Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2685 Wolf King

Wolves have always been the most ferocious creatures. If you can't kill the wolf king quickly, no matter how many you kill, their companions still won't be able to make them retreat!

Blood can only stimulate their ferocity and make them even more brutal!

The blood-red color seemed to dye Lu Chen's eyes with a gleam of brilliance. His eyes that did not contain the slightest emotion, swept slightly among the wolves, and their eyes had locked on a giant wolf sitting on the boulder at the end.

Unlike other wild wolves that kept approaching him, this giant wolf squatted on the boulder, observing the entire battlefield, with a haughty look in its eyes.

"Hey, it's you!"

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth turned up slightly, showing a cruel smile, and his whole body disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the wolf king!

The use of the law of space allows him to ignore the gap in distance. It has to be said that this ability is really suitable for the current situation. Taking the head of the general from it is like picking something out of a bag!

Sensing the fighting spirit in Lu Chen's eyes, the snow-white giant wolf roared up to the sky, giving orders to the wolves.

But the wolves who received the order stopped approaching soon and gradually surrounded the battlefield.

Lu Chen suddenly appeared with the killing sword in his hand, and swung it forward. He thought that this sword would definitely yield something, but what he never expected was that the snow-white giant wolf followed his movements , The sharp wolf claws directly blocked the way of the killing sword.


There was a sound of gold and iron clanging, sparks were generated at the intersection of the killing sword and wolf claws.

Lu Chen could feel a huge force acting on the long sword in his hand, making him unable to help but take a step back, while the wolf king sitting on the boulder was just a body. With a slight shake, he stood up!

From this collision, Lu Chen could feel that the strength of this wolf king had reached the peak of the Earth Element Realm, and it was not even much weaker than the general Heaven Spirit Realm.

I really didn't expect the beasts to be so powerful in this secret realm of Daze. You must know that the strength of anyone who enters the secret realm is suppressed by the spirit of the sky!

Even if it is a veteran strongman, if he is besieged by this pack of wolves, he will probably fall here if he is careless.

Thoughts turned, but the movements of the hands were not slow at all.At the same time that the killing sword was bounced away, a different arc was drawn slightly, and the tip of the sword formed a perfect circle in the air, and from the other side, it unexpectedly slashed at the wolf king's neck again.

Tai Chi Sword Intent is best at using strength to strike.

The sharp sword intent is contained in the killing sword, this one directly kills the wolf king!

The name of the sword stops killing, but the killing intent doesn't stop!There is no reason at all for this kind of fierce beast. The fight between life and death is either you die or I die.

Facing Lu Chen's sword, the wolf king with snow-white fur lowered his head slightly, and even changed his direction slightly at the critical moment.

And it was this slight deflection that caused the Killing Sword to just slash across its head, taking half of its ear away.

As for his deep injury, the wolf king didn't hesitate in his movements, and the moment he lowered his head, he had already pounced on Lu Chen.

Originally, he was standing on the boulder, and he jumped down from the height, which can be said to be swift and violent.

What made Lu Chen even more frightened was that in the wolf king's mouth, a light blue energy cluster was gathering!

I've never heard of such a method from a ferocious beast, it's really beyond his expectation.

This energy is extremely violent. If it is used by a practitioner, it may not be able to be used to upgrade, and it will directly injure itself.

But it just gathered in the mouth of this fierce beast, and it seemed that they were going to die together!

Seeing that things were not good, Lu Chen didn't have time to do what he wanted.The law of space was activated, and while the whole person dodged backwards in an instant, the killing sword in his hand shot forward!

Coincidentally, it happened to hit the murderer's mouth!

Before Chase Lu could hide far, there was a loud noise that resounded through the sky and the earth, and the fluctuation of energy directly blasted him out.

Not only him, but even the wild wolves around him howled and fled in all directions.

After a long time, Lu Chen, who fell in the grass, suddenly opened his eyes, checked his whole body, and found that he was not injured except for some embarrassment.

There was a big pit on the ground not far away, half of the wolf king's body was in the pit, and his killing sword was also inserted obliquely on the ground.

He is also extremely speechless about such a scene. Why do you say that you are an old man? If you don't have the ability to master it, don't use it indiscriminately, okay?

It's really going to kill people, even if it doesn't kill people, you think it's not good to kill wolves, right?

He casually tore off the tattered clothes on his body and threw them away, took out a new set of clothes from the ring and put them on, and then retrieved the Killing Sword.

After searching the pit carefully, the wolf king was completely dead, and there was nothing left behind.

He curled his lips and rushed towards the direction the wolf king came from.After walking a short distance, he suddenly found some low shrubs in front of him. It seemed that this endless grassland finally allowed him to come out.

It seemed to be a cross between grassland and woodland, with low shrubs leading to dense forests.

He had seen some wild wolves running into the forest before.

It's just that what made him more concerned was that at this moment in the forest, the sound of fighting could be faintly heard.


