"In fact, I always knew it was you, and then I wanted to wait for you to admit it. If you admit it, I planned to let the past go, but I didn't expect you to be like this. Forget it, you pack your bags now and pack them Go home, Dongsheng does not welcome people like you."

The reference staff had clearly witnessed everything, but they were watching from the sidelines, trying to give him a step down, but they didn't expect this person to hit the muzzle of a gun.

He even uttered such a false accusation, the elder's face turned purple at this time, he really did not expect that there are such scoundrels in the world.

With a slap of the palm, a powerful spiritual force covered the monk's head, making him breathless.

After hearing the elder's words, everyone's eyes widened. They didn't expect such a turning point. Thanks to everyone's trust in him before, they even admired his courage.

But he didn't expect that he wrote and directed all of this himself, and he said that he was so wronged to win everyone's sympathy. At this time, everyone shouted loudly: "Hurry up and go home!" Everyone was very excited, hoping This kind of person should stay away from the examination room immediately.

And the cheating monk immediately quibbled in a hurry, and said loudly to the audience: "I definitely didn't do that, elder, did you make a mistake? I didn't cheat."

But the elder saw that he was very contemptuous of him when he tried his best to refute, so he glared at him and said, "Now that things have come to an end, you still dare to quibble, why don't you just admit it like this, and save yourself some face, Get out of here quickly, don't let us continue to say more, it is not good to delay our time."

The elder waved his hand, hoping that he would leave as soon as possible. Everyone also echoed what the elder said, hoping that he would leave quickly. At this time, he has no face anymore and will continue to stay here. After all, everyone is chasing him , Then the man glared at Liu Chenqing, and left angrily.

Liu Chenqing didn't know why this person would actually think of slandering him. Could it be because he was too honest and easy to be bullied?And this incident was clearly not his fault, he actually stared at him before he left.

Liu Chenqing really can't figure it out, if you want to stare at that, you have to stare at the elder, stare at him with vicious eyes, you can tell at a glance that he is cheating, and you have to stare at everyone, staring at everyone is like a wall, where the wind blows, the other side falls, but he is actually Staring at herself, Liu Chenqing felt very wronged, but dared not say anything more.

Now that the matter has passed and he is gone, then there must be no intersection, Liu Chenqing thought, and decided to leave him alone, or decide to take his exam seriously.

The elder suddenly lowered his voice, and shouted at everyone, "I hope that everyone will not be like that monk, who cheated himself and still slandered others, and justified himself. Don't be like him."

"But there is one thing I still have to warn everyone. When I just observed it, I found that you all seem to be a little foolish. Why did you indiscriminately when that person stood up to manipulate others? , I just listened to his empty words."

"Without any evidence, you blame others blindly. I think it's not good for you to do this. If I insist on choosing freshmen today, then I may eliminate all of you."

"But because it's the first time you made a mistake, I'll just give you a warning. I hope you don't make it again next time. If you want to accuse others next time, you must find sufficient evidence. Listen, everyone. do you understand?"

After the elder's words were spoken, everyone lowered their heads in shame, and Liu Chenqing felt that everything that happened today was already very bad, and he didn't care to read the test questions before him, but what could be done, since The experience is already so bad, so let's make it better through your own efforts.

The assessment went on for a long time, and finally, with a wave of mental power resounding in the minds of everyone, the assessment ended in an unpleasant way. Many candidates did not finish those questions because of the Such a small episode, let everyone delay some time.

Everyone didn't seem to be in such a happy mood. They didn't pass the exam, and they were scolded by the elders. I'm afraid there is no way to enter Dongsheng again.

Seeing that everyone was very frustrated, Liu Chenqing felt a little nervous and anxious at this moment. Although he had already answered all the questions, but after all, he had only attended school for a few years, and he was afraid that there would be mistakes in these answers.

There are still many questions that can be answered with his own words. Liu Chenqing doesn't know what the elders will think of the questions he answered.Liu Chenqing once again put a big question mark on herself.

When it comes to the real competition, Liu Chenqing doesn't ask who he won't lose to, but such a cultural assessment completely confuses Liu Chenqing.

Anxiously waiting for the examiners to announce the list of the next assessment, I hope that I can go through the second assessment smoothly, after all, if I have already fallen on the first level, it would be a bit ugly to lose.

