As this group of people scolded more and more excessively, even Lu Chen couldn't listen to it. With an impatient face, he yelled at them: "Okay, okay, why are you so owed, people don't want to protect you!" I don’t want to protect you, is there any obligation to protect you, and you still scold others, I just want to know where you have such a big face? You are so thick-skinned.”

Lu Chen has always been as gentle as jade, Moshang is as gentle as jade, and his son is unparalleled in the world. He never swears or curses, and today he broke the precept.

They must have been very angry, so everyone was silent, not daring to refute. They and Lu Chen are both in the same academy, so they know Lu Chen quite well.

Seeing that the crowd gradually quieted down, the anger in his heart disappeared, and he said to them earnestly: "In any case, we are all in the same team, and we should be united as one. You haven't played a game yet, Infighting?"

Everyone looked at each other, lost their temper after being told by Lu Chen, and lowered their heads, not daring to add fuel to Lu Chen's fire.

After observing, Lu Chen had to find a captain as soon as possible, but suddenly found that only one senior senior was left with strong strength.

And the No.2 Dao Xiu has expressed that he will never lead the team, and his stand is very firm.And No.1 is still outside the experience and has not returned.

No matter what, there is no suitable candidate. In this situation, there is really no hope for Dongsheng's strength, and his strength is completely suppressed.

Suddenly, before Chase Lu could find a captain, someone rushed over to inform Chase Lu.

Feeling out of breath due to strenuous exercise, his face was flushed, and he said intermittently: "Lu Chen, Lu Chen, is he Lu Chen from Dongsheng College? I'm here to inform you that the competition is about to start, hurry up and get ready, come on." He said After that, he hurried to the next academy to inform.

Lu Chen was a little stunned, frowning, and his tone was full of surprise: "What's the situation? The game started so soon? We haven't elected a captain yet. Forget it, forget it, let's clean up."

After speaking, he turned his head and asked everyone to say: "Everyone, you must remember that you can't fly into the sky during the game, otherwise it will be a foul, understand? You must follow the team closely, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to break up. I found it again." Back to "Dong Dong Dong" With the sound of deafening drums, the competition also began.

Seeing that everyone had packed up, Chen Lu raised his hand and made a forward movement and said, "Come on, let's find a place to rest first, as a camp."

In this way, Chase Lu and the others searched for a treasure land of geomantic omen, and suddenly a big tree broke into the eyes of everyone, which was lush and green.

Lu Chen was overjoyed, pointed to the big tree and said to everyone: "Here it is, come on, let's go there."

After speaking, he turned around and said loudly to the students behind him: "Keep close, you can see the front clearly." The people of the country followed Lu Chen forward, and suddenly a student from a college broke out from nowhere .

Directly attack the weaker first-year student from the back, because that first-year student has not yet fully understood the importance of the number plate, so he just hangs it on his belt.

So it was easy for the sneak attacker to succeed.Because everyone was too caught off guard, they were unprepared, so they couldn't stop the attacker at all.

Lu Chen was walking in front and suddenly heard a lot of movement behind him. He was worried that something had happened, so he turned his head to look, but suddenly saw a person grabbing the number plate of a first-year student.

And already in his hand, ready to leave, he was wearing a mask, playing with the number plate in his heart, and smiled provocatively at everyone.

Lu Chen was furious, and hurriedly used the power of space to barely keep the number plate, but the person ran away, Daoxiu was about to rush up, but was stopped by Lu Chen.

Holding the number plate in his hand, with a bruised face, Lu Chen said to everyone in a calm voice: "You guys are really good, hehe, you can't even protect a number plate, don't you know the importance of the number plate? Huh? "

Everyone felt a little ashamed, especially the first-year student whose number plate was robbed just now. He lowered his head and seemed a little at a loss.

Lu Chenyu looked at them earnestly and said, "Forget it, what happens to you is your business, it's none of my business, alas."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen raised the number plate in his hand and said, "Whose number plate is this? Come up and get it"

The first-year student immediately took it from Chase Lu without delay, and withdrew.

After the number plates of the first-year students were almost robbed, everyone realized that the competition is not easy, because the four-year rotation, the participants of the competition are all newcomers, and they can only explore slowly.

Seeing that they were all cheered up by this incident, Chase Lu didn't dare to relax his vigilance any more, and nodded in relief.

Anyway, the number plates of the first-year students were not robbed, so it would be good to scare them by this incident.

Lu Chen turned around and asked: "Okay, do you know the danger? Follow us and continue walking"

Suddenly, the people of Dongsheng Academy hadn't walked for a while, and they came across a sect that had been attacked by others.

Lu Chen looked at the sect that was delivered halfway, raised the corners of his mouth, and quietly gave instructions to the people behind him: "Go, have you seen this sect? He is our prey today, hurry up, don't let him They ran away."

Everyone obeyed Lu Chen's order, took advantage of the momentum to pursue, and went up to their number plates with weapons.

After some pursuit, everyone's number plates increased.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Suddenly, the students of Dongsheng Academy were surrounded by many powerful enemies, and they pointed weapons at them, a large group of people.

