But Lu Chen is definitely wishful thinking. Even if it is really possible to sit in the position of an elder in the future, with the same powerful and superb skills and abilities as the elder, it still seems like a fantasy now.

At least he has to surpass those old students. Now standing next to me, Li Wei, the elder brother of the inner courtyard, is already very powerful. Coveted the position of the elder, and his ability.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt that he was confused, and then shook his head directly, trying to get rid of this bad thought.

However, at this time, the elder had already opened his eyes and looked at the two of them. After seeing Lu Chen, he also felt strange. Usually, everyone has something to do at this time, not to mention that everyone does not know this time. Meditating here, it can be said that apart from Li Wei, no one should know about it.

At this time, why did Lu Chen come to him?Once the elder guessed, he knew that Li Wei and Lu Chen came together, and it was Li Wei who told Lu Chen that he was in this place, so he felt a little curious.

Both of them are students that I admire. Although Lu Chen is still a little worse than Li Wei, Lu Chen has great potential. As long as he is cultivated a little, he is definitely a person with bursting abilities.

The elder didn't know what the two powerful students in front of him were looking for him, but seeing that the two of them were hesitant and seemed to have something on their minds, he knew that things must be unusual. Looking at the two people in front of him from above, he wanted to hear how they would talk to him.

Why did they come here? The elder was waiting, and the two of them hesitated at the moment, but they really didn't dare to neglect the elder. Li Wei directly bowed to the elder.

Lu Chen followed closely, and Li Wei said immediately: "Elder, actually, I came to you with Lu Chen today because I have something to tell you, but this matter is indeed quite serious. I hope you know, Elder. Don't get angry after you do, don't feel angry."

Li Wei already thought that the elder's temper after hearing it was because he wanted to talk to him as much as possible before he said it, and hoped that he would not be so angry after hearing it.

The elder heard Li Wei's words, and seeing that they both seemed to be submissive and very scared, he felt very strange. The two of them had never appeared in front of him at the same time. I've seen it before, I don't even know when we played together.

So, I just felt a little curious what they wanted to say to me today, so I nodded at the two of them and said, "Okay, then I'll just listen to you, I won't be angry Yes, but what are you going to say next, will it really make me angry?"

The elder has already developed a strong interest unconsciously, and when the two heard the elder's words, they looked at each other. Neither of them dared to say these words to the elder. Refusing each other.

Lu Chen saw that the time had come now, and the elder was still waiting to speak, so he gritted his teeth and decided to tell the elder himself. After all, that person was the one who bullied his younger brother, so he should say this by himself, so why bother? Where's Li Wei?

Li Wei was already very uncomfortable, even though the man had done something outrageous, he was usually cynical, very useless, and would panic when things happened.

Occasionally, he would play some cunning and clever tricks, but he never used it on the right path, but after all these years, the relationship still exists. Lu Chen didn't want to embarrass Li Wei, so he took a step forward directly.

Facing the elder sitting on top, he said, "Elder, in fact, we came to you today to report something. It is indeed a bit bad to say this matter. Since you promised, we will not be angry, and we will not get angry. If so, then I will start talking now."

Lu Chen looked at the elder with suspicious eyes, afraid that he would be angry and sad when he heard it, and then overturned the promise between the two, afraid that he would still be angry by then, so he asked again elders.

After that, the elder became even more curious, and nodded directly at him. At this time, after seeing it, Lu Chen decided not to delay any longer.

With his eyes closed, he took a deep breath at the elder and said, "Elder, didn't you ask me to investigate a few days ago, are those evil forces in Dongsheng Academy still bullying by the academy? What you stipulated, as well as your instructions, is to investigate."

"I found out that there are indeed some things in the college. I found out that the student who was competing at the opening ceremony that day but attacked others behind his back was actually a junior brother under Li Wei's disciple."

"But it is true that he is also an old student who has been in Dongsheng Academy for many years, so his position is very stubborn, and his power is so great. Many people in Dongsheng Academy obey him. I will discuss this matter. Only after finding out, will you report to the elders."

When the elder heard Lu Chen's words, he felt a little angry, but since he promised the two of them not to get angry at this time, he swallowed the anger into his stomach.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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After all, it was because of him that the freshman competition did not end smoothly on the day of the opening ceremony, disrupting all his plans.

