Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2686 Chess

The white-faced scholar's sword was actually not too heavy. He swung it hastily, and with Lu Chen's intentional adjustment, it can be said that he completely avoided the vital point, leaving a wound from his right shoulder to his left rib.

After checking the wound, Lu Chen found that it was not particularly serious. Although it looked bloody and bloody, it was just a skin trauma, and it would not take long for a practitioner to recover from this injury.

He took out the best golden sore medicine from the storage ring and applied it on the wound, carefully wrapped it with a bandage twice, and then changed his clothes again.

He took out the purple-black fruit from the ring and looked it over carefully. The whole pot was not big, and it was softer than an adult's fist. It was purple-black in color and had a faint fragrance.

When I was on the tree, both the fragrance and the aura fluctuated very violently, but now held in Lu Chen's hand, it is much more restrained, and it seems difficult to find if you don't feel it carefully.

The surface is smooth without patterns and wrinkles, and there is a layer of faint hoarfrost on it, which seems to be naturally condensed.

Although Lu Chen didn't know what it was, he could feel that it was definitely a spiritual fruit, and it was edible and non-toxic.

After getting such a spiritual fruit, he was naturally in a good mood. Although the inner courtyard of the Eastern Provincial College had a lot of resources for disciples, for practitioners, when would the resources be enough? They would always be stretched.

With such a spiritual fruit, I asked my senior brother to refine a potion of medicine when I went back, which is not a small benefit to my practice.

Of course, this spiritual fruit can also be eaten raw, but most of the spiritual energy will dissipate in that way, which is really wasteful.

He simply treated his injuries in this cave and ate some dry food.Only then did Lu Chen climb out of the cave and return his home to the grizzly bear who was still wandering nearby.

According to normal logic, it is easy to judge the east, west, and north with trees. After all, both the lushness of the branches and the width of the annual rings can be used as evidence.

It's just that in this secret realm, this kind of experience has become nonsense and cannot be applied at all.

Lu Chen didn't think too much, chose a direction away from the snake man and the white-clothed scholar, and started on the road again.

It has to be said that a secret realm is a secret realm, even if it is the lowest level, there are still great gains.

Moving forward in this dense forest, Chase Lu discovered many precious herbs.Although it can't reach the level of aura and filling that can be used as the main ingredient, it is enough as an auxiliary material for alchemy.

They stopped and stopped without paying too much attention to the distance, and finally the sound of fighting came from the front again.

With the experience from last time, Lu Chen tiptoed towards that direction.

But when he arrived at the battle site, there was only a mess left, with obvious marks on the destroyed trees and land.

The two sides in the battle should be humans and a giant crocodile. At this time, the crocodile has already been pierced by a sharp blade between its eyebrows, and it is lying here motionless.

And in the small lake behind the crocodile, the spiritual materials on the island in the center of the lake naturally disappeared, leaving only a small pit.

Lu Chen curled his lips, but he didn't say much. He knew that this kind of thing happened but could not be sought. He got a discount once, but he still wanted to count on the second discount.

And at this moment, a ray of red light suddenly flashed above the eastern sky of the dense forest, clearly marking a location.

At the same time, an idea sounded in his mind: "Please go to the place marked by the red light to participate in the first level of the secret test!"

"Huh? What's the situation?"

It's not just Lu Chen who is puzzled, many people are wondering, especially those who have been to the Daze Secret Realm, who are even more puzzled. When did the Daze Secret Realm become like this?

Some people are full of doubts, while others are full of surprises.Everyone can feel that this kind of change represents a greater opportunity. Although there may be unknown dangers, for those who have the courage to come in for treasure hunting, how can chance be more important than danger?

In the face of sufficient benefits, dangers are often easily ignored.

Lu Chen didn't think about it so much, and walked directly in the direction where the red light fell.

According to the information just obtained, the test of the first level will start tomorrow night. In other words, he still has enough time to get there, so he is not in a hurry.

I didn't meet any other people along the way. It seems that the opening of the Daze Secret Realm has become extremely broad this time, and the density of so many people thrown here is still not high.

When Chase Lu arrived at the position marked by the red light, he realized that a lot of people had gathered here.

Including disciples from various colleges, strangers in strange clothes, and many mercenaries or treasure hunters.

After scanning the crowd, Lu Chen found Li Wei and others standing in one direction. Most of the disciples of Dongsheng College gathered there, and it seemed that there were a lot of people.

"Brother, I found you."

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Li Wei was a little surprised. Turning around, he saw that Lu Chen was coming, and his face was instantly covered with a pleasant smile.

"Lu Chen, how could you appear here? Aren't you in the retreat in the inner courtyard?"

Although there was surprise on his face, Li Wei still remained vigilant.Some alien races or unknown monsters can transform into others, so we have to be careful.

"I just came out of the retreat, and I heard from the teacher that you led the team to the secret place of Daze, so I came all the way from the back.

