Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2746 Three Tests

The leader of the alliance, Wang Wukui, gave the old man a grateful look.Then he ordered: "Your name is Lu Chen, right? Congratulations on passing the first level of the heart-training assessment. Our evaluation is excellent, and the next one is the strength assessment. I hope you can continue to work hard!"

"Yes!" Lu Chen nodded and said yes, and the observer Wang surnamed said it on the way.The assessment results are: excellent, good, and poor.As long as there is a level with a poor score, you will miss the leader candidate.

If you pass three levels, you can become a leader candidate if you get Quanliang.It's just that the ranking will be very low, and the training and attention received will also be lower.

If you can get all excellent, the ranking will be even higher.The more potential people have, the higher the training and attention they receive.

Candidate ranking is a comprehensive ranking for each individual.The higher the front, the greater the training you get.

The selection of candidates for the leader of the alliance begins within a hundred years of the tenure of the leader of the alliance.From the Western Territory to find Qi Dao geniuses who have no background and no sect, it will be closed after a hundred years.There are as many candidates who pass the three tests.No longer increasing, but decreasing.

There is another assessment every hundred years, and each assessment will eliminate 30.00% of the candidates, and these eliminated candidates can continue to practice at the headquarters.You can also serve as the head of the branch alliance, even if you leave, you don't force it.

After 300 years, 90.00% of the candidates are eliminated.The last hundred years, and from the remaining ten percent.Choose the best one to take over as the leader of the alliance.

This complete set of procedures has been run by the Refining Alliance for tens of thousands of years.It has already become very perfect, and there are very few mistakes.

The content of the third level is not kept secret, you can prepare early.It's just whether you can pass it, and what kind of score you will get after passing it.Then it depends on your real talents and learning. If you want to fish in troubled waters, you are in the wrong place.

The leader of this year's general alliance is Wang Wukui, who has been selected for a century now.80 years have passed, and 20 more years before the selection will be cancelled.Now there are 35 candidates, which is equivalent to 35 rankings.

The strength assessment of the second level is in the assessment hall not far away.

Chase Lu followed behind the 13 people, and many people stopped to watch along the way.Then I went to my own business, and each of these people was very strong.

But it is also very busy, just like the scientific researchers on the earth.Apart from his own research and refining, he basically doesn't care about other things.

Even if you pay attention to it a little bit, it's just a moment.

There will not be that kind of crowd watching, after all, this is not a sect force known for its strength.This is the Artifact Refining Alliance, the fundamental base of the Artifact Xuanzong, a holy place for a group of like-minded artisans, and the men and women here are all improving their artifact refining skills.Looking forward to becoming a master already!

What a lovely bunch of people!

This is Lu Chen's evaluation of them!

In the assessment hall, there are three portals.Each portal reads: Refining Heart, Strength, and Weapon Refining.Simple and clear, easy to understand.

Wang Wukui pointed to the portal of strength and said, "Lu Chen, you can go in now, perform well!"


After Lu Chen saluted Wang Wukui and the twelve Supreme Elders, he walked into the portal marked with strength.

It is said to be a portal, but it is just a layer of light mask.Lu Chen passed through directly, but Lu Chen's figure appeared in the mask.A guard had prepared thirteen chairs for Wang Wukui and the twelve Supreme Elders to sit on.

You can see Lu Chen's performance scoring in the mask.

When Chase Lu passed through the portal, he felt as if he had traveled through a time and space.I knew in my heart that the portal was a teleportation formation.Looking up, it is a sandy space.The ground is made up of sand, and there are dots of light in the sky.

It was only these bright lights that allowed Chase Lu to see the surrounding environment clearly.It gave Chase Lu a strange feeling, as if the eyes were hidden in the bright light.Lu Chen had a feeling of being spied on, but he didn't care.

Strength assessment is nothing more than an assessment of a person's overall combat effectiveness.After all, the grade of an instrument master is linked to one's own realm.And the strength of the strength requires the support of the realm.

The three are in a complementary relationship, and if one party loses the chain, don't think about the other two.

Lu Chen took a step forward, and the ground suddenly burst.A bright light above the head suddenly descended rapidly, and merged into the sand 30 meters away from Chase Lu.

Then, in Chase Lu's eyes, the bright spots and the sand quickly merged.A sand warrior as tall as a person appeared in Lu Chen's sight.Said it was a warrior, but Chase Lu knew it was a puppet warrior.

