This rock needs to be at the right time, place and people.

Otherwise, Chase Lu would have no way to absorb the energy in it.

Chase Lu, who was hiding behind the rock, looked around to make sure no one was there, and quietly took out the results of the past few days from the space storage bag, a bunch of number plates.He made a rough count, but he didn't expect there to be dozens of them, which is really fruitful.

Chase Lu planned to use half of the number plates for the first breakthrough. He knew that it would be difficult to succeed the first time, so he kept the other half in the storage space.Try to use half first, in case of failure, there is another half to replenish.He placed the number plate neatly in front of him, sat cross-legged, slowly closed his eyes, and after performing the Chunyang exercises for a few weeks, calmed down, gradually settled down, and slowly absorbed the energy in the number plate.

Chase Lu didn't know that when he closed his eyes, the number plates were connected to his spiritual power, and each number plate had a faint red light, slowly floating up, and countless energies shot out from the plates They came out and gathered on Lu Chen alone. The scene was quite spectacular.After a stick of incense, with the continuous influx of spiritual power, Chase Lu showed a very painful expression, frowning, eyes closed, sweating, and the number plate trembling in the air, as if Losing control, I have to break free.

"It's coming soon, we've reached the bottleneck." Chase Lu kept attacking the small realms in all directions, hoping to move up to a higher level and make full preparations for the subsequent battle for treasures.But the first time it failed.Everyone knows that hitting a small realm is not easy. Many people may not be able to reach this realm even if they are in their 40s. Many people have failed to hit this realm. Knowing that reaching from one realm to another requires a lot of energy reserves, and it can only be done with the help of geniuses and treasures.There was still no movement in the small realm of Lu Chen's dantian. "It's really very difficult to reach that level, I can't do it, I have to try again." He took out the other half of the number plate and performed the same operation.This time, the bottleneck was quickly touched. Lu Chen seemed to be in an unknown world, and the dantian in his abdomen became hot.Chase Lu kept struggling and didn't want to give up.

As night fell slowly, this space became very quiet, and suddenly a fiery red energy shot up into the sky.It indicates that someone has broken through a small realm.

That person was Lu Chen.After breaking through the small realm, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, and his body seemed to become stronger. "This is the small realm!" Lu Chen's joy is beyond words, "You are waiting for the Zhongzhou team, I am here."

Lu Chen couldn't wait to go to the oasis in his memory, walked through layers of dense forests, turned eastward and westward, and finally returned there.Seeing that the members of the Zhongzhou team are still sitting by the lake to practice, and there are collateral disciples taking turns to watch the wind, they have no plans to leave in the short term.How can this be good.Lu Chen pondered for a while, and decided to hide his breath and sneak in secretly.Unexpectedly, he was startled by the small beast that jumped out suddenly, and breathed out.

"Who is it?" The captain of the Zhongzhou team was practicing meditation, caught Lu Chen's breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and flew towards him.

Knowing that he was defeated by the large army, Lu Chen hurriedly looked for a way out.There is no place to hide here, so I had to "plop", jumped into the emerald green lake water, and escaped.

After waiting for these guys to pass by, Lu Chen came out slowly.

"Hey, where are they? Why are they missing?" Chase Lu returned to the place where they parted ways, and was shocked to find that the team had disappeared. "Where did these people go? Could it be that the enemy team behind them caught up? Shouldn't they be wiped out by the regiment?"

Whoever suddenly lost his closest partner in this tense environment must be very anxious.But Chase Lu is very clear about the truth that caring makes chaos, not to mention that his mind is far beyond ordinary people, and he calmed down after a while.

Lu Chen thought for a while, they should not be captured by the enemy team, maybe they just couldn't wait for me and set off.But when you think about it, that's not the case.It is impossible for them to leave me any signs. If they set off, they will definitely leave some information for me. Could it be that they have encountered something, look for it quickly, maybe it is nearby.

Lu Chen was anxiously looking for his teammates, but he didn't dare to make a big noise. He was afraid of being discovered by other enemy teams. If he fought alone, he would suffer a loss, so he could only hide his breath and search around quietly: "I have to find them quickly. Maybe you haven't gone far, Su Qiong, Chi Qianyu, Deng Yunkui, you all must be safe." Every face of his teammates flashed through Lu Chen's mind, it was the first time he regretted his decision so much, why did he want to fight with them? separate?Am I stupid.

Lu Chen kept searching in the desert, and the endless vast desert disturbed him.The highly concentrated mental power was released, and suddenly caught something in front of him: "There are people in front, and there are more than one." Lu Chen listened carefully to their voices, not letting go of any clues.

There was indeed a very large team ahead. Although they deliberately reduced everyone's sense of presence, due to the large number of people and the large search movements, it was inevitable that they would make noise.Lu Chen was not in a hurry to confirm whether it was his own, and stayed at a distance to observe first.Ordinary people can't hear it, but the male protagonist is such a person, his mental strength is extraordinary, and he can vaguely catch what they are doing from such a long distance.

Lu Chen deliberately concealed his aura, slowly approached them, and stopped until the distance was only 100 meters. He didn't dare to climb any further, and lay down in a gully, observing quietly.I don't know whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, so I rush forward, if it is a friend, it doesn't matter, if it is an enemy, I will be caught in the urn.He quietly split out a wave of mental power, and let the mental power replace his own eyes to detect who is in front of him and what the situation is.

"Where did this guy come from?"

Lu Chen is very scared now, if he accidentally provokes any other academy, the impact will be really big.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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