Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2702 Living Dark Demon

Lu Chen's heart sank.The vicious ape took him into this mysterious hall. It was not a good thing for Lu Chen not to see him at this time. Thinking of that simple and honest face, Lu Chen had some doubts in his heart: "Could it be that the simple and honest appearance of the monkey before this is all pretending?" Yes, the purpose is to lead me into this hall?"

The more he thought about it, the more Lu Chen felt that this was the case, and his body tensed up.

However, at this moment, the only thing he can rely on is the sword in his hand.

But at this moment, the fierce ape ran out from the entrance of the side hall with a box of pills in his hand. Seeing the appearance of the fierce ape, Lu Chen felt relieved.

The vicious ape handed the round pill in his hand to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen couldn't help being surprised when he looked carefully.

It turned out to be a whole box of pills, and Lu Chen took out a small piece and put it in his mouth.There was a sudden coolness, and the thick aura flowed from the mouth to the body and then to the limbs.

"This is a nourishing pill, where did you get it?"

Lu Chen took one and returned the rest to the ape.For example, there are many kinds of pills for nourishing the body, and Lu Chen knows many kinds. This kind of pills can be regarded as basic pills, not to mention big treasures.

But it would be different if he found some alchemy recipes. Recently, Lu Chen wanted to regain his old career and pick up the alchemy technique that had been idle for a long time.It has been a long time since he came to this world, he has not used it for a long time, he sighed, and recalled the past, which made him feel a little sad.

The side hall, as it should be, is an alchemy room, with a huge alchemy furnace in the middle, and some sundries around it have been turned over, and there is a thick layer of dust on it, and there is a pile of scattered pills on the ground. Long, has no medicinal properties.

It can be seen that the man was in a hurry before leaving, and Lu Chen was a little happy in his heart: "In such a hurry, there must be some treasure left behind."

He walked forward, but the front had already come to an end, and there was nothing on the wall, as if someone had already emptied it.

In order to confirm that there is really nothing left here, Chase Lu checked the area carefully, and even used his divine sense, but it turned out that everything was indeed removed here, and it was an empty palace.

No, could it be said that this sect had been aware of it before the catastrophe happened here?Transfer all the pills and recipes?

Thinking about it this way, Chase Lu felt a little unlikely.At that time, the incident happened suddenly, and the monsters that appeared caused the place to suffer a devastating blow in an instant, and there was no time to prepare.

Lu Chen was regretting, but saw that the ancient fierce ape was tossing the big alchemy furnace in the center of the hall, and he felt strange when he stepped forward to see it.

Since it can be moved away, why leave the pill furnace behind?

"I see."

The Primordial Ominous Ape looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, thinking that Lu Chen was referring to the hidden treasures in this alchemy furnace, so he stepped forward to challenge it, but the strange thing was that the alchemy furnace was not shaken.

Lu Chen didn't stop him, he probably had the answer in his heart.


The Primordial Ominous Ape used all his strength this time, but the pill furnace still didn't move at all. It was exhausted to the ground, panting, and its eyes were full of doubts.

This alchemy furnace looks heavy, but it is a piece of cake for the ancient fierce ape with the ancient blood, even if it can no longer use the power of the blood.In the past, such a pill furnace could be held up by one hand with its physical body, but now it seems to be shaking a mountain.

"I see."

This alchemy furnace is not a real alchemy furnace, but a mechanism.

Lu Chen saw the doorway, he turned the top cover of the alchemy furnace several times clockwise, and another direction counterclockwise, only heard a slight click, Lu Chen pulled the ancient fierce ape back a step, and waited and watched. .

Immediately afterwards, the alchemy furnace was lifted high, and a large hole appeared from the bottom of the alchemy furnace, and a straight ladder rose from it.

"There really is a hole in the ground."

Lu Chen was overjoyed, but he was not dazzled by the joy, and carefully came to the big hole to look at it.

This place is full of traps, if one is not careful, it may be beyond redemption.

But seeing that the cave was pitch black, with occasional flashes of golden light, Lu Chen hesitated.

The golden light flickers in the dark, making people salivate and looking very tempting.Lu Chen was covered with spiritual consciousness, but he was forbidden to block it.

"Go down?"

The Primordial Ape pointed at the entrance of the cave and asked Chase Lu for his opinion.Since Chase Lu rescued it, it seems that it has become accustomed to being led by Chase Lu and asking for Chase Lu's opinion on everything.


Lu Chen condensed a blue lotus flower in his hand, and the green lotus bloomed with warm light, like a blue lantern illuminating the whole side hall.

There is nothing special about this, but it is just a small method that Lu Chen casts casually, just for simple lighting.

Qinglian fell into the black hole, and the pitch black receded like a tide.Where the light passed, Lu Chen took in the situation in the cave one by one, trembling in his heart.

"what is that?"

Lu Chen didn't dare to move, what did he see?

It was a big hand, a big furry hand protruding from the void, it seemed that the owner of these big hands was about to descend from another dimension.

"Dark Demon!"

