Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2662 commonplace

If I can really fight hard and beat them, then even if I will be expelled from Dongsheng in the future, it can be regarded as washing away the insulted picture today.

At this time, the old student no longer cared about the reason for Li Wei's presence, and continued to fight with them, while those old students shrank aside, never expecting that he would come forward so impulsively. Fighting with Li Wei, who is Li Wei?That is the elder brother of the inner courtyard.

The skills are extremely high, and it can even be said that among Dongsheng's many students, no one can compare with him, but he actually wants to compete with Li Wei, that is really delusional.

I saw that as soon as the old man attacked, he went straight towards Lu Chen fiercely. In fact, he had his own determination in his heart, and he knew that he would definitely not be able to beat Li Wei, so he just had to attack Lu Chen at this moment.

Just let him stand aside, but he didn't expect that Li Wei would never stand by, so he just suddenly appeared between the two of them, and the old man who rushed towards the vicious old man in front of him was exhausted. With all the strength in his body, he made a move, which hit his abdomen directly, and blood flowed out immediately, and the old man spit out a pile of bright black blood.

Maybe that wave of attack was really strong, that's why the blood was not completely red. However, Li Wei was also flustered at this time. He really didn't expect that he would launch such a big attack directly, but there is really no way right now.

This is what he asked for, and he can't blame himself. Who told him to attack suddenly, not to mention that he took the initiative to attack. If he didn't use a blow to motivate himself, I'm afraid Lu Chen would also be injured.

Because Chase Lu hasn't made preparations yet, let alone fully prevented it, and doesn't know when he will come out to attack him directly. He can easily be hurt by him without warning, and he is only trying to protect Chase Lu That's why the blow was issued.

At this time, that person had been directly rushed to the other end of the room by that powerful air wave. At this time, Lu Chen, Li Wei and those old students and the old student who was ejected by the attack, this time It was only a room away.

But it felt very far away, the old student suddenly got up, covered his stomach, suddenly smiled wickedly, and looked up to the sky and laughed out loud.

Facing Li Wei, he said: "I really didn't expect, senior brother, that you would be so cruel to me. I really lost, completely lost, completely lost hope, and never want to I need your consent."

"I admit that I have done many bad things before, but I have never felt that I regretted it. At this moment, I completely regret it. I lost the bet hahahaha"

Suddenly, the old man laughed wildly. People who didn't know really thought he was crazy, but in fact Li Wei and Lu Chen deeply understood that he had actually awakened at this time, but he was already late.

In fact, he is really smart. If he can really use it on the right way, I am afraid he will definitely become a powerful person. It is just that fate and good fortune did not make him a good person, but instead made him a good person. the wicked.

That being the case, it can't go against God's will. Since he has done so many outrageous things, he should be punished. What's more, he just gritted his teeth and refused to admit it. Hand it over to the elders.

Li Wei's heart was ruthless at this time, and he walked forward directly, passed the old man who was laughing wildly, and walked out the door directly. After Lu Chen glanced at it, he followed closely behind. However, the old students curled up on the side were looking at the old student who was laughing wildly.

He also felt a little scared, afraid that if he went crazy and even beat them, it would be over, so they hurriedly left his room one after another, waiting for them The most important thing is the interrogation of the elders.

Ever since Li Wei and Lu Chen walked out of his room, they looked very dazed, not knowing what to do. The two of them went to the elder's research room, but they refused to enter.

Obviously the elder is inside now, but the two of them looked at the words on the door plate, recalled the scene that happened just now, and seemed to still have lingering fears. It turned out that a person who was pushed into a hurry turned out to be that crazy .

Li Wei couldn't believe it at this time, a junior who had been under his nose for so many years, although he usually seemed a little too much, but he had never seen him like this, it seemed that he had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, But since he did something wrong, he must be punished by someone.

Now the elder's room is right in front of us, but everyone has been reluctant to step in. They don't know whether they should continue to look for the elders, or just let the matter go. Both of them feel uneasy and nervous .

Thinking of his pitiful and crazy look just now, but he fell into panic again. I was really afraid that he would use this opportunity to vent his anger to bully others and disturb Dongsheng's peace, so this This matter should be left to the elders.

At that time, if the punishment becomes severe, everyone can intercede for him. After all, although he has done many bad things, he is still a student of Dongsheng for so many years. Then he made up his mind.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He took a deep breath, just like when he entered the old man's cabin, he seemed to have made a lot of determination. When Li Wei stepped forward, Lu Chen followed closely behind and knocked on the big door. The door to the Elder's Study Room.

