Only that old voice rang out in the arena: "I, Ksitigarbha Chuyu, really need this urgently. If you are not in a hurry, my friend, please let me and this old man! I will promise you one condition!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was stunned.

what's the situation?

The person who spoke just now was actually Elder Chu Yu from Dizang College?

He asked others to give him his treasures, and he also agreed to other people's conditions?

Everyone couldn't help but get agitated.

Dizang Academy, Chu Yu.

This is the best array mage in the entire Eastern Mirror, and one of the top ten masters in the Eastern Mirror!

It is said that his cultivation should have reached the realm of the Demon Lord, only a thin line away from the Demon King!

Lu Chen was also taken aback, Chu Yu?Ksitigarbha Academy?

Immediately, he quickly reacted, smiled slightly and said, "Okay, that kid admits defeat."


Soon, the seventh-level demon spirit was successfully bid by Chu Yu with [-] million and one magic stones.

At the end of the auction, the bamboo spirit felt as if he was in a dream.

She murmured, "What's the situation? I remember that you came to us to buy the information about the demon spirit. The competition was so fierce before that no one would listen to any persuasion. Why did you let go now?"

Zhuqing's beautiful eyes flickered, and she asked softly, "I'm also curious about this matter."

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the second daughter's question. He stared straight at an old man standing in front of the stairs on the second floor.

Naturally, it wasn't the old man's face that attracted him, but the magic box in his hand.

It turned out that Chu Yu was actually an old man who looked half a century old.

At this time, Chu Yu was smiling like a kind old man, without the slightest bit of arrogance in the legend.

Lu Chen raised his lips and smiled, and said directly: "My request is to worship you as my teacher."


The ears of the fox beside Chu Yu blew up even the hair on the tip of the ear, and said angrily: "What are you, you are worthy of being a teacher!"

Lu Chen frowned: "What are you? I'm talking to him, why interrupt?"

"Yo!" Chu Yu raised his brows, "The boy is quite rude."

"I didn't know him at all. He interrupted, not me. How can I be rude?"

"Don't you agree?"

Lu Chen took a few steps forward and stared directly at Chu Yu's clear eyes.

Chu Yu looked Lu Chen up and down with his old eyes, and suddenly smiled brightly: "Okay, I like it. From now on, you will be my apprentice."


Just as Lu Chen followed Chu Yu out of the gate of the auction, he saw Tantai Yuyang walking towards him.

Tantai Yuyang walked up to Lu Chen, and said with a gloomy face, with a strong sense of threat in his words.

"Either kneel down and lick my shoes, or, die. You choose one."

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Tantai Yuyang looked at Zhu Qing and Zhu Ling with narrowed eyes, then looked at Lu Chen with insolence and said, "This is a personal grievance between me and this human race. Regardless of your Zhu family's affairs, it is also with any one of you." The third person has nothing to do with it. Anyone who intervenes is fighting against our entire Beastman clan!"


A loud slap rang out.


Tantai Yuyang fell heavily to the ground after being slapped by Lu Chen for more than ten meters.

In an instant, Tantai Yuyang's right cheek became red and swollen visible to the naked eye.


Tantai Yuyang spat out a mouthful of bruised blood, which contained three or four teeth, and the wings behind him also lost a few hairs.


"It hurts me to death!" Tantai Yuyang screamed miserably, covering his right face.


The auction had just ended, and there were a lot of people at the gate.

Seeing this scene, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took a few steps back involuntarily. It was terrible.

This person actually knocked Tantai Yuyang away!


Tantai Yuyang's own cultivation level has the eighth level of the Demon Commander, this human race looks ugly, how did he do it?

Is his cultivation so terrible!


Tantai Yuyang's bodyguards rushed towards Lu Chen immediately.

But these people didn't touch Lu Chen, they were stopped by Chu Yu with a wave of his hand and powerful magic energy: "He is my apprentice now, if you want to touch him, touch me first."

For a while, people on both sides confronted each other, and the smell of gunpowder was extremely strong!

"kill him!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

Tantai Yuyang's face was gloomy, and he yelled ferociously at a leopard-shaped subordinate next to him.

"Prince, this human race has a very high level of cultivation and is difficult to deal with."

