Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2784 Crazy

"Guests, first of all welcome everyone to come. This auction will be hosted by me. I am very sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." Yuluan on the stage said calmly and directly, "Next, the auction officially begins!"

The noisy noise in the field gradually weakened, and countless eyes turned to the main stage, their eyes were full of fire.

The seats in the auction are set up according to the asset evaluation of the bidders, and the location of the hall is a reference set by ordinary nobles or people with status in the world.

The private rooms at the east and west ends are prepared for the bosses of the local second-class nobles.In addition to setting up seats, some tea and snacks are also provided.

The entire auction house has three floors. As for the four private rooms on the third floor, only VIPs invited by the auction house or people with high status can sit here.

"First, let's invite the first auction item."

The staff invited the first auction item to the stage.

Yuluan lifted off the red hijab of the auction item, revealing the true face of the first auction item.

"Extreme grade magic jade."

"This top-grade magic jade has been identified as a middle-grade top-grade jade. The energy stored in one piece is equivalent to 100 million magic stones. It is equivalent to the total energy of 1 million magic crystals. After use, it can continue to store energy, and it will bring It can help to speed up the practice a hundred times, and I believe that if everyone here can get it, the cultivation base will definitely improve by a thousand miles."

Yu Luan talked to this piece of magic jade, the luster of the magic jade was flowing, obviously full of energy.

"The starting price is 500 million top-grade magic stones, please start bidding."

"600 million." The bidder was a middle-aged fat man, his rough voice broke the silence.

"650 million." A voice came from the box next door.The voice is sharp and distinctive, which is very suitable for the image of Birdman.

Hearing this voice, Zhuqing subconsciously frowned, obviously annoyed by the owner of this voice.

As soon as this sound came out, the audience was suddenly silent.

If there is an asking price in the box, a circle of lights outside the box will light up in response.

Now everyone in the audience could see that this was the VIP room on the second floor, and most people could recognize that the voice was Tantai Yuyang.

The orc clan was originally the existence of Dong Jing who was in charge of the half-land army, and Tantai Yuyang not only had a huge background, but also had a famous reputation.

Once a weak human race offended him, and he surrounded him with half the city's army and wiped out his family directly.

This guy is a vengeful master.

Ordinary nobles can't afford to provoke him.

Everyone fell silent, Yuluan on the stage frowned slightly, and again, as an auctioneer, she was the worst way to suppress the price and interfere with the business.

Although her background is that she doesn't have to be afraid of Tantai, she can't raise the price by herself.

Tantai Yuyang in the box curled his lips proudly, he likes this feeling of suppressing all forces and being on top of all the people.Hmph, according to the current speed of development, the orc race will definitely be able to thoroughly question Lord Dongjing within a thousand years.

He cast a vicious glance at the box next door, and when the time comes, no matter what plant family or others, they must all surrender at his feet!

When the time comes, he wants to watch these women from the Zhu family all tactfully and happily under him!Howling!

"700 million!"

A voice suddenly sounded, and the surrounding was silent again.

Tantai Yuyang's identity, his temper, his background, any one of them is enough to make people flatter and dare not offend. Now that he has let go, who else dares to disobey?

I don't know good from bad, so bold!

Didn't you see that other people are afraid to speak?This person dares to continue bidding!

Is it some kind of land turtle aristocrat who is new here?I don't know anything, so I dare to fight against the orc prince!

Everyone looked around for the short call just now, and someone with sharp eyes saw Yuluan on the stage looking up at a certain box on the second floor.

second floor?

This is also a precious existence!

Who is this person?

Can he compete against Tantai Yuyang?

They all wanted to know, but because Chase Lu was in the VIP room, it was hard to tell.


Tantai Yuyang smashed the stone table with his palm, his heart was full of anger, unexpectedly, he dared to argue with him!

Looking for death?

He looked at the wall connected to the next door, and the hatred in the eagle's eyes was almost bleeding.

"Okay, then 1000!"

When everyone heard Tantai Yuyang's stern voice, those who were familiar with his temperament couldn't help but tremble.He was really angry. It seemed that this man did not end well. They all sentenced Lu Chen and his family to death in their hearts.

However, Chase Lu sneered at this. He hated orcs in the first place, not to mention that this bird man dared to fight against him.

He didn't care about getting the magic jade, he just wanted to play with him.

When Ling Tian's world is completely running successfully, will he, the master of the world, still lack the treasures of heaven and earth?

He has Ling Tian in his hands now, not to mention the beastman race, he is a powerhouse in half of the Demon God Continent, as long as he is dragged into Ling Tian's world by him.

It's all fish on his chopping board!

But this time he is not blindly arrogant, in addition to venting his anger, the most important thing is that the practice itself pays attention to refining the mind, and it is the joy to be hearty.Moreover, if you want to attract the madman from Ksitigarbha Academy, how can you not be more mad than him!

He has been dormant before, which is to comply with the principle of the weak to cultivate their health and rest.

Now, it's time for him to act freely!

Lu Chen smiled slightly and said without hesitation: "5000 million!"

The entire auction fell silent again.