At this moment, Li Wei has concluded that the elder must be inside, knowing that he must be doing some research and practicing Taoism inside at this time. When the elder heard the knock on the door, he was meditating at this time, but he felt that they must be there. Something urgent.

Otherwise, no one would have noticed at this time, and I came to look for myself when I was here, so I shouted at the door: "Come in." After hearing the voice, the two slowly pushed He opened the door and walked in, but he was careful not to disturb the elder.

At this time, the elder waved his sleeves when he saw the two people coming in, and the door creaked immediately, as if blown by the wind, it closed immediately. After seeing Lu Chen, I felt very surprised, but Li Wei on the side didn't feel any surprise. It seemed that he had been used to this scene for a long time.

The two stood by the door, but they refused to make any moves. After all, they still need the consent of the elders before they can continue to move forward. Dongsheng has such a rule, even if the elders agree to let you in, but It doesn't mean you're going to move on.

So the two of them had to wait here for a moment. Lu Chen was a little curious at this time. He had never entered the elder's research institute, and he didn't know that the elder would meditate here on weekdays. If Li Wei hadn't told him , I will not discover such a secret yet.

It seems that if there is something to look for the elder at this time in the future, it is better to come here to find it. Lu Chen couldn't bear his curiosity and thoughts, so he poked his probe and looked inside.

I found that the inside was very simple, not like the elders in the main hall at that time, sitting on it gracefully and luxuriously, discussing some things with everyone.

On the contrary, it looks like a fresh and elegant place for cultivation. Lu Chen suddenly understood that perhaps this kind of dress is more conducive to people's cultivation. This kind of dress is more intimate, natural and clear, and the air feels It is different from the one above the hall.

I'm afraid that in this way, his spiritual power will be stronger, and cultivation is naturally a no-brainer. Lu Chen admires the elder very much, and knowing how to use the environment to cultivate is also an inexhaustible skill.

When Lu Chen thought about it, he felt that he must learn from this elder, and there was a reason for his success.

But at this moment, the two of them stood there dumbstruck for a while, only to hear a resounding male voice from inside: "Now you can come here." When they heard this sentence, the two of them were in mutual agreement. They looked at each other, but now they suddenly became nervous.

Not knowing how to explain to the elder next, both of them were in a dilemma, wondering whether they should tell the elder about this matter.

If the elder got angry and did something to him, the two of them really felt a little bad. After all, he was an old student who had been in the academy for so long, so he should be very sad.

Lu Chen also advised Li Wei not to be soft-hearted at the time, but in fact, as long as this matter happens, everyone should have a moment of soft-heartedness as long as he is kind-hearted.

After all, that person spent several years of hard work and experienced hardships and cultivation in Dongsheng. If he really ended up being expelled from Dongsheng in the end, it would be considered really miserable.

Lu Chen didn't want to see such a result anymore, even if it was to avenge his little brother, Lu Chen never thought that there would be such a consequence. At this time, the two of them had firm eyes and closed their eyes. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and went straight in.

I found that the inside was indeed as what Chase Lu had seen just now. The fresh and elegant white walls and all the light blue decorations set off the research room so naturally.

It’s as if no one has ever done some decorations in it. This room is so natural, it’s natural to decorate. Lu Chen suddenly thought of such a sentence, so in this kind of place, it must be able to cultivate. is normal.

At this time, the elder was meditating, and his mind was already in a state of confusion. When Lu Chen and Li Wei knocked on the door, he was already disturbed. How could he be in any mood to meditate again? Slowly He opened his eyes.

And Lu Chen really admired the elder, after all, when he was practicing meditation, he often fell into it, unable to extricate himself, and even if he woke up at an unspecified time, he might even go crazy.

But the elder can hear the knocking directly, which proves that his mind is still outside and not merged with it. If this is the case, he will wake up directly. This is very good, and there will be no consequences of becoming obsessed.

Lu Chen felt very envious, but at the same time, he was jealous. There is such a good research room where he can practice, and he has cultivated to such an extreme. At first glance, he already belongs to the best meditation, and Lu Chen suddenly felt a little jealous.

I don't know when I will be able to possess such superb skills like the elders. If I can really catch up with the elders, then I will really die without regret.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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