The one that can only be defeated but not killed, that bright spot is its driving core and part of the entire assessment space.

The puppet warrior's body shook, and the sandy body became condensed.The breath shown is the same as that of Lu Chen, and it is also a mid-mage.And in its hands, it also held a pair of giant sand hammers.

Rumbling footsteps sounded, and the puppet warrior charged towards Chase Lu.

Lu Chen's four-art demon is beyond the existence of a master.You can tell the weakness of this puppet just by looking at it.It is the bright spot on the heart, as long as the bright spot is knocked out of the sandy body, it will be killed!

Lu Chen made a move with his right hand, and a fifth-level top-grade magic sword appeared on his right hand.On the position of the hilt, there is also the exclusive mark of Lu Chen.The feet tapped slightly on the ground, and the body turned into an afterimage.

Passing by the rushing puppet warrior, Lu Chen's body appeared ten meters behind the puppet warrior.

The puppet warriors, however, kept their charging posture unchanged.Just lying quietly on the ground between its body and Chase Lu, was a shiny hexagonal rhomboid crystal.

But the puppet warrior turned into a handful of sand in the next second.

"This sword is very good, fast and accurate!"

"Although there are no moves, the judgment is accurate. The landing point is also steady and ruthless! He is a good seed!"

"Not bad."

The 13 people sitting in the assessment hall watched Lu Chen's actions on the mask just now.They all nodded in appreciation, and Wang Wukui also nodded in satisfaction.

The bright spots on the ground trembled slightly, and then the group of bright spots above the head landed another one.Then behind Chase Lu, he condensed into a puppet warrior as tall as a person again.It's just that the strength of the puppet warrior this time has been upgraded to the late stage of the magician.

Moreover, the weakness of this puppet warrior has also changed from one to two.Still holding the giant hammer in both hands, he charged towards Chase Lu again.This time the charge was faster and more powerful.

With a smile on the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, he twisted and turned his body.Immediately, he passed by the puppet warrior, but Lu Chen's sword move was blocked by a giant hammer.


The blow didn't work, and Chase Lu was not in a hurry.Instead, they fit together again and fought with the puppet warriors.In the midst of flying sand and dirt, three strokes passed.

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When the sand fell, there were no puppet warriors on the ground.There are only two diamond-shaped crystals lying quietly on the ground.

"Have you seen the source of this kid's moves?"

"No, it's a bit like Ye Luzi. It's also a bit of a simple way!"

"I also feel that there is a charm of greatness and simplicity, but it shouldn't be! From the intelligence point of view, this Lu Chen is obviously just a casual cultivator of a magician!"

"It's not that it shouldn't be, it's impossible at all. Even if you and I are both strong in the realm of Demon Lords, we still don't have the ability.

Do you think this little doll is there?I think this little doll should have comprehended the artistic conception of swordsmanship.Only in this way can the complexity be simplified, with the charm of the avenue to simplicity. "

"Hmm, it's possible!"

Among the 13 people outside, several people quarreled.Wang Wukui and the first general leader did not intervene, but were very satisfied with Lu Chen's performance.

If you fail to fight against puppet fighters of the same level, it is bad.If you beat someone in the same realm, you are good, and if you can beat someone whose realm is one level higher than your own, you are excellent.If you can beat someone who is two levels higher than your own, then you are double excellent!

Double excellence means that even if one of the assessments is not passed.It can also be used to defeat, if able to defeat, puppet warriors whose realm is three levels higher than their own.That is all excellent, even if you fail to refine your heart and weapons, you can become a candidate for all excellent.

Candidate selection, although it depends on three aspects of assessment.It's just that whether it's refining the heart or refining the weapon, both can be improved through acquired efforts.Only the level of strength is fundamental.

The stronger the strength and the higher the realm, the longer one will naturally live.The longer you live, the more time you will have to study the art of forging and temper your mind.

So when a puppet warrior of the magician Dzogchen appeared on the mask screen.The Supreme Elders who were still arguing just now became completely silent.They all looked at it with anticipation, hoping that the handsome figure inside could accomplish the feat of Quan You.

After all, only one of today's 35 candidates has come close to accomplishing the feat.He has already been recognized by many Supreme Elders as the next Chief Alliance Leader.

The three diamond-shaped spars merged with the sand, as Lu Chen expected.What appeared in front of me was a puppet warrior of the Dzogchen magician, with three bright spots on its forehead, chest, and waist.