What I didn't expect was that I didn't find your trace after I chased after you.I didn't find you until we arrived in Lingxi City. Before that, we were outside the secret realm, and it was hard to recognize each other. "

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Hearing Lu Chen's words, Li Wei nodded, preliminarily confirming his identity.

At this time, Liu Yun and Uncle Yang also came over, it turned out that they had also arrived here.

Although it is said that the Daze secret realm will limit everyone's strength to the peak of the earth element, it is not impossible for those who are higher than the earth element mirror to enter, but it is not necessary.

Several people waited for a while, and the sky gradually dimmed, and the first test was about to begin.

The light above the sky gradually disappeared, but this piece of red light did not weaken, but became brighter and spread outward, covering everyone present.

The first test has already begun.

After a burst of red light, Lu Chen felt that he appeared in a strange space.

A piece of darkness, only the ground under your feet is slightly bright. If you look carefully, you can find that the light on this land is criss-crossing, forming a clear chessboard.

It's just that the opponent's army is complete, while Lu Chen is the only one here.

Looking down, you can vaguely see a simple Chinese character under your feet.


"What's the situation? Chess?"

Looking at the chessboard that suddenly appeared, Lu Chen was a little confused. He never expected to see such a familiar scene in this secret place of Daze.

Trying to move his body, he found that according to the rules of chess, he could only move forward at this time and could not make other movements.

As a minion, it is impossible to move sideways before crossing the river.

But it made him feel that this test was different from the rules of chess. At least he took a step forward, but the opponent didn't respond at all.

"If so, is it possible?"

Thinking of this, Chase Lu had some thoughts in his mind. Although he said that he was not a chess player, he still knew the rules of chess.

Moving forward step by step, there was no movement on the other side.Turning left and going down, he came to the dead end of the pawn's attack, and swung the long sword in his hand directly!

The moment he swung his long sword, the original clay and wood sculpture of the opponent instantly came to life. He turned his head with difficulty, with a frightened expression on his face. Before he could lift the weapon in his hand, he was struck by Lu Chen Kill!

"That said, it doesn't seem too difficult!"

Cleverly jumping over the pawns, easily beheading the cannon chariot and killing the opponent's guard, Lu Chen soon came to the veteran.

According to the rules of chess, even if the opponent does not move, there is no way to checkmate the opponent with a single pawn.

So no matter how opportunistic and tricky you are, facing the veteran in the end is an unavoidable challenge.

The moment Lu Chen had just beheaded the guard and appeared in front of the veteran, the originally motionless statue instantly turned into a mighty general, wearing bright armor and pointing to a long sword.

"Hey! He Fangxiao is young, how dare you come to our army to make trouble! Let me take a sword from a certain family!"

Before the words fell, the sword's edge had arrived, pointing directly at Lu Chen's eyebrows!If it was really chess, I am afraid that this little pawn will definitely be beheaded here by the general with a sword, and there is no possibility of surviving at all.

However, this is not a simple chess game. At least Chase Lu has his own thoughts and a certain space for movement.

Seeing the immeasurable threat of the sword slashing, the killing sword in his hand was lifted up with both hands, and there was a loud noise, and the huge force smashed Lu Chen to the ground abruptly!

The long sword made of unknown objects is quite heavy, which is really unacceptable.

With just one sword, he forced Lu Chen to the ground, and was even restricted by the rules of the chessboard. Even if he wanted to dodge, he had nowhere to dodge.

Seeing the general slashing over at the second call, Lu Chen was at a critical moment of life and death, the law of space in his body suddenly fluctuated slightly.

It was also this slight fluctuation that made him seize the only chance of life, and his figure flickered to a chess position directly in front of the general.

Although the general's attack power is powerful, his flexibility is much worse. Seeing that he saw the hollow Lu Chen appear in another direction.

In an instant, the golden-armored general opened his angry eyes and yelled loudly!

"Hey! He Fangxiao is young, how dare you come to our army to make trouble! Let me take a sword from a certain family!"

The same lines, the same taste, but Chase Lu was already prepared, so he couldn't be allowed to make another move.

The killing sword in his hand crossed the distance of space, and instantly hit the general's wrist.

Originally, he also wanted to directly take the vital points, but looking at the gleaming golden armor on the general, he always felt that he was not very sure.

The killing sword hit the general's wrist. The sharp tip of the sword contained sword intent, but it barely broke through the leather armor on the wrist. Fortunately, he only chose the wrist, not the chest or throat.

Otherwise, this sword really might not be able to accomplish meritorious deeds!

The general's wrist was injured, and the big sword in his hand was hard to hold, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

It's just that without the big sword in his hand, the general's viciousness remained undiminished, and two fists the size of sandbags hit Lu Chen directly.

However, in the face of such a pair of iron fists, Lu Chen didn't have any difficulty. His body swayed slightly, his body was staggered between the virtual and the real, and he easily avoided the two punches. The killing sword in his hand hit the general over the throat.


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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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