Looking at this scene, Lu Chen sighed in his heart: No wonder, a pie fell from the sky suddenly, and you would be crushed to death if it fell from the sky. This is how we are now. The team's bait, missteps and missteps.

The more powerful students in the senior grades couldn't see others surrounding them and threatening them, so they led the team separately and forcibly broke through and left.

At this moment, Lu Chen sighed in his heart: In this situation, it seems that we must separate.

Lu Chen found Bai Yu from the crowd, held her hand tightly and whispered in her ear: "Tighten my hand, let's get out of here."

Seeing that Bai Yu didn't object, Lu Chen took her and left quickly.

Bai Yu's heart was a little sweet, and she let Lu Chen hold her arm, which made her hand turn red.

Lu Chen ran all the way, no matter how strong his physical strength was, he would be tired, not to mention he was carrying a white jade.

Bai Yu could also sense that Lu Chen was a little bit powerless, and felt anxious. He glanced around and suddenly saw a cave.

Bai Yu suddenly had an idea, and shouted loudly: "Lu Chen, look, there is a cave over there, shall we go in and rest for a while?"

Chase Lu also saw the cave and thought it was a good idea, so he rushed directly to it.

Lu Chen and Bai Yu came to the cave, breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to discuss and take a break.

Suddenly, before the two of them had time to rest, Bai Yu felt someone sneaking up from above his head, and quickly signaled to Lu Chen with his eyes, telling him to take precautions and not to take it lightly.

After Lu Chen received it, he pretended not to know anything, and waited for that person to attack.

When the man came, Lu Chen hooked the corner of his mouth, "It's this time"

He jumped up and used his sword intent on the person behind him, thinking that he would be able to defeat that person easily, but he didn't expect that the opponent was also very powerful, so he stopped, and then avoided Lu Chen's attack without a trace. attack.

Both Bai Yu and Lu Chen were stunned. Unexpectedly, a master came. The two fought each other, barely defeating each other and taking the number plate.

Bai Yu and Lu Chen began to rectify. Lu Chen felt exhausted after many fierce battles, so he meditated and rested in the cave.

Before the end of the game, Chase Lu suddenly realized that the real horror of the game was not the beginning, but protecting his number plate in the increasingly fierce struggle in the future.

After he finished meditating, he also told Bai Yu about this idea, and got Bai Yu's approval. Lu Chen told Bai Yu to be careful, and told her: "If you are really invincible, crush the number plate, understand? Don't feel ashamed, Life is the most important thing. If you keep the green hills, you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood.”

Bai Yu looked at Lu Chen's mother-in-law and nodded with a smile, and said, "Hey, I see, do you know what you look like now?" Bai Yu covered her mouth and snickered.

Lu Chen looked at Bai Yu helplessly and dotingly said: "What time are you still joking with me, let's go out."

Bai Yu and Lu Chen left the cave. Both Lu Chen and Bai Yu acted carefully, for fear of encountering any major troubles. Lu Chen avoided most of the team by relying on Bai Yu's sound detection.

Occasionally, when two or three people placed orders, they were merciless and grabbed the number plate without hesitation.

Lu Chen took Bai Yu's hand, frowned and muttered softly in his mouth: "In this competition, there are really a lot of singles. All kinds of joint attacks make the competition extremely chaotic, which is really troublesome."

Lu Chen and Bai Yu met people from Nanying College when they were going to a waterfall, and their team was also dispersed, but they were closer than Dongsheng.

Lu Chen became vigilant when he saw so many Nanying, and silently calculated in his heart: If Nanying Academy all came up to besiege the two of us, how many winners and losers would there be, and what should I do.

Fortunately, Jing Wei of Nanying Academy really took action, and their leader also knew Lu Chen, so he sent an invitation to Lu Chen and the two: "Hey Lu Chen, is your team dispersed? How about joining our team?"

Lu Chen couldn't believe that Nanying College was so generous to accept the two of them, but no matter what, it was always safer to follow a large team, so Lu Chen shouted loudly: "Well, it was washed away, it's ok ,thanks"

Nanying College readily accepted this thank you. The leader felt that since Lu Chen had accepted their invitation, he was one of his own, so he didn't want to deliberately hide anything, and directly told Lu Chen and the others about his plan.

The leader said: "Our plan is to go to the place where the energy is replenished. After all, there are theoretically the largest gathering places. If you really want to get some benefits, you can get there. What do you think? Let's go together."

Lu Chen and Bai Yu looked at each other and smiled. They also wanted to go to the energy point to replenish energy, so they accepted it.

Everyone went together, and on the way, I ran into No. 2 sword repairer from Dongsheng Academy. The sword repairer's energy was already full, and he went purely hoping to meet a strong enemy to hone himself.

In an energy-occupied place, the colleges in the southern district were being besieged and killed. The person in charge of Nanying College gave Lu Chen a wink and motioned for help.

Lu Chen knew exactly what Nanying College was thinking, and he directly helped.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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