A huge coercion enveloped Lu Chen, and the huge double hammers touched lightly.The air was exploding, rushing towards Chase Lu forcefully.

Lu Chen's eyes changed from the original looseness to concentration.At the same time, the magic element in the body was roaring.

Rubbing his feet together left an afterimage on the ground. After avoiding the attack of the double hammers, his body appeared behind the puppet warrior on the left.The magic sword in his hand stabs trickily, the bright spot on the puppet warrior's waist.

It's just that the puppet warrior of the magician Dzogchen, the reaction speed and magic activity have been improved too much.Lu Chen's magic sword was shaken away by a powerful force, and Lu Chen's body was also shaken back.

But the puppet warrior rushed up again, and the double hammers cleared the way and continued to hit Lu Chen.

The gap in realm has led to the unequal strength between the two.If it is a human being, it has weaknesses because it has thoughts.Therefore, Chase Lu is confident that he can win the battle, but he meets a puppet warrior who has no pain-sensing thoughts.

Chase Lu can only see the tricks, looking for opportunities to defeat it little by little.

The two figures were tossing and turning in the sand, and Chase Lu was at a disadvantage from the very beginning.It's just a magic sword, impervious to water used by Lu Chen.Even if the power of the puppet fighters is dominant, they cannot break through Chase Lu's defense.

Every attack by Chase Lu was also resisted by the puppet warriors again and again.Seemingly returning in vain, Lu Chen didn't show any discouraged look on his face.On the contrary, his eyes became more focused, and his offensive became stronger and stronger.

"This kid is completely a fighting madman who has been delayed by Qi Dao!"

"Who says it's not! It's so strong in actual combat, I'm still the first to see it among weapon masters."

"If you are not strong, can you become the successor of the Extraordinary Grandmaster?"

"How do I feel that his actual combat ability is stronger than Chen Wuyi?"

"It's not a feeling, but a fact. Don't look at Chen Wuyi's strength realm breaking through the realm of a magician, if he is in the same realm as Lu Chen.

Lu Chen can hang and beat him, when he was in the assessment.But relying on the nine magic swords and using the sword array to bless it for so long.And Chase Lu is really powerful! "

"Knowing sword formation is also part of strength!"

"Old Monster Dong, let me remind you. The candidate for the leader is held in a fair and just manner. You can't favor Chen Wuyi just because you have a good relationship with him. If I know about it, don't blame me for not thinking about friendship. Already!"

"Fuck! Old Zhang blames you for being so bloody and spitting! I, Dong Feihong, am not that kind of person!"

"Okay, stop arguing!"

The crowd was noisy, and two of them almost staged a full martial arts.

The others quickly stopped them, but the two of them stared at each other.

Wang Wukui looked at it begging for help, and the first general leader took a look.Nalan Cheng, the first general leader, stared.Shout out: "Enough!"

The audience suddenly fell silent, and Dong Feihong and Zhang Hua were still staring at each other.But he didn't say anything more, Nalan Cheng still had to give him face.

Nalan Cheng said in a deep voice: "I don't care how you get along with these candidates or even associate with them. I would like to remind everyone here, don't forget the former Wang Zhan. How did he die and what did he die for?" You can all think clearly, I hope you don't make mistakes!"

As soon as the name of "Wang Zhan" came out, even Dong Feihong and Zhang Hua.My heart was also beating wildly, and I didn't dare to say anything harsh again.Even his eyes became terrified. The name Wang Zhan was a taboo in the Artifact Refining Alliance.

Only Nalancheng dared to mention it, and only he would mention it.Because this person is his grandson, an ambitious man who wants to turn the Artifact Refining Alliance into his own private property.It was he who secretly trained the candidates of that class and made his son the number one existence.

At that time, several people who were better than his son were traveling or treasure hunting.Unexplained death, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world.In the end, he still found out and was executed by Nalan Cheng.

Along with Nalan Cheng's family of apprentices, as well as the somewhat decayed families of the Wang family.They were all destroyed by Nalan Cheng, so they are in the current Artifact Refining Alliance.These Supreme Elders never mentioned the matter of the third Chief Alliance Leader.

The matter of Wang Zhan was also regarded as a wake-up call by the elders and the current leader of the alliance.After all, colluding with candidates and suppressing other candidates.

This is a serious crime of death and Taoism, as long as they are discovered, they will attack in groups.At that time, it doesn't matter whether you are the former leader of the alliance, or whether you are the Supreme Elder.

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