Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2641 Treated as a guest

He believes that in the near future, this name will definitely flourish on this continent just like his Lu Chen!

In fact, Lu Chen was a little happy and excited in his heart. He didn't expect that he would agree to him. Lu Chen thought it would take a lot of talking, but this guy is still very talkative.

Lu Chen has seen too many geniuses in his life. In his opinion, someone like Liu Chenqing who rose up in one day must have a sense of arrogance in his heart.

You must know that if ordinary disciples like them want to defeat those descendants from aristocratic families with countless advantages like Liu Chenqing, either they have great opportunities, or they have the will to cultivate to the top.

At this time, Lu Chen just stood there blankly, with the corners of his mouth up, raising a smile, and stood there stupidly all the time, with excitement in his eyes.

When Liu Chenqing saw him like this, he thought it was funny, but at this moment, he felt moved. This unreasonable move made Liu Chenqing a little unsure what to do, and seemed a little at a loss

Liu Chenqing is just a freshman in Dongsheng, who only came to Dongsheng a few months ago.

Because my family was very poor since I was a child, I couldn't go to a formal monk's college at all. While helping my parents with farm work at home, I practiced with the little bit of practice skills left by my grandfather.

Back and forth, the small life is quite rich.

But he didn't expect that those landlords were arrogant and bullying the farmers.

Relying on the large number of people, power and power, they directly cut off all the few acres of land that the family used to support the family, leaving the whole family without food.

The young and energetic Liu Chenqing naturally couldn't understand it, so she went to the landlord's house to ask him for an explanation.

It was also that time that Liu Chenqing saw the strength of his cultivation method.

It's just that after a few years of rough cultivation, he beat those so-called nurses to death by himself.Even the landlord treated him kindly and treated him as a guest of honor,

But unexpectedly, he won, but his parents were beaten severely, with injuries all over their bodies, without a piece of good meat.

Liu Chenqing's parents were just ordinary farmers, how could they suffer such severe beatings, and there was no good medicine at home, so they died of such brutal torture.

But Liu Chenqing, who was in grief, was greeted by the handcuffs of the so-called officials in a daze.

But these things happened a long time ago, and Liu Chenqing almost forgot all these years.

He struggled at the bottom time and time again, barely survived the intrigues again and again, and accumulated a little bit of his own fame in the dark world.

It is precisely because of these conflicts again and again that Liu Chenqing offended many people, so, under an opportunity, he came to Dongsheng - the legendary Dongsheng who can accommodate everything.

In this way, you can not only solve the problems you are facing, but also improve your ability. It is the best of both worlds. Why not do it?

What's more, there are countless enemies staring at Liu Chenqing outside the arena!

There were a lot of people on the day of the freshmen's admission assessment, and Liu Chenqing was very nervous. If he couldn't get selected because of his own, then he would really have nowhere to go. Liu Chenqing thought about it and decided to fight. Professionals come to participate, probably hoping to take this opportunity to get rid of some kind of predicament.

After all, it would be great if he could really join Dongsheng. Everyone took this freshman admission assessment as a springboard, hoping to complete it in one leap.

At this moment, everyone was anxiously waiting in line, and the assessors came to inform them to go in for the assessment, because there were too many participants, and in order to avoid some good seedlings from being dismissed, the assessment was divided into batches this time, which not only It is not only a test of our strength, but also a judgment of our basic ability.

The elders absolutely do not allow cheating, and there are behaviors of fooling around. After all, they are selecting freshmen to inject fresh blood into Dongsheng Academy, so this assessment is absolutely very strict, and no one can muddle through.

Liu Chenqing was very nervous, because he had never received any professional training since he was a child, so if he was asked to talk about his comprehension, it was almost a fantasy.

Liu Chenqing has only one characteristic now, all the exercises and skills he knows are all prepared for the competition.

In other words, from the very beginning, what Liu Chenqing practiced was killing tricks.

However, Liu Chenqing still consciously put a big question mark on himself as to whether the elders of Dongsheng could recognize him.

But even so, Liu Chenqing still had to try bravely. When the elders walked up to everyone and shouted their respective assessment numbers, Liu Chenqing was very flustered at this time, but when Liu Chenqing's name was called, his heart was full of excitement. Trying to calm down.

This is not only his first assessment, but it may also be his last chance to turn the tables. Liu Chenqing doesn't want his family to be dominated by the landlord for the rest of his life, and he doesn't want his family to live in such a humble way.

Although his family is long gone, he really wants to change everything.

