Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2745 Huntian Magic Hammer

There are very few sunny girls who can get out of the hurt of the scumbag, and this kind of girl is the rarest.He has a strong heart and can distinguish right from wrong.

So Wang Zhi is very grateful to Lu Chen, and if he doesn't like it, don't tease him.If you flirt, you have to be responsible, otherwise you are a scumbag.A scumbag is the worst character, and often ends badly!

After a burst of dazzling light, the figures of Lu Chen and the others disappeared in a ball of light.And Wang Qimeng also threw herself into Wang Zhi's arms and burst into tears, because she knew it.The person you like doesn't like yourself.No response today and never will.

Is it really hard to be together in this life?It's hard for Lu Chen to be hard-hearted, can't he give himself a little fantasy?Is it really so inconspicuous that I am stumped?Shouts roared in my heart, and reproaches sounded in my mind.

Wang Zhi's face was also full of sadness, and he comforted: "Mengmeng, you like Master Lu Chen and I support you. But you have also seen that Lu Chen is undoubtedly the best among people in the same realm. Then you Want him to like you.

You have to catch up with him and stand shoulder to shoulder with him.Only then is it possible to be together!Otherwise, the gap between you will become wider and wider, and the hope of being together will become increasingly slim. "

Looking at the dejected master and apprentice, Mo Qianhua who knew about Wang Zhi's situation.I don't feel very good in my heart, it's just that emotional matters are the most difficult to see through.Those who can see through are Fang Wai experts!

Everyone is pursuing the best partner, but many people have the same idea.The result of more wolves and less meat is that they hurt others and themselves.Love in fairy tales is a lie.

Although Cowherd and Weaver Girl fell in love with each other, they were forced to separate because of the huge gap in identities.If Yuanshi Tianzun fell in love with Zhinu, do you think the Queen Mother would object?

Those devils who practice the way of ruthlessness are also so crazy and ruthless when their hearts are broken!

During the transmission process, it is impossible to feel the passage of time.The periphery of the body will also be protected by a defensive mask, and Chase Lu feels that only a moment has passed.He stood on the ground again, and at the same time, he also remembered Wang Qimeng's sad appearance just now.

It's not that Lu Chen is unfeeling to get rid of it from his mind.But there are some feelings that cannot be accepted.It's the kind of person who likes him just by looking at him, and falls in love with him after being with him for a few days.This is not real love, it's just the five senses of the body.

It's like seeing a beautiful woman on the street, as long as the man is healthy physically and mentally.There will be a feeling of liking, and you can't believe that this is love just because of this.

That is, your brain is affected by vision, and you will still have such thoughts when you see a beautiful woman again.

Many people have some friends of the opposite sex, and many of these friends are also very good.You can't think that it's love just because someone spends a few days with you happily.

Love is the gratification of two feelings, mutual liking, and long-term companionship.Instead of deciding at a glance, that kind of love is too easy to dissipate.Naturally, it can't stand the test, because of the love you get because you are beautiful or handsome.As soon as the wind blows, it will be scattered!

No matter how beautiful and handsome the face is, there will be a day of aesthetic fatigue.At that time, some people will continue to believe in love, but some people will think that it is a sign of not loving.So one by one joys and sorrows, emotional entanglements, grievances and hatred will be staged.

Unless one reaches the realm of a demon, one's appearance will always remain the same.It's just that you can achieve it, can she?Just like Lu Chen lived in seclusion on the earth, and once met two women he liked.They have also married before, so what happened?

They gradually grow old until they die.But Chase Lu is always young, this kind of love is so tormenting.Not only Lu Chen was sad, but the two women were also heartbroken.This is more desperate than emotional betrayal.

So Lu Chen has been celibate since then until he met Liu Jiaqi.Under Liu Mingda's arrangement, the two got married, and Lu Chen also made this decision because of the expiration of his weakness.If it was thousands of years ago, Chase Lu would definitely not accept it.

Because I can't bear it anymore, the kind of watching the beloved woman grow old or even die.And look helpless!

"Brother Lu, you are right!"

Hearing the voice of the observation envoy surnamed Wang, Lu Chen turned his head to look.But it was found that the three observers in the distracted state had slightly red eyes at this time.Once the tears welled up, they dissipated them with great force.

It seems that these three have also encountered similar emotional entanglements.If you think about it, even a thousand-year-old monster in the realm of a demon general will still be young.Who in the world dares to say that their relationship is always happy!