"You!" Zhu Ling's eyes widened, "Brother Lu Chen, what are you doing? This magic jade is not worth so much!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Boy! I know you are the one brought by Zhuqing. But just by you, can you come up with so many high-grade magic stones? It's not a good habit to eat soft food, and you might be torn apart wherever you go ! Even the whole clan will fall into a situation where life would be worse than death!"

Tantai Yuyang said with a gloomy expression, his words were full of threats.

"I will give out 6000 million top-grade magic stones!"

Since his birth, no one has dared to refute his words, even to challenge the majesty of the orc race!

This time, no matter what distinguished guest he is, no matter what his background is!

He, Tantai Yuyang, wanted to tear this person into pieces, and then find out his whole family and torture them to death one by one!

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and said without moving: "[-] million top-grade magic stones!"


There were gasps one after another in the auction room, and they were all startled by this person who was against Tantai Yuyang.

Not to mention his guts to risk his life, but he was able to spend such a large amount of money for the little magic jade at one time, which is very admirable.

This middle-grade magic jade is very rare and not bad, and 3000 million top-grade magic stones is the top price.

There will be no shortage of magic stones who can enter this place for auction, but it is the first one that can be made in this way.

This isn't buying anything anymore, it's all about having fun with money.

Moreover, he dared to oppose the entire orc clan behind Tantai Yuyang!

"I dare say that this person is from another place, and he doesn't understand that we will not fall into the city at all."

"Not only that, it's because you don't understand Dongjing at all! How dare you go against the prince of the orc clan!"

"This is a catastrophe!"

"If people from the other three realms dare to do this, they won't be afraid of the Tantai family and the orcs!"

"Fart, you don't know how powerful the orc clan is now. It is said that three-fifths of the army of the Demon God Continent are now the orc army!"

Lu Chen's demon soul is powerful, and he can hear the discussions below, but he doesn't care.

"Brother Lu Chen, if you come here alone, you can stay at my house during this period."

Zhuqing smiled slightly. She grew up here and knew Tantai Yuyang's virtues very well, so she worried that Lu Chen would be plotted against by seeking revenge.

"How brave!"

Tantai Yuyang was furious, and murderous intent surged in his body.

He thought that he just gave Lu Chen a face by speaking out to suppress him, how dare he!How dare you!

Tantai Yuyang's murderous aura has gradually permeated the entire auction along with the surge of devilish energy and the rampage of the devil's essence.

Yuluan was on the stage, sneering coldly in her heart, she didn't dare to make a move here with such a big-headed Yu Yangtian, she wanted to see what the first person in a thousand years who dared to challenge the orc tribe looked like, How will it be dealt with.

Lu Chen smiled coldly, and said directly: "I bid [-] million, will anyone continue?"

Yu Luan raised his slender eyebrows, this man is really brave.

Immediately showed a professional smile, sweetly said: "Okay, now [-] million times"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

Tantai Yuyang managed to suppress the anger in his heart, now it is not a matter of the value of the magic jade, it is a matter of the face of his orc clan!

He is the orc prince, so he must fight for this, no one can surpass him!No one can cross the Orcs!

As for that lowly human race, he can guarantee that as long as he walks out of this auction, he will die without a place to bury him!

He didn't believe that the plant race would turn against the orc race for some noble guest of the human race!

What's more, what great guests will the human race have?

They are nothing but lowly slaves!

"I'm going, is this Tantaiying man crazy?" Zhu Ling's small face was full of shock, "Is he still arguing for this price?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly: "However, he also cares about his own face, doesn't he?"

He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has always understood what these so-called playboys are thinking.Therefore, there has always been one pit and one accuracy, let alone a birdman with a small brain.

He touched his magic bag, which contained a dozen or so eighth-grade magic weapons that had been successfully refined before departure.

That's it, the value is only [-] million high-grade magic stones.

Lu Chen has always been very confident and never fights uncertain battles.

However, this is the end of the matter, Lu Chen smiled slightly and stopped bidding.

No matter how it goes on, the birdman will follow the price, because it is a matter of his face.But he, Lu Chen, didn't want to waste time anymore, so he just waited for that seventh-rank demon spirit.

As a result, when everyone, including Tantai Yuyang, was waiting for the person to continue bidding, it took a while to hear any movement.

The entire auction was so quiet that you could almost hear a needle drop.

Yuluan on the stage smiled so sincerely for the first time in thousands of years when bidding, and said, "One time for 1000 million, two times for 1000 million, three times for 1000 million. Deal!"

Ever since the orc clan became more and more powerful, their auction items had never been sold at a comfortable price.

Today, this Tantai Yuyang can be regarded as making up for the shortfall of nearly a hundred years.

How can she be unhappy?

As for the guests in the box on the second floor, she is very interested to know more about it at the moment.

It's different from other people's thinking that the person died because he was finally afraid of Tantai or ran out of money.Based on so many years of experience in dealing with people, Yuluan is sure that that person is playing tricks and that he himself will be very capable.

Her vision is never wrong.

It's just that Yuluan glanced at the box secretly while handing over the auction items.For so many years, no one in Dongjing can suppress the orc prince. Where did this person come from?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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