What's more, this is not a big deal, a bad guy who dares to do such bad things in Dongsheng, under Li Wei's nose, and under his own nose, must be extraordinary.

At this time, Lu Chen hesitated, not knowing whether he should say the following words, but at this time, the elder guessed that he must have something else that he had not reported to him.

So he immediately said to Lu Chen again: "Seeing that you have something to report to me, take advantage of this time and tell me quickly, I won't get angry."

When the two of them heard the words, they decided that it would be better to speak out quickly, so as to get rid of this distress as soon as possible.

Lu Chen gritted his teeth, closed his eyes again and said to the elder in front of him: "According to my investigation, I found that he often commits crimes and bullies freshmen, and finds someone to isolate a freshman, which makes him feel inferior. , so I feel that he has caused trouble to many people, how exactly should you deal with him, Elder?"

Lu Chen cut through the mess quickly, and directly merged what he wanted to say in his heart into these few words to say to the elder. In fact, he still wanted to say good things for that person in his subconscious, otherwise he would not tell him in such a simple way. crime.

If you really want to put him to death and sue him in front of the elders, then you will definitely discuss all his crimes one by one, and you will tell the elders, and you will not dissuade him Elders, do not be angry and angry.

So the two of them are actually helping that old student now. They hope that after telling the elders, they can help him get rid of those evil deeds before, let him reborn, and be a good person. They are also trying their best to win opportunities for him. I hope the elders will not let him He left Dongsheng.

The two of them will definitely obey the elder's order and help him make some changes.In fact, what the two of them hoped for most was to see this result, but they could only dream about it, and they couldn't know what the elder was thinking.

After all, on the day of the Opening Ceremony Freshman Contest, the elder was really pissed off. The elder ordered that this matter must be strictly investigated to find out the evil forces hidden in the academy. I really didn't expect that it would be a student who wanted to do it in the academy. Run amok.

It is very difficult to make the elder not angry in this way. The two of them felt that no matter how difficult it was, they had to try. After all, when they saw his red eyes at that moment, they felt that he was still more eager Those who can stay, maybe he can accept the transformation.

The two were trying their best to save him at this time, hoping that he would not be severely punished. However, after hearing Lu Chen's words at this time, the elder also heard a hint of partiality from his words.

But even though Lu Chen and Li Wei were partial to the old man, at this time, he didn't intend to let him go easily. It was a small thing to disturb the mountain opening ceremony. Although he didn't disturb it, he also indirectly disrupted the mountain opening ceremony. .

If he hadn't supported that person behind his back, how could that person be so arrogant and daring to do anything wrong behind his back.

What really made the elders unbearable was that he was so cunning and savage because he was deeply rooted in the college because he was an old student, bullying those newcomers, and the elders couldn't bear it.

In fact, what happened on the day of the mountain opening ceremony cannot be completely blamed on him, after all, it was done by another person. At this time, the elder was in distress, and he didn't know what to do with him. He watched helplessly as he made a decision.

The elder was a little excited for a while, and immediately stood up. At this time, Lu Chen and Li Wei felt a little frightened after seeing it, and didn't know what to do.

In the end, the elder still didn't listen to the advice of the two, and still became angry. He just closed his eyes and hoped that no severe punishment would be imposed, but it really didn't happen, as the two had expected. it is good.

I saw that the elder's complexion was not so good at this time, and he said to the two people below: "I think you two seem to want to plead for him, so why don't you tell me what is the reason?" It will allow me to relax some punishments on him."

The elder understands Li Wei's thoughts, seeing him like this makes his heart soften, and he also knows that it must be because that person is his junior, so there are many factors to consider, if the punishment he punishes him is really severe, I'm afraid they will lose face as well.

However, in fact, the most fundamental thing is the relationship between them. Although the man did do many shameless things, Li Wei still felt that even so, he should not be expelled from Dongsheng.

At present, the elder has not yet made a conclusion, and there is still room for the two of them to save. When they heard the elder's inquiry, they asked them to tell the reason and gave him an explanation, they were all ecstatic in their hearts for a while. After all, speaking in this way, there must be room for salvation after hearing what the elder said.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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