Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2701 Hall of All Beings

At the entrance of the Forbidden Mountain, two huge portals pierced into the sky, and the eerie gusts poured out from the gates made the little monk who promised to wait for Lu Chen to come out outside the gate tremble.

"I don't know what happened to those benefactors. I always feel uneasy." The little monk meditated, praying secretly in his heart, looking at the bright moonlight in the portal, and worried about Lu Chen and others.

"Master said that the murderer in the Forbidden Mountain killed many people, why don't you go back and invite Master?"

After thinking about it, Zong Qi felt that it was a bit inappropriate to stay here, so he decided to go back and ask his master to go up the mountain. With the tricks taught by the old monk, he naturally didn't have the strength to save Lu Chen, but his master was different. up.

Zong Qi was often fascinated by his master's bragging about how famous and powerful the old monk was when he was young, and Zong Qi was fascinated by it. If he had the strength to break through the Forbidden Mountain, his master would be the only one on this mountain.

Just when he was about to turn back, a disgusting bloody smell suddenly filled the air. The young monk often walked in the mountains and was very familiar with the smell of blood.

"Blood bear!"

The blood bear is a creature unique to the Forbidden Mountain. It is different from ordinary bears. This kind of bear is tall and has red hair all over. Even the pupils are bright red like blood, and they are extremely resistant to blows.

Usually, the strong in the Yuan Realm don't want to provoke the blood bear, not because they can't beat it, but as long as the blood bear is the prey he considers, it will bite to death. No matter how many tricks you have, it will still be fearless.

Zongqi has encountered it several times, and every time it has left some tooth marks on it, and thanks to the old monk, he passed on that his Da Vajra had already broken through the threshold, otherwise he would have died in the mouth of this blood bear many times .

Wild beasts like to come and go at night, and this blood bear is no exception. It is almost rare in the daytime. This big man covered in scarlet stands not far behind Zong Qi, eyeing Zong Qi like a tiger.

"I'm not going to fight today, I'm going down the mountain to find my master to save people!" The little monk rubbed the stick, he knew this blood bear, and it was the one he often encountered.

Not all creatures on the Forbidden Mountain can speak human language. This blood bear doesn't know what he usually says to his prey?

Blood bears have a characteristic, that is, they don't like to sneak up on their prey. This is very different from most hygienic creatures that hunt. Often, before those jackals, tigers and leopards want to catch their prey, the first thing they need to do is to lurk and observe their prey quietly. Waiting for a slight flaw, the prey has a high chance of falling into his own plate.

It can be said that sneak attack is the usual method of all hunters, but this blood bear is just the opposite. As long as your eyes do not notice it, it will not attack you, but if you meet it, it will regard you as for prey.

Just like the blood bear had already stayed behind Zongqi for a long time before, if he wanted to make a move, he would not wait for Zongqi to turn around, and directly attacked from behind. Zongqi must have been injured, but it didn't.

So, this is a straight bear.

The blood bear roared and attacked Zongqi. It was running on the ground on four legs, but stood up when approaching the young monk, and a pair of huge bear paws covered Zongqi's face.


A golden light flashed, and the blood bear was knocked into the air by the golden light, blood was scattered along the way, and it was severely injured.

"Master!" Only now did the little monk see who was coming. This person was none other than the fat monk from the mountainside temple.The fat monk squinted and looked at his apprentice: "So you can't bear it anymore and want to go back to me?"

He watched Zongqi grow up and knew that he was kind-hearted, so after Zongqi took Lu Chen and others away, he followed far behind. First, he was worried about the safety of his disciples, and he came to explore Lu Chen. The bottom of the crowd.

"The Forbidden Mountain is very busy today, hurry down, I'm here." The fat monk asked Zongqi to go down the mountain and look at the two towering gates, smiled, and said to himself: "Your old friend's gate is also closed today. I'm coming to see you."

Before "that blood bear" left, Zong Qi was still a little worried about the blood bear that often fought with him.

"Have you forgotten what I taught you?" The fat monk stared and said, "Although my Buddha is merciful, how dare you forget the angry eyes of Vajra? How is this different from ordinary Buddhas?"

It is said that Vajra's glaring eyes are not as good as Bodhisattva's drooping eyebrows, but the fat monk doesn't care. The so-called glaring eyes and drooping eyebrows are just different appearances.The appearance is born from the heart, as long as there is compassion in the heart, the angry eyes are also compassion.

"But" Zong Qi hesitated, blushing and shy, being said so by his master more than once, he lowered his head and went down the mountain.

The fat monk behind him suddenly said: "Don't worry, I've stopped my strength, that beast is fine."

Only then did the little monk let go of his grievances, and bounced down the mountain.

Just as Zong Qi walked away, the fat monk suddenly thought of something and shouted: "You son of a bitch, prepare dinner and wait for me to go back to eat."

"Come the knife!"

The fat monk looked at the moon in the portal, and with a single move, something broke out of the small temple, flew towards the forbidden mountain, and landed in the hands of the fat monk.

This is a knife, a knife that looks very ordinary. From the shape, it looks like an ordinary butcher's knife. Even the handle has not been polished, like wood randomly inlaid on the blade. The tip of the knife was broken off. I'm afraid ordinary people's pig-killing knives are more delicate than this one, right?

