Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2464 Competition Rules

"You don't have to worry about the number of reward lists, because the reward list is common in the second grade. Some teachers will even issue rewards to ask students to help if they encounter any difficulties. You can even offer rewards to students, as long as they don't endanger the students. Life, the school will acquiesce in all means of revenge and making trouble. Because this is the exercise the school gives you in the second grade, in order to inform you of the new way of life."

After the teacher had said so much above, the audience listened in silence.They all secretly made up their minds to perform better in the second grade.

Even Lu Chen thought in his heart, if he could stand out in this reward list, that would be a good thing, so the scene suddenly became chaotic, and all the students were discussing with each other.

The male teacher who was over sixty years old slapped the table with his palm and shouted loudly: "Okay, don't discuss any more. After a while, another teacher will come to teach you. I'll be quiet. If I know that you guys have other petty tricks in private, I don't mind sending you back to the first grade for another year, so that's it, you can figure it out."

After the teacher left, Bai Yu said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, do you think we should reveal the reward list? In this way, we might get some rewards." Zhan Hong, who was listening beside him, also Joining the discussion, he said to Bai Yu: "Okay, Lu Chen and I should both go to pick them up. Then we will be together and form a team to fight monsters or something, just like we were in the secret realm back then. Defeating so many monsters. Even fighting with the Zhongzhou gang and winning, this is enough to prove the strength of the team."

As he said that, Zhan Hong made a cheering gesture, which made everyone laugh.Only Lu Chen was silent, and the atmosphere became very embarrassing in an instant.

"Cough, cough, everyone is in class." At this time, a female teacher walked in from the door, and someone finally broke the embarrassing situation.The female teacher stopped talking when she entered their class, and directly talked about what to do when entering the second grade.

"First of all, if you have entered the second grade, it means that your performance in the first grade is still very good. I hope that you can also be as good as in the first grade this semester. Besides, our requirements in the second grade are even higher than those in the first grade." Higher ones. In the first grade, the way we treated you was relatively conservative and limited to the basics, but now that you are in the second grade, you must know how to complete some tasks independently, and in the new Keep some grades in the plate."

"In our second grade, it is not as easy as before. The second grade is ranked according to the grades. At the end of the semester, a No. 1 will be selected, and the No. 1 may receive a mysterious award from the academy.

From entering the second grade, students will develop comprehensively and freely, and the courses will be very relaxed and free.However, you must complete your studies on your own. "

"If you want to be higher in the rankings in the future, then it is very necessary to go to the reward list. The reward list can be exchanged for points. It can be used for props, skills, and even Dao Tan and Twelve Zizai Buildings."

"Everyone, do you understand? I don't need to say anything more. You can think about the rest. After all, you have entered the second grade, so you should have a little self-awareness. Alright , Today our extracurricular content is almost the same, now let's learn a new course." Open a new template. "So everyone started to study hard.

"Okay, this is the end of our class today, and now you can go to pick up the new reward list." Just as the class was over, when the female teacher was about to leave the classroom, she suddenly turned back.

As if thinking of something, he said to them again: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that besides the points that can be obtained in the reward list, the arena will be open in the next semester of the second grade. A large number of points are distributed every month. The higher the ranking, the more points. By analogy, there will be none for the next eleven. Corresponding points."

Speaking of this, the female teacher suddenly paused, and asked the students below: "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Suddenly Chi Qianyu raised his hand, and the female teacher asked, "Do you have any questions?" Chi Qianyu stood up and replied, "Then teacher, what is the number of points? Does the challenged have to agree to the challenger?" ?"

The female teacher smiled and said: "This question you asked is very good. Let me explain to you. The number of points is determined by the challenger. If the number of points exceeds one hundred or one hundred, then the challenged person must accept it." An invitation issued by challengers, if any side wins during the competition, they will get all the points they pressed down."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the whole class, and said to those students: "You all have to learn a lot from Chi Qianyu, if you don't understand anything, just ask, after all, the second grade is a new beginning, you guys You can't be as reckless as you were in the first grade. Well, that's all I have to say, and you can continue to practice yourself." After speaking, the teacher left here.

However, after she left, these students would not be interested in continuing to practice. When they heard what the female teacher said, the whole class immediately jumped up. "Wow, this is really great. I always thought that the first grade of Dongsheng was not very exciting. I didn't expect the second grade to be so free and able to give full play to my own strength. Fortunately, I will The first grade has survived." Zhan Hong sighed from the side, and then he bumped Chi Qianyu with his arm.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"How about it, Chi Qianyu, do you dare to accept my challenge? How about I put down a hundred points and let's go to the arena to have a good fight?" Chi Qianyu rolled his eyes and expressed Hong said: "I think let's forget it, I don't really want to fight you, we are not going the same way." After finishing speaking, Chi Qianyu left Zhan Hong's sight.