With a thought in his mind, Lu Chen moved towards the direction of the fight quietly, walked not far, and gradually stepped into the forest, and saw a low hill in front of him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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There is actually a small waterfall on this hill, and there is a small tree growing beside the waterfall pool, and a purple fruit grows on the small branch. I don't know what it is, and it is exuding a faint fragrance. .

Although I don't know what kind of fruit it is, but I can tell it with the heel, it is definitely a treasure of heaven and earth.

So naturally there will be people vying for it. At this time, there are two people fighting with great momentum.And not far from their battlefield, a huge black fur brown bear was lying there motionless.

Obviously, this thing should be the guardian beast of the Ganoderma lucidum, and I don't know who killed it by the two of them.

Of the two people fighting, one of them was wearing a white jade robe with a sword hanging from his waist and a folding fan in his hand.

It doesn't look like a person who practiced, more like a frail scholar.

It's just that with the waving of the fan in his hand, one after another fierce sword energy was swayed wantonly, so powerful that Lu Chen was a little tongue-tied, which is not something a weak scholar can do.

The people who fought against him were dressed in animal skins, their skin was dark, and they even had some green light.

It can be recognized at a glance that this is definitely an alien snakeman living in the surrounding Daze, not an ordinary human being.

There are dense bluish-black scales on the body of this alien man, which seems to have a good defense.

At least the white-robed scholar's sword qi slashed at him, leaving only a faint scar that could barely ooze blood.

And as this guy kept throwing out the bottles and cans from his waist, streaks of green poisonous mist began to fill the forest.

Although the white-robed scholar seemed to have the upper hand, the rhythm of the battle was always in the hands of the snake man.

As time went by, the white-robed scholar became more and more poisoned, and his combat effectiveness naturally weakened. At that time, it was up to him to fight or kill.

He didn't know any of these two Chase Lu, and he didn't intend to intervene in the battle between them.

But he was indeed somewhat interested in that little fruit.Although I don't know what this fruit is, I can feel the powerful spiritual power contained in this fruit from a long distance.

Although there is a saying that when a crane and a clam fight, the fisherman benefits, but Lu Chen does not intend to stay here too much. The momentum of these two battles is really not small, and it will be disadvantageous if other people are attracted.

After making up his mind, while the battle between the two was getting worse, Lu Chen had already quietly appeared beside the small tree.

A confident smile appeared on his face, and he reached out to pick the purple fruit.

It's just that what he never expected was that he didn't take it off as soon as he stretched out his hand!

Surrounding the small tree, a formation actually rose up, forming a small enchantment.

Although this enchantment is really weak and can be broken by lifting a hand, it is enough to hinder Lu Chen for a moment.

"not good!"

Seeing the enchantment rising, Lu Chen knew that something was wrong!Before he could react, the white-robed scholar and the snake man who had been beaten to death just now rushed towards Lu Chen forcefully.

Sure enough, these two guys made a big noise on purpose to fish, and they were originally a group.

At this time, there was no need for any disguise. The white-robed scholar put away the folding fan in his hand, and drew out the long sword at his waist.

And that green-skinned weirdo also took out a long whip made of white bones from his waist!

These two guys have just reached knowledge, and they didn't use their full strength. Right now is their real strength.

Lu Chen didn't expect that he hunted geese all day long, but today he was pecked in the eyes by geese!

It's really a financial obsession to fall for such a simple trick.

But although these two guys set up a trap together, this spiritual fruit is real!

Since you two are using this as bait, I will eat this bait!

Seeing the two attacking, Lu Chen chose not to hide or evade, and he didn't even have the slightest surprise on his face.

At the time of the crisis, the long sword in his hand did not hesitate at all, and he slashed down with a single sword, breaking through this barrier.

Together with the small tree in the enchantment, he chopped it off, and the upper half was received by him in the ring in an instant!

"How dare you, thief!"

Seeing Lu Chen's movements, the two of them were even more impatient, and the movements of their hands became faster, but it was too late.

With a flick of the long sword in Lu Chen's hand, a round force acted on the snake man's long whip.

Although the attack power of the long whip is weaker than that of the long sword, if you are entangled by him, you will not be able to leave if you want to.

Pulling away the long whip, a wave of fierceness circulated around his body, and he forcibly received the white-faced scholar's sword, and with the power of reaction, the whole person quickly retreated.

At the same time, he stepped forward, and under the effect of the law of space, he escaped a hundred meters in three steps!


Seeing that Lu Chen took away the spiritual fruit, the two of them would naturally not be reconciled.Gritting his teeth and looking at the distant figure, he said fiercely.

Although the two of them also know that it may not be so easy to catch up.

This time running was a bit panicky, Lu Chen didn't dare to make any stops along the way, and ran for more than ten miles in one breath, before finding a cave.

After chasing away a bear that was sleeping in it, Chase Lu occupied the cave.

The entire entrance was sealed off with stones, and only then did he have time to check his injuries.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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