This time is undoubtedly a very good opportunity. If it can be done, then Liu Chenqing can be said to be completely able to defeat the landlord.

But what Liu Chenqing never expected was that when everyone was assessing, he saw with his own eyes that a monk sitting on his left was cheating, and the content of this assessment was writing assessment.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Entering Dongsheng still requires some cultural knowledge. Although Liu Chenqing has only read books for a few years, her cultural level is not a problem.

Because although I used to do farm work with my parents every day, I would go to school whenever I had time on weekdays, and secretly sit by and listen to the teacher's lectures, so it's not bad, because Liu Chenqing has a studious heart.

Later, even though she struggled in the dark every day, Liu Chenqing still had the good habit of learning,

When Liu Chenqing saw the problem in front of him, which he could probably solve, he was excited, but he didn't realize that bad luck was about to befall him.

The elder seemed to have noticed something unusual, and immediately walked towards this side, and then found a note at the foot of the monk sitting on Liu Chenqing's left.

So he immediately picked up the small note that he threw on the ground and asked, "Whose note is this?"

But no one in the venue admitted it. Everyone was very curious and was discussing in a hurry. The elder got a little angry, and immediately shouted at the monks in the audience: "Whose is it? Tell me quickly." , take the initiative to admit."

"If you don't admit it, then I plan to check one by one. At that time, it will not be as simple as accepting punishment."

When the elder said these words, everyone was shocked, but Liu Chenqing looked at the cheater sitting on his left.

But he found that he was very nervous at this time, almost incoherent, but he didn't intend to stand up and admit what he had done.

The elder's face turned pale all of a sudden. He didn't want to delay the assessment time of these monks. Otherwise, the assessment time would be postponed by another day, and the admission time of new students would also be changed accordingly.

So if it takes some time, it will cause a lot of trouble, so I wanted to get the monk to admit it quickly, but the audience was completely silent again.

Just when the elder was about to get angry, suddenly, the cheating monk on Liu Chenqing's left started to stand up, everyone was very surprised, everyone was discussing, and Liu Chenqing was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, he wants to take the initiative to admit what he has done, so that everyone will not be implicated, but things are not as Liu Chenqing thought.

Unexpectedly, he stood up and said to the elder: "I stood up to tell everyone a fact. I, I just saw with my own eyes that there is a person cheating. I don't want to waste everyone's time because of it." Delay, so I want to tell everyone who that person is."

After hearing what he said, everyone felt that he was very courageous. He dared to say such a thing, and he was not afraid of others' revenge. Then there was a round of applause, and everyone was booing. I hope he can speak out quickly, and don't let this matter It affected everyone's mood and delayed the assessment time.

After Liu Chenqing heard his words, he felt that he was a bit scary, and he was able to lie like this. Liu Chenqing never thought that the fire was actually burning on his body. The cheating monk actually pointed the finger at himself.

He said to the elder: "I just saw the monk on my right has been sneaking around, and I don't know what he is doing."

"Later, I actually found out that he was holding a small note. I don't know what he was doing just now, but I did see him holding a small note, which is exactly the one you are holding, Elder."

When he said this, his eyes were full of grievances, and he didn't look flustered at all because he told a lie.After hearing what he said, Liu Chenqing panicked, never expecting that he would falsely accuse her.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up and shouted at everyone: "No, it's not me." He shook his head violently.

But everyone didn't believe Liu Chenqing's statement. After all, the grievance shown by that person just now was sympathized by everyone. Everyone didn't want to believe that he was lying, and they were more willing to believe that Liu Chenqing was really the one who cheated.

I didn't expect Liu Chenqing to encounter such a troublesome thing today, just when Liu Chenqing felt that everything was over.

Unexpectedly, the elder really shouted at the cheating monk: "You are really brave, you dare to stand up and accuse others, do you think I should reward you properly?"

When the elder said these words, the cheating monk immediately raised a big smile at him, and said to the elder: "No, I don't need any rewards, I hope you can punish him severely fan."

"After all, the person I hate the most is this kind of cheater. I'm telling the truth today in the hope that I can give you an explanation and don't waste everyone's time."

Liu Chenqing never expected that this person would not blush when he told a lie, and pretended to be particularly wronged like this. Liu Chenqing wanted to get angry and talk to everyone, but he didn't expect that the elder was Before that, I said it out loud to everyone.

"Do you think I'll believe your nonsense? You think I'm blind. I knew you were cheating a long time ago, and you still dare to make false accusations. How dare we, Dongsheng, want someone like you."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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