Liu Chenqing can't afford to lose, and she can't lose, because this matter is related to the final destination of her family, so she must pass this test today, but for some reason, Liu Chenqing is very flustered in her heart, and she is very afraid that she will pass the test. But this test.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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And after everyone walked out of the examination room, they didn't have a good opinion of Liu Chenqing. Everyone was pointing fingers, because everyone felt very uncomfortable and was scolded by the elders, but Liu Chenqing was fine.

Everyone pointed the finger at Liu Chenqing, thinking that if it wasn't for him, everyone would not be scolded by the elders, but Liu Chenqing didn't think so, they made a mistake themselves, and they even blamed themselves.

Liu Chenqing was extremely disdainful towards them, and he could only disdain them. He had seen this kind of attitude a lot before.

However, when everyone was waiting anxiously outside the venue, a person suddenly walked towards Liu Chenqing, and that person was a candidate who was in the same examination as Liu Chenqing in the examination room.

Liu Chenqing was at a loss, not knowing what he wanted to do when he came here, but Liu Chenqing had a very accurate hunch that nothing good would happen when he came here, and he suddenly called a few people to surround Liu Chenqing.

He said to Liu Chenqing: "Why didn't you prove your innocence quickly, kid? If you didn't say anything at that time, we wouldn't have been punished by the elders. Now it's all right, the exam didn't go well, even Impression points are gone, tell me what to do."

These people are like local rogues now. Liu Chenqing really can't bear to blame others for their own mistakes, and doesn't want to pay attention to their actions.

But there is no way, now he is being targeted by others, so he can't escape, he can only deal with it head-on.

Liu Chenqing looked at them and became impatient, and shouted at them a little irritably: "I clearly said in the examination room that I didn't do it, but you didn't believe it, and on the contrary, you sympathized with the one who stood up and said A cheating candidate who knows who is cheating."

"It's obvious that you all have no brains and no thinking. How can you blame me? I think the elder is right. You are just a bunch of grasshoppers. You will fall wherever the wind blows. You haven't used your brains at all. , This is obviously your fault, but you have to blame me."

"You are just shirking responsibility blindly. You don't want to admit how ignorant and stupid you are." Liu Chenqing didn't want to argue with these guys, but simply explained, and her aura immediately rose above a lot.

However, after those few people heard what Liu Chenqing said, although they felt that they were somewhat hit, they were completely reluctant on their lips.

He said to Liu Chenqing, "You kid, you are doomed, how dare you say that about us."

The few of them were vicious, and seemed to think that as long as they tried their best to show that scary appearance, Liu Chenqing would be frightened.

Liu Chenqing smiled slightly, this kind of aristocratic children who just came out of the world are really all arrogant!

However, it turned out that they were really wrong. Liu Chenqing was not the kind of person who would be frightened by other people's appearance.

After hearing what they said, he said to them: "I tell you, this incident is obviously your fault. If you don't want to die, then get out of the way, otherwise, you can get out of here completely."

Liu Chenqing's principle is that people don't offend me, and I don't offend others, but they violate their bottom line repeatedly, so they won't swallow their anger and humiliate themselves.

When everyone heard what Liu Chenqing said, they panicked. They didn't expect that such an honest, weak and incompetent person would be so stubborn.

Several people said to Liu Chenqing: "Okay, you kid, you have the guts, let us tell you, if what happens to us today, you can't eat it and walk around."

But they didn't dare to do anything to Liu Chenqing. After all, he didn't know much about this person beforehand, but he was not an ordinary person with such courage.

Liu Chenqing never thought that such a big event would happen in just one day, not to mention that she was innocent.

It was just sitting there and taking the assessment seriously, and this bad luck fell on her head. For a moment, Liu Chenqing thought whether she was born with bad luck, and any kind of bad luck would fall on her head.

But it is precisely because of this that Liu Chenqing needs the qualifications to enter Dongsheng even more, otherwise, it may be like this for the rest of his life, and he may have to take his family all the way to wander around, but he has his own ambitions.

Thinking this way, Liu Chenqing's eyes became firmer, and she returned to the arena again, waiting anxiously for the elder to announce the list.

At this time, a long time has passed, but they still haven't heard any troubles. Why did they discuss for so long? Could it be because of the oolong that happened before, so the elders and the others made trouble? , decided to brush us all down?

Liu Chenqing didn't want everyone to be eliminated because of the stupidity of that person in the examination room at that time. At this time, Liu Chenqing's palms were already sweating a lot. He was very nervous now, but he was expressionless and pretended to be calm , In fact, the heart has long been nervous to death.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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