Lu Chen took a deep breath, and then let it out long.He smiled and said, "Three big brothers, let's go."

"Okay! Brother Lu, come with me."

The observer surnamed Wang wanted to restore the reddish eye sockets when his body shook.Then he took Lu Chen and walked out of the teleportation array in a quiet room.

Only then did Lu Chen notice that the area of ​​this quiet room was at least tens of thousands of square meters.Among them are hundreds of teleportation flags, and some powerful guards are patrolling in the distance.

Seeing Lu Chen and his party of four coming, the guards hurried over to say hello.Looking at Lu Chen's eyes, there was a hint of flattery.The task of the three observers is to bring all the Qi Dao geniuses in the Western Territory here to accept the test.No matter whether they pass the examination or not, the Artifact Refining Alliance will accept them.

Moreover, this kind of genius has a high status in the refining alliance.Therefore, the guards all wanted to get acquainted with each other first.

In case Lu Chen passed the assessment, he became a candidate for the new leader.At that time, it was necessary to choose a personal guard, and the personal guard was selected from the guards.At this time, if you look familiar, if you are selected by then.Then fly to the top!

The three observers also knew what the guards were thinking, but they didn't stop them.I still understand this principle of being a human being, and the three of them actually stand out from the bodyguards.If they hadn't been selected by the current leader, the three of them would not have the status they have today.

These guards also knew the depth, so they didn't lick their faces to seek friendship.Instead, he smiled kindly at Chen Lu and continued to patrol.

When he walked out of the huge quiet room, Lu Chen also learned the thoughts of the guards from the mouth of the observer named Wang.

Ordinary demon cultivators who joined the Artifact Refining Alliance all started as bodyguards.Then through their own efforts, obtain resources to practice.Whether you can stand out depends entirely on your own efforts.

And a craftsman with a skill level like Lu Chen will naturally have a higher status than a guard.It's just that how much higher it can be depends on one's own ability.

In the Artifact Refining Alliance, all weapon masters below the sixth level belong to the middle level, and only the weapon masters above the seventh level.Only then can we reach the top level, because we are in the Four Arts Alliance.All have a title.

Levels [-], [-] and [-] are craftsmen who have just graduated as apprentices.Levels [-], [-] and [-] belong to master craftsmen and mid-level craftsmen, who can leave name stamps on crafted crafts.Seven to nine belong to the refining master.Not only has a separate title, but also is admired by the world!

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Every master in the devil world, no matter which one of the four arts.They are all the guests of the major super magic sects!

Walking out of the quiet room, Lu Chen came to the outside world.However, he was attracted by the dome in the sky. It turned out that the Artifact Refining Alliance was not established outside, but belonged to a magic weapon hidden in the void.

"Although our Artifact Refining Alliance is located in the area between the Thousand Stars Domain and the Shensha Domain, it also has a sphere of influence of tens of thousands of miles, but the headquarters are all in a nine-level super-grade living space magic weapon. Therefore, here The density of magic energy is thirty times that of the outside world!"

"This ninth-level super-grade magic weapon is the Hunting Sky Hammer, the symbol of our Artifact Refining Alliance! Like the magic hammer on the purple robes of every craftsman, it is a miniature version of the Hunting Sky Hammer.

The formation described above is connected with the Huntian Hammer.As long as one enters the Hunting Hammer, the truth will be known immediately.Look at the token in my hand, there is the breath of the Hunting Hammer inside. "

"If you don't hold this kind of token, you want to go through the teleportation array outside. Going directly to the inside of the Hunting Hammer, that's wishful thinking!"

Lu Chen nodded, and then under the leadership of the three observers surnamed Wang.All the way to the distance, a building that looks like a magic hammer is walking.

This building is very different, it is a model building with a magic hammer.It's just magnified millions of times, and it's directly formed by houses and pavilions.

Through the introduction of the observation envoy surnamed Wang, Lu Chen knew that there was the headquarters of the Artifact Refining Alliance, and only the surrounding buildings were formations with different functions.

Along the way, Chase Lu also saw many natural treasures that were already on the verge of extinction.It is everywhere in this space, and every kind of natural treasure has an independent formation.

Along the way, here is not only the formation, but also the formation.No one was seen, according to the explanation of Wang's observer.There is formation protection here, and every small formation is connected with the large formation protecting the mountain.

Unless the large formation is destroyed, no one can break through these small formations.Therefore, no one needs to be guarded, just remember to collect and plant at intervals.