But such a knife seems to have a natural taste in the hands of the fat monk. Every time it shakes, there seems to be the endless killing intent and madness hidden in it.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Old buddy, long time no see." Dao Ren whispered, as if responding to the fat monk.

The fat monk got the knife, and his temperament changed in vain. Ben looked at him kindly, and the moment he got the knife, he was like a butcher, a butcher who slaughtered millions of people.

The butcher's knife screamed into the air, and two pieces fell out of thin air on the ground. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a corpse. This corpse had been cut in half before even making a sound. If Lu Chen If he was present, he must know this person, and this person is the one he stopped and questioned on the way.

"The people of Tianhuo Academy who came to this forbidden mountain today will all die." The fat monk looked at the corpse on the ground and said suddenly.

I don't know who the fat monk said this to, but after he finished speaking, the space in the distance fluctuated slightly, and then the fat monk made a sharp move, and several corpses fell out of the space.

Only the last person was left, and that person was so frightened that he fell down from the sky and begged for mercy: "I, I, I am not from Tianhuo Academy, I was coerced by them, please don't kill me."

The fat monk put away his knife and said with a smile, "Got it."

"Then, can I go?" The man's calves were weak. Although he was strong in the late Earth Yuan realm, he couldn't even think of running away in front of this fat monk.

There is no way, the difference in strength between the two is too great, and the fat monk's desire to kill him may be just a matter of thought.

The fat monk thought for a moment, nodded, ignored him, and stepped into the Forbidden Mountain.

The boulder in the man's heart was put down, and he hurriedly ran away. It seemed that he was afraid that the fat monk would change his mind and would not let him go.

He reckoned that the fat monk's strength was at least in the Tianyuan realm, so he had to go back and report this matter as soon as possible, but this was also the purpose of the fat monk, he deliberately let this person go to let him go back and report the news.

In the Forbidden Mountain.

A man and an ape are rushing in the yellow sand all over the sky. When we arrive here, the scenery in front of us has changed. The surrounding buildings seem to be relatively complete, but there is still no one here. There are not a few buildings buried by the yellow sand, but there are only a few buildings. was never destroyed.

In front of Chase Lu is a palace with the gate open, and the plaque on it is still well preserved, with the words "Palace of All Living Beings" written on it.

"The Hall of All Beings." Lu Chen wrote down the name of the hall.

It's such a great style, it can be named as the Hall of All Beings, how arrogant and boundless this sect was back then, no wonder it was destroyed by this, Lu Chen slandered in his heart.

The gatekeeper is the Primordial Fierce Ape, and the entrance is the Hall of All Beings, everyone is equal, regardless of whether you are a god or a demon.

This hall is very magnificent, spanning the entire canyon. If you want to go deeper, you must pass through the hall.

"Do you know where this is?" Lu Chen asked the Primordial Vicious Ape. He didn't intend to ask for any results, but the Primordial Vicious Ape nodded. He pointed to the hall in front of him and said with awe : "God! Demon!"

This hall has lost its original charm, and the formation has long been destroyed or dissipated. It looks like a place with "gods" and "demons" besides being extremely large.If there was, it would have happened a long time ago. I am afraid that the gods and demons will also perish by now, right?

"You've been brainwashed by this place. Anyone can be called a god or a devil." Lu joked.

Lu Chen thought of the former emperor of the ancient fierce ape. Even such a powerful emperor would not dare to call himself a god, right?

The two images of God and Demon linger in Lu Chen's mind. The magnificence of God and the vastness of Demon form a natural opposition. How are the two defined?

Chase Lu is still far from qualified for these things, so it's useless to think about them.

The god mentioned here is not the realm that Lu Chen has been in contact with before. It is an existence close to faith, which has nothing to do with realm, or there may be realm at all, but Lu Chen has not yet reached that level to discuss.

The Primordial Ominous Ape dragged Lu Chen into the Hall of All Living Beings without saying a word.

Entering the Hall of All Living Beings, the first thing Lu Chen saw were lifelike statues carved. If it wasn't for the lack of carved faces, it would make people feel that they were real people.

This is the main hall, and the area of ​​the main hall is not small. For example, there are more than a dozen statues of this kind, each of which has no carved face, which makes Lu Chen curious. Refuse to make a face?

Lu Chen thought it was interesting, thought about it a little, and thought of a possibility: the gods enshrined in the Hall of All Living Beings, people who come here for an audience are not qualified to see the face of the true god.

From this we can see the prosperity and pride of this sect before its downfall.

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously, he saw such things a lot, often those powerful people or sects have an aloofness that ordinary people can't imagine, and treat people who are inferior to him, and they always reject them thousands of miles away.

It is necessary to show a posture of "you can't climb high", or maybe because of these reasons, these sects often end badly, either being destroyed by their enemies, or they are defeated as time goes by, and the walls overwhelm everyone Push, there are countless such things, and Chase Lu is not surprised.

Lu Chen stepped forward to look at these stone statues. Even after such a long time, the craftsmanship of the craftsmen can be clearly seen. When he was amazed at the ingenuity of these god statues, Lu Chen suddenly found that the ancient fierce ape beside him had disappeared.

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