There is a dark demon hidden below, and Lu Chen is a little frightened. He is not sure if the dark demon below has seen him, but those big hands tearing the space are enough to make him timid, not that Lu Chen is timid , but a creature that can tear apart the void at will, what kind of terrifying existence is it?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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If you encounter it, whether you can escape is still a question.This kind of existence, even if it uses the technique of space, will it be caught by that dark demon?

The moment the Primordial Vicious Ape beside him saw the thing below, his fine hair stood up instantly, and a strange grunting sound came out of his throat, like a pig's cry, which was the result of its instinctive fear.

While covering his mouth, trying not to make a sound, he backed away slowly, for fear of disturbing the person below.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Accompanied by the sound of a beating heart in his ears, Lu Chen's heart seemed to be lifted into his throat, and he thought in his heart: "The dark demon that destroyed this place is still alive!"

He didn't dare to escape, he was afraid that he would be noticed by the dark demon in the cave.Lu Chen had seen the dark demon killing him at the foot of the mountain. Once the dark demon noticed him, the consequences would be disastrous.

The one at the bottom of the mountain is very strong, but if it is much weaker than this one, it is like a seven or eight-year-old boy comparing muscles with an upright and strong young man.

Lu Chen glanced at the Primordial Ominous Ape. He was worried that this guy would escape regardless of the danger, but like Lu Chen, it sealed its own breath and merged with the air.

Why not use the technique of space?

You must know that the other party came from tearing apart the space, and his knowledge of space is probably higher than that of Lu Chen. If he hides in the space, it will be easier to be discovered.

"Boom boom, boom boom, boom boom"

After a violent beating, the "heart sound" suddenly stopped. Before Lu Chen could breathe a sigh of relief, a hoarse and obscure voice came from the dark hole: "Who?"

The voice was so sharp that Lu Chen felt as if his eardrums were about to be punctured.

Lu Chen's face darkened, and he thought to himself: "Oops! Have you been discovered yet?"

"I don't intend to disturb you, but I hope that senior will make amends." Lu Chen bowed to the end with a sincere tone.

"Senior? Hehehe." The voice in the cave laughed and said, "It's really funny for a human kid to call me senior."


"Don't sleep for too long, I have forgotten how long no one has talked to this deity, let me save your life and chat with me for a while."

"What do seniors want to know?" Lu Chen asked.

"What year is it now? Has the Tongtian Sect been destroyed?" the voice asked.

"Now is the Xianyuan Year, and the place where you are now is the Tongtian Sect, which has been shattered." Lu Chen replied, feeling a little puzzled.

What puzzled Lu Chen was that this dark demon was obviously not the one that destroyed the Tongtian Sect, and it didn't seem to come from another space. From this, it can be speculated that the place below was originally a space cage constructed by the technique of space. Detain this succubus here.

It won't come out!

"Already destroyed?" The voice was surprised at first and then sneered: "It's good to be destroyed! If you are an enemy of my dark demon clan, you will only end up being destroyed."

"What are you doing here?" The voice changed the subject and asked suddenly.

"I'm here to hunt for madness and treasure."

Lu Chen almost said the words "crazy swordsman".The Crazy Swordsman eliminates demons and defends Dao, and has a sworn hatred with the Dark Demon. If it is said that he came here to find the inheritance of the Crazy Swordsman, the underground Dark Demons will probably kill him immediately.

"Treasure hunting?" The voice said: "There is no treasure you want here. I am in a good mood today. I won't kill you. Come back quickly."

"So let me go back?" Chase Lu felt strange, and didn't go out immediately, but said, "But I think the treasure is here."

"It's right here?" The voice was puzzled, and then thought of something, and said angrily: "Boy, are you playing with me!?"

"How dare, I have an idea." Lu Chen said: "If the senior encounters any obstacles, I will try my best to save the senior, on condition that the senior helps me find what I want."

"Oh? It sounds very tempting. Tell me, what is it?"

"Your head!"

Lu Chen's aura rose steadily in vain, and the Killing Sword appeared, and a fierce swordsmanship poured into the dark hole like a rainbow.

He has already confirmed that the dark demon here is just putting on a show, and obviously he has some scruples about him, otherwise how could he tell him so much and let him leave with good intentions?

He was worried that this dark demon would use some insidious means, so he might as well strike first and force a trapped beast to fight.

Just now, while speaking, Lu Chen condensed three formations, one is a killing formation, one is a trapping formation, and the other is a void formation, so that he can escape in time.

When Lu Chen swung his sword, the formation opened up, forming an attack without dead ends in this space, and things underground would be forced to rush out of the ground and enter his trapped formation.

"Don't fight, stop!" There was a voice begging for mercy from inside the cave, and Lu Chen was puzzled: "Why is there someone down there?"

The dark devil is cunning, and it's not surprising that he knows some disguise and transformation techniques. Under his fierce attack, he transforms into a human being and wants him to relax?

impossible!Thinking that the dark demon was so cunning, and wanted to deceive him by turning into a human, he couldn't help but activate the formation to the maximum, making the cave a mess.

After the blessing of the sages, this hall has become impenetrable, and Lu Chen's violent formation has not shaken this hall.

"Stop beating, I'm coming out," the voice in the cave cried.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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