After hearing his words, that Leopard subordinate immediately walked over and whispered in Tantai Yuyang's ear:

"Prince, this is still the site of Shaking Sky Auction, we will surround him outside later."


Suppressing the anger in his heart, Tantai Yuyang looked at Zhu Ling and Zhu Qing, then at Chu Yu, and said: "Okay, it turns out that Elder Chu Yu has already protected him, so spare his life! "

"I warn you, don't look for trouble."

"Otherwise, even the orcs won't be able to keep you!"

Chu Yu looked at Tantai Yuyang coldly and arrogantly, his voice was icy cold, as if it came from hell, it made people shudder.

"let's go!"

Chu Yu winked at Lu Chen, and took the lead to leave here.

Until he left, Lu Chen ignored Tantai Yuyang.

Since he mastered the new usage of the demon soul, in Lu Chen's view, as long as he is under the demon king, no one is his opponent now, so there is no need to be afraid or care at all.

"What the hell, you wait for me, I will definitely kill you!"

"Threatened me!"

Seeing Chu Yu, Lu Chen and others leaving, Tantai Yuyang roared angrily.

The guests at the scene were also very shocked, what happened today was too dramatic, and someone dared to threaten Tantai Yuyang.

This is definitely a big event!

After the group walked out, Lu Chen bid farewell to the Zhu sisters and got on Chu Yu's speeding car.

Zhu Ling threw a token to Lu Chen angrily: "Huh, you are really ruthless. If you climb up to the elder Jizo, you will abandon us! Remember to come back and see us!"

Lu Chen: ""

Zhuqing said goodbye to Lu Chen politely, and said: "Just go to the hotel with the token, and you can find us. Or use the token to stay in the hotel, free board and lodging."

Lu Chen nodded and said goodbye to them solemnly.

"Boy, you are quite charming. The Zhu sisters actually look at you differently." Sitting in the open magic car and looking ahead, Chu Yu said calmly, with a calm face.

Fox Ears is driving the magic cart outside, being a dedicated coachman.

Lu Chen chuckled and said, "Master, if we have something to say, we can go back to your residence and talk about it as much as we want."

Just as the two of them finished speaking, the car suddenly stopped and stopped.


At this moment, four black magic cars surrounded the car where Chase Lu was.

"Tantai Yuyang?"

Chu Yu looked at the car outside, and the huge demon soul directly spread out, sensing a familiar aura.

"Bitch, here I come!"

The cars all stopped, Tantai Yuyang walked out slowly with a gloomy face, and from the several cars behind him, all kinds of orcs came out.

The bear man, the werewolf, and the fox man Lu Chen suddenly felt that they had suddenly arrived at the zoo.

"Boy, I will give you one last chance to hand over all the magic weapons in your body, then cut off your arms and kneel down to beg me, maybe I will spare my life."

"As for, Chu Yu, you old guy is toasting today and not eating fine wine. You first drove away the person I sent you the message, and then stopped me at the door to save face!"

There are about fifty orcs behind Tantai Yuyang, and the first four all have the peak level of demon appearance, and the others are all in the demon commander stage.

He was very confident that he could capture Chu Yu, the Demon Lord, in one fell swoop.

"Today, if you die here, Chu Yu, I believe that mentor Hu Yuan, who is also an orc beside you, will not report to the academy that your death has anything to do with the orc prince!"

"You can die in peace!"

This time because he was completely sure, Tantai Yuyang was extraordinarily arrogant and embarrassing.

"I gave you a chance, since you gave up, don't blame me."

He stretched out his hand to stop Chu Yu who was about to show off his skills. Lu Chen, who was originally very plain, suddenly changed his temperament, like a killing god, domineering and arrogant!

"Hahaha just relying on your demon division period? Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

"Give it to me!"

Tantai Yuyang shouted at his subordinates, and immediately retreated.

A bear man took a step forward directly, and in an instant, an astonishing explosion of magic energy gushed out of him, pressing down on Lu Chen with endless magic pressure.


Faced with this terrifying aura, Lu Chen didn't move at all, a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he snorted coldly.

He quietly wrapped his whole body with the devil soul, and then released a wave of devil soul to press towards the bear man's devil soul.


The spiritual pressure released from Xiongren's body bounced back abruptly, hitting himself hard.

Deng Deng Deng!

The bear man retreated four or five steps in a row before standing still, and then he gestured backwards, and a group of orcs rushed up!