Zhan Hong was a little angry, and said to Hua Ruoxi who was beside him: "See, he is so proud, he obviously thinks that I can't compare with him, forget it, he doesn't want to confront me, naturally someone wants to fight with me I'm dueling, I'm too lazy to pull my face to beg him, hmph, I don't want to play with him for a long time, proud and arrogant guy."

Although Zhan Hong said so, Hua Ruoxi on the side smiled, because she knew that although Zhan Hong and Chi Qianyu liked each other very much, their relationship was very friendly, so she felt that Zhan Hong and Chi Qianyu were very friendly. Hong must have said a joke, so he didn't take Zhan Hong's words seriously.

After class, everyone went to eat, but Chi Qianyu was bored in the room again, because he was calculating points now.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, he wanted to fight Lu Chen, after all, now that Lu Chen had returned, he always wanted to have a good duel with Lu Chen, but Lu Chen would always shirk.So this time he must have a good duel with Lu Chen.

However, now that the Young Master Competition is coming up, he is also aware of the pros and cons.

These few people have been preparing for the Young Master Competition these days.

It's just that they didn't expect that the entrance of this Young Master Competition was so beautiful.

At this moment, Lu Chen and the others are laughing and making noise at the beach, looking at the beauties on the beach, having a great time.Suddenly, I saw a few handsome men and women walking towards me, wearing long-sleeved high-breasted clothes with blue patterns on a uniform white background, looking very elegant.

The leader was a boy, dressed slightly differently from the others.I saw him wearing white boots, wearing a crescent white gown, with a tall and straight figure, a half-height neckline lining off a slender swan neck, a typical oval face, a high nose bridge, deep eyes, and sexy thin lips. Talking about wanting to refuse but still welcoming, she continued her long hair, hanging softly on her chest, with an aura of ancient immortality.Wherever you walk, it seems that lotuses grow every step of the way.But he looked straight at the eyes of the girls around him.

"Who are they?" Chi Qianyu smiled, "There are people who are more popular with girls than me. Judging by their looks, it's really against the sky."

"You don't even know about them." Su Qiong waved a small folding fan, "Looking at their outfits, you can tell that they are Nanying College. Their students are famous for their "beautiful people, good life, and good temperament".

After hearing this, Chi Qianyu and Su Qiong looked at each other and smiled, extremely treacherous.

Lu Chen sighed, when did the two of them become so virtuous!

Only Lu Chen said silently: "Aren't they hot in clothes like this?"

A group of people fainted, this is not the point at all, okay?

While speaking, people from Nanying Academy had already walked in front of Lu Chen and others: "Hello, my name is Deng Yunkui, and I am the captain of Nanying Academy participating in this competition." Deng Yunkui smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand gracefully to Lu Chen, There seemed to be roses blooming in the air around here.

"Hello, my name is Lu Chen." Lu Chen looked at Deng Yunkui's hand, which was still báinèn than a girl, and silently rubbed his hand against the corner of his clothes before holding it together with Deng Yunkui.

"I've heard your name on the way here, and your strength is so strong that you should not be underestimated."

"Where is it, I'm just a country boy." It was rare for Lu Chen not to climb up the pole, but scratched the back of his head shyly, not daring to look at him.It seems that people who are too beautiful are also very lethal.

"Brother Lu is so humble." Deng Yunkui pointed to the higher pavilion behind him, "Brother Lu, if you have time, how about we go there, I heard that the view of the sea from there is very beautiful." After speaking, he walked forward alone If you want to go, Lu Chen has no choice but to follow.

"Brother Lu, we did not meet by chance this time, it was carefully planned by me, please forgive me." !Clasping fists and saluting.

"It's all right, brother Deng Yunkui is looking for me this time because of the Young Masters Competition?" Lu Chen thought to himself: "Retreat is the way to advance, you really have to be careful." Naturally, Lu Chen's mental strength is no better than others. After being stunned, he quickly regained his sobriety.

"Exactly, please allow me to introduce you to the competition rules of the Young Master Competition."

"The entire competition is divided into three stages: trials, team competitions and individual competitions. The first competition: trials, is like a big wave washing sand. Many people may mean the end at the beginning. The trials will be held on a small island. The entire island is the scope of the competition. At that time, ordinary residents will be cleared out of the scope of the competition. Each contestant will be assigned a number plate. No matter what method, as long as you get the opponent's number plate and absorb the aura from it, you will win, otherwise you will be eliminated."

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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