Walking into the Magic Hammer complex, Lu Chen saw a large number of people.Eighty percent of these people are guards.There are only 1% of instrument masters.Permanently stationed at the headquarters of the Weapon Refining Alliance, there are about [-] weapon masters above level [-].

Based on this calculation, there should be about 4 guards.A huge headquarters, only 5 people.It seems that there are few, but we must know the inside of these people.The ones with the lowest strength are all demon cultivators above the realm of demon generals.

Even if it is a super demon, a strong man above the level of a demon general.Not more than 5 people!There are only [-] to [-] people in the top magic sect.

No wonder the Four Arts Alliance can compete with the five super magic gates.Become an equal existence!

After passing the token inspection, Lu Chen and his party of four were released.Lu Chen was led to a large hall by the observation envoy surnamed Wang. On the door plaque of this main hall, the words "Deliberative Hall" were written.

After being notified and entering, Chase Lu saw thirteen strong men with the momentum of the sea.Sitting in the middle is a middle-aged man who is a demon general, and he is very burly at this time.

The arms are extremely thick, and the muscles on them are like dragon tendons.Moreover, this person was only wearing a vest, which seemed extremely simple.But it gives people an aura of domineering the world, making people dare not feel contemptuous!

There are six middle-aged and elderly people on the left and right sides, but they are more imposing. All 12 of them are powerful demon generals, and there are even two Dzogchens among them.

If you have never seen such a battle, you may have been overwhelmed by the momentum of the 13 people and dare not look up.And under the lock of this powerful air mechanism, it will reveal an unbearable side.

It's just that this kind of test, which is similar to getting off the horse, is common to Lu Chen.Not to mention them, even if it is the momentum of a group of devil emperors.Don't even want Chase Lu to bow his head, if it wasn't for the physical realm not allowing it.

As long as Lu Chen shows the Demon Emperor level Demon Soul Realm, I believe that these people will be scared out of their wits.

"Steady mind, firm heart!"

The burly man in the middle looked at Lu Chen's indifferent expression.Putting away his aura, he smiled heartily.

"Yes, it is indeed a good seedling!"

"In my opinion, the potential of this child is simply unfathomable!"

"That's right, I sensed it too. This is a dragon that hasn't grown up yet."

"Xiaomo is still good, he found such a super talented kid for us."

"Yeah, there must be a big reward!"

"It's too early to say these things. The test of mind and Dao Xin is only the first level. The remaining two levels are the key points."

"I believe this little guy can pass the other two levels, is there any bet?"

"You old gambler, die while you die. We also believe that this little family can pass, or you sit on the bank and bet that he will not pass."

"That's right, that's right! Do you dare to sit in the village?"

"Ahem, pretend I didn't say it!"

The twelve people on both sides were talking a lot, and it was a little funny for Lu Chen to stand in the middle.But the burly man sitting in the middle looked like he was having a headache.It's just that no matter in terms of strength or status, these twelve people are beyond his control.

Even if he is the general leader of the Artifact Refining Alliance in name.But the people on both sides are the former Chief Alliance Leader, and now the Supreme Elder.As long as there are important events, the general leader is just a mouthpiece.The decision-making power is in the hands of the elders of the Twelve Supremes, and only the chief ally has the final say in normal times.

The three observers surnamed Wang outside the hall saw their master's deflated appearance.Want to laugh but dare not laugh, and dare not show it.These former general lords are now all superior in strength.Moreover, they have let themselves go in character, just like a group of old children.

"Okay, the junior is still there. See if you still look like the elders?"

Those two Mohou Dzogchen who had been silent all this time, one of them spoke like an old man.The audience was silent for a moment, each and every one of them looked like children who made mistakes.Sit down with your eyes watching your nose and your nose watching your heart.

The one who spoke was the first generation of the General Alliance Leader.Nature has a different weight in everyone's heart, if he hadn't proposed it.The leader of the 500-year system, how can there be such people behind.

If he hadn't chosen to abdicate at the beginning, he would still be the general leader of the Artifact Refining Alliance now.Of course, in that case, the Artifact Refining Alliance might not be as strong as it is now.

But the existence of the Artifact Refining Alliance is not for hegemony.It is a place where a group of like-minded tool masters study and discuss the way of tools together.

Therefore, in the hearts of all the people in the refining alliance, he is a great talent and strategy.It is also as intelligent as the sea, so no matter how noisy it is usually.As long as he speaks, the whole place will become quiet.

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