It's now!

Lu Chen spread his hands, and directly wrapped the demon souls of fifty orcs with his powerful demon souls, ready, do it!

Seeing this, Chu Yu on the side thought that Lu Chen was helpless and willing to lead him to death, his eyes sharpened immediately, his magic energy surged, and he summoned his real name magic sword and rushed over.

Anyway, this is the apprentice he recognizes, and just now he wanted to protect the old man's apprentice.

Why, don't allow these bastards to bully you!

"Heavenly Demon Comes to the World!"

A move was launched, and endless white light emitted from the sword light.


More than 50 orcs were killed in one move.

"What?" Chu Yu looked at his hands in disbelief. His cultivation was clear to him. He knew that he was now at the peak of a relatively powerful demon king, but at the peak of a bull's demon king, it was impossible to kill him all at once. So many orcs!


A cry came from afar.

Before Chu Yu could react, a donkey-headed man appeared before his eyes.

"It's you! Old Mo!"

Chu Yu got ready to fight, and looked at the orc in front of him warily.

The orc named Lao Mo had just stood still when he saw a pile of orc corpses - and a human race walking around among the corpses picking up magic bags and rings!

Feeling a line of sight, Lu Chen raised his head and smiled: "Sorry, I killed them before you."

"Master, you were too anxious just now. I'll just kill them myself. If you still do it, don't get tired and take a good rest. Leave this wild donkey to me."

"You!" Hearing Lu Chen's words, Lao Mo was furious, but he held back for the time being, fifty orcs!Even if he could die here like this, this young man picked up the corpse without any panic. .It means that this young man either has a ridiculously high cultivation base, or he has a magic weapon against the sky!

"Mo Bo, you came just in time! Kill him quickly!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tantai Yuyang said impatiently, he was panicking just now when he saw all the subordinates of the orc clan fell down, but now that Mo Bo came, he didn't panic at all.Mo Bo has half a foot into the realm of the Demon King, so much higher than Chu Yu!

"We did something wrong today. On behalf of the orc clan, I apologize to Your Excellency and Elder Chu Yu. That's fine!"

Mo Bo said to Lu Chen very earnestly, wanting to stop there.

"not good!"

To Mo Bo's surprise, as soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen immediately answered without hesitation.

"Mo Bo, hurry up and do it." Tantai Yuyang who was behind couldn't wait any longer, so he said loudly.

"To shut up!"

A roar made Tantai Yuyang's whole body tremble, Mo Bo's face suddenly changed, and he scolded himself loudly.

Moeb what's the matter?

Isn't it just to deal with a trash? As for this, for a while, Tantai Yuyang was a little confused!

"Your Excellency, do you want to take action?" Mo Bo suddenly mobilized his whole body's magic energy to be on guard, and said to Lu Chen.

"Master rest!"

Lu Chen directly mobilized the demon, and cooperated with his swordsmanship to attack together. At the same time, the demon soul was also mobilizing, attacking the demon in front of him.

Seeing Lu Chen's attack, Mo Bo's face was calm, and he also shot.

If it was Chu Yu who made the move, he would definitely be jealous of the three-pointer, but this young man directly sacrificed the demon.Then it means that he is just a demon-dividing period, so what is there to be afraid of?

But it's just about his one foot, Mo Bo is sure that his own kick is enough to kick the boy half to death!

But when Mo Bo's palm released the magic element, his face suddenly changed, and he was extremely shocked.


Mo Bo took seven or eight steps back, but Lu Chen still stood where he was.

Then Mo Bo found himself standing there unable to move, it seemed that the power in the demon soul was passing away rapidly.

Lu Chen secretly used his demon soul to connect to Lingtian World, and then used his will to quickly guide Lingtian World to absorb this demon's demon soul.

"Look at the sword!"

Without a moment's pause, Lu Chen directly waved the magic sword and stepped forward.


In Tantai Yuyang's eyes, Mo Bo, who was highly cultivated, spat out a mouthful of blood, and the wound on his chest also gushed out blood, his face instantly turned pale.


Lu Chen directly slapped Mo Bo, who made Tantai Yuyang proud of his inner strength, and flew out.

Without any moves, without any tricks, it was just an ordinary move, and the half